blob: aa8767008d0081dcd80f30e624c1c4414158b6e8 [file] [log] [blame]
namespace RTTL {
#if 0
} /*! just to keep emacs happy w/ indenting ... */
class Matrix4x4
float mat[4][4];
_INLINE float &operator()(const int i, const int j)
{ return mat[i][j]; };
_INLINE RTVec4f getRow(int row) {
RTVec4f r;
r[0] = mat[row][0];
r[1] = mat[row][1];
r[2] = mat[row][2];
r[3] = mat[row][3];
return r;
_INLINE RTVec3f getCol(int col) {
RTVec3f r;
r[0] = mat[0][col];
r[1] = mat[1][col];
r[2] = mat[2][col];
return r;
_INLINE void setCol(int col, const RTVec3f &r) {
mat[0][col] = r[0];
mat[1][col] = r[1];
mat[2][col] = r[2];
_INLINE void setIdentity()
for (int i=0;i<4;i++)
for (int j=0;j<4;j++)
mat[i][j] = (i==j);
_INLINE void setTranslationPart(const RTVec3f &translation)
mat[0][3] = translation[0];
mat[1][3] = translation[1];
mat[2][3] = translation[2];
_INLINE void setRotationPart(const RTVec3f &axis, const float angle)
RTVec4f q;
float ha = 0.5f*angle*M_PI/180.0f;
float sine = sinf(ha);
q[3] = cosf(ha);
q[0] = sine*axis[0];
q[1] = sine*axis[1];
q[2] = sine*axis[2];
float tx = 2.0*q[0];
float ty = 2.0*q[1];
float tz = 2.0*q[2];
float twx = tx*q[3];
float twy = ty*q[3];
float twz = tz*q[3];
float txx = tx*q[0];
float txy = ty*q[0];
float txz = tz*q[0];
float tyy = ty*q[1];
float tyz = tz*q[1];
float tzz = tz*q[2];
mat[0][0] = 1.0-(tyy+tzz);
mat[0][1] = txy-twz;
mat[0][2] = txz+twy;
mat[1][0] = txy+twz;
mat[1][1] = 1.0-(txx+tzz);
mat[1][2] = tyz-twx;
mat[2][0] = txz-twy;
mat[2][1] = tyz+twx;
mat[2][2] = 1.0-(txx+tyy);
_INLINE Matrix4x4 operator*(Matrix4x4 &a, Matrix4x4 &b)
Matrix4x4 res;
for (int i=0;i<4;i++)
for (int j=0;j<4;j++) {
res(i,j) = 0;
for (int k=0;k<4;k++)
res(i,j) += a(i,k)*b(k,j);
return res;
#if 0
{ /*! just to keep emacs happy w/ indenting ... */
} /* end namespace */
#endif /* RTTL_MATIRX_HXX */