blob: 7a7cff365a2dc127d75633d1b602b09c738c51c9 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2004, Igor Neverov.
// This file is part of PhysBAM whose distribution is governed by the license contained in the accompanying file PHYSBAM_COPYRIGHT.txt.
// Class LANDMARK_3D
#ifndef __LANDMARK_3D__
#define __LANDMARK_3D__
#include "../../Public_Library/Geometry/TETRAHEDRALIZED_VOLUME.h"
namespace PhysBAM
template<class T>
struct LANDMARK_3D
int node1, node2, node3, node4;
VECTOR_3D<T> barycentric;
LANDMARK_3D (const int node1_input, const int node2_input, const int node3_input, const int node4_input, const VECTOR_3D<T>& barycentric_input)
: node1 (node1_input), node2 (node2_input), node3 (node3_input), node4 (node4_input), barycentric (barycentric_input)
void Initialize (const TRIANGULATED_SURFACE<T>& surface, const int triangle, const VECTOR_3D<T>& point)
surface.triangle_mesh.triangles.Get (triangle, node1, node2, node3);
node4 = 1;
const ARRAY<VECTOR_3D<T> >& X = surface.particles.X.array;
barycentric = TRIANGLE_3D<T>::Barycentric_Coordinates (point, X (node1), X (node2), X (node3));
static void Initialize_Surface_Markers (TETRAHEDRALIZED_VOLUME<T>& volume, const ARRAY<VECTOR_3D<T> >& points, ARRAY<LANDMARK_3D<T> >& markers)
markers.Resize_Array (points.m);
bool boundary_mesh_defined = volume.tetrahedron_mesh.boundary_mesh != 0;
if (!boundary_mesh_defined) volume.tetrahedron_mesh.Initialize_Boundary_Mesh();
bool boundary_defined = volume.triangulated_surface != 0;
if (!boundary_defined) volume.Initialize_Triangulated_Surface();
TRIANGULATED_SURFACE<T>& surface = *volume.triangulated_surface;
bool triangle_list_defined = surface.triangle_list != 0;
if (!triangle_list_defined) surface.Update_Triangle_List();
bool triangle_hierarchy_defined = surface.triangle_hierarchy != 0;
if (!triangle_hierarchy_defined) surface.Initialize_Triangle_Hierarchy();
bool incident_tetrahedrons_defined = volume.tetrahedron_mesh.incident_tetrahedrons != 0;
if (!incident_tetrahedrons_defined) volume.tetrahedron_mesh.Initialize_Incident_Tetrahedrons();
const ARRAY<VECTOR_3D<T> >& X = volume.particles.X.array;
int triangle_index;
for (int i = 1; i <= points.m; ++i)
VECTOR_3D<T> projected_point = volume.triangulated_surface->Surface (points (i), 0, 0, &triangle_index);
int j, node1, node2, node3;
surface.triangle_mesh.triangles.Get (triangle_index, node1, node2, node3);
VECTOR_3D<T> b = TRIANGLE_3D<T>::Barycentric_Coordinates (projected_point, X (node1), X (node2), X (node3));
const LIST_ARRAY<int>& incident_tetrahedrons = (*volume.tetrahedron_mesh.incident_tetrahedrons) (node1);
for (j = 1; j <= incident_tetrahedrons.m; ++j) if (volume.tetrahedron_mesh.Triangle_In_Tetrahedron (node1, node2, node3, incident_tetrahedrons (j))) break;
if (j > incident_tetrahedrons.m)
printf ("not found tet containing marker %d!\n", i);
exit (1);
int t = incident_tetrahedrons (j);
int n1, n2, n3, n4;
volume.tetrahedron_mesh.tetrahedrons.Get (t, n1, n2, n3, n4);
int other_node = n1 ^ n2 ^ n3 ^ n4 ^ node1 ^ node2 ^ node3;
markers (i).Initialize (node1, node2, node3, other_node, b);
if (!incident_tetrahedrons_defined)
delete volume.tetrahedron_mesh.incident_tetrahedrons;
volume.tetrahedron_mesh.incident_tetrahedrons = 0;
if (!triangle_hierarchy_defined)
delete surface.triangle_hierarchy;
surface.triangle_hierarchy = 0;
if (!triangle_list_defined)
delete surface.triangle_list;
surface.triangle_list = 0;
if (!boundary_defined)
delete volume.triangulated_surface;
volume.triangulated_surface = 0;
if (!boundary_mesh_defined)
delete volume.tetrahedron_mesh.boundary_mesh;
volume.tetrahedron_mesh.boundary_mesh = 0;
VECTOR_3D<T> Evaluate (const ARRAY<VECTOR_3D<T> >& X) const
assert (X.Valid_Index (node1) && X.Valid_Index (node2) && X.Valid_Index (node3) && X.Valid_Index (node4));
return barycentric.x * X (node1) + barycentric.y * X (node2) + barycentric.z * X (node3) + (1 - barycentric.x - barycentric.y - barycentric.z) * X (node4);
static void Evaluate (const ARRAY<VECTOR_3D<T> >& X, const ARRAY<LANDMARK_3D<T> >& markers, ARRAY<VECTOR_3D<T> >& points)
points.Resize_Array (markers.m);
for (int i = 1; i <= markers.m; ++i) points (i) = markers (i).Evaluate (X);
template<class RW>
void Read (std::istream& input)
Read_Binary<RW> (input, node1, node2, node3, node4, barycentric);
template<class RW>
void Write (std::ostream& output) const
Write_Binary<RW> (output, node1, node2, node3, node4, barycentric);