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@cindex basis splines, B-splines
@cindex splines, basis
This chapter describes functions for the computation of smoothing
basis splines (B-splines). The header file @file{gsl_bspline.h}
contains prototypes for the bspline functions and related declarations.
* Overview of B-splines::
* Initializing the B-splines solver::
* Constructing the knots vector::
* Evaluation of B-spline basis functions::
* Example programs for B-splines::
* References and Further Reading::
@end menu
@node Overview of B-splines
@section Overview
@cindex basis splines, overview
B-splines are commonly used as basis functions to fit smoothing
curves to large data sets. To do this, the abscissa axis is
broken up into some number of intervals, where the endpoints
of each interval are called @dfn{breakpoints}. These breakpoints
are then converted to @dfn{knots} by imposing various continuity
and smoothness conditions at each interface. Given a nondecreasing
knot vector @math{t = \{t_0, t_1, \dots, t_{n+k-1}\}}, the
@math{n} basis splines of order @math{k} are defined by
B_{i,1}(x) = \left\{\matrix{1, & t_i \le x < t_{i+1}\cr
0, & else}\right.
B_{i,k}(x) = \left[(x - t_i)/(t_{i+k-1} - t_i)\right] B_{i,k-1}(x) +
\left[(t_{i+k} - x)/(t_{i+k} - t_{i+1})\right] B_{i+1,k-1}(x)
@end tex
B_(i,1)(x) = (1, t_i <= x < t_(i+1)
(0, else
B_(i,k)(x) = [(x - t_i)/(t_(i+k-1) - t_i)] B_(i,k-1)(x) + [(t_(i+k) - x)/(t_(i+k) - t_(i+1))] B_(i+1,k-1)(x)
@end example
@end ifinfo
for @math{i = 0, \dots, n-1}. The common case of cubic B-splines
is given by @math{k = 4}. The above recurrence relation can be
evaluated in a numerically stable way by the de Boor algorithm.
If we define appropriate knots on an interval @math{[a,b]} then
the B-spline basis functions form a complete set on that interval.
Therefore we can expand a smoothing function as
f(x) = \sum_{i=0}^{n-1} c_i B_{i,k}(x)
@end tex
f(x) = \sum_i c_i B_(i,k)(x)
@end example
@end ifinfo
given enough @math{(x_j, f(x_j))} data pairs. The @math{c_i} can
be readily obtained from a least-squares fit.
@node Initializing the B-splines solver
@section Initializing the B-splines solver
@cindex basis splines, initializing
@deftypefun {gsl_bspline_workspace *} gsl_bspline_alloc (const size_t @var{k}, const size_t @var{nbreak})
This function allocates a workspace for computing B-splines of order
@var{k}. The number of breakpoints is given by @var{nbreak}. This
leads to @math{n = nbreak + k - 2} basis functions. Cubic B-splines
are specified by @math{k = 4}. The size of the workspace is
@math{O(5k + nbreak)}.
@end deftypefun
@deftypefun void gsl_bspline_free (gsl_bspline_workspace * @var{w})
This function frees the memory associated with the workspace @var{w}.
@end deftypefun
@node Constructing the knots vector
@section Constructing the knots vector
@cindex knots
@deftypefun int gsl_bspline_knots (const gsl_vector * @var{breakpts}, gsl_bspline_workspace * @var{w})
This function computes the knots associated with the given breakpoints
and stores them internally in @code{w->knots}.
@end deftypefun
@deftypefun int gsl_bspline_knots_uniform (const double a, const double b, gsl_bspline_workspace * @var{w})
This function assumes uniformly spaced breakpoints on @math{[a,b]}
and constructs the corresponding knot vector using the previously
specified @var{nbreak} parameter. The knots are stored in
@end deftypefun
@node Evaluation of B-spline basis functions
@section Evaluation of B-splines
@cindex basis splines, evaluation
@deftypefun int gsl_bspline_eval (const double @var{x}, gsl_vector * @var{B}, gsl_bspline_workspace * @var{w})
This function evaluates all B-spline basis functions at the position
@var{x} and stores them in @var{B}, so that the @math{i}th element
of @var{B} is @math{B_i(x)}. @var{B} must be of length
@math{n = nbreak + k - 2}. This value is also stored in @code{w->n}.
It is far more efficient to compute all of the basis functions at
once than to compute them individually, due to the nature of the
defining recurrence relation.
@end deftypefun
@node Example programs for B-splines
@section Example programs for B-splines
@cindex basis splines, examples
The following program computes a linear least squares fit to data using
cubic B-spline basis functions with uniform breakpoints. The data is
generated from the curve @math{y(x) = \cos{(x)} \exp{(-0.1 x)}} on
@math{[0, 15]} with gaussian noise added.
@verbatiminclude examples/bspline.c
@end example
The output can be plotted with @sc{gnu} @code{graph}.
$ ./a.out > bspline.dat
$ graph -T ps -X x -Y y -x 0 15 -y -1 1.3 < bspline.dat >
@end example
@sp 1
@center @image{bspline,3.4in}
@end iftex
@node References and Further Reading
@section References and Further Reading
Further information on the algorithms described in this section can be
found in the following book,
@itemize @asis
C. de Boor, @cite{A Practical Guide to Splines} (1978), Springer-Verlag,
ISBN 0-387-90356-9.
@end itemize
A large collection of B-spline routines is available in the
@sc{pppack} library available at @uref{}.