blob: 0775011193551f1fec6b1bfc0a77e05db09e6cfc [file] [log] [blame]
#ifdef AUTOLIB
typedef struct DataLog DataLog;
typedef struct DataLogIter DataLogIter;
typedef struct _cass_datum_t cass_datum_t;
enum {
DataLogVersion = 1,
DataLogItemMax = 1<<22,
* All log records must be less than DataLogItemMax in size.
* All functions returning an int return 0 on success and -1 on failure.
* DataLogclose closes at log handle.
* DataLogtruncate truncates the log to the specified LSN.
* DataLogappend appends a cass_datum_t to the log and sets the new LSN.
* DataLogmaxlsn returns the current maximum LSN.
* Mkdatalogiter creates a new log iterator; datalogiterclose closes it.
* Datalogitersetlsn positions a log iterator at the specified LSN.
* Datalogiternext returns the next log record and associated LSN.
DataLog *datalogopen(int omode, char *fname, int cr,
void (*panic)(char*, ...), uint64_t lsn, uint64_t offset);
int datalogclose(DataLog*);
int datalogsync(DataLog*); // Sync datalog to disk.
int datalogtruncate(DataLog*, uint64_t offset);
int datalogappend(DataLog*, cass_datum_t* data);
int datalogmaxlsn(DataLog*, uint64_t* lsn, uint64_t* offset);
// Return current LSN and offset.
DataLogIter *mkdatalogiter(DataLog*);
void datalogiterclose(DataLogIter*);
//int datalogitersetlsn(DataLogIter*, uint64_t); // Not supported.
int datalogiternext(DataLogIter*, uint64_t*, cass_datum_t*);