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<div class="chapter" title="Running GIO applications">
<div class="titlepage"><div><div><h2 class="title">
<a name="id475051"></a>Running GIO applications</h2></div></div></div>
GIO inspects a few of environment variables in addition to the
ones used by GLib.
<p title="XDG_DATA_HOME, XDG_DATA_DIRS"><b><code class="envar">XDG_DATA_HOME</code>, <code class="envar">XDG_DATA_DIRS</code></b>
GIO uses these environment variables to locate MIME information.
For more information, see the <a class="ulink" href="" target="_top">Shared MIME-info Database</a>
and the <a class="ulink" href="" target="_top">Base Directory Specification</a>.
<p title="GVFS_DISABLE_FUSE"><b><code class="envar">GVFS_DISABLE_FUSE</code></b>
This variable can be set to keep <span class="type">Gvfs</span> from starting the fuse backend,
which may be unwanted or unnecessary in certain situations.
The following environment variables are only useful for debugging
GIO itself or modules that it loads. They should not be set in a
production environment.
<p title="GIO_USE_VFS"><b><code class="envar">GIO_USE_VFS</code></b>
This environment variable can be set to the name of a <a class="link" href="GVfs.html" title="GVfs"><span class="type">GVfs</span></a>
implementation to override the default for debugging purposes.
The <a class="link" href="GVfs.html" title="GVfs"><span class="type">GVfs</span></a> implementation for local files that is included in GIO
has the name "local", the implementation in the gvfs module has
the name "gvfs".
<p title="GIO_USE_VOLUME_MONITOR"><b><code class="envar">GIO_USE_VOLUME_MONITOR</code></b>
This variable can be set to the name of a <a class="link" href="GVolumeMonitor.html" title="GVolumeMonitor"><span class="type">GVolumeMonitor</span></a>
implementation to override the default for debugging purposes.
The <a class="link" href="GVolumeMonitor.html" title="GVolumeMonitor"><span class="type">GVolumeMonitor</span></a> implementation for local files that is included
in GIO has the name "unix", the hal-based implementation in the
gvfs module has the name "hal".
<p title="GIO_USE_URI_ASSOCIATION"><b><code class="envar">GIO_USE_URI_ASSOCIATION</code></b>
This variable can be set to the name of a <a class="link" href="gio-Desktop-file-based-GAppInfo.html#GDesktopAppInfoLookup"><span class="type">GDesktopAppInfoLookup</span></a>
implementation to override the default for debugging purposes.
GIO does not include a <a class="link" href="gio-Desktop-file-based-GAppInfo.html#GDesktopAppInfoLookup"><span class="type">GDesktopAppInfoLookup</span></a> implementation,
the GConf-based implementation in the gvfs module has the name
<p title="GVFS_INOTIFY_DIAG"><b><code class="envar">GVFS_INOTIFY_DIAG</code></b>
When this environment variable is set and GIO has been built
with inotify support, a dump of diagnostic inotify information
will be written every 20 seconds to a file named
<code class="filename">/tmp/gvfsdid.<em class="replaceable"><code>pid</code></em></code>.
<p title="GIO_EXTRA_MODULES"><b><code class="envar">GIO_EXTRA_MODULES</code></b>
When this environment variable is set to a path, or a set of
paths separated by a colon, GIO will attempt to load
modules from within the path.
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