blob: 1cfe4c018d433e4dbcebf5d8d5180cc3f772a13d [file] [log] [blame]
#include "RTTL/common/MapOptions.hxx"
#include <math.h>
using namespace RTTL;
MapOptions so;
/// MapOptions testbed example.
int main(int argc, const char* argv[]) {
//goto command_line;
// Three "first" entries.
so.add("first", "1.0");
so.add("first", 1.1f);
so.add("first", 1.2);
// Three "second" entries.
so.add("second", 2);
so.add("second", 2.1);
so.add("second", 1.2e+30f);
cout << "\"first\" size is " << so.vector_size("first") << endl;
// let's get the first thing first.
cout << so.get("first") << endl; // const char*, defvalue = arg
cout << so.get("first", 0)+0 << endl; // int
cout << so.get("first", 0.0f)+0.0f << endl; // float
cout << so.get("first", "0") << endl; // const char*, defvalue = "0"
cout << so.get<const char*>("first", 0, 0) << endl; // will crush if first is not defined
cout << so.get("1st") << endl; // OK, returns "1st"
cout << so.get<const char*>("1st", "X", 0) << endl; // OK, returns "X"
cout << so.get("first", -1.0f, 1)+0.0f << endl;
cout << so.get("first", -1.0f, 2)+0.0f << endl;
cout << so.get("1st", -1.0f, 2)+0.0f << endl; // returns default value
cout << so.get<string>("first", "empty", 2) << endl;
cout << so.get<string>("first", "empty", 3) << endl;
// And now "second" entry.
cout << so.get<float>("second", -1, 0) << endl;
cout << so.get("second", -1, 1) << endl;
cout << 1.0e30 + so.get<float>("second", -1, 2) << endl;
cout << so.get<int>("second", -1, 10) << endl;
// Other possibilities.
cout << (*so["second"])[1] << endl;
(*so["second"])[1] = Convert::to_string(3.14f);
cout << (*so["second"])[1] << endl;
(*so["third"])[0] = "one";
(*so["third"])[1] = "two";
(*so["third"])[2] = "three";
// Get entry[0] as string (const char* arg converted to string name).
cout << so.get("third") << endl;
// Another way to add option.
// Print out all entries...
cout << so << endl << endl;
// ... and clear them out.
// Read parameters from the command line and print them out.
so.parse(argc-1, argv+1);
cout << so << endl << endl;
// Sample command line:
// echo > head.obj; echo > body.obj
// bin/TestOptions -pbo=1 -pos [1, 2, 3] -up 0,0,1 +dir 5 +dir 6 +dir 7 -nthreads 3 -verb head.obj body.obj
// Get environment value (defined in Windows and Linux as well).
// Note: Under IDE with icc, it will not be defined (as a matter of fact),
// but it will be defined if compiled using mvsc.
cout << "USERNAME = " << so.get("USERNAME") << endl;
// Try to get the value from the environment. get<> type is defined by defvalue.
cout << "PROCESSOR_LEVEL = " << so.get("PROCESSOR_LEVEL", -1) << endl;
cout << "PBO = " << so.get("pbo", 0) << endl;
cout << "output is " << (so.defined("verbose, verb, all")? "verbose":"compact") << endl;
cout << "pos is ["
<< so.get("pos", 0.0f, 0) << ","
<< so.get("pos", 0.0f, 1) << ","
<< so.get("pos", 0.0f, 2) << "]" << endl;
if (so.defined("up")) {
// Will result in abnormal termination if "up" is not defined.
(*so["up"])[1] = Convert::to_string(-1); // change 2nd entry
cout << "up is " << so.getVec3f("up") << endl;
cout << "dir is " << so.getVec3f("dir") << endl;
cout << so.get("nthreads") << endl; // returns string("3")
cout << so.get("nthreads") << endl; // returns the name1
int nfiles = so.vector_size("files");
for (int fi = 0; fi < nfiles; fi++) {
const string& fn = (*so["files"])[fi];
cout << "Adding obj file: " << fn << endl;
// Test namespace Convert functions.
string pis = "pi is " + Convert::to_string(4 * atan2(1.0f, 1.0f));
float pif = Convert::to<float>(pis.c_str() + 6);
int pii = Convert::to<int> (pis.c_str() + 6);
cout << "pi is " << pif << "; rounded to " << pii << endl;
return 0;