blob: 7ad74ebdeccbe8407dc5ff4165dc96bef9269ac5 [file] [log] [blame]
#include <assert.h>
#include "HJM_type.h"
#include <cstring>
FTYPE RanUnif( long *s );
FTYPE CumNormalInv( FTYPE u );
void icdf_SSE(const int N, FTYPE *in, FTYPE *out);
void icdf_baseline(const int N, FTYPE *in, FTYPE *out);
int HJM_SimPath_Forward_SSE(FTYPE **ppdHJMPath, int iN, int iFactors, FTYPE dYears, FTYPE *pdForward, FTYPE *pdTotalDrift,
FTYPE **ppdFactors, long *lRndSeed);
int Discount_Factors_SSE(FTYPE *pdDiscountFactors, int iN, FTYPE dYears, FTYPE *pdRatePath);
int Discount_Factors_opt(FTYPE *pdDiscountFactors, int iN, FTYPE dYears, FTYPE *pdRatePath);
int HJM_SimPath_Forward_Blocking_SSE(FTYPE **ppdHJMPath, int iN, int iFactors, FTYPE dYears, FTYPE *pdForward, FTYPE *pdTotalDrift,
FTYPE **ppdFactors, long *lRndSeed, int BLOCKSIZE);
int HJM_SimPath_Forward_Blocking(FTYPE **ppdHJMPath, int iN, int iFactors, FTYPE dYears, FTYPE *pdForward, FTYPE *pdTotalDrift,
FTYPE **ppdFactors, long *lRndSeed, int BLOCKSIZE);
int Discount_Factors_Blocking(FTYPE *pdDiscountFactors, int iN, FTYPE dYears, FTYPE *pdRatePath, int BLOCKSIZE);
int Discount_Factors_Blocking_SSE(FTYPE *pdDiscountFactors, int iN, FTYPE dYears, FTYPE *pdRatePath, int BLOCKSIZE);
int HJM_Swaption_Blocking_SSE(FTYPE *pdSwaptionPrice, //Output vector that will store simulation results in the form:
//Swaption Price
//Swaption Standard Error
//Swaption Parameters
FTYPE dStrike,
FTYPE dCompounding, //Compounding convention used for quoting the strike (0 => continuous,
//0.5 => semi-annual, 1 => annual).
FTYPE dMaturity, //Maturity of the swaption (time to expiration)
FTYPE dTenor, //Tenor of the swap
FTYPE dPaymentInterval, //frequency of swap payments e.g. dPaymentInterval = 0.5 implies a swap payment every half
//HJM Framework Parameters (please refer HJM.cpp for explanation of variables and functions)
int iN,
int iFactors,
FTYPE dYears,
FTYPE *pdYield,
FTYPE **ppdFactors,
//Simulation Parameters
long iRndSeed,
long lTrials, int blocksize, int tid);
int HJM_Swaption_Blocking(FTYPE *pdSwaptionPrice, //Output vector that will store simulation results in the form:
//Swaption Price
//Swaption Standard Error
//Swaption Parameters
FTYPE dStrike,
FTYPE dCompounding, //Compounding convention used for quoting the strike (0 => continuous,
//0.5 => semi-annual, 1 => annual).
FTYPE dMaturity, //Maturity of the swaption (time to expiration)
FTYPE dTenor, //Tenor of the swap
FTYPE dPaymentInterval, //frequency of swap payments e.g. dPaymentInterval = 0.5 implies a swap payment every half
//HJM Framework Parameters (please refer HJM.cpp for explanation of variables and functions)
int iN,
int iFactors,
FTYPE dYears,
FTYPE *pdYield,
FTYPE **ppdFactors,
//Simulation Parameters
long iRndSeed,
long lTrials, int blocksize, int tid);
extern "C" FTYPE *dvector( long nl, long nh );
extern "C" FTYPE **dmatrix( long nrl, long nrh, long ncl, long nch );
extern "C" void free_dvector( FTYPE *v, long nl, long nh );
extern "C" void free_dmatrix( FTYPE **m, long nrl, long nrh, long ncl, long nch );