blob: d225ef40eb1b52728d5e95fccb513189915d4124 [file] [log] [blame]
* checkasm.c: assembly check tool
* Copyright (C) 2003-2008 x264 project
* Authors: Loren Merritt <>
* Laurent Aimar <>
* Jason Garrett-Glaser <>
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02111, USA.
#include <ctype.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <math.h>
#include "common/common.h"
#include "common/cpu.h"
/* buf1, buf2: initialised to random data and shouldn't write into them */
uint8_t * buf1, * buf2;
/* buf3, buf4: used to store output */
uint8_t * buf3, * buf4;
int quiet = 0;
#define report( name ) { \
if( used_asm && !quiet ) \
fprintf( stderr, " - %-21s [%s]\n", name, ok ? "OK" : "FAILED" ); \
if( !ok ) ret = -1; \
#define BENCH_RUNS 100 // tradeoff between accuracy and speed
#define BENCH_ALIGNS 16 // number of stack+heap data alignments (another accuracy vs speed tradeoff)
#define MAX_FUNCS 1000 // just has to be big enough to hold all the existing functions
#define MAX_CPUS 10 // number of different combinations of cpu flags
typedef struct {
void *pointer; // just for detecting duplicates
uint32_t cpu;
uint32_t cycles;
uint32_t den;
} bench_t;
typedef struct {
char *name;
bench_t vers[MAX_CPUS];
} bench_func_t;
int do_bench = 0;
int bench_pattern_len = 0;
const char *bench_pattern = "";
char func_name[100];
static bench_func_t benchs[MAX_FUNCS];
static const char *pixel_names[10] = { "16x16", "16x8", "8x16", "8x8", "8x4", "4x8", "4x4", "4x2", "2x4", "2x2" };
static const char *intra_predict_16x16_names[7] = { "v", "h", "dc", "p", "dcl", "dct", "dc8" };
static const char *intra_predict_8x8c_names[7] = { "dc", "h", "v", "p", "dcl", "dct", "dc8" };
static const char *intra_predict_4x4_names[12] = { "v", "h", "dc", "ddl", "ddr", "vr", "hd", "vl", "hu", "dcl", "dct", "dc8" };
static const char **intra_predict_8x8_names = intra_predict_4x4_names;
#define set_func_name(...) snprintf( func_name, sizeof(func_name), __VA_ARGS__ )
static inline uint32_t read_time(void)
#if defined(__GNUC__) && (defined(ARCH_X86) || defined(ARCH_X86_64))
uint32_t a;
asm volatile( "rdtsc" :"=a"(a) ::"edx" );
return a;
return 0;
static bench_t* get_bench( const char *name, int cpu )
int i, j;
for( i=0; benchs[i].name && strcmp(name, benchs[i].name); i++ )
assert( i < MAX_FUNCS );
if( !benchs[i].name )
benchs[i].name = strdup( name );
if( !cpu )
return &benchs[i].vers[0];
for( j=1; benchs[i].vers[j].cpu && benchs[i].vers[j].cpu != cpu; j++ )
assert( j < MAX_CPUS );
benchs[i].vers[j].cpu = cpu;
return &benchs[i].vers[j];
static int cmp_nop( const void *a, const void *b )
return *(uint16_t*)a - *(uint16_t*)b;
static int cmp_bench( const void *a, const void *b )
// asciibetical sort except preserving numbers
const char *sa = ((bench_func_t*)a)->name;
const char *sb = ((bench_func_t*)b)->name;
for(;; sa++, sb++)
if( !*sa && !*sb ) return 0;
if( isdigit(*sa) && isdigit(*sb) && isdigit(sa[1]) != isdigit(sb[1]) )
return isdigit(sa[1]) - isdigit(sb[1]);
if( *sa != *sb ) return *sa - *sb;
static void print_bench(void)
uint16_t nops[10000] = {0};
int i, j, k, nfuncs, nop_time=0;
for( i=0; i<10000; i++ )
int t = read_time();
nops[i] = read_time() - t;
qsort( nops, 10000, sizeof(uint16_t), cmp_nop );
for( i=500; i<9500; i++ )
nop_time += nops[i];
nop_time /= 900;
printf( "nop: %d\n", nop_time );
for( i=0; i<MAX_FUNCS && benchs[i].name; i++ );
qsort( benchs, nfuncs, sizeof(bench_func_t), cmp_bench );
for( i=0; i<nfuncs; i++ )
for( j=0; j<MAX_CPUS && (!j || benchs[i].vers[j].cpu); j++ )
bench_t *b = &benchs[i].vers[j];
if( !b->den ) continue;
for( k=0; k<j && benchs[i].vers[k].pointer != b->pointer; k++ );
if( k<j ) continue;
printf( "%s_%s%s: %"PRId64"\n", benchs[i].name,
b->cpu&X264_CPU_SSE4 ? "sse4" :
b->cpu&X264_CPU_PHADD_IS_FAST ? "phadd" :
b->cpu&X264_CPU_SSSE3 ? "ssse3" :
b->cpu&X264_CPU_SSE3 ? "sse3" :
/* print sse2slow only if there's also a sse2fast version of the same func */
b->cpu&X264_CPU_SSE2_IS_SLOW && j<MAX_CPUS && b[1].cpu&X264_CPU_SSE2_IS_FAST && !(b[1].cpu&X264_CPU_SSE3) ? "sse2slow" :
b->cpu&X264_CPU_SSE2 ? "sse2" :
b->cpu&X264_CPU_MMX ? "mmx" : "c",
b->cpu&X264_CPU_CACHELINE_32 ? "_c32" :
b->cpu&X264_CPU_CACHELINE_64 ? "_c64" :
b->cpu&X264_CPU_SSE_MISALIGN ? "_misalign" : "",
((int64_t)10*b->cycles/b->den - nop_time)/4 );
#if defined(ARCH_X86) || defined(ARCH_X86_64)
int x264_stack_pagealign( int (*func)(), int align );
#define x264_stack_pagealign( func, align ) func()
#define call_c1(func,...) func(__VA_ARGS__)
#ifdef ARCH_X86
/* detect when callee-saved regs aren't saved.
* needs an explicit asm check because it only sometimes crashes in normal use. */
long x264_checkasm_call( long (*func)(), int *ok, ... );
#define call_a1(func,...) x264_checkasm_call((long(*)())func, &ok, __VA_ARGS__)
#define call_a1 call_c1
#define call_bench(func,cpu,...)\
if( do_bench && !strncmp(func_name, bench_pattern, bench_pattern_len) )\
uint32_t tsum = 0;\
int tcount = 0;\
int ti;\
call_a1(func, __VA_ARGS__);\
for( ti=0; ti<(cpu?BENCH_RUNS:BENCH_RUNS/4); ti++ )\
uint32_t t = read_time();\
t = read_time() - t;\
if( t*tcount <= tsum*4 && ti > 0 )\
tsum += t;\
bench_t *b = get_bench( func_name, cpu );\
b->cycles += tsum;\
b->den += tcount;\
b->pointer = func;\
/* for most functions, run benchmark and correctness test at the same time.
* for those that modify their inputs, run the above macros separately */
#define call_a(func,...) ({ call_a2(func,__VA_ARGS__); call_a1(func,__VA_ARGS__); })
#define call_c(func,...) ({ call_c2(func,__VA_ARGS__); call_c1(func,__VA_ARGS__); })
#define call_a2(func,...) ({ call_bench(func,cpu_new,__VA_ARGS__); })
#define call_c2(func,...) ({ call_bench(func,0,__VA_ARGS__); })
static int check_pixel( int cpu_ref, int cpu_new )
x264_pixel_function_t pixel_c;
x264_pixel_function_t pixel_ref;
x264_pixel_function_t pixel_asm;
x264_predict_t predict_16x16[4+3];
x264_predict_t predict_8x8c[4+3];
x264_predict_t predict_4x4[9+3];
x264_predict8x8_t predict_8x8[9+3];
DECLARE_ALIGNED_16( uint8_t edge[33] );
uint16_t cost_mv[32];
int ret = 0, ok, used_asm;
int i, j;
x264_pixel_init( 0, &pixel_c );
x264_pixel_init( cpu_ref, &pixel_ref );
x264_pixel_init( cpu_new, &pixel_asm );
x264_predict_16x16_init( 0, predict_16x16 );
x264_predict_8x8c_init( 0, predict_8x8c );
x264_predict_8x8_init( 0, predict_8x8 );
x264_predict_4x4_init( 0, predict_4x4 );
x264_predict_8x8_filter( buf2+40, edge, ALL_NEIGHBORS, ALL_NEIGHBORS );
// maximize sum
for( i=0; i<256; i++ )
int z = i|(i>>4);
z ^= z>>2;
z ^= z>>1;
buf3[i] = ~(buf4[i] = -(z&1));
// random pattern made of maxed pixel differences, in case an intermediate value overflows
for( ; i<0x1000; i++ )
buf3[i] = ~(buf4[i] = -(buf1[i&~0x88]&1));
#define TEST_PIXEL( name, align ) \
for( i = 0, ok = 1, used_asm = 0; i < 7; i++ ) \
{ \
int res_c, res_asm; \
if([i] !=[i] ) \
{ \
set_func_name( "%s_%s", #name, pixel_names[i] ); \
used_asm = 1; \
for( j=0; j<64; j++ ) \
{ \
res_c = call_c([i], buf1, 16, buf2+j*!align, 64 ); \
res_asm = call_a([i], buf1, 16, buf2+j*!align, 64 ); \
if( res_c != res_asm ) \
{ \
ok = 0; \
fprintf( stderr, #name "[%d]: %d != %d [FAILED]\n", i, res_c, res_asm ); \
break; \
} \
} \
for( j=0; j<0x1000 && ok; j+=256 ) \
{ \
res_c = pixel_c .name[i]( buf3+j, 16, buf4+j, 16 ); \
res_asm =[i]( buf3+j, 16, buf4+j, 16 ); \
if( res_c != res_asm ) \
{ \
ok = 0; \
fprintf( stderr, #name "[%d]: overflow %d != %d\n", i, res_c, res_asm ); \
} \
} \
} \
} \
report( "pixel " #name " :" );
TEST_PIXEL( sad, 0 );
TEST_PIXEL( sad_aligned, 1 );
TEST_PIXEL( ssd, 1 );
TEST_PIXEL( satd, 0 );
TEST_PIXEL( sa8d, 0 );
#define TEST_PIXEL_X( N ) \
for( i = 0, ok = 1, used_asm = 0; i < 7; i++ ) \
{ \
int res_c[4]={0}, res_asm[4]={0}; \
if( pixel_asm.sad_x##N[i] && pixel_asm.sad_x##N[i] != pixel_ref.sad_x##N[i] ) \
{ \
set_func_name( "sad_x%d_%s", N, pixel_names[i] ); \
used_asm = 1; \
for( j=0; j<64; j++) \
{ \
uint8_t *pix2 = buf2+j; \
res_c[0] = pixel_c.sad[i]( buf1, 16, pix2, 64 ); \
res_c[1] = pixel_c.sad[i]( buf1, 16, pix2+6, 64 ); \
res_c[2] = pixel_c.sad[i]( buf1, 16, pix2+1, 64 ); \
if(N==4) \
{ \
res_c[3] = pixel_c.sad[i]( buf1, 16, pix2+10, 64 ); \
call_a( pixel_asm.sad_x4[i], buf1, pix2, pix2+6, pix2+1, pix2+10, 64, res_asm ); \
} \
else \
call_a( pixel_asm.sad_x3[i], buf1, pix2, pix2+6, pix2+1, 64, res_asm ); \
if( memcmp(res_c, res_asm, sizeof(res_c)) ) \
{ \
ok = 0; \
fprintf( stderr, "sad_x"#N"[%d]: %d,%d,%d,%d != %d,%d,%d,%d [FAILED]\n", \
i, res_c[0], res_c[1], res_c[2], res_c[3], \
res_asm[0], res_asm[1], res_asm[2], res_asm[3] ); \
} \
if(N==4) \
call_c2( pixel_c.sad_x4[i], buf1, pix2, pix2+6, pix2+1, pix2+10, 64, res_asm ); \
else \
call_c2( pixel_c.sad_x3[i], buf1, pix2, pix2+6, pix2+1, 64, res_asm ); \
} \
} \
} \
report( "pixel sad_x"#N" :" );
#define TEST_PIXEL_VAR( i ) \
if( pixel_asm.var[i] != pixel_ref.var[i] ) \
{ \
uint32_t res_c, res_asm; \
uint32_t sad_c, sad_asm; \
set_func_name( "%s_%s", "var", pixel_names[i] ); \
used_asm = 1; \
res_c = call_c( pixel_c.var[i], buf1, 16, &sad_c ); \
res_asm = call_a( pixel_asm.var[i], buf1, 16, &sad_asm ); \
if( (res_c != res_asm) || (sad_c != sad_asm) ) \
{ \
ok = 0; \
fprintf( stderr, "var[%d]: %d,%d != %d,%d [FAILED]\n", i, res_c, sad_c, res_asm, sad_asm ); \
} \
ok = 1; used_asm = 0;
report( "pixel var :" );
for( i=0, ok=1, used_asm=0; i<4; i++ )
if( pixel_asm.hadamard_ac[i] != pixel_ref.hadamard_ac[i] )
set_func_name( "hadamard_ac_%s", pixel_names[i] );
used_asm = 1;
for( j=0; j<32; j++ )
uint8_t *pix = (j&16 ? buf1 : buf3) + (j&15)*256;
uint64_t rc = pixel_c.hadamard_ac[i]( pix, 16 );
uint64_t ra = pixel_asm.hadamard_ac[i]( pix, 16 );
if( rc != ra )
ok = 0;
fprintf( stderr, "hadamard_ac[%d]: %d,%d != %d,%d\n", i, (int)rc, (int)(rc>>32), (int)ra, (int)(ra>>32) );
call_c2( pixel_c.hadamard_ac[i], buf1, 16 );
call_a2( pixel_asm.hadamard_ac[i], buf1, 16 );
report( "pixel hadamard_ac :" );
#define TEST_INTRA_MBCMP( name, pred, satd, i8x8, ... ) \
if( && != ) \
{ \
int res_c[3], res_asm[3]; \
set_func_name( #name );\
used_asm = 1; \
memcpy( buf3, buf2, 1024 ); \
for( i=0; i<3; i++ ) \
{ \
pred[i]( buf3+48, ##__VA_ARGS__ ); \
res_c[i] = pixel_c.satd( buf1+48, 16, buf3+48, 32 ); \
} \
call_a(, buf1+48, i8x8 ? edge : buf3+48, res_asm ); \
if( memcmp(res_c, res_asm, sizeof(res_c)) ) \
{ \
ok = 0; \
fprintf( stderr, #name": %d,%d,%d != %d,%d,%d [FAILED]\n", \
res_c[0], res_c[1], res_c[2], \
res_asm[0], res_asm[1], res_asm[2] ); \
} \
ok = 1; used_asm = 0;
TEST_INTRA_MBCMP( intra_satd_x3_16x16, predict_16x16, satd[PIXEL_16x16], 0 );
TEST_INTRA_MBCMP( intra_satd_x3_8x8c , predict_8x8c , satd[PIXEL_8x8] , 0 );
TEST_INTRA_MBCMP( intra_satd_x3_4x4 , predict_4x4 , satd[PIXEL_4x4] , 0 );
TEST_INTRA_MBCMP( intra_sa8d_x3_8x8 , predict_8x8 , sa8d[PIXEL_8x8] , 1, edge );
report( "intra satd_x3 :" );
TEST_INTRA_MBCMP( intra_sad_x3_16x16 , predict_16x16, sad [PIXEL_16x16], 0 );
report( "intra sad_x3 :" );
if( pixel_asm.ssim_4x4x2_core != pixel_ref.ssim_4x4x2_core ||
pixel_asm.ssim_end4 != pixel_ref.ssim_end4 )
float res_c, res_a;
int sums[5][4] = {{0}};
used_asm = ok = 1;
res_c = x264_pixel_ssim_wxh( &pixel_c, buf1+2, 32, buf2+2, 32, 32, 28 );
res_a = x264_pixel_ssim_wxh( &pixel_asm, buf1+2, 32, buf2+2, 32, 32, 28 );
if( fabs(res_c - res_a) > 1e-6 )
ok = 0;
fprintf( stderr, "ssim: %.7f != %.7f [FAILED]\n", res_c, res_a );
set_func_name( "ssim_core" );
call_c2( pixel_c.ssim_4x4x2_core, buf1+2, 32, buf2+2, 32, sums );
call_a2( pixel_asm.ssim_4x4x2_core, buf1+2, 32, buf2+2, 32, sums );
set_func_name( "ssim_end" );
call_c2( pixel_c.ssim_end4, sums, sums, 4 );
call_a2( pixel_asm.ssim_end4, sums, sums, 4 );
report( "ssim :" );
ok = 1; used_asm = 0;
for( i=0; i<32; i++ )
cost_mv[i] = i*10;
for( i=0; i<100 && ok; i++ )
if([i&3] !=[i&3] )
DECLARE_ALIGNED_16( uint16_t sums[72] );
DECLARE_ALIGNED_16( int dc[4] );
int16_t mvs_a[32], mvs_c[32];
int mvn_a, mvn_c;
int thresh = rand() & 0x3fff;
set_func_name( "esa_ads" );
for( j=0; j<72; j++ )
sums[j] = rand() & 0x3fff;
for( j=0; j<4; j++ )
dc[j] = rand() & 0x3fff;
used_asm = 1;
mvn_c = call_c([i&3], dc, sums, 32, cost_mv, mvs_c, 28, thresh );
mvn_a = call_a([i&3], dc, sums, 32, cost_mv, mvs_a, 28, thresh );
if( mvn_c != mvn_a || memcmp( mvs_c, mvs_a, mvn_c*sizeof(*mvs_c) ) )
ok = 0;
printf("c%d: ", i&3);
for(j=0; j<mvn_c; j++)
printf("%d ", mvs_c[j]);
printf("\na%d: ", i&3);
for(j=0; j<mvn_a; j++)
printf("%d ", mvs_a[j]);
report( "esa ads:" );
return ret;
static int check_dct( int cpu_ref, int cpu_new )
x264_dct_function_t dct_c;
x264_dct_function_t dct_ref;
x264_dct_function_t dct_asm;
x264_quant_function_t qf;
int ret = 0, ok, used_asm, i, j, interlace;
DECLARE_ALIGNED_16( int16_t dct1[16][4][4] );
DECLARE_ALIGNED_16( int16_t dct2[16][4][4] );
DECLARE_ALIGNED_16( int16_t dct4[16][4][4] );
DECLARE_ALIGNED_16( int16_t dct8[4][8][8] );
x264_t h_buf;
x264_t *h = &h_buf;
x264_dct_init( 0, &dct_c );
x264_dct_init( cpu_ref, &dct_ref);
x264_dct_init( cpu_new, &dct_asm );
memset( h, 0, sizeof(*h) );
h->pps = h->pps_array;
x264_param_default( &h->param );
h->param.analyse.i_luma_deadzone[0] = 0;
h->param.analyse.i_luma_deadzone[1] = 0;
h->param.analyse.b_transform_8x8 = 1;
for( i=0; i<6; i++ )
h->pps->scaling_list[i] = x264_cqm_flat16;
x264_cqm_init( h );
x264_quant_init( h, 0, &qf );
#define TEST_DCT( name, t1, t2, size ) \
if( != ) \
{ \
set_func_name( #name );\
used_asm = 1; \
call_c(, t1, buf1, buf2 ); \
call_a(, t2, buf1, buf2 ); \
if( memcmp( t1, t2, size ) ) \
{ \
ok = 0; \
fprintf( stderr, #name " [FAILED]\n" ); \
} \
ok = 1; used_asm = 0;
TEST_DCT( sub4x4_dct, dct1[0], dct2[0], 16*2 );
TEST_DCT( sub8x8_dct, dct1, dct2, 16*2*4 );
TEST_DCT( sub16x16_dct, dct1, dct2, 16*2*16 );
report( "sub_dct4 :" );
ok = 1; used_asm = 0;
TEST_DCT( sub8x8_dct8, (void*)dct1[0], (void*)dct2[0], 64*2 );
TEST_DCT( sub16x16_dct8, (void*)dct1, (void*)dct2, 64*2*4 );
report( "sub_dct8 :" );
#undef TEST_DCT
// fdct and idct are denormalized by different factors, so quant/dequant
// is needed to force the coefs into the right range.
dct_c.sub16x16_dct( dct4, buf1, buf2 );
dct_c.sub16x16_dct8( dct8, buf1, buf2 );
for( i=0; i<16; i++ )
qf.quant_4x4( dct4[i], h->quant4_mf[CQM_4IY][20], h->quant4_bias[CQM_4IY][20] );
qf.dequant_4x4( dct4[i], h->dequant4_mf[CQM_4IY], 20 );
for( i=0; i<4; i++ )
qf.quant_8x8( dct8[i], h->quant8_mf[CQM_8IY][20], h->quant8_bias[CQM_8IY][20] );
qf.dequant_8x8( dct8[i], h->dequant8_mf[CQM_8IY], 20 );
#define TEST_IDCT( name, src ) \
if( != ) \
{ \
set_func_name( #name );\
used_asm = 1; \
memcpy( buf3, buf1, 32*32 ); \
memcpy( buf4, buf1, 32*32 ); \
memcpy( dct1, src, 512 ); \
memcpy( dct2, src, 512 ); \
call_c1(, buf3, (void*)dct1 ); \
call_a1(, buf4, (void*)dct2 ); \
if( memcmp( buf3, buf4, 32*32 ) ) \
{ \
ok = 0; \
fprintf( stderr, #name " [FAILED]\n" ); \
} \
call_c2(, buf3, (void*)dct1 ); \
call_a2(, buf4, (void*)dct2 ); \
ok = 1; used_asm = 0;
TEST_IDCT( add4x4_idct, dct4 );
TEST_IDCT( add8x8_idct, dct4 );
TEST_IDCT( add16x16_idct, dct4 );
report( "add_idct4 :" );
ok = 1; used_asm = 0;
TEST_IDCT( add8x8_idct8, dct8 );
TEST_IDCT( add16x16_idct8, dct8 );
report( "add_idct8 :" );
#undef TEST_IDCT
#define TEST_DCTDC( name )\
ok = 1; used_asm = 0;\
if( != )\
set_func_name( #name );\
used_asm = 1;\
uint16_t *p = (uint16_t*)buf1;\
for( i=0; i<16 && ok; i++ )\
for( j=0; j<16; j++ )\
dct1[0][0][j] = !i ? (j^j>>1^j>>2^j>>3)&1 ? 4080 : -4080 /* max dc */\
: i<8 ? (*p++)&1 ? 4080 : -4080 /* max elements */\
: ((*p++)&0x1fff)-0x1000; /* general case */\
memcpy( dct2, dct1, 32 );\
call_c1(, dct1[0] );\
call_a1(, dct2[0] );\
if( memcmp( dct1, dct2, 32 ) )\
ok = 0;\
call_c2(, dct1[0] );\
call_a2(, dct2[0] );\
report( #name " :" );
TEST_DCTDC( dct4x4dc );
TEST_DCTDC( idct4x4dc );
x264_zigzag_function_t zigzag_c;
x264_zigzag_function_t zigzag_ref;
x264_zigzag_function_t zigzag_asm;
DECLARE_ALIGNED_16( int16_t level1[64] );
DECLARE_ALIGNED_16( int16_t level2[64] );
#define TEST_ZIGZAG_SCAN( name, t1, t2, dct, size ) \
if( != ) \
{ \
set_func_name( "zigzag_"#name"_%s", interlace?"field":"frame" );\
used_asm = 1; \
memcpy(dct, buf1, size*sizeof(int16_t));\
call_c(, t1, dct ); \
call_a(, t2, dct ); \
if( memcmp( t1, t2, size*sizeof(int16_t) ) ) \
{ \
ok = 0; \
fprintf( stderr, #name " [FAILED]\n" ); \
} \
#define TEST_ZIGZAG_SUB( name, t1, t2, size ) \
if( != ) \
{ \
set_func_name( "zigzag_"#name"_%s", interlace?"field":"frame" );\
used_asm = 1; \
memcpy( buf3, buf1, 16*FDEC_STRIDE ); \
memcpy( buf4, buf1, 16*FDEC_STRIDE ); \
call_c1(, t1, buf2, buf3 ); \
call_a1(, t2, buf2, buf4 ); \
if( memcmp( t1, t2, size*sizeof(int16_t) )|| memcmp( buf3, buf4, 16*FDEC_STRIDE ) ) \
{ \
ok = 0; \
fprintf( stderr, #name " [FAILED]\n" ); \
} \
call_c2(, t1, buf2, buf3 ); \
call_a2(, t2, buf2, buf4 ); \
interlace = 0;
x264_zigzag_init( 0, &zigzag_c, 0 );
x264_zigzag_init( cpu_ref, &zigzag_ref, 0 );
x264_zigzag_init( cpu_new, &zigzag_asm, 0 );
ok = 1; used_asm = 0;
TEST_ZIGZAG_SCAN( scan_8x8, level1, level2, (void*)dct1, 64 );
TEST_ZIGZAG_SCAN( scan_4x4, level1, level2, dct1[0], 16 );
TEST_ZIGZAG_SCAN( interleave_8x8_cavlc, level1, level2, (void*)dct1, 64 );
TEST_ZIGZAG_SUB( sub_4x4, level1, level2, 16 );
report( "zigzag_frame :" );
interlace = 1;
x264_zigzag_init( 0, &zigzag_c, 1 );
x264_zigzag_init( cpu_ref, &zigzag_ref, 1 );
x264_zigzag_init( cpu_new, &zigzag_asm, 1 );
ok = 1; used_asm = 0;
TEST_ZIGZAG_SCAN( scan_8x8, level1, level2, (void*)dct1, 64 );
TEST_ZIGZAG_SCAN( scan_4x4, level1, level2, dct1[0], 16 );
TEST_ZIGZAG_SUB( sub_4x4, level1, level2, 16 );
report( "zigzag_field :" );
return ret;
static int check_mc( int cpu_ref, int cpu_new )
x264_mc_functions_t mc_c;
x264_mc_functions_t mc_ref;
x264_mc_functions_t mc_a;
x264_pixel_function_t pixel;
uint8_t *src = &buf1[2*32+2];
uint8_t *src2[4] = { &buf1[3*64+2], &buf1[5*64+2],
&buf1[7*64+2], &buf1[9*64+2] };
uint8_t *dst1 = buf3;
uint8_t *dst2 = buf4;
int dx, dy, i, j, k, w;
int ret = 0, ok, used_asm;
x264_mc_init( 0, &mc_c );
x264_mc_init( cpu_ref, &mc_ref );
x264_mc_init( cpu_new, &mc_a );
x264_pixel_init( 0, &pixel );
#define MC_TEST_LUMA( w, h ) \
if( mc_a.mc_luma != mc_ref.mc_luma && !(w&(w-1)) && h<=16 ) \
{ \
set_func_name( "mc_luma_%dx%d", w, h );\
used_asm = 1; \
memset(buf3, 0xCD, 1024); \
memset(buf4, 0xCD, 1024); \
call_c( mc_c.mc_luma, dst1, 32, src2, 64, dx, dy, w, h ); \
call_a( mc_a.mc_luma, dst2, 32, src2, 64, dx, dy, w, h ); \
if( memcmp( buf3, buf4, 1024 ) ) \
{ \
fprintf( stderr, "mc_luma[mv(%d,%d) %2dx%-2d] [FAILED]\n", dx, dy, w, h ); \
ok = 0; \
} \
} \
if( mc_a.get_ref != mc_ref.get_ref ) \
{ \
uint8_t *ref = dst2; \
int ref_stride = 32; \
set_func_name( "get_ref_%dx%d", w, h );\
used_asm = 1; \
memset(buf3, 0xCD, 1024); \
memset(buf4, 0xCD, 1024); \
call_c( mc_c.mc_luma, dst1, 32, src2, 64, dx, dy, w, h ); \
ref = (uint8_t*) call_a( mc_a.get_ref, ref, &ref_stride, src2, 64, dx, dy, w, h ); \
for( i=0; i<h; i++ ) \
if( memcmp( dst1+i*32, ref+i*ref_stride, w ) ) \
{ \
fprintf( stderr, "get_ref[mv(%d,%d) %2dx%-2d] [FAILED]\n", dx, dy, w, h ); \
ok = 0; \
break; \
} \
#define MC_TEST_CHROMA( w, h ) \
if( mc_a.mc_chroma != mc_ref.mc_chroma ) \
{ \
set_func_name( "mc_chroma_%dx%d", w, h );\
used_asm = 1; \
memset(buf3, 0xCD, 1024); \
memset(buf4, 0xCD, 1024); \
call_c( mc_c.mc_chroma, dst1, 16, src, 32, dx, dy, w, h ); \
call_a( mc_a.mc_chroma, dst2, 16, src, 32, dx, dy, w, h ); \
/* mc_chroma width=2 may write garbage to the right of dst. ignore that. */\
for( j=0; j<h; j++ ) \
for( i=w; i<4; i++ ) \
dst2[i+j*16] = dst1[i+j*16]; \
if( memcmp( buf3, buf4, 1024 ) ) \
{ \
fprintf( stderr, "mc_chroma[mv(%d,%d) %2dx%-2d] [FAILED]\n", dx, dy, w, h ); \
ok = 0; \
} \
ok = 1; used_asm = 0;
for( dy = -8; dy < 8; dy++ )
for( dx = -128; dx < 128; dx++ )
if( rand()&15 ) continue; // running all of them is too slow
MC_TEST_LUMA( 20, 18 );
MC_TEST_LUMA( 16, 16 );
MC_TEST_LUMA( 16, 8 );
MC_TEST_LUMA( 12, 10 );
MC_TEST_LUMA( 8, 16 );
MC_TEST_LUMA( 8, 8 );
MC_TEST_LUMA( 8, 4 );
MC_TEST_LUMA( 4, 8 );
MC_TEST_LUMA( 4, 4 );
report( "mc luma :" );
ok = 1; used_asm = 0;
for( dy = -1; dy < 9; dy++ )
for( dx = -1; dx < 9; dx++ )
report( "mc chroma :" );
#define MC_TEST_AVG( name, weight ) \
for( i = 0, ok = 1, used_asm = 0; i < 10; i++ ) \
{ \
memcpy( buf3, buf1+320, 320 ); \
memcpy( buf4, buf1+320, 320 ); \
if([i] !=[i] ) \
{ \
set_func_name( "%s_%s", #name, pixel_names[i] );\
used_asm = 1; \
call_c1([i], buf3, 16, buf2+1, 16, buf1+18, 16, weight ); \
call_a1([i], buf4, 16, buf2+1, 16, buf1+18, 16, weight ); \
if( memcmp( buf3, buf4, 320 ) ) \
{ \
ok = 0; \
fprintf( stderr, #name "[%d]: [FAILED]\n", i ); \
} \
call_c2([i], buf3, 16, buf2+1, 16, buf1+18, 16, weight ); \
call_a2([i], buf4, 16, buf2+1, 16, buf1+18, 16, weight ); \
} \
ok = 1; used_asm = 0;
for( w = -63; w <= 127 && ok; w++ )
MC_TEST_AVG( avg, w );
report( "mc wpredb :" );
if( mc_a.hpel_filter != mc_ref.hpel_filter )
uint8_t *src = buf1+8+2*64;
uint8_t *dstc[3] = { buf3+8, buf3+8+16*64, buf3+8+32*64 };
uint8_t *dsta[3] = { buf4+8, buf4+8+16*64, buf4+8+32*64 };
set_func_name( "hpel_filter" );
ok = 1; used_asm = 1;
memset( buf3, 0, 4096 );
memset( buf4, 0, 4096 );
call_c( mc_c.hpel_filter, dstc[0], dstc[1], dstc[2], src, 64, 48, 10 );
call_a( mc_a.hpel_filter, dsta[0], dsta[1], dsta[2], src, 64, 48, 10 );
for( i=0; i<3; i++ )
for( j=0; j<10; j++ )
//FIXME ideally the first pixels would match too, but they aren't actually used
if( memcmp( dstc[i]+j*64+2, dsta[i]+j*64+2, 43 ) )
ok = 0;
fprintf( stderr, "hpel filter differs at plane %c line %d\n", "hvc"[i], j );
for( k=0; k<48; k++ )
printf("%02x%s", dstc[i][j*64+k], (k+1)&3 ? "" : " ");
for( k=0; k<48; k++ )
printf("%02x%s", dsta[i][j*64+k], (k+1)&3 ? "" : " ");
report( "hpel filter :" );
if( mc_a.frame_init_lowres_core != mc_ref.frame_init_lowres_core )
uint8_t *dstc[4] = { buf3, buf3+1024, buf3+2048, buf3+3072 };
uint8_t *dsta[4] = { buf4, buf4+1024, buf4+2048, buf3+3072 };
set_func_name( "lowres_init" );
for( w=40; w<=48; w+=8 )
if( mc_a.frame_init_lowres_core != mc_ref.frame_init_lowres_core )
int stride = (w+8)&~15;
used_asm = 1;
call_c( mc_c.frame_init_lowres_core, buf1, dstc[0], dstc[1], dstc[2], dstc[3], w*2, stride, w, 16 );
call_a( mc_a.frame_init_lowres_core, buf1, dsta[0], dsta[1], dsta[2], dsta[3], w*2, stride, w, 16 );
for( i=0; i<16; i++)
for( j=0; j<4; j++)
if( memcmp( dstc[j]+i*stride, dsta[j]+i*stride, w ) )
ok = 0;
fprintf( stderr, "frame_init_lowres differs at plane %d line %d\n", j, i );
for( k=0; k<w; k++ )
printf( "%d ", dstc[j][k+i*stride] );
for( k=0; k<w; k++ )
printf( "%d ", dsta[j][k+i*stride] );
report( "lowres init :" );
return ret;
static int check_deblock( int cpu_ref, int cpu_new )
x264_deblock_function_t db_c;
x264_deblock_function_t db_ref;
x264_deblock_function_t db_a;
int ret = 0, ok = 1, used_asm = 0;
int alphas[36], betas[36];
int8_t tcs[36][4];
int a, c, i, j;
x264_deblock_init( 0, &db_c );
x264_deblock_init( cpu_ref, &db_ref );
x264_deblock_init( cpu_new, &db_a );
/* not exactly the real values of a,b,tc but close enough */
a = 255; c = 250;
for( i = 35; i >= 0; i-- )
alphas[i] = a;
betas[i] = (i+1)/2;
tcs[i][0] = tcs[i][2] = (c+6)/10;
tcs[i][1] = tcs[i][3] = (c+9)/20;
a = a*9/10;
c = c*9/10;
#define TEST_DEBLOCK( name, align, ... ) \
for( i = 0; i < 36; i++ ) \
{ \
int off = 8*32 + (i&15)*4*!align; /* benchmark various alignments of h filter */\
for( j = 0; j < 1024; j++ ) \
/* two distributions of random to excersize different failure modes */\
buf3[j] = rand() & (i&1 ? 0xf : 0xff ); \
memcpy( buf4, buf3, 1024 ); \
if( != ) \
{ \
set_func_name( #name );\
used_asm = 1; \
call_c1(, buf3+off, 32, alphas[i], betas[i], ##__VA_ARGS__ ); \
call_a1(, buf4+off, 32, alphas[i], betas[i], ##__VA_ARGS__ ); \
if( memcmp( buf3, buf4, 1024 ) ) \
{ \
ok = 0; \
fprintf( stderr, #name "(a=%d, b=%d): [FAILED]\n", alphas[i], betas[i] ); \
break; \
} \
call_c2(, buf3+off, 32, alphas[i], betas[i], ##__VA_ARGS__ ); \
call_a2(, buf4+off, 32, alphas[i], betas[i], ##__VA_ARGS__ ); \
} \
TEST_DEBLOCK( deblock_h_luma, 0, tcs[i] );
TEST_DEBLOCK( deblock_v_luma, 1, tcs[i] );
TEST_DEBLOCK( deblock_h_chroma, 0, tcs[i] );
TEST_DEBLOCK( deblock_v_chroma, 1, tcs[i] );
TEST_DEBLOCK( deblock_h_luma_intra, 0 );
TEST_DEBLOCK( deblock_v_luma_intra, 1 );
TEST_DEBLOCK( deblock_h_chroma_intra, 0 );
TEST_DEBLOCK( deblock_v_chroma_intra, 1 );
report( "deblock :" );
return ret;
static int check_quant( int cpu_ref, int cpu_new )
x264_quant_function_t qf_c;
x264_quant_function_t qf_ref;
x264_quant_function_t qf_a;
DECLARE_ALIGNED_16( int16_t dct1[64] );
DECLARE_ALIGNED_16( int16_t dct2[64] );
DECLARE_ALIGNED_16( uint8_t cqm_buf[64] );
int ret = 0, ok, used_asm;
int oks[2] = {1,1}, used_asms[2] = {0,0};
int i, i_cqm, qp;
x264_t h_buf;
x264_t *h = &h_buf;
memset( h, 0, sizeof(*h) );
h->pps = h->pps_array;
x264_param_default( &h->param );
h->param.rc.i_qp_min = 26;
h->param.analyse.b_transform_8x8 = 1;
for( i_cqm = 0; i_cqm < 4; i_cqm++ )
if( i_cqm == 0 )
for( i = 0; i < 6; i++ )
h->pps->scaling_list[i] = x264_cqm_flat16;
h->param.i_cqm_preset = h->pps->i_cqm_preset = X264_CQM_FLAT;
else if( i_cqm == 1 )
for( i = 0; i < 6; i++ )
h->pps->scaling_list[i] = x264_cqm_jvt[i];
h->param.i_cqm_preset = h->pps->i_cqm_preset = X264_CQM_JVT;
if( i_cqm == 2 )
for( i = 0; i < 64; i++ )
cqm_buf[i] = 10 + rand() % 246;
for( i = 0; i < 64; i++ )
cqm_buf[i] = 1;
for( i = 0; i < 6; i++ )
h->pps->scaling_list[i] = cqm_buf;
h->param.i_cqm_preset = h->pps->i_cqm_preset = X264_CQM_CUSTOM;
x264_cqm_init( h );
x264_quant_init( h, 0, &qf_c );
x264_quant_init( h, cpu_ref, &qf_ref );
x264_quant_init( h, cpu_new, &qf_a );
#define INIT_QUANT8() \
{ \
static const int scale1d[8] = {32,31,24,31,32,31,24,31}; \
int x, y; \
for( y = 0; y < 8; y++ ) \
for( x = 0; x < 8; x++ ) \
{ \
unsigned int scale = (255*scale1d[y]*scale1d[x])/16; \
dct1[y*8+x] = dct2[y*8+x] = (rand()%(2*scale+1))-scale; \
} \
#define INIT_QUANT4() \
{ \
static const int scale1d[4] = {4,6,4,6}; \
int x, y; \
for( y = 0; y < 4; y++ ) \
for( x = 0; x < 4; x++ ) \
{ \
unsigned int scale = 255*scale1d[y]*scale1d[x]; \
dct1[y*4+x] = dct2[y*4+x] = (rand()%(2*scale+1))-scale; \
} \
#define TEST_QUANT_DC( name, cqm ) \
if( != ) \
{ \
set_func_name( #name ); \
used_asms[0] = 1; \
for( qp = 51; qp > 0; qp-- ) \
{ \
for( i = 0; i < 16; i++ ) \
dct1[i] = dct2[i] = (rand() & 0x1fff) - 0xfff; \
call_c1(, (void*)dct1, h->quant4_mf[CQM_4IY][qp][0], h->quant4_bias[CQM_4IY][qp][0] ); \
call_a1(, (void*)dct2, h->quant4_mf[CQM_4IY][qp][0], h->quant4_bias[CQM_4IY][qp][0] ); \
if( memcmp( dct1, dct2, 16*2 ) ) \
{ \
oks[0] = 0; \
fprintf( stderr, #name "(cqm=%d): [FAILED]\n", i_cqm ); \
break; \
} \
call_c2(, (void*)dct1, h->quant4_mf[CQM_4IY][qp][0], h->quant4_bias[CQM_4IY][qp][0] ); \
call_a2(, (void*)dct2, h->quant4_mf[CQM_4IY][qp][0], h->quant4_bias[CQM_4IY][qp][0] ); \
} \
#define TEST_QUANT( qname, block, w ) \
if( qf_a.qname != qf_ref.qname ) \
{ \
set_func_name( #qname ); \
used_asms[0] = 1; \
for( qp = 51; qp > 0; qp-- ) \
{ \
call_c1( qf_c.qname, (void*)dct1, h->quant##w##_mf[block][qp], h->quant##w##_bias[block][qp] ); \
call_a1( qf_a.qname, (void*)dct2, h->quant##w##_mf[block][qp], h->quant##w##_bias[block][qp] ); \
if( memcmp( dct1, dct2, w*w*2 ) ) \
{ \
oks[0] = 0; \
fprintf( stderr, #qname "(qp=%d, cqm=%d, block="#block"): [FAILED]\n", qp, i_cqm ); \
break; \
} \
call_c2( qf_c.qname, (void*)dct1, h->quant##w##_mf[block][qp], h->quant##w##_bias[block][qp] ); \
call_a2( qf_a.qname, (void*)dct2, h->quant##w##_mf[block][qp], h->quant##w##_bias[block][qp] ); \
} \
TEST_QUANT( quant_8x8, CQM_8IY, 8 );
TEST_QUANT( quant_8x8, CQM_8PY, 8 );
TEST_QUANT( quant_4x4, CQM_4IY, 4 );
TEST_QUANT( quant_4x4, CQM_4PY, 4 );
TEST_QUANT_DC( quant_4x4_dc, **h->quant4_mf[CQM_4IY] );
TEST_QUANT_DC( quant_2x2_dc, **h->quant4_mf[CQM_4IC] );
#define TEST_DEQUANT( qname, dqname, block, w ) \
if( qf_a.dqname != qf_ref.dqname ) \
{ \
set_func_name( "%s_%s", #dqname, i_cqm?"cqm":"flat" ); \
used_asms[1] = 1; \
for( qp = 51; qp > 0; qp-- ) \
{ \
call_c1( qf_c.qname, (void*)dct1, h->quant##w##_mf[block][qp], h->quant##w##_bias[block][qp] ); \
memcpy( dct2, dct1, w*w*2 ); \
call_c1( qf_c.dqname, (void*)dct1, h->dequant##w##_mf[block], qp ); \
call_a1( qf_a.dqname, (void*)dct2, h->dequant##w##_mf[block], qp ); \
if( memcmp( dct1, dct2, w*w*2 ) ) \
{ \
oks[1] = 0; \
fprintf( stderr, #dqname "(qp=%d, cqm=%d, block="#block"): [FAILED]\n", qp, i_cqm ); \
break; \
} \
call_c2( qf_c.dqname, (void*)dct1, h->dequant##w##_mf[block], qp ); \
call_a2( qf_a.dqname, (void*)dct2, h->dequant##w##_mf[block], qp ); \
} \
TEST_DEQUANT( quant_8x8, dequant_8x8, CQM_8IY, 8 );
TEST_DEQUANT( quant_8x8, dequant_8x8, CQM_8PY, 8 );
TEST_DEQUANT( quant_4x4, dequant_4x4, CQM_4IY, 4 );
TEST_DEQUANT( quant_4x4, dequant_4x4, CQM_4PY, 4 );
#define TEST_DEQUANT_DC( qname, dqname, block, w ) \
if( qf_a.dqname != qf_ref.dqname ) \
{ \
set_func_name( "%s_%s", #dqname, i_cqm?"cqm":"flat" ); \
used_asms[1] = 1; \
for( qp = 51; qp > 0; qp-- ) \
{ \
for( i = 0; i < 16; i++ ) \
dct1[i] = rand(); \
call_c1( qf_c.qname, (void*)dct1, h->quant##w##_mf[block][qp][0]>>1, h->quant##w##_bias[block][qp][0]>>1 ); \
memcpy( dct2, dct1, w*w*2 ); \
call_c1( qf_c.dqname, (void*)dct1, h->dequant##w##_mf[block], qp ); \
call_a1( qf_a.dqname, (void*)dct2, h->dequant##w##_mf[block], qp ); \
if( memcmp( dct1, dct2, w*w*2 ) ) \
{ \
oks[1] = 0; \
fprintf( stderr, #dqname "(qp=%d, cqm=%d, block="#block"): [FAILED]\n", qp, i_cqm ); \
} \
call_c2( qf_c.dqname, (void*)dct1, h->dequant##w##_mf[block], qp ); \
call_a2( qf_a.dqname, (void*)dct2, h->dequant##w##_mf[block], qp ); \
} \
TEST_DEQUANT_DC( quant_4x4_dc, dequant_4x4_dc, CQM_4IY, 4 );
x264_cqm_delete( h );
ok = oks[0]; used_asm = used_asms[0];
report( "quant :" );
ok = oks[1]; used_asm = used_asms[1];
report( "dequant :" );
ok = 1;
if( qf_a.denoise_dct != qf_ref.denoise_dct )
int size;
used_asm = 1;
for( size = 16; size <= 64; size += 48 )
set_func_name( "denoise_dct" );
memcpy(dct1, buf1, size*2);
memcpy(dct2, buf1, size*2);
memcpy(buf3+256, buf3, 256);
call_c1( qf_c.denoise_dct, dct1, (uint32_t*)buf3, (uint16_t*)buf2, size );
call_a1( qf_a.denoise_dct, dct2, (uint32_t*)(buf3+256), (uint16_t*)buf2, size );
if( memcmp( dct1, dct2, size*2 ) || memcmp( buf3+4, buf3+256+4, (size-1)*sizeof(uint32_t) ) )
ok = 0;
call_c2( qf_c.denoise_dct, dct1, (uint32_t*)buf3, (uint16_t*)buf2, size );
call_a2( qf_a.denoise_dct, dct2, (uint32_t*)(buf3+256), (uint16_t*)buf2, size );
report( "denoise dct :" );
#define TEST_DECIMATE( decname, w, ac, thresh ) \
if( qf_a.decname != qf_ref.decname ) \
{ \
set_func_name( #decname ); \
used_asm = 1; \
for( i = 0; i < 100; i++ ) \
{ \
int result_c, result_a, idx; \
for( idx = 0; idx < w*w; idx++ ) \
dct1[idx] = !(rand()&3) + (!(rand()&15))*(rand()&3); \
if( ac ) \
dct1[0] = 0; \
memcpy( dct2, dct1, w*w*2 ); \
result_c = call_c1( qf_c.decname, (void*)dct2 ); \
result_a = call_a1( qf_a.decname, (void*)dct2 ); \
if( X264_MIN(result_c,thresh) != X264_MIN(result_a,thresh) ) \
{ \
ok = 0; \
fprintf( stderr, #decname ": [FAILED]\n" ); \
break; \
} \
call_c2( qf_c.decname, (void*)dct2 ); \
call_a2( qf_a.decname, (void*)dct2 ); \
} \
ok = 1;
TEST_DECIMATE( decimate_score64, 8, 0, 6 );
TEST_DECIMATE( decimate_score16, 4, 0, 6 );
TEST_DECIMATE( decimate_score15, 4, 1, 7 );
report( "decimate_score :" );
#define TEST_LAST( last, lastname, w, ac ) \
if( qf_a.last != qf_ref.last ) \
{ \
set_func_name( #lastname ); \
used_asm = 1; \
for( i = 0; i < 100; i++ ) \
{ \
int result_c, result_a, idx, nnz=0; \
int max = rand() & (w*w-1); \
memset( dct1, 0, w*w*2 ); \
for( idx = ac; idx < max; idx++ ) \
nnz |= dct1[idx] = !(rand()&3) + (!(rand()&15))*rand(); \
if( !nnz ) \
dct1[ac] = 1; \
memcpy( dct2, dct1, w*w*2 ); \
result_c = call_c1( qf_c.last, (void*)(dct2+ac) ); \
result_a = call_a1( qf_a.last, (void*)(dct2+ac) ); \
if( result_c != result_a ) \
{ \
ok = 0; \
fprintf( stderr, #lastname ": [FAILED]\n" ); \
break; \
} \
call_c2( qf_c.last, (void*)(dct2+ac) ); \
call_a2( qf_a.last, (void*)(dct2+ac) ); \
} \
ok = 1;
TEST_LAST( coeff_last[DCT_CHROMA_DC], coeff_last4, 2, 0 );
TEST_LAST( coeff_last[ DCT_LUMA_AC], coeff_last15, 4, 1 );
TEST_LAST( coeff_last[ DCT_LUMA_4x4], coeff_last16, 4, 0 );
TEST_LAST( coeff_last[ DCT_LUMA_8x8], coeff_last64, 8, 0 );
report( "coeff_last :" );
return ret;
static int check_intra( int cpu_ref, int cpu_new )
int ret = 0, ok = 1, used_asm = 0;
int i;
DECLARE_ALIGNED_16( uint8_t edge[33] );
x264_predict_t predict_16x16[4+3];
x264_predict_t predict_8x8c[4+3];
x264_predict8x8_t predict_8x8[9+3];
x264_predict_t predict_4x4[9+3];
} ip_c, ip_ref, ip_a;
x264_predict_16x16_init( 0, ip_c.predict_16x16 );
x264_predict_8x8c_init( 0, ip_c.predict_8x8c );
x264_predict_8x8_init( 0, ip_c.predict_8x8 );
x264_predict_4x4_init( 0, ip_c.predict_4x4 );
x264_predict_16x16_init( cpu_ref, ip_ref.predict_16x16 );
x264_predict_8x8c_init( cpu_ref, ip_ref.predict_8x8c );
x264_predict_8x8_init( cpu_ref, ip_ref.predict_8x8 );
x264_predict_4x4_init( cpu_ref, ip_ref.predict_4x4 );
x264_predict_16x16_init( cpu_new, ip_a.predict_16x16 );
x264_predict_8x8c_init( cpu_new, ip_a.predict_8x8c );
x264_predict_8x8_init( cpu_new, ip_a.predict_8x8 );
x264_predict_4x4_init( cpu_new, ip_a.predict_4x4 );
x264_predict_8x8_filter( buf1+48, edge, ALL_NEIGHBORS, ALL_NEIGHBORS );
#define INTRA_TEST( name, dir, w, ... ) \
if([dir] !=[dir] )\
{ \
set_func_name( "intra_%s_%s", #name, intra_##name##_names[dir] );\
used_asm = 1; \
memcpy( buf3, buf1, 32*20 );\
memcpy( buf4, buf1, 32*20 );\
call_c([dir], buf3+48, ##__VA_ARGS__ );\
call_a([dir], buf4+48, ##__VA_ARGS__ );\
if( memcmp( buf3, buf4, 32*20 ) )\
fprintf( stderr, #name "[%d] : [FAILED]\n", dir );\
ok = 0;\
int j,k;\
for(k=-1; k<16; k++)\
printf("%2x ", edge[16+k]);\
for(j=0; j<w; j++){\
printf("%2x ", edge[14-j]);\
for(k=0; k<w; k++)\
printf("%2x ", buf4[48+k+j*32]);\
for(j=0; j<w; j++){\
printf(" ");\
for(k=0; k<w; k++)\
printf("%2x ", buf3[48+k+j*32]);\
for( i = 0; i < 12; i++ )
INTRA_TEST( predict_4x4, i, 4 );
for( i = 0; i < 7; i++ )
INTRA_TEST( predict_8x8c, i, 8 );
for( i = 0; i < 7; i++ )
INTRA_TEST( predict_16x16, i, 16 );
for( i = 0; i < 12; i++ )
INTRA_TEST( predict_8x8, i, 8, edge );
report( "intra pred :" );
return ret;
#define DECL_CABAC(cpu) \
static void run_cabac_##cpu( uint8_t *dst )\
int i;\
x264_cabac_t cb;\
x264_cabac_context_init( &cb, SLICE_TYPE_P, 26, 0 );\
x264_cabac_encode_init( &cb, dst, dst+0xff0 );\
for( i=0; i<0x1000; i++ )\
x264_cabac_encode_decision_##cpu( &cb, buf1[i]>>1, buf1[i]&1 );\
#ifdef HAVE_MMX
#define run_cabac_asm run_cabac_c
static int check_cabac( int cpu_ref, int cpu_new )
int ret = 0, ok, used_asm = 1;
if( cpu_ref || run_cabac_c == run_cabac_asm)
return 0;
set_func_name( "cabac_encode_decision" );
memcpy( buf4, buf3, 0x1000 );
call_c( run_cabac_c, buf3 );
call_a( run_cabac_asm, buf4 );
ok = !memcmp( buf3, buf4, 0x1000 );
report( "cabac :" );
return ret;
static int check_all_funcs( int cpu_ref, int cpu_new )
return check_pixel( cpu_ref, cpu_new )
+ check_dct( cpu_ref, cpu_new )
+ check_mc( cpu_ref, cpu_new )
+ check_intra( cpu_ref, cpu_new )
+ check_deblock( cpu_ref, cpu_new )
+ check_quant( cpu_ref, cpu_new )
+ check_cabac( cpu_ref, cpu_new );
static int add_flags( int *cpu_ref, int *cpu_new, int flags, const char *name )
*cpu_ref = *cpu_new;
*cpu_new |= flags;
if( *cpu_new & X264_CPU_SSE2_IS_FAST )
*cpu_new &= ~X264_CPU_SSE2_IS_SLOW;
if( !quiet )
fprintf( stderr, "x264: %s\n", name );
return check_all_funcs( *cpu_ref, *cpu_new );
static int check_all_flags( void )
int ret = 0;
int cpu0 = 0, cpu1 = 0;
#ifdef HAVE_MMX
if( x264_cpu_detect() & X264_CPU_MMXEXT )
ret |= add_flags( &cpu0, &cpu1, X264_CPU_MMX | X264_CPU_MMXEXT, "MMX" );
ret |= add_flags( &cpu0, &cpu1, X264_CPU_CACHELINE_64, "MMX Cache64" );
cpu1 &= ~X264_CPU_CACHELINE_64;
#ifdef ARCH_X86
ret |= add_flags( &cpu0, &cpu1, X264_CPU_CACHELINE_32, "MMX Cache32" );
cpu1 &= ~X264_CPU_CACHELINE_32;
if( x264_cpu_detect() & X264_CPU_SSE2 )
ret |= add_flags( &cpu0, &cpu1, X264_CPU_SSE | X264_CPU_SSE2 | X264_CPU_SSE2_IS_SLOW, "SSE2Slow" );
ret |= add_flags( &cpu0, &cpu1, X264_CPU_SSE2_IS_FAST, "SSE2Fast" );
ret |= add_flags( &cpu0, &cpu1, X264_CPU_CACHELINE_64, "SSE2Fast Cache64" );
if( x264_cpu_detect() & X264_CPU_SSE_MISALIGN )
cpu1 &= ~X264_CPU_CACHELINE_64;
ret |= add_flags( &cpu0, &cpu1, X264_CPU_SSE_MISALIGN, "SSE_Misalign" );
cpu1 &= ~X264_CPU_SSE_MISALIGN;
if( x264_cpu_detect() & X264_CPU_SSE3 )
ret |= add_flags( &cpu0, &cpu1, X264_CPU_SSE3 | X264_CPU_CACHELINE_64, "SSE3" );
if( x264_cpu_detect() & X264_CPU_SSSE3 )
cpu1 &= ~X264_CPU_CACHELINE_64;
ret |= add_flags( &cpu0, &cpu1, X264_CPU_SSSE3, "SSSE3" );
ret |= add_flags( &cpu0, &cpu1, X264_CPU_CACHELINE_64, "SSSE3 Cache64" );
ret |= add_flags( &cpu0, &cpu1, X264_CPU_PHADD_IS_FAST, "PHADD" );
if( x264_cpu_detect() & X264_CPU_SSE4 )
cpu1 &= ~X264_CPU_CACHELINE_64;
ret |= add_flags( &cpu0, &cpu1, X264_CPU_SSE4, "SSE4" );
#elif ARCH_PPC
if( x264_cpu_detect() & X264_CPU_ALTIVEC )
fprintf( stderr, "x264: ALTIVEC against C\n" );
ret = check_all_funcs( 0, X264_CPU_ALTIVEC );
return ret;
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
int ret = 0;
int i;
if( argc > 1 && !strncmp( argv[1], "--bench", 7 ) )
#if !defined(ARCH_X86) && !defined(ARCH_X86_64)
fprintf( stderr, "no --bench for your cpu until you port rdtsc\n" );
return 1;
do_bench = 1;
if( argv[1][7] == '=' )
bench_pattern = argv[1]+8;
bench_pattern_len = strlen(bench_pattern);
i = ( argc > 1 ) ? atoi(argv[1]) : x264_mdate();
fprintf( stderr, "x264: using random seed %u\n", i );
srand( i );
buf1 = x264_malloc( 0x3e00 + 16*BENCH_ALIGNS );
buf2 = buf1 + 0xf00;
buf3 = buf2 + 0xf00;
buf4 = buf3 + 0x1000;
for( i=0; i<0x1e00; i++ )
buf1[i] = rand() & 0xFF;
memset( buf1+0x1e00, 0, 0x2000 );
/* 16-byte alignment is guaranteed whenever it's useful, but some functions also vary in speed depending on %64 */
if( do_bench )
for( i=0; i<BENCH_ALIGNS && !ret; i++ )
buf2 = buf1 + 0xf00;
buf3 = buf2 + 0xf00;
buf4 = buf3 + 0x1000;
ret |= x264_stack_pagealign( check_all_flags, i*16 );
buf1 += 16;
quiet = 1;
fprintf( stderr, "%d/%d\r", i+1, BENCH_ALIGNS );
ret = check_all_flags();
if( ret )
fprintf( stderr, "x264: at least one test has failed. Go and fix that Right Now!\n" );
return -1;
fprintf( stderr, "x264: All tests passed Yeah :)\n" );
if( do_bench )
return 0;