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<div class="chapter" title="The GLib Dynamic Type System">
<div class="titlepage"><div><div><h2 class="title">
<a name="chapter-gtype"></a>The GLib Dynamic Type System</h2></div></div></div>
<div class="toc"><dl>
<dt><span class="sect1"><a href="chapter-gtype.html#gtype-copy">Copy functions</a></span></dt>
<dt><span class="sect1"><a href="gtype-conventions.html">Conventions</a></span></dt>
<dt><span class="sect1"><a href="gtype-non-instantiable.html">Non-instantiable non-classed fundamental types</a></span></dt>
<dt><span class="sect1"><a href="gtype-instantiable-classed.html">Instantiable classed types: objects</a></span></dt>
<dd><dl><dt><span class="sect2"><a href="gtype-instantiable-classed.html#gtype-instantiable-classed-init-done">Initialization and Destruction</a></span></dt></dl></dd>
<dt><span class="sect1"><a href="gtype-non-instantiable-classed.html">Non-instantiable classed types: interfaces</a></span></dt>
<dt><span class="sect2"><a href="gtype-non-instantiable-classed.html#gtype-non-instantiable-classed-init">Interface Initialization</a></span></dt>
<dt><span class="sect2"><a href="gtype-non-instantiable-classed.html#gtype-non-instantiable-classed-dest">Interface Destruction</a></span></dt>
A type, as manipulated by the GLib type system, is much more generic than what
is usually understood as an Object type. It is best explained by looking at the
structure and the functions used to register new types in the type system.
<pre class="programlisting">
typedef struct _GTypeInfo GTypeInfo;
struct _GTypeInfo
/* interface types, classed types, instantiated types */
guint16 class_size;
GBaseInitFunc base_init;
GBaseFinalizeFunc base_finalize;
/* classed types, instantiated types */
GClassInitFunc class_init;
GClassFinalizeFunc class_finalize;
gconstpointer class_data;
/* instantiated types */
guint16 instance_size;
guint16 n_preallocs;
GInstanceInitFunc instance_init;
/* value handling */
const GTypeValueTable *value_table;
GType g_type_register_static (GType parent_type,
const gchar *type_name,
const GTypeInfo *info,
GTypeFlags flags);
GType g_type_register_fundamental (GType type_id,
const gchar *type_name,
const GTypeInfo *info,
const GTypeFundamentalInfo *finfo,
GTypeFlags flags);
<code class="function"><a class="link" href="gobject-Type-Information.html#g-type-register-static" title="g_type_register_static ()">g_type_register_static</a></code> and
<code class="function"><a class="link" href="gobject-Type-Information.html#g-type-register-fundamental" title="g_type_register_fundamental ()">g_type_register_fundamental</a></code>
are the C functions, defined in
<code class="filename">gtype.h</code> and implemented in <code class="filename">gtype.c</code>
which you should use to register a new <span class="type"><a class="link" href="gobject-Type-Information.html#GType" title="GType">GType</a></span> in the program's type system.
It is not likely you will ever need to use
<code class="function"><a class="link" href="gobject-Type-Information.html#g-type-register-fundamental" title="g_type_register_fundamental ()">g_type_register_fundamental</a></code> (you have to be Tim Janik
to do that) but in case you want to, the last chapter explains how to create
new fundamental types.
<sup>[<a name="id552292" href="#ftn.id552292" class="footnote">2</a>]</sup>
Fundamental types are top-level types which do not derive from any other type
while other non-fundamental types derive from other types.
Upon initialization by <code class="function"><a class="link" href="gobject-Type-Information.html#g-type-init" title="g_type_init ()">g_type_init</a></code>, the type system not
only initializes its internal data structures but it also registers a number of core
types: some of these are fundamental types. Others are types derived from these
fundamental types.
Fundamental and non-fundamental types are defined by:
<div class="itemizedlist"><ul class="itemizedlist" type="disc">
<li class="listitem"><p>
class size: the class_size field in <span class="type"><a class="link" href="gobject-Type-Information.html#GTypeInfo" title="GTypeInfo">GTypeInfo</a></span>.
<li class="listitem"><p>
class initialization functions (C++ constructor): the base_init and
class_init fields in <span class="type"><a class="link" href="gobject-Type-Information.html#GTypeInfo" title="GTypeInfo">GTypeInfo</a></span>.
<li class="listitem"><p>
class destruction functions (C++ destructor): the base_finalize and
class_finalize fields in <span class="type"><a class="link" href="gobject-Type-Information.html#GTypeInfo" title="GTypeInfo">GTypeInfo</a></span>.
<li class="listitem"><p>
instance size (C++ parameter to new): the instance_size field in
<span class="type"><a class="link" href="gobject-Type-Information.html#GTypeInfo" title="GTypeInfo">GTypeInfo</a></span>.
<li class="listitem"><p>
instantiation policy (C++ type of new operator): the n_preallocs
field in <span class="type"><a class="link" href="gobject-Type-Information.html#GTypeInfo" title="GTypeInfo">GTypeInfo</a></span>.
<li class="listitem"><p>
copy functions (C++ copy operators): the value_table field in
<span class="type"><a class="link" href="gobject-Type-Information.html#GTypeInfo" title="GTypeInfo">GTypeInfo</a></span>.
<li class="listitem"><p>
type characteristic flags: <span class="type"><a class="link" href="gobject-Type-Information.html#GTypeFlags" title="enum GTypeFlags">GTypeFlags</a></span>.
Fundamental types are also defined by a set of <span class="type"><a class="link" href="gobject-Type-Information.html#GTypeFundamentalFlags" title="enum GTypeFundamentalFlags">GTypeFundamentalFlags</a></span>
which are stored in a <span class="type"><a class="link" href="gobject-Type-Information.html#GTypeFundamentalInfo" title="GTypeFundamentalInfo">GTypeFundamentalInfo</a></span>.
Non-fundamental types are furthermore defined by the type of their parent which is
passed as the parent_type parameter to <code class="function"><a class="link" href="gobject-Type-Information.html#g-type-register-static" title="g_type_register_static ()">g_type_register_static</a></code>
and <code class="function"><a class="link" href="gobject-Type-Information.html#g-type-register-dynamic" title="g_type_register_dynamic ()">g_type_register_dynamic</a></code>.
<div class="sect1" title="Copy functions">
<div class="titlepage"><div><div><h2 class="title" style="clear: both">
<a name="gtype-copy"></a>Copy functions</h2></div></div></div>
The major common point between <span class="emphasis"><em>all</em></span> GLib types (fundamental and
non-fundamental, classed and non-classed, instantiable and non-instantiable) is that
they can all be manipulated through a single API to copy/assign them.
The <span class="type"><a class="link" href="gobject-Generic-values.html#GValue" title="GValue">GValue</a></span> structure is used as an abstract container for all of these
types. Its simplistic API (defined in <code class="filename">gobject/gvalue.h</code>) can be
used to invoke the value_table functions registered
during type registration: for example <code class="function"><a class="link" href="gobject-Generic-values.html#g-value-copy" title="g_value_copy ()">g_value_copy</a></code> copies the
content of a <span class="type"><a class="link" href="gobject-Generic-values.html#GValue" title="GValue">GValue</a></span> to another <span class="type"><a class="link" href="gobject-Generic-values.html#GValue" title="GValue">GValue</a></span>. This is similar
to a C++ assignment which invokes the C++ copy operator to modify the default
bit-by-bit copy semantics of C++/C structures/classes.
The following code shows how you can copy around a 64 bit integer, as well as a <span class="type"><a class="link" href="gobject-The-Base-Object-Type.html#GObject">GObject</a></span>
instance pointer (sample code for this is located in the source tarball for this document in
<code class="filename">sample/gtype/test.c</code>):
<pre class="programlisting">
static void test_int (void)
GValue a_value = {0, };
GValue b_value = {0, };
guint64 a, b;
a = 0xdeadbeaf;
g_value_init (&amp;a_value, G_TYPE_UINT64);
g_value_set_uint64 (&amp;a_value, a);
g_value_init (&amp;b_value, G_TYPE_UINT64);
g_value_copy (&amp;a_value, &amp;b_value);
b = g_value_get_uint64 (&amp;b_value);
if (a == b) {
g_print ("Yay !! 10 lines of code to copy around a uint64.\n");
} else {
g_print ("Are you sure this is not a Z80 ?\n");
static void test_object (void)
GObject *obj;
GValue obj_vala = {0, };
GValue obj_valb = {0, };
obj = g_object_new (MAMAN_TYPE_BAR, NULL);
g_value_init (&amp;obj_vala, MAMAN_TYPE_BAR);
g_value_set_object (&amp;obj_vala, obj);
g_value_init (&amp;obj_valb, G_TYPE_OBJECT);
/* g_value_copy's semantics for G_TYPE_OBJECT types is to copy the reference.
This function thus calls g_object_ref.
It is interesting to note that the assignment works here because
g_value_copy (&amp;obj_vala, &amp;obj_valb);
g_object_unref (G_OBJECT (obj));
g_object_unref (G_OBJECT (obj));
The important point about the above code is that the exact semantics of the copy calls
is undefined since they depend on the implementation of the copy function. Certain
copy functions might decide to allocate a new chunk of memory and then to copy the
data from the source to the destination. Others might want to simply increment
the reference count of the instance and copy the reference to the new GValue.
The value_table used to specify these assignment functions is defined in
<code class="filename">gtype.h</code> and is thoroughly described in the
API documentation provided with GObject (for once ;-) which is why we will
not detail its exact semantics.
<pre class="programlisting">
typedef struct _GTypeValueTable GTypeValueTable;
struct _GTypeValueTable
void (*value_init) (GValue *value);
void (*value_free) (GValue *value);
void (*value_copy) (const GValue *src_value,
GValue *dest_value);
/* varargs functionality (optional) */
gpointer (*value_peek_pointer) (const GValue *value);
gchar *collect_format;
gchar* (*collect_value) (GValue *value,
guint n_collect_values,
GTypeCValue *collect_values,
guint collect_flags);
gchar *lcopy_format;
gchar* (*lcopy_value) (const GValue *value,
guint n_collect_values,
GTypeCValue *collect_values,
guint collect_flags);
Interestingly, it is also very unlikely
you will ever need to specify a value_table during type registration
because these value_tables are inherited from the parent types for
non-fundamental types which means that unless you want to write a
fundamental type (not a great idea!), you will not need to provide
a new value_table since you will inherit the value_table structure
from your parent type.
<div class="footnotes">
<br><hr width="100" align="left">
<div class="footnote"><p><sup>[<a name="ftn.id552292" href="#id552292" class="para">2</a>] </sup>
Please note that there exists another registration function: the
<code class="function"><a class="link" href="gobject-Type-Information.html#g-type-register-dynamic" title="g_type_register_dynamic ()">g_type_register_dynamic</a></code>. We will not discuss this
function here since its use is very similar to the <code class="function">_static</code>
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