blob: 69c0468b761c3cf231a745cefc06d0b722769319 [file] [log] [blame]
// (C) Copyright Princeton University 2009
// Written by Christian Bienia
// Implementation of pthreads-style barriers based on pthread mutexes
// Use to replace pthread barriers on machines that have pthreads but not pthread barriers
// Some comments on this barrier implementation and directions for possible improvements:
// * This is a straightforward two-phase centralized barrier implementation
// * It's main advantage is that it only requries the pthreads library (no atomic instructions),
// making it very portable and easy to maintain if libpthread is already installed
// * The only more advanced feature is the ability to spin (if enabled). This should yield
// significant performance improvements if the number of threads is less or equal to the
// number of processors
// * There are many ways to improve this implementation, just check the scientific literature.
// Some suggestions are:
// - Dynamically adapt maximum amount of spinning based on observed runtime behavior
// - Tree-based or "butterfly" barriers (John M. Mellor-Crumm, TOCS 1991)
// - Adaptive combining tree barriers (Michael L. Scott et al, IJPP 1994)
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <pthread.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include "parsec_barrier.hpp"
//Internal debugging functions
#define NOT_IMPLEMENTED() Not_Implemented(__FUNCTION__,__FILE__,__LINE__);
static inline void Not_Implemented(const char* function,const char* file,unsigned int line) {
fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Something in function %s in file %s, line %u is not implemented.\n", function, file, line);
//Counter type to use for spinning
typedef unsigned long long int spin_counter_t;
//Maximum amount of iterations to spin on flag before falling back to blocking
//NOTE: A value of 350 corresponds to about 1 us on modern computers
//Set value so we spin no more than 0.1 ms
static const spin_counter_t SPIN_COUNTER_MAX=350*100;
//Barrier initialization & destruction
int parsec_barrier_init(parsec_barrier_t *barrier, const parsec_barrierattr_t *attr, unsigned count) {
int rv;
#if defined(DEBUG) && defined(ENABLE_AUTOMATIC_DROPIN)
//Print a notification once if automatic drop-in is enabled
static int flag = 0;
if(!flag) {
printf("PARSEC barrier drop-in replacement enabled.\n");
flag = 1;
#endif //DEBUG
//check assumptions used in header
//check arguments
if(barrier==NULL) return EINVAL;
if(count<=0) return EINVAL;
//only private barriers (the default) are currently supported
barrier->max = count;
barrier->n = 0;
barrier->is_arrival_phase = 1;
rv = pthread_mutex_init(&barrier->mutex, NULL);
if(rv != 0) return rv;
rv= pthread_cond_init(&barrier->cond, NULL);
return rv;
int parsec_barrier_destroy(parsec_barrier_t *barrier) {
int rv;
rv = pthread_mutex_destroy(&barrier->mutex);
if(rv != 0) return rv;
rv= pthread_cond_destroy(&barrier->cond);
if(rv != 0) return rv;
//If the barrier is still in use then the pthread_*_destroy functions should
//have returned an error, but we check anyway to catch any other unexpected errors.
if(barrier->n != 0) return EBUSY;
return 0;
//Barrier attribute initialization & destruction
int parsec_barrierattr_destroy(parsec_barrierattr_t *attr) {
if(attr==NULL) return EINVAL;
//simply do nothing
return 0;
int parsec_barrierattr_init(parsec_barrierattr_t *attr) {
if(attr==NULL) return EINVAL;
//simply do nothing
return 0;
//Barrier attribute modification
int parsec_barrierattr_getpshared(const parsec_barrierattr_t *attr, int *pshared) {
if(attr==NULL || pshared==NULL) return EINVAL;
*pshared = *attr;
return 0;
int parsec_barrierattr_setpshared(parsec_barrierattr_t *attr, int pshared) {
if(attr==NULL) return EINVAL;
//Currently we only support private barriers (the default)
*attr = pshared;
return 0;
//Barrier usage
int parsec_barrier_wait(parsec_barrier_t *barrier) {
int master;
int rv;
if(barrier==NULL) return EINVAL;
rv = pthread_mutex_lock(&barrier->mutex);
if(rv != 0) return rv;
//First we must wait to be sure that all threads from a previous barrier use had
//the chance to leave (departure phase complete) before we can reuse the barrier
//Standard method to block on a condition variable (with simple error propagation)
while(!barrier->is_arrival_phase) {
rv = pthread_cond_wait(&barrier->cond, &barrier->mutex);
if(rv != 0) {
return rv;
//A (necessarily) unsynchronized polling loop followed by fall-back blocking
if(!barrier->is_arrival_phase) {
volatile spin_counter_t i=0;
while(!barrier->is_arrival_phase && i<SPIN_COUNTER_MAX) i++;
while((rv=pthread_mutex_trylock(&barrier->mutex)) == EBUSY);
if(rv != 0) return rv;
//Fall back to normal waiting on condition variable if necessary
while(!barrier->is_arrival_phase) {
rv = pthread_cond_wait(&barrier->cond, &barrier->mutex);
if(rv != 0) {
return rv;
//We are guaranteed to be in an arrival phase, proceed with barrier synchronization
master = (barrier->n == 0); //Make first thread at barrier the master
if(barrier->n >= barrier->max) {
//This is the last thread to arrive, don't wait instead
//start a new departure phase and wake up all other threads
barrier->is_arrival_phase = 0;
} else {
//wait for last thread to arrive (which will end arrival phase)
//Standard method to block on a condition variable
while(barrier->is_arrival_phase) pthread_cond_wait(&barrier->cond, &barrier->mutex);
//we use again an unsynchronized polling loop followed by synchronized fall-back blocking
if(barrier->is_arrival_phase) {
volatile spin_counter_t i=0;
while(barrier->is_arrival_phase && i<SPIN_COUNTER_MAX) i++;
while((rv=pthread_mutex_trylock(&barrier->mutex)) == EBUSY);
if(rv != 0) return rv;
//Fall back to normal waiting on condition variable if necessary
while(barrier->is_arrival_phase) {
rv = pthread_cond_wait(&barrier->cond, &barrier->mutex);
if(rv != 0) {
return rv;
//last thread to leave barrier starts a new arrival phase
if(barrier->n == 0) {
barrier->is_arrival_phase = 1;
return (master ? PARSEC_BARRIER_SERIAL_THREAD : 0);
//Uncomment this macro to add a small program for debugging purposes
#include <sched.h>
typedef unsigned long long int test_counter_t;
//some global variables
const int PRIME_NUMBER=31; //An arbitrarily chosen prime to mix up access patterns a little
const int NTHREADS=4; //Number of threads to check barrier with
const int NBUGGERS=3; //Maximum number of `bugger' threads to use
const int WORK_UNIT_WORKER=2*131072; //Work unit for tester threads (must be power of two due to overflow)
const int WORK_UNIT_BUGGER=WORK_UNIT_WORKER/128; //Work unit for bugger threads (must be power of two due to overflow)
volatile int terminate_bugger_threads; //flag to signal termination to bugger threads
parsec_barrier_t barrier;
volatile test_counter_t result_worker[NTHREADS];
volatile test_counter_t result_bugger[NBUGGERS];
//A simple background thread, designed to disturb the timing behavior of the worker threads
void *bugger_thread(void *arg) {
int tid = *(int *)arg;
int i;
assert(tid>=0 && tid<NBUGGERS);
//do something simple to occupy the processor and yield to cause unexpected delays
while(!terminate_bugger_threads) {
for(i=0; i<WORK_UNIT_BUGGER; i++) {
return NULL;
//A synthetic barrier stress test
void *stress_thread(void *arg) {
int tid = *(int *)arg;
int i;
assert(tid>=0 && tid<NTHREADS);
//Simple barrier stress test
for(i=0; i<WORK_UNIT_WORKER; i++) {
return NULL;
//A test incrementing counters in parallel using barrier synchronization
void *counter_thread(void *arg) {
int tid = *(int *)arg;
int i;
assert(tid>=0 && tid<NTHREADS);
//Increment a set of counters in parallel, pseudo-randomly pick which counter to increment
//All counter values are always the same after each step, unless there's a race condition
for(i=0; i<WORK_UNIT_WORKER; i++) {
unsigned int idx;
test_counter_t temp;
//Step 1: Pseudo-randomly pick an array element
idx=(PRIME_NUMBER*(result_worker[tid]+tid)) % NTHREADS;
//Step 2: Store new result in thread's own array element
return NULL;
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
pthread_t workers[NTHREADS];
pthread_t buggers[NBUGGERS];
int worker_tids[NTHREADS];
int bugger_tids[NBUGGERS];
int i,j;
printf("Starting barrier check program. Barrier options:\n");
printf(" - Spin barriers: ENABLED\n");
printf(" - Spin barriers: DISABLED\n");
//the barrier to test
parsec_barrier_init(&barrier, NULL, NTHREADS);
//Initialize thread IDs
for(i=0; i<=NBUGGERS; i++) bugger_tids[i]=i;
for(i=0; i<=NTHREADS; i++) worker_tids[i]=i;
printf("Phase 1: Barrier stress test\n");
for(i=0; i<=NBUGGERS; i++) {
printf(" Starting test with %i bugger thread(s)\n", i);
for(j=0; j<i; j++) {
pthread_create(&buggers[j], NULL, bugger_thread, &bugger_tids[j]);
//start check
for(j=0; j<NTHREADS; j++) {
pthread_create(&workers[j], NULL, stress_thread, &worker_tids[j]);
for(j=0; j<NTHREADS; j++) {
pthread_join(workers[j], NULL);
//check result
if(result_worker[j] % WORK_UNIT_WORKER != 0) {
printf("ERROR: Incorrect result for worker thread %i.\n", j);
//check is over, terminate bugger threads
for(j=0; j<i; j++) {
pthread_join(buggers[j], NULL);
//check result
if(result_bugger[j] % WORK_UNIT_BUGGER != 0) {
printf("ERROR: Incorrect result for bugger thread %i.\n", j);
printf("Phase 2: Parallel counter test\n");
for(i=0; i<=NBUGGERS; i++) {
printf(" Starting test with %i bugger thread(s)\n", i);
for(j=0; j<i; j++) {
pthread_create(&buggers[j], NULL, bugger_thread, &bugger_tids[j]);
//start check
for(j=0; j<NTHREADS; j++) {
pthread_create(&workers[j], NULL, counter_thread, &worker_tids[j]);
for(j=0; j<NTHREADS; j++) {
pthread_join(workers[j], NULL);
//check result
if(result_worker[j] % WORK_UNIT_WORKER != 0) {
printf("ERROR: Incorrect result for worker thread %i.\n", j);
//check is over, terminate bugger threads
for(j=0; j<i; j++) {
pthread_join(buggers[j], NULL);
//check result
if(result_bugger[j] % WORK_UNIT_BUGGER != 0) {
printf("ERROR: Incorrect result for bugger thread %i.\n", j);
return 0;