blob: da6de3cbdff039dd64403d83982779a8a87caa2f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2002-2004, Robert Bridson, Ronald Fedkiw, Geoffrey Irving, Neil Molino, Joseph Teran.
// This file is part of PhysBAM whose distribution is governed by the license contained in the accompanying file PHYSBAM_COPYRIGHT.txt.
// The data stored in the table should be lightweight, e.g. integers or pointers, since it could be copied a fair bit.
#ifndef __HASHTABLE_2D__
#define __HASHTABLE_2D__
#include "../Math_Tools/hash_function.h"
#include "../Arrays/ARRAY.h"
#include "../Arrays/ARRAYS.h"
#include "../Matrices_And_Vectors/VECTOR_2D.h"
namespace PhysBAM
template<class T>
ARRAY<int>* table_of_lists; // points to the first element in each list
ARRAY<int>* links; // links together each element in a list
ARRAYS<int>* indices; // (i,j)
ARRAY<T>* data;
int free_list; // points to the first allocated free space available
int number_of_entries;
HASHTABLE_2D (const int estimated_max_number_of_entries = 1000)
Initialize_New_Table (estimated_max_number_of_entries);
delete table_of_lists;
delete indices;
delete links;
delete data;
void Initialize_New_Table (const int estimated_max_number_of_entries_input)
int estimated_max_number_of_entries = max (5, estimated_max_number_of_entries_input);
int number_of_lists = 1;
while (number_of_lists < max (32, estimated_max_number_of_entries / 5)) number_of_lists *= 2;
table_of_lists = new ARRAY<int> (number_of_lists);
indices = new ARRAYS<int> (2, estimated_max_number_of_entries);
links = new ARRAY<int> (estimated_max_number_of_entries);
for (int i = 1; i <= links->m - 1; i++) (*links) (i) = i + 1; // originally the free space is linked together and (*links)(links->m)=0
data = new ARRAY<T> (estimated_max_number_of_entries);
free_list = 1;
number_of_entries = 0;
void Resize_Table (const int estimated_max_number_of_entries_input = 0)
int estimated_max_number_of_entries = estimated_max_number_of_entries_input;
if (!estimated_max_number_of_entries) estimated_max_number_of_entries = 3 * number_of_entries / 2;
ARRAY<int> *old_table_of_lists = table_of_lists, *old_links = links;
ARRAYS<int> *old_indices = indices;
ARRAY<T> *old_data = data;
Initialize_New_Table (estimated_max_number_of_entries);
for (int h = 1; h <= old_table_of_lists->m; h++) for (int p = (*old_table_of_lists) (h); p != 0; p = (*old_links) (p)) Insert_Entry ( (*old_indices) (1, p), (*old_indices) (2, p), (*old_data) (p));
delete old_table_of_lists;
delete old_indices;
delete old_links;
delete old_data;
int Hash (const int i, const int j) const
int h = triple_int_hash (32138912, i, j) % table_of_lists->m;
if (h <= 0) h += table_of_lists->m;
return h;
void Insert_Entry (const int i, const int j, const T& value) // may insert a duplicate entry for i,j
if (free_list == 0) Resize_Table(); // if no free spots, have to grow
int new_entry = free_list;
free_list = (*links) (free_list); // put data into the first free spot
(*indices) (1, new_entry) = i;
(*indices) (2, new_entry) = j;
(*data) (new_entry) = value;
int h = Hash (i, j);
(*links) (new_entry) = (*table_of_lists) (h);
(*table_of_lists) (h) = new_entry;
} // insert new entry at the beginning of the list
void Insert_Entry (const VECTOR_2D<int>& v, const T& value)
Insert_Entry (v.x, v.y, value);
bool Entry_Exists (const int i, const int j) const
for (int p = (*table_of_lists) (Hash (i, j)); p != 0; p = (*links) (p)) if ( (*indices) (1, p) == i && (*indices) (2, p) == j) return true;
return false;
bool Get_Entry (const int i, const int j, T& value) const
for (int p = (*table_of_lists) (Hash (i, j)); p != 0; p = (*links) (p)) if ( (*indices) (1, p) == i && (*indices) (2, p) == j)
value = (*data) (p);
return true;
return false;
bool Get_Entry (const VECTOR_2D<int>& v, T& value) const
return Get_Entry (v.x, v.y, value);
bool Change_Entry (const int i, const int j, const T& value) // if (i,j) already exists, sets its value
for (int p = (*table_of_lists) (Hash (i, j)); p != 0; p = (*links) (p)) if ( (*indices) (1, p) == i && (*indices) (2, p) == j)
(*data) (p) = value;
return true;
return false;
void Delete_Entry (const int i, const int j)
for (int *p = & (*table_of_lists) (Hash (i, j)); (*p) != 0; p = & (*links) (*p)) if ( (*indices) (1, *p) == i && (*indices) (2, *p) == j)
int doomed_entry = *p;
*p = (*links) (doomed_entry); // delete it from the list
(*links) (doomed_entry) = free_list;
free_list = doomed_entry; // prepend to the beginning of the free space list
void Delete_All_Entries() // doesn't update indices or data
ARRAY<int>::copy (0, *table_of_lists);
(*links) (links->m) = 0;
for (int i = 1; i <= links->m - 1; i++) (*links) (i) = i + 1;
free_list = 1;
number_of_entries = 0;
void Print_All_Keys()
for (int h = 1; h <= table_of_lists->m; h++) for (int p = (*table_of_lists) (h); p != 0; p = (*links) (p)) std::cout << (*indices) (1, p) << "," << (*indices) (2, p) << "," << std::endl;
void Apply_Function_To_All_Entries (void (*function) (int, int, T&))
for (int h = 1; h <= table_of_lists->m; h++) for (int p = (*table_of_lists) (h); p != 0; p = (*links) (p)) function ( (*indices) (1, p), (*indices) (2, p), (*data) (p));
void Delete_Pointers_Stored_In_Table() // of course, only valid if pointers are stored in table
for (int h = 1; h <= table_of_lists->m; h++) for (int p = (*table_of_lists) (h); p != 0; p = (*links) (p))
delete (*data) (p);
(*data) (p) = 0;
void Reset_List_Arrays_Stored_In_Table() // of course, only works if pointers to LIST_ARRAY are stored in table
for (int h = 1; h <= table_of_lists->m; h++) for (int p = (*table_of_lists) (h); p != 0; p = (*links) (p)) (*data) (p)->Reset_Current_Size_To_Zero();