blob: 5b740e0c0ee2908d2828f7e177a8f073fac3583d [file] [log] [blame]
* x264: h264 encoder testing program.
* Copyright (C) 2003-2008 x264 project
* Authors: Loren Merritt <>
* Laurent Aimar <>
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02111, USA.
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <signal.h>
#define _GNU_SOURCE
#include <getopt.h>
#include "common/common.h"
#include "common/cpu.h"
#include "x264.h"
#include "muxers.h"
#ifndef _MSC_VER
#include "config.h"
#ifdef _WIN32
#include <windows.h>
#define SetConsoleTitle(t)
#include <hooks.h>
uint8_t *mux_buffer = NULL;
int mux_buffer_size = 0;
/* Ctrl-C handler */
static int b_ctrl_c = 0;
static int b_exit_on_ctrl_c = 0;
static void SigIntHandler( int a )
if( b_exit_on_ctrl_c )
b_ctrl_c = 1;
typedef struct {
int b_progress;
int i_seek;
hnd_t hin;
hnd_t hout;
FILE *qpfile;
} cli_opt_t;
/* input file operation function pointers */
int (*p_open_infile)( char *psz_filename, hnd_t *p_handle, x264_param_t *p_param );
int (*p_get_frame_total)( hnd_t handle );
int (*p_read_frame)( x264_picture_t *p_pic, hnd_t handle, int i_frame );
int (*p_close_infile)( hnd_t handle );
/* output file operation function pointers */
static int (*p_open_outfile)( char *psz_filename, hnd_t *p_handle );
static int (*p_set_outfile_param)( hnd_t handle, x264_param_t *p_param );
static int (*p_write_nalu)( hnd_t handle, uint8_t *p_nal, int i_size );
static int (*p_set_eop)( hnd_t handle, x264_picture_t *p_picture );
static int (*p_close_outfile)( hnd_t handle );
static void Help( x264_param_t *defaults, int b_longhelp );
static int Parse( int argc, char **argv, x264_param_t *param, cli_opt_t *opt );
static int Encode( x264_param_t *param, cli_opt_t *opt );
* main:
int main( int argc, char **argv )
x264_param_t param;
cli_opt_t opt;
int ret;
#define __PARSEC_STRING(x) #x
printf("PARSEC Benchmark Suite Version "__PARSEC_XSTRING(PARSEC_VERSION)"\n");
printf("PARSEC Benchmark Suite\n");
#ifdef _WIN32
_setmode(_fileno(stdin), _O_BINARY);
_setmode(_fileno(stdout), _O_BINARY);
x264_param_default( &param );
/* Parse command line */
if( Parse( argc, argv, &param, &opt ) < 0 )
return -1;
/* Control-C handler */
signal( SIGINT, SigIntHandler );
ret = Encode( &param, &opt );
return ret;
static char const *strtable_lookup( const char * const table[], int index )
int i = 0; while( table[i] ) i++;
return ( ( index >= 0 && index < i ) ? table[ index ] : "???" );
* Help:
static void Help( x264_param_t *defaults, int b_longhelp )
#define H0 printf
#define H1 if(b_longhelp) printf
H0( "x264 core:%d%s\n"
"Syntax: x264 [options] -o outfile infile [widthxheight]\n"
"Infile can be raw YUV 4:2:0 (in which case resolution is required),\n"
" or YUV4MPEG 4:2:0 (*.y4m),\n"
" or AVI or Avisynth if compiled with AVIS support (%s).\n"
"Outfile type is selected by filename:\n"
" .264 -> Raw bytestream\n"
" .mkv -> Matroska\n"
" .mp4 -> MP4 if compiled with GPAC support (%s)\n"
" -h, --help List the more commonly used options\n"
" --longhelp List all options\n"
#ifdef MP4_OUTPUT
H0( "Frame-type options:\n" );
H0( "\n" );
H0( " -I, --keyint <integer> Maximum GOP size [%d]\n", defaults->i_keyint_max );
H1( " -i, --min-keyint <integer> Minimum GOP size [%d]\n", defaults->i_keyint_min );
H1( " --scenecut <integer> How aggressively to insert extra I-frames [%d]\n", defaults->i_scenecut_threshold );
H1( " --pre-scenecut Faster, less precise scenecut detection.\n"
" Required and implied by multi-threading.\n" );
H0( " -b, --bframes <integer> Number of B-frames between I and P [%d]\n", defaults->i_bframe );
H1( " --b-adapt Adaptive B-frame decision method [%d]\n"
" Higher values may lower threading efficiency.\n"
" - 0: Disabled\n"
" - 1: Fast\n"
" - 2: Optimal (slow with high --bframes)\n", defaults->i_bframe_adaptive );
H1( " --b-bias <integer> Influences how often B-frames are used [%d]\n", defaults->i_bframe_bias );
H0( " --b-pyramid Keep some B-frames as references\n" );
H0( " --no-cabac Disable CABAC\n" );
H0( " -r, --ref <integer> Number of reference frames [%d]\n", defaults->i_frame_reference );
H1( " --no-deblock Disable loop filter\n" );
H0( " -f, --deblock <alpha:beta> Loop filter AlphaC0 and Beta parameters [%d:%d]\n",
defaults->i_deblocking_filter_alphac0, defaults->i_deblocking_filter_beta );
H0( " --interlaced Enable pure-interlaced mode\n" );
H0( "\n" );
H0( "Ratecontrol:\n" );
H0( "\n" );
H0( " -q, --qp <integer> Set QP (0=lossless) [%d]\n", defaults->rc.i_qp_constant );
H0( " -B, --bitrate <integer> Set bitrate (kbit/s)\n" );
H0( " --crf <float> Quality-based VBR (nominal QP)\n" );
H1( " --vbv-maxrate <integer> Max local bitrate (kbit/s) [%d]\n", defaults->rc.i_vbv_max_bitrate );
H0( " --vbv-bufsize <integer> Enable CBR and set size of the VBV buffer (kbit) [%d]\n", defaults->rc.i_vbv_buffer_size );
H1( " --vbv-init <float> Initial VBV buffer occupancy [%.1f]\n", defaults->rc.f_vbv_buffer_init );
H1( " --qpmin <integer> Set min QP [%d]\n", defaults->rc.i_qp_min );
H1( " --qpmax <integer> Set max QP [%d]\n", defaults->rc.i_qp_max );
H1( " --qpstep <integer> Set max QP step [%d]\n", defaults->rc.i_qp_step );
H0( " --ratetol <float> Allowed variance of average bitrate [%.1f]\n", defaults->rc.f_rate_tolerance );
H0( " --ipratio <float> QP factor between I and P [%.2f]\n", defaults->rc.f_ip_factor );
H0( " --pbratio <float> QP factor between P and B [%.2f]\n", defaults->rc.f_pb_factor );
H1( " --chroma-qp-offset <integer> QP difference between chroma and luma [%d]\n", defaults->analyse.i_chroma_qp_offset );
H1( " --aq-mode <integer> AQ method [%d]\n"
" - 0: Disabled\n"
" - 1: Variance AQ (complexity mask)\n", defaults->rc.i_aq_mode );
H0( " --aq-strength <float> Reduces blocking and blurring in flat and\n"
" textured areas. [%.1f]\n"
" - 0.5: weak AQ\n"
" - 1.5: strong AQ\n", defaults->rc.f_aq_strength );
H0( "\n" );
H0( " -p, --pass <1|2|3> Enable multipass ratecontrol\n"
" - 1: First pass, creates stats file\n"
" - 2: Last pass, does not overwrite stats file\n"
" - 3: Nth pass, overwrites stats file\n" );
H0( " --stats <string> Filename for 2 pass stats [\"%s\"]\n", defaults->rc.psz_stat_out );
H0( " --qcomp <float> QP curve compression: 0.0 => CBR, 1.0 => CQP [%.2f]\n", defaults->rc.f_qcompress );
H1( " --cplxblur <float> Reduce fluctuations in QP (before curve compression) [%.1f]\n", defaults->rc.f_complexity_blur );
H1( " --qblur <float> Reduce fluctuations in QP (after curve compression) [%.1f]\n", defaults->rc.f_qblur );
H0( " --zones <zone0>/<zone1>/... Tweak the bitrate of some regions of the video\n" );
H1( " Each zone is of the form\n"
" <start frame>,<end frame>,<option>\n"
" where <option> is either\n"
" q=<integer> (force QP)\n"
" or b=<float> (bitrate multiplier)\n" );
H1( " --qpfile <string> Force frametypes and QPs\n" );
H0( "\n" );
H0( "Analysis:\n" );
H0( "\n" );
H0( " -A, --partitions <string> Partitions to consider [\"p8x8,b8x8,i8x8,i4x4\"]\n"
" - p8x8, p4x4, b8x8, i8x8, i4x4\n"
" - none, all\n"
" (p4x4 requires p8x8. i8x8 requires --8x8dct.)\n" );
H0( " --direct <string> Direct MV prediction mode [\"%s\"]\n"
" - none, spatial, temporal, auto\n",
strtable_lookup( x264_direct_pred_names, defaults->analyse.i_direct_mv_pred ) );
H1( " --direct-8x8 <-1|0|1> Direct prediction size [%d]\n"
" - 0: 4x4\n"
" - 1: 8x8\n"
" - -1: smallest possible according to level\n",
defaults->analyse.i_direct_8x8_inference );
H0( " -w, --weightb Weighted prediction for B-frames\n" );
H0( " --me <string> Integer pixel motion estimation method [\"%s\"]\n",
strtable_lookup( x264_motion_est_names, defaults->analyse.i_me_method ) );
H1( " - dia: diamond search, radius 1 (fast)\n"
" - hex: hexagonal search, radius 2\n"
" - umh: uneven multi-hexagon search\n"
" - esa: exhaustive search\n"
" - tesa: hadamard exhaustive search (slow)\n" );
else H0( " - dia, hex, umh\n" );
H0( " --merange <integer> Maximum motion vector search range [%d]\n", defaults->analyse.i_me_range );
H1( " --mvrange <integer> Maximum motion vector length [-1 (auto)]\n" );
H1( " --mvrange-thread <int> Minimum buffer between threads [-1 (auto)]\n" );
H0( " -m, --subme <integer> Subpixel motion estimation and mode decision [%d]\n", defaults->analyse.i_subpel_refine );
H1( " - 0: fullpel only (not recommended)\n"
" - 1: SAD mode decision, one qpel iteration\n"
" - 2: SATD mode decision\n"
" - 3-5: Progressively more qpel\n"
" - 6: RD mode decision for I/P-frames\n"
" - 7: RD mode decision for all frames\n"
" - 8: RD refinement for I/P-frames\n"
" - 9: RD refinement for all frames\n" );
else H0( " decision quality: 1=fast, 9=best.\n" );
H0( " --psy-rd Strength of psychovisual optimization [\"%.1f:%.1f\"]\n"
" #1: RD (requires subme>=6)\n"
" #2: Trellis (requires trellis, experimental)\n",
defaults->analyse.f_psy_rd, defaults->analyse.f_psy_trellis );
H0( " --mixed-refs Decide references on a per partition basis\n" );
H1( " --no-chroma-me Ignore chroma in motion estimation\n" );
H0( " -8, --8x8dct Adaptive spatial transform size\n" );
H0( " -t, --trellis <integer> Trellis RD quantization. Requires CABAC. [%d]\n"
" - 0: disabled\n"
" - 1: enabled only on the final encode of a MB\n"
" - 2: enabled on all mode decisions\n", defaults->analyse.i_trellis );
H0( " --no-fast-pskip Disables early SKIP detection on P-frames\n" );
H0( " --no-dct-decimate Disables coefficient thresholding on P-frames\n" );
H0( " --nr <integer> Noise reduction [%d]\n", defaults->analyse.i_noise_reduction );
H1( "\n" );
H1( " --deadzone-inter <int> Set the size of the inter luma quantization deadzone [%d]\n", defaults->analyse.i_luma_deadzone[0] );
H1( " --deadzone-intra <int> Set the size of the intra luma quantization deadzone [%d]\n", defaults->analyse.i_luma_deadzone[1] );
H1( " Deadzones should be in the range 0 - 32.\n" );
H1( " --cqm <string> Preset quant matrices [\"flat\"]\n"
" - jvt, flat\n" );
H0( " --cqmfile <string> Read custom quant matrices from a JM-compatible file\n" );
H1( " Overrides any other --cqm* options.\n" );
H1( " --cqm4 <list> Set all 4x4 quant matrices\n"
" Takes a comma-separated list of 16 integers.\n" );
H1( " --cqm8 <list> Set all 8x8 quant matrices\n"
" Takes a comma-separated list of 64 integers.\n" );
H1( " --cqm4i, --cqm4p, --cqm8i, --cqm8p\n"
" Set both luma and chroma quant matrices\n" );
H1( " --cqm4iy, --cqm4ic, --cqm4py, --cqm4pc\n"
" Set individual quant matrices\n" );
H1( "\n" );
H1( "Video Usability Info (Annex E):\n" );
H1( "The VUI settings are not used by the encoder but are merely suggestions to\n" );
H1( "the playback equipment. See doc/vui.txt for details. Use at your own risk.\n" );
H1( "\n" );
H1( " --overscan <string> Specify crop overscan setting [\"%s\"]\n"
" - undef, show, crop\n",
strtable_lookup( x264_overscan_names, defaults->vui.i_overscan ) );
H1( " --videoformat <string> Specify video format [\"%s\"]\n"
" - component, pal, ntsc, secam, mac, undef\n",
strtable_lookup( x264_vidformat_names, defaults->vui.i_vidformat ) );
H1( " --fullrange <string> Specify full range samples setting [\"%s\"]\n"
" - off, on\n",
strtable_lookup( x264_fullrange_names, defaults->vui.b_fullrange ) );
H1( " --colorprim <string> Specify color primaries [\"%s\"]\n"
" - undef, bt709, bt470m, bt470bg\n"
" smpte170m, smpte240m, film\n",
strtable_lookup( x264_colorprim_names, defaults->vui.i_colorprim ) );
H1( " --transfer <string> Specify transfer characteristics [\"%s\"]\n"
" - undef, bt709, bt470m, bt470bg, linear,\n"
" log100, log316, smpte170m, smpte240m\n",
strtable_lookup( x264_transfer_names, defaults->vui.i_transfer ) );
H1( " --colormatrix <string> Specify color matrix setting [\"%s\"]\n"
" - undef, bt709, fcc, bt470bg\n"
" smpte170m, smpte240m, GBR, YCgCo\n",
strtable_lookup( x264_colmatrix_names, defaults->vui.i_colmatrix ) );
H1( " --chromaloc <integer> Specify chroma sample location (0 to 5) [%d]\n",
defaults->vui.i_chroma_loc );
H0( "\n" );
H0( "Input/Output:\n" );
H0( "\n" );
H0( " -o, --output Specify output file\n" );
H0( " --sar width:height Specify Sample Aspect Ratio\n" );
H0( " --fps <float|rational> Specify framerate\n" );
H0( " --seek <integer> First frame to encode\n" );
H0( " --frames <integer> Maximum number of frames to encode\n" );
H0( " --level <string> Specify level (as defined by Annex A)\n" );
H0( "\n" );
H0( " -v, --verbose Print stats for each frame\n" );
H0( " --progress Show a progress indicator while encoding\n" );
H0( " --quiet Quiet Mode\n" );
H0( " --no-psnr Disable PSNR computation\n" );
H0( " --no-ssim Disable SSIM computation\n" );
H0( " --threads <integer> Parallel encoding\n" );
H0( " --thread-input Run Avisynth in its own thread\n" );
H1( " --non-deterministic Slightly improve quality of SMP, at the cost of repeatability\n" );
H1( " --asm <integer> Override CPU detection\n" );
H1( " --no-asm Disable all CPU optimizations\n" );
H1( " --visualize Show MB types overlayed on the encoded video\n" );
H1( " --dump-yuv <string> Save reconstructed frames\n" );
H1( " --sps-id <integer> Set SPS and PPS id numbers [%d]\n", defaults->i_sps_id );
H1( " --aud Use access unit delimiters\n" );
H0( "\n" );
* Parse:
static int Parse( int argc, char **argv,
x264_param_t *param, cli_opt_t *opt )
char *psz_filename = NULL;
x264_param_t defaults = *param;
char *psz;
int b_avis = 0;
int b_y4m = 0;
int b_thread_input = 0;
memset( opt, 0, sizeof(cli_opt_t) );
/* Default input file driver */
p_open_infile = open_file_yuv;
p_get_frame_total = get_frame_total_yuv;
p_read_frame = read_frame_yuv;
p_close_infile = close_file_yuv;
/* Default output file driver */
p_open_outfile = open_file_bsf;
p_set_outfile_param = set_param_bsf;
p_write_nalu = write_nalu_bsf;
p_set_eop = set_eop_bsf;
p_close_outfile = close_file_bsf;
/* Parse command line options */
for( ;; )
int b_error = 0;
int long_options_index = -1;
#define OPT_FRAMES 256
#define OPT_SEEK 257
#define OPT_QPFILE 258
#define OPT_THREAD_INPUT 259
#define OPT_QUIET 260
#define OPT_PROGRESS 261
#define OPT_VISUALIZE 262
#define OPT_LONGHELP 263
static struct option long_options[] =
{ "help", no_argument, NULL, 'h' },
{ "longhelp",no_argument, NULL, OPT_LONGHELP },
{ "version", no_argument, NULL, 'V' },
{ "bitrate", required_argument, NULL, 'B' },
{ "bframes", required_argument, NULL, 'b' },
{ "b-adapt", required_argument, NULL, 0 },
{ "no-b-adapt", no_argument, NULL, 0 },
{ "b-bias", required_argument, NULL, 0 },
{ "b-pyramid", no_argument, NULL, 0 },
{ "min-keyint",required_argument,NULL,'i' },
{ "keyint", required_argument, NULL, 'I' },
{ "scenecut",required_argument, NULL, 0 },
{ "pre-scenecut", no_argument, NULL, 0 },
{ "nf", no_argument, NULL, 0 },
{ "no-deblock", no_argument, NULL, 0 },
{ "filter", required_argument, NULL, 0 },
{ "deblock", required_argument, NULL, 'f' },
{ "interlaced", no_argument, NULL, 0 },
{ "no-cabac",no_argument, NULL, 0 },
{ "qp", required_argument, NULL, 'q' },
{ "qpmin", required_argument, NULL, 0 },
{ "qpmax", required_argument, NULL, 0 },
{ "qpstep", required_argument, NULL, 0 },
{ "crf", required_argument, NULL, 0 },
{ "ref", required_argument, NULL, 'r' },
{ "asm", required_argument, NULL, 0 },
{ "no-asm", no_argument, NULL, 0 },
{ "sar", required_argument, NULL, 0 },
{ "fps", required_argument, NULL, 0 },
{ "frames", required_argument, NULL, OPT_FRAMES },
{ "seek", required_argument, NULL, OPT_SEEK },
{ "output", required_argument, NULL, 'o' },
{ "analyse", required_argument, NULL, 0 },
{ "partitions", required_argument, NULL, 'A' },
{ "direct", required_argument, NULL, 0 },
{ "direct-8x8", required_argument, NULL, 0 },
{ "weightb", no_argument, NULL, 'w' },
{ "me", required_argument, NULL, 0 },
{ "merange", required_argument, NULL, 0 },
{ "mvrange", required_argument, NULL, 0 },
{ "mvrange-thread", required_argument, NULL, 0 },
{ "subme", required_argument, NULL, 'm' },
{ "psy-rd", required_argument, NULL, 0 },
{ "mixed-refs", no_argument, NULL, 0 },
{ "no-chroma-me", no_argument, NULL, 0 },
{ "8x8dct", no_argument, NULL, '8' },
{ "trellis", required_argument, NULL, 't' },
{ "no-fast-pskip", no_argument, NULL, 0 },
{ "no-dct-decimate", no_argument, NULL, 0 },
{ "aq-strength", required_argument, NULL, 0 },
{ "aq-mode", required_argument, NULL, 0 },
{ "deadzone-inter", required_argument, NULL, '0' },
{ "deadzone-intra", required_argument, NULL, '0' },
{ "level", required_argument, NULL, 0 },
{ "ratetol", required_argument, NULL, 0 },
{ "vbv-maxrate", required_argument, NULL, 0 },
{ "vbv-bufsize", required_argument, NULL, 0 },
{ "vbv-init", required_argument,NULL, 0 },
{ "ipratio", required_argument, NULL, 0 },
{ "pbratio", required_argument, NULL, 0 },
{ "chroma-qp-offset", required_argument, NULL, 0 },
{ "pass", required_argument, NULL, 'p' },
{ "stats", required_argument, NULL, 0 },
{ "qcomp", required_argument, NULL, 0 },
{ "qblur", required_argument, NULL, 0 },
{ "cplxblur",required_argument, NULL, 0 },
{ "zones", required_argument, NULL, 0 },
{ "qpfile", required_argument, NULL, OPT_QPFILE },
{ "threads", required_argument, NULL, 0 },
{ "thread-input", no_argument, NULL, OPT_THREAD_INPUT },
{ "non-deterministic", no_argument, NULL, 0 },
{ "no-psnr", no_argument, NULL, 0 },
{ "no-ssim", no_argument, NULL, 0 },
{ "quiet", no_argument, NULL, OPT_QUIET },
{ "verbose", no_argument, NULL, 'v' },
{ "progress",no_argument, NULL, OPT_PROGRESS },
{ "visualize",no_argument, NULL, OPT_VISUALIZE },
{ "dump-yuv",required_argument, NULL, 0 },
{ "sps-id", required_argument, NULL, 0 },
{ "aud", no_argument, NULL, 0 },
{ "nr", required_argument, NULL, 0 },
{ "cqm", required_argument, NULL, 0 },
{ "cqmfile", required_argument, NULL, 0 },
{ "cqm4", required_argument, NULL, 0 },
{ "cqm4i", required_argument, NULL, 0 },
{ "cqm4iy", required_argument, NULL, 0 },
{ "cqm4ic", required_argument, NULL, 0 },
{ "cqm4p", required_argument, NULL, 0 },
{ "cqm4py", required_argument, NULL, 0 },
{ "cqm4pc", required_argument, NULL, 0 },
{ "cqm8", required_argument, NULL, 0 },
{ "cqm8i", required_argument, NULL, 0 },
{ "cqm8p", required_argument, NULL, 0 },
{ "overscan", required_argument, NULL, 0 },
{ "videoformat", required_argument, NULL, 0 },
{ "fullrange", required_argument, NULL, 0 },
{ "colorprim", required_argument, NULL, 0 },
{ "transfer", required_argument, NULL, 0 },
{ "colormatrix", required_argument, NULL, 0 },
{ "chromaloc", required_argument, NULL, 0 },
{0, 0, 0, 0}
int c = getopt_long( argc, argv, "8A:B:b:f:hI:i:m:o:p:q:r:t:Vvw",
long_options, &long_options_index);
if( c == -1 )
switch( c )
case 'h':
Help( &defaults, 0 );
Help( &defaults, 1 );
case 'V':
#ifdef X264_POINTVER
printf( "x264 "X264_POINTVER"\n" );
printf( "x264 0.%d.X\n", X264_BUILD );
printf( "built on " __DATE__ ", " );
#ifdef __GNUC__
printf( "gcc: " __VERSION__ "\n" );
printf( "using a non-gcc compiler\n" );
param->i_frame_total = atoi( optarg );
case OPT_SEEK:
opt->i_seek = atoi( optarg );
case 'o':
if( !strncasecmp(optarg + strlen(optarg) - 4, ".mp4", 4) )
#ifdef MP4_OUTPUT
p_open_outfile = open_file_mp4;
p_write_nalu = write_nalu_mp4;
p_set_outfile_param = set_param_mp4;
p_set_eop = set_eop_mp4;
p_close_outfile = close_file_mp4;
fprintf( stderr, "x264 [error]: not compiled with MP4 output support\n" );
return -1;
else if( !strncasecmp(optarg + strlen(optarg) - 4, ".mkv", 4) )
p_open_outfile = open_file_mkv;
p_write_nalu = write_nalu_mkv;
p_set_outfile_param = set_param_mkv;
p_set_eop = set_eop_mkv;
p_close_outfile = close_file_mkv;
if( !strcmp(optarg, "-") )
opt->hout = stdout;
else if( p_open_outfile( optarg, &opt->hout ) )
fprintf( stderr, "x264 [error]: can't open output file `%s'\n", optarg );
return -1;
opt->qpfile = fopen( optarg, "r" );
if( !opt->qpfile )
fprintf( stderr, "x264 [error]: can't open `%s'\n", optarg );
return -1;
param->i_scenecut_threshold = -1;
param->i_bframe_adaptive = X264_B_ADAPT_NONE;
b_thread_input = 1;
param->i_log_level = X264_LOG_NONE;
case 'v':
param->i_log_level = X264_LOG_DEBUG;
opt->b_progress = 1;
param->b_visualize = 1;
b_exit_on_ctrl_c = 1;
fprintf( stderr, "x264 [warning]: not compiled with visualization support\n" );
int i;
if( long_options_index < 0 )
for( i = 0; long_options[i].name; i++ )
if( long_options[i].val == c )
long_options_index = i;
if( long_options_index < 0 )
/* getopt_long already printed an error message */
return -1;
b_error |= x264_param_parse( param, long_options[long_options_index].name, optarg );
if( b_error )
const char *name = long_options_index > 0 ? long_options[long_options_index].name : argv[optind-2];
fprintf( stderr, "x264 [error]: invalid argument: %s = %s\n", name, optarg );
return -1;
/* Get the file name */
if( optind > argc - 1 || !opt->hout )
fprintf( stderr, "x264 [error]: No %s file. Run x264 --help for a list of options.\n",
optind > argc - 1 ? "input" : "output" );
return -1;
psz_filename = argv[optind++];
/* check demuxer type */
psz = psz_filename + strlen(psz_filename) - 1;
while( psz > psz_filename && *psz != '.' )
if( !strncasecmp( psz, ".avi", 4 ) || !strncasecmp( psz, ".avs", 4 ) )
b_avis = 1;
if( !strncasecmp( psz, ".y4m", 4 ) )
b_y4m = 1;
if( !(b_avis || b_y4m) ) // raw yuv
if( optind > argc - 1 )
/* try to parse the file name */
for( psz = psz_filename; *psz; psz++ )
if( *psz >= '0' && *psz <= '9'
&& sscanf( psz, "%ux%u", &param->i_width, &param->i_height ) == 2 )
if( param->i_log_level >= X264_LOG_INFO )
fprintf( stderr, "x264 [info]: file name gives %dx%d\n", param->i_width, param->i_height );
sscanf( argv[optind++], "%ux%u", &param->i_width, &param->i_height );
if( !(b_avis || b_y4m) && ( !param->i_width || !param->i_height ) )
fprintf( stderr, "x264 [error]: Rawyuv input requires a resolution.\n" );
return -1;
/* open the input */
if( b_avis )
p_open_infile = open_file_avis;
p_get_frame_total = get_frame_total_avis;
p_read_frame = read_frame_avis;
p_close_infile = close_file_avis;
fprintf( stderr, "x264 [error]: not compiled with AVIS input support\n" );
return -1;
if ( b_y4m )
p_open_infile = open_file_y4m;
p_get_frame_total = get_frame_total_y4m;
p_read_frame = read_frame_y4m;
p_close_infile = close_file_y4m;
if( p_open_infile( psz_filename, &opt->hin, param ) )
fprintf( stderr, "x264 [error]: could not open input file '%s'\n", psz_filename );
return -1;
if( b_thread_input || param->i_threads > 1
|| (param->i_threads == 0 && x264_cpu_num_processors() > 1) )
if( open_file_thread( NULL, &opt->hin, param ) )
fprintf( stderr, "x264 [warning]: threaded input failed\n" );
p_open_infile = open_file_thread;
p_get_frame_total = get_frame_total_thread;
p_read_frame = read_frame_thread;
p_close_infile = close_file_thread;
return 0;
static void parse_qpfile( cli_opt_t *opt, x264_picture_t *pic, int i_frame )
int num = -1, qp, ret;
char type;
uint64_t file_pos;
while( num < i_frame )
file_pos = ftell( opt->qpfile );
ret = fscanf( opt->qpfile, "%d %c %d\n", &num, &type, &qp );
if( num > i_frame || ret == EOF )
pic->i_type = X264_TYPE_AUTO;
pic->i_qpplus1 = 0;
fseek( opt->qpfile , file_pos , SEEK_SET );
if( num < i_frame )
pic->i_qpplus1 = qp+1;
if ( type == 'I' ) pic->i_type = X264_TYPE_IDR;
else if( type == 'i' ) pic->i_type = X264_TYPE_I;
else if( type == 'P' ) pic->i_type = X264_TYPE_P;
else if( type == 'B' ) pic->i_type = X264_TYPE_BREF;
else if( type == 'b' ) pic->i_type = X264_TYPE_B;
else ret = 0;
if( ret != 3 || qp < -1 || qp > 51 )
fprintf( stderr, "x264 [error]: can't parse qpfile for frame %d\n", i_frame );
fclose( opt->qpfile );
opt->qpfile = NULL;
pic->i_type = X264_TYPE_AUTO;
pic->i_qpplus1 = 0;
* Encode:
static int Encode_frame( x264_t *h, hnd_t hout, x264_picture_t *pic )
x264_picture_t pic_out;
x264_nal_t *nal;
int i_nal, i;
int i_file = 0;
if( x264_encoder_encode( h, &nal, &i_nal, pic, &pic_out ) < 0 )
fprintf( stderr, "x264 [error]: x264_encoder_encode failed\n" );
for( i = 0; i < i_nal; i++ )
int i_size;
if( mux_buffer_size < nal[i].i_payload * 3/2 + 4 )
mux_buffer_size = nal[i].i_payload * 2 + 4;
x264_free( mux_buffer );
mux_buffer = x264_malloc( mux_buffer_size );
i_size = mux_buffer_size;
x264_nal_encode( mux_buffer, &i_size, 1, &nal[i] );
i_file += p_write_nalu( hout, mux_buffer, i_size );
if (i_nal)
p_set_eop( hout, &pic_out );
return i_file;
static int Encode( x264_param_t *param, cli_opt_t *opt )
x264_t *h;
x264_picture_t pic;
int i_frame, i_frame_total;
int64_t i_start, i_end;
int64_t i_file;
int i_frame_size;
int i_update_interval;
char buf[200];
opt->b_progress &= param->i_log_level < X264_LOG_DEBUG;
i_frame_total = p_get_frame_total( opt->hin );
i_frame_total -= opt->i_seek;
if( ( i_frame_total == 0 || param->i_frame_total < i_frame_total )
&& param->i_frame_total > 0 )
i_frame_total = param->i_frame_total;
param->i_frame_total = i_frame_total;
i_update_interval = i_frame_total ? x264_clip3( i_frame_total / 1000, 1, 10 ) : 10;
if( ( h = x264_encoder_open( param ) ) == NULL )
fprintf( stderr, "x264 [error]: x264_encoder_open failed\n" );
p_close_infile( opt->hin );
return -1;
if( p_set_outfile_param( opt->hout, param ) )
fprintf( stderr, "x264 [error]: can't set outfile param\n" );
p_close_infile( opt->hin );
p_close_outfile( opt->hout );
return -1;
/* Create a new pic */
x264_picture_alloc( &pic, X264_CSP_I420, param->i_width, param->i_height );
i_start = x264_mdate();
/* Encode frames */
for( i_frame = 0, i_file = 0; b_ctrl_c == 0 && (i_frame < i_frame_total || i_frame_total == 0); )
if( p_read_frame( &pic, opt->hin, i_frame + opt->i_seek ) )
pic.i_pts = (int64_t)i_frame * param->i_fps_den;
if( opt->qpfile )
parse_qpfile( opt, &pic, i_frame + opt->i_seek );
/* Do not force any parameters */
pic.i_type = X264_TYPE_AUTO;
pic.i_qpplus1 = 0;
i_file += Encode_frame( h, opt->hout, &pic );
/* update status line (up to 1000 times per input file) */
if( opt->b_progress && i_frame % i_update_interval == 0 )
int64_t i_elapsed = x264_mdate() - i_start;
double fps = i_elapsed > 0 ? i_frame * 1000000. / i_elapsed : 0;
double bitrate = (double) i_file * 8 * param->i_fps_num / ( (double) param->i_fps_den * i_frame * 1000 );
if( i_frame_total )
int eta = i_elapsed * (i_frame_total - i_frame) / ((int64_t)i_frame * 1000000);
sprintf( buf, "x264 [%.1f%%] %d/%d frames, %.2f fps, %.2f kb/s, eta %d:%02d:%02d",
100. * i_frame / i_frame_total, i_frame, i_frame_total, fps, bitrate,
eta/3600, (eta/60)%60, eta%60 );
sprintf( buf, "x264 %d frames: %.2f fps, %.2f kb/s", i_frame, fps, bitrate );
fprintf( stderr, "%s \r", buf+5 );
SetConsoleTitle( buf );
fflush( stderr ); // needed in windows
/* Flush delayed B-frames */
do {
i_file +=
i_frame_size = Encode_frame( h, opt->hout, NULL );
} while( i_frame_size );
i_end = x264_mdate();
x264_picture_clean( &pic );
/* Erase progress indicator before printing encoding stats. */
if( opt->b_progress )
fprintf( stderr, " \r" );
x264_encoder_close( h );
x264_free( mux_buffer );
fprintf( stderr, "\n" );
if( b_ctrl_c )
fprintf( stderr, "aborted at input frame %d\n", opt->i_seek + i_frame );
p_close_infile( opt->hin );
p_close_outfile( opt->hout );
if( i_frame > 0 )
double fps = (double)i_frame * (double)1000000 /
(double)( i_end - i_start );
fprintf( stderr, "encoded %d frames, %.2f fps, %.2f kb/s\n", i_frame, fps,
(double) i_file * 8 * param->i_fps_num /
( (double) param->i_fps_den * i_frame * 1000 ) );
return 0;