blob: abe51b7ba14089be849dc735077633fcc949fd08 [file] [log] [blame]
// Written by Christian Bienia and Richard O. Lee
// This file contains code to visualize the fluid interactively
// Requires the GLUT library
#define __FLUIDVIEWER_HPP__ 1
#include <GL/glut.h>
#include "fluid.hpp"
//Initialize visualization mode
//argc and argv are the command line argument passed to the program
//AdvanceFrame is a pointer to the function which advances the the fluid by one frame
//numCells, cells and cnumPars are pointers to the fluid state variables
void InitVisualizationMode(int *argc, char *argv[], void (*AdvanceFrame)(), int *numCells, Cell **cells, int **cnumPars);
//Start computing the frames with AdvanceFrame function pionter and
//visualize the fluid after each step
void Visualize();
#endif //__FLUIDVIEWER_HPP__