blob: 46de6351da460b5755c8b6c14275449043c45b6b [file] [log] [blame]
/* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
General Public License for more details. You should have received
a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program;
if not, write to the Free Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite
330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
Original implementation was copyright (C) 1997 Makoto Matsumoto and
Takuji Nishimura. Coded by Takuji Nishimura, considering the
suggestions by Topher Cooper and Marc Rieffel in July-Aug. 1997, "A
C-program for MT19937: Integer version (1998/4/6)"
This implementation copyright (C) 1998 Brian Gough. I reorganized
the code to use the module framework of GSL. The license on this
implementation was changed from LGPL to GPL, following paragraph 3
of the LGPL, version 2.
The seeding procedure has been updated to match the 10/99 release
of MT19937.
The seeding procedure has been updated again to match the 2002
release of MT19937
The original code included the comment: "When you use this, send an
email to: with an appropriate reference to
your work".
Makoto Matsumoto has a web page with more information about the
The paper below has details of the algorithm.
From: Makoto Matsumoto and Takuji Nishimura, "Mersenne Twister: A
623-dimensionally equidistributerd uniform pseudorandom number
generator". ACM Transactions on Modeling and Computer Simulation,
Vol. 8, No. 1 (Jan. 1998), Pages 3-30
You can obtain the paper directly from Makoto Matsumoto's web page.
The period of this generator is 2^{19937} - 1.
#include <config.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <gsl/gsl_rng.h>
static inline unsigned long int mt_get (void *vstate);
static double mt_get_double (void *vstate);
static void mt_set (void *state, unsigned long int s);
#define N 624 /* Period parameters */
#define M 397
/* most significant w-r bits */
static const unsigned long UPPER_MASK = 0x80000000UL;
/* least significant r bits */
static const unsigned long LOWER_MASK = 0x7fffffffUL;
typedef struct
unsigned long mt[N];
int mti;
static inline unsigned long
mt_get (void *vstate)
mt_state_t *state = (mt_state_t *) vstate;
unsigned long k ;
unsigned long int *const mt = state->mt;
#define MAGIC(y) (((y)&0x1) ? 0x9908b0dfUL : 0)
if (state->mti >= N)
{ /* generate N words at one time */
int kk;
for (kk = 0; kk < N - M; kk++)
unsigned long y = (mt[kk] & UPPER_MASK) | (mt[kk + 1] & LOWER_MASK);
mt[kk] = mt[kk + M] ^ (y >> 1) ^ MAGIC(y);
for (; kk < N - 1; kk++)
unsigned long y = (mt[kk] & UPPER_MASK) | (mt[kk + 1] & LOWER_MASK);
mt[kk] = mt[kk + (M - N)] ^ (y >> 1) ^ MAGIC(y);
unsigned long y = (mt[N - 1] & UPPER_MASK) | (mt[0] & LOWER_MASK);
mt[N - 1] = mt[M - 1] ^ (y >> 1) ^ MAGIC(y);
state->mti = 0;
/* Tempering */
k = mt[state->mti];
k ^= (k >> 11);
k ^= (k << 7) & 0x9d2c5680UL;
k ^= (k << 15) & 0xefc60000UL;
k ^= (k >> 18);
return k;
static double
mt_get_double (void * vstate)
return mt_get (vstate) / 4294967296.0 ;
static void
mt_set (void *vstate, unsigned long int s)
mt_state_t *state = (mt_state_t *) vstate;
int i;
if (s == 0)
s = 4357; /* the default seed is 4357 */
state->mt[0]= s & 0xffffffffUL;
for (i = 1; i < N; i++)
/* See Knuth's "Art of Computer Programming" Vol. 2, 3rd
Ed. p.106 for multiplier. */
state->mt[i] =
(1812433253UL * (state->mt[i-1] ^ (state->mt[i-1] >> 30)) + i);
state->mt[i] &= 0xffffffffUL;
state->mti = i;
static void
mt_1999_set (void *vstate, unsigned long int s)
mt_state_t *state = (mt_state_t *) vstate;
int i;
if (s == 0)
s = 4357; /* the default seed is 4357 */
/* This is the October 1999 version of the seeding procedure. It
was updated by the original developers to avoid the periodicity
in the simple congruence originally used.
Note that an ANSI-C unsigned long integer arithmetic is
automatically modulo 2^32 (or a higher power of two), so we can
safely ignore overflow. */
#define LCG(x) ((69069 * x) + 1) &0xffffffffUL
for (i = 0; i < N; i++)
state->mt[i] = s & 0xffff0000UL;
s = LCG(s);
state->mt[i] |= (s &0xffff0000UL) >> 16;
s = LCG(s);
state->mti = i;
/* This is the original version of the seeding procedure, no longer
used but available for compatibility with the original MT19937. */
static void
mt_1998_set (void *vstate, unsigned long int s)
mt_state_t *state = (mt_state_t *) vstate;
int i;
if (s == 0)
s = 4357; /* the default seed is 4357 */
state->mt[0] = s & 0xffffffffUL;
#define LCG1998(n) ((69069 * n) & 0xffffffffUL)
for (i = 1; i < N; i++)
state->mt[i] = LCG1998 (state->mt[i - 1]);
state->mti = i;
static const gsl_rng_type mt_type =
{"mt19937", /* name */
0xffffffffUL, /* RAND_MAX */
0, /* RAND_MIN */
sizeof (mt_state_t),
static const gsl_rng_type mt_1999_type =
{"mt19937_1999", /* name */
0xffffffffUL, /* RAND_MAX */
0, /* RAND_MIN */
sizeof (mt_state_t),
static const gsl_rng_type mt_1998_type =
{"mt19937_1998", /* name */
0xffffffffUL, /* RAND_MAX */
0, /* RAND_MIN */
sizeof (mt_state_t),
const gsl_rng_type *gsl_rng_mt19937 = &mt_type;
const gsl_rng_type *gsl_rng_mt19937_1999 = &mt_1999_type;
const gsl_rng_type *gsl_rng_mt19937_1998 = &mt_1998_type;
/* MT19937 is the default generator, so define that here too */
const gsl_rng_type *gsl_rng_default = &mt_type;
unsigned long int gsl_rng_default_seed = 0;