blob: 33053710accee16118a9d1da7e9d5d0217e1376f [file] [log] [blame]
% GNUPLOT: plain TeX with Postscript
\expandafter\ifx\csname GNUPLOTpicture\endcsname\relax
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\vss\hbox to#1\GNUPLOTunit\bgroup\ignorespaces}%
%!PS-Adobe-2.0 EPSF-2.0
%%Title: random-walk.tex
%%Creator: gnuplot 4.0 patchlevel 0
%%CreationDate: Wed Aug 31 12:38:29 2005
%%BoundingBox: 0 0 288 246
%%Orientation: Landscape
/gnudict 256 dict def
gnudict begin
/Color false def
/Solid false def
/gnulinewidth 5.000 def
/userlinewidth gnulinewidth def
/vshift -33 def
/dl {10.0 mul} def
/hpt_ 31.5 def
/vpt_ 31.5 def
/hpt hpt_ def
/vpt vpt_ def
/Rounded false def
/M {moveto} bind def
/L {lineto} bind def
/R {rmoveto} bind def
/V {rlineto} bind def
/N {newpath moveto} bind def
/C {setrgbcolor} bind def
/f {rlineto fill} bind def
/vpt2 vpt 2 mul def
/hpt2 hpt 2 mul def
/Lshow { currentpoint stroke M
0 vshift R show } def
/Rshow { currentpoint stroke M
dup stringwidth pop neg vshift R show } def
/Cshow { currentpoint stroke M
dup stringwidth pop -2 div vshift R show } def
/UP { dup vpt_ mul /vpt exch def hpt_ mul /hpt exch def
/hpt2 hpt 2 mul def /vpt2 vpt 2 mul def } def
/DL { Color {setrgbcolor Solid {pop []} if 0 setdash }
{pop pop pop 0 setgray Solid {pop []} if 0 setdash} ifelse } def
/BL { stroke userlinewidth 2 mul setlinewidth
Rounded { 1 setlinejoin 1 setlinecap } if } def
/AL { stroke userlinewidth 2 div setlinewidth
Rounded { 1 setlinejoin 1 setlinecap } if } def
/UL { dup gnulinewidth mul /userlinewidth exch def
dup 1 lt {pop 1} if 10 mul /udl exch def } def
/PL { stroke userlinewidth setlinewidth
Rounded { 1 setlinejoin 1 setlinecap } if } def
/LTw { PL [] 1 setgray } def
/LTb { BL [] 0 0 0 DL } def
/LTa { AL [1 udl mul 2 udl mul] 0 setdash 0 0 0 setrgbcolor } def
/LT0 { PL [] 1 0 0 DL } def
/LT1 { PL [4 dl 2 dl] 0 1 0 DL } def
/LT2 { PL [2 dl 3 dl] 0 0 1 DL } def
/LT3 { PL [1 dl 1.5 dl] 1 0 1 DL } def
/LT4 { PL [5 dl 2 dl 1 dl 2 dl] 0 1 1 DL } def
/LT5 { PL [4 dl 3 dl 1 dl 3 dl] 1 1 0 DL } def
/LT6 { PL [2 dl 2 dl 2 dl 4 dl] 0 0 0 DL } def
/LT7 { PL [2 dl 2 dl 2 dl 2 dl 2 dl 4 dl] 1 0.3 0 DL } def
/LT8 { PL [2 dl 2 dl 2 dl 2 dl 2 dl 2 dl 2 dl 4 dl] 0.5 0.5 0.5 DL } def
/Pnt { stroke [] 0 setdash
gsave 1 setlinecap M 0 0 V stroke grestore } def
/Dia { stroke [] 0 setdash 2 copy vpt add M
hpt neg vpt neg V hpt vpt neg V
hpt vpt V hpt neg vpt V closepath stroke
Pnt } def
/Pls { stroke [] 0 setdash vpt sub M 0 vpt2 V
currentpoint stroke M
hpt neg vpt neg R hpt2 0 V stroke
} def
/Box { stroke [] 0 setdash 2 copy exch hpt sub exch vpt add M
0 vpt2 neg V hpt2 0 V 0 vpt2 V
hpt2 neg 0 V closepath stroke
Pnt } def
/Crs { stroke [] 0 setdash exch hpt sub exch vpt add M
hpt2 vpt2 neg V currentpoint stroke M
hpt2 neg 0 R hpt2 vpt2 V stroke } def
/TriU { stroke [] 0 setdash 2 copy vpt 1.12 mul add M
hpt neg vpt -1.62 mul V
hpt 2 mul 0 V
hpt neg vpt 1.62 mul V closepath stroke
Pnt } def
/Star { 2 copy Pls Crs } def
/BoxF { stroke [] 0 setdash exch hpt sub exch vpt add M
0 vpt2 neg V hpt2 0 V 0 vpt2 V
hpt2 neg 0 V closepath fill } def
/TriUF { stroke [] 0 setdash vpt 1.12 mul add M
hpt neg vpt -1.62 mul V
hpt 2 mul 0 V
hpt neg vpt 1.62 mul V closepath fill } def
/TriD { stroke [] 0 setdash 2 copy vpt 1.12 mul sub M
hpt neg vpt 1.62 mul V
hpt 2 mul 0 V
hpt neg vpt -1.62 mul V closepath stroke
Pnt } def
/TriDF { stroke [] 0 setdash vpt 1.12 mul sub M
hpt neg vpt 1.62 mul V
hpt 2 mul 0 V
hpt neg vpt -1.62 mul V closepath fill} def
/DiaF { stroke [] 0 setdash vpt add M
hpt neg vpt neg V hpt vpt neg V
hpt vpt V hpt neg vpt V closepath fill } def
/Pent { stroke [] 0 setdash 2 copy gsave
translate 0 hpt M 4 {72 rotate 0 hpt L} repeat
closepath stroke grestore Pnt } def
/PentF { stroke [] 0 setdash gsave
translate 0 hpt M 4 {72 rotate 0 hpt L} repeat
closepath fill grestore } def
/Circle { stroke [] 0 setdash 2 copy
hpt 0 360 arc stroke Pnt } def
/CircleF { stroke [] 0 setdash hpt 0 360 arc fill } def
/C0 { BL [] 0 setdash 2 copy moveto vpt 90 450 arc } bind def
/C1 { BL [] 0 setdash 2 copy moveto
2 copy vpt 0 90 arc closepath fill
vpt 0 360 arc closepath } bind def
/C2 { BL [] 0 setdash 2 copy moveto
2 copy vpt 90 180 arc closepath fill
vpt 0 360 arc closepath } bind def
/C3 { BL [] 0 setdash 2 copy moveto
2 copy vpt 0 180 arc closepath fill
vpt 0 360 arc closepath } bind def
/C4 { BL [] 0 setdash 2 copy moveto
2 copy vpt 180 270 arc closepath fill
vpt 0 360 arc closepath } bind def
/C5 { BL [] 0 setdash 2 copy moveto
2 copy vpt 0 90 arc
2 copy moveto
2 copy vpt 180 270 arc closepath fill
vpt 0 360 arc } bind def
/C6 { BL [] 0 setdash 2 copy moveto
2 copy vpt 90 270 arc closepath fill
vpt 0 360 arc closepath } bind def
/C7 { BL [] 0 setdash 2 copy moveto
2 copy vpt 0 270 arc closepath fill
vpt 0 360 arc closepath } bind def
/C8 { BL [] 0 setdash 2 copy moveto
2 copy vpt 270 360 arc closepath fill
vpt 0 360 arc closepath } bind def
/C9 { BL [] 0 setdash 2 copy moveto
2 copy vpt 270 450 arc closepath fill
vpt 0 360 arc closepath } bind def
/C10 { BL [] 0 setdash 2 copy 2 copy moveto vpt 270 360 arc closepath fill
2 copy moveto
2 copy vpt 90 180 arc closepath fill
vpt 0 360 arc closepath } bind def
/C11 { BL [] 0 setdash 2 copy moveto
2 copy vpt 0 180 arc closepath fill
2 copy moveto
2 copy vpt 270 360 arc closepath fill
vpt 0 360 arc closepath } bind def
/C12 { BL [] 0 setdash 2 copy moveto
2 copy vpt 180 360 arc closepath fill
vpt 0 360 arc closepath } bind def
/C13 { BL [] 0 setdash 2 copy moveto
2 copy vpt 0 90 arc closepath fill
2 copy moveto
2 copy vpt 180 360 arc closepath fill
vpt 0 360 arc closepath } bind def
/C14 { BL [] 0 setdash 2 copy moveto
2 copy vpt 90 360 arc closepath fill
vpt 0 360 arc } bind def
/C15 { BL [] 0 setdash 2 copy vpt 0 360 arc closepath fill
vpt 0 360 arc closepath } bind def
/Rec { newpath 4 2 roll moveto 1 index 0 rlineto 0 exch rlineto
neg 0 rlineto closepath } bind def
/Square { dup Rec } bind def
/Bsquare { vpt sub exch vpt sub exch vpt2 Square } bind def
/S0 { BL [] 0 setdash 2 copy moveto 0 vpt rlineto BL Bsquare } bind def
/S1 { BL [] 0 setdash 2 copy vpt Square fill Bsquare } bind def
/S2 { BL [] 0 setdash 2 copy exch vpt sub exch vpt Square fill Bsquare } bind def
/S3 { BL [] 0 setdash 2 copy exch vpt sub exch vpt2 vpt Rec fill Bsquare } bind def
/S4 { BL [] 0 setdash 2 copy exch vpt sub exch vpt sub vpt Square fill Bsquare } bind def
/S5 { BL [] 0 setdash 2 copy 2 copy vpt Square fill
exch vpt sub exch vpt sub vpt Square fill Bsquare } bind def
/S6 { BL [] 0 setdash 2 copy exch vpt sub exch vpt sub vpt vpt2 Rec fill Bsquare } bind def
/S7 { BL [] 0 setdash 2 copy exch vpt sub exch vpt sub vpt vpt2 Rec fill
2 copy vpt Square fill
Bsquare } bind def
/S8 { BL [] 0 setdash 2 copy vpt sub vpt Square fill Bsquare } bind def
/S9 { BL [] 0 setdash 2 copy vpt sub vpt vpt2 Rec fill Bsquare } bind def
/S10 { BL [] 0 setdash 2 copy vpt sub vpt Square fill 2 copy exch vpt sub exch vpt Square fill
Bsquare } bind def
/S11 { BL [] 0 setdash 2 copy vpt sub vpt Square fill 2 copy exch vpt sub exch vpt2 vpt Rec fill
Bsquare } bind def
/S12 { BL [] 0 setdash 2 copy exch vpt sub exch vpt sub vpt2 vpt Rec fill Bsquare } bind def
/S13 { BL [] 0 setdash 2 copy exch vpt sub exch vpt sub vpt2 vpt Rec fill
2 copy vpt Square fill Bsquare } bind def
/S14 { BL [] 0 setdash 2 copy exch vpt sub exch vpt sub vpt2 vpt Rec fill
2 copy exch vpt sub exch vpt Square fill Bsquare } bind def
/S15 { BL [] 0 setdash 2 copy Bsquare fill Bsquare } bind def
/D0 { gsave translate 45 rotate 0 0 S0 stroke grestore } bind def
/D1 { gsave translate 45 rotate 0 0 S1 stroke grestore } bind def
/D2 { gsave translate 45 rotate 0 0 S2 stroke grestore } bind def
/D3 { gsave translate 45 rotate 0 0 S3 stroke grestore } bind def
/D4 { gsave translate 45 rotate 0 0 S4 stroke grestore } bind def
/D5 { gsave translate 45 rotate 0 0 S5 stroke grestore } bind def
/D6 { gsave translate 45 rotate 0 0 S6 stroke grestore } bind def
/D7 { gsave translate 45 rotate 0 0 S7 stroke grestore } bind def
/D8 { gsave translate 45 rotate 0 0 S8 stroke grestore } bind def
/D9 { gsave translate 45 rotate 0 0 S9 stroke grestore } bind def
/D10 { gsave translate 45 rotate 0 0 S10 stroke grestore } bind def
/D11 { gsave translate 45 rotate 0 0 S11 stroke grestore } bind def
/D12 { gsave translate 45 rotate 0 0 S12 stroke grestore } bind def
/D13 { gsave translate 45 rotate 0 0 S13 stroke grestore } bind def
/D14 { gsave translate 45 rotate 0 0 S14 stroke grestore } bind def
/D15 { gsave translate 45 rotate 0 0 S15 stroke grestore } bind def
/DiaE { stroke [] 0 setdash vpt add M
hpt neg vpt neg V hpt vpt neg V
hpt vpt V hpt neg vpt V closepath stroke } def
/BoxE { stroke [] 0 setdash exch hpt sub exch vpt add M
0 vpt2 neg V hpt2 0 V 0 vpt2 V
hpt2 neg 0 V closepath stroke } def
/TriUE { stroke [] 0 setdash vpt 1.12 mul add M
hpt neg vpt -1.62 mul V
hpt 2 mul 0 V
hpt neg vpt 1.62 mul V closepath stroke } def
/TriDE { stroke [] 0 setdash vpt 1.12 mul sub M
hpt neg vpt 1.62 mul V
hpt 2 mul 0 V
hpt neg vpt -1.62 mul V closepath stroke } def
/PentE { stroke [] 0 setdash gsave
translate 0 hpt M 4 {72 rotate 0 hpt L} repeat
closepath stroke grestore } def
/CircE { stroke [] 0 setdash
hpt 0 360 arc stroke } def
/Opaque { gsave closepath 1 setgray fill grestore 0 setgray closepath } def
/DiaW { stroke [] 0 setdash vpt add M
hpt neg vpt neg V hpt vpt neg V
hpt vpt V hpt neg vpt V Opaque stroke } def
/BoxW { stroke [] 0 setdash exch hpt sub exch vpt add M
0 vpt2 neg V hpt2 0 V 0 vpt2 V
hpt2 neg 0 V Opaque stroke } def
/TriUW { stroke [] 0 setdash vpt 1.12 mul add M
hpt neg vpt -1.62 mul V
hpt 2 mul 0 V
hpt neg vpt 1.62 mul V Opaque stroke } def
/TriDW { stroke [] 0 setdash vpt 1.12 mul sub M
hpt neg vpt 1.62 mul V
hpt 2 mul 0 V
hpt neg vpt -1.62 mul V Opaque stroke } def
/PentW { stroke [] 0 setdash gsave
translate 0 hpt M 4 {72 rotate 0 hpt L} repeat
Opaque stroke grestore } def
/CircW { stroke [] 0 setdash
hpt 0 360 arc Opaque stroke } def
/BoxFill { gsave Rec 1 setgray fill grestore } def
/BoxColFill {
gsave Rec
/Fillden exch def
/ColB exch def /ColG exch def /ColR exch def
/ColR ColR Fillden mul Fillden sub 1 add def
/ColG ColG Fillden mul Fillden sub 1 add def
/ColB ColB Fillden mul Fillden sub 1 add def
ColR ColG ColB setrgbcolor
fill grestore } def
% PostScript Level 1 Pattern Fill routine
% Usage: x y w h s a XX PatternFill
% x,y = lower left corner of box to be filled
% w,h = width and height of box
% a = angle in degrees between lines and x-axis
% XX = 0/1 for no/yes cross-hatch
/PatternFill { gsave /PFa [ 9 2 roll ] def
PFa 0 get PFa 2 get 2 div add PFa 1 get PFa 3 get 2 div add translate
PFa 2 get -2 div PFa 3 get -2 div PFa 2 get PFa 3 get Rec
gsave 1 setgray fill grestore clip
currentlinewidth 0.5 mul setlinewidth
/PFs PFa 2 get dup mul PFa 3 get dup mul add sqrt def
0 0 M PFa 5 get rotate PFs -2 div dup translate
0 1 PFs PFa 4 get div 1 add floor cvi
{ PFa 4 get mul 0 M 0 PFs V } for
0 PFa 6 get ne {
0 1 PFs PFa 4 get div 1 add floor cvi
{ PFa 4 get mul 0 2 1 roll M PFs 0 V } for
} if
stroke grestore } def
/Symbol-Oblique /Symbol findfont [1 0 .167 1 0 0] makefont
dup length dict begin {1 index /FID eq {pop pop} {def} ifelse} forall
currentdict end definefont pop
gnudict begin
0 0 translate
0.100 0.100 scale
0 setgray
0.500 UL
413 363 M
-63 0 V
0.500 UL
413 544 M
-63 0 V
0.500 UL
413 724 M
-63 0 V
0.500 UL
413 905 M
-63 0 V
0.500 UL
413 1085 M
-63 0 V
0.500 UL
413 1266 M
-63 0 V
0.500 UL
413 1447 M
-63 0 V
0.500 UL
413 1627 M
-63 0 V
0.500 UL
413 1808 M
-63 0 V
0.500 UL
413 1988 M
-63 0 V
0.500 UL
413 2169 M
-63 0 V
0.500 UL
413 363 M
0 -63 V
0.500 UL
503 363 M
91 0 R
0 -63 V
0.500 UL
684 363 M
90 0 R
0 -63 V
0.500 UL
864 363 M
91 0 R
0 -63 V
0.500 UL
1045 363 M
90 0 R
0 -63 V
0.500 UL
1226 363 M
90 0 R
0 -63 V
0.500 UL
1406 363 M
91 0 R
0 -63 V
0.500 UL
1587 363 M
90 0 R
0 -63 V
0.500 UL
1767 363 M
91 0 R
0 -63 V
0.500 UL
1948 363 M
90 0 R
0 -63 V
0.500 UL
2129 363 M
90 0 R
0 -63 V
0.500 UL
1.000 UL
413 1266 M
1806 0 V
1.000 UL
1316 363 M
0 1806 V
0.500 UL
413 363 M
1806 0 V
0 1806 V
-1806 0 V
413 363 L
1.000 UP
1.000 UP
1.000 UL
1316 1266 M
-106 146 V
51 173 V
159 86 V
139 115 V
-17 -180 V
-161 -81 V
-176 40 V
-124 132 V
175 47 V
168 66 V
1316 1266 M
-166 70 V
-176 40 V
161 81 V
-121 134 V
903 1734 L
68 -168 V
823 1463 L
179 27 V
92 -156 V
959 1454 L
357 -188 R
-176 -42 V
-82 161 V
-96 153 V
-172 55 V
172 -57 V
26 179 V
838 1614 L
-14 180 V
721 1646 L
71 166 V
524 -546 R
-173 -51 V
106 146 V
110 143 V
-41 176 V
-82 -161 V
1125 1376 L
161 -82 V
135 -120 V
165 74 V
146 106 V
1316 1266 Pls
1210 1412 Pls
1261 1585 Pls
1420 1671 Pls
1559 1786 Pls
1542 1606 Pls
1381 1525 Pls
1205 1565 Pls
1081 1697 Pls
1256 1744 Pls
1424 1810 Pls
1316 1266 Pls
1150 1336 Pls
974 1376 Pls
1135 1457 Pls
1014 1591 Pls
903 1734 Pls
971 1566 Pls
823 1463 Pls
1002 1490 Pls
1094 1334 Pls
959 1454 Pls
1316 1266 Pls
1140 1224 Pls
1058 1385 Pls
962 1538 Pls
790 1593 Pls
962 1536 Pls
988 1715 Pls
838 1614 Pls
824 1794 Pls
721 1646 Pls
792 1812 Pls
1316 1266 Pls
1143 1215 Pls
1249 1361 Pls
1359 1504 Pls
1318 1680 Pls
1236 1519 Pls
1125 1376 Pls
1286 1294 Pls
1421 1174 Pls
1586 1248 Pls
1732 1354 Pls
0.500 UL
413 363 M
1806 0 V
0 1806 V
-1806 0 V
413 363 L
1.000 UP
\put(1316,2319){\cjust{Random walk}}%
\special{ps: gsave currentpoint currentpoint translate
270 rotate neg exch neg exch translate}%
\special{ps: currentpoint grestore moveto}%
\put(2219,200){\cjust{ 5}}%
\put(2038,200){\cjust{ 4}}%
\put(1858,200){\cjust{ 3}}%
\put(1677,200){\cjust{ 2}}%
\put(1497,200){\cjust{ 1}}%
\put(1316,200){\cjust{ 0}}%
\put(300,2169){\rjust{ 5}}%
\put(300,1988){\rjust{ 4}}%
\put(300,1808){\rjust{ 3}}%
\put(300,1627){\rjust{ 2}}%
\put(300,1447){\rjust{ 1}}%
\put(300,1266){\rjust{ 0}}%