blob: aa00c091279e66a46679c5ce54ea8d69d28e9d35 [file] [log] [blame]
2007-01-04 Brian Gough <>
* convergence.c (gsl_root_test_delta): added termination
alternative condition x1==x0
2005-03-02 Brian Gough <>
* steffenson.c (steffenson_iterate): improved wording of error messages
* secant.c (secant_iterate): improved wording of error messages
* roots.h (SAFE_FUNC_CALL): improved wording of error message
* newton.c (newton_iterate): improved wording of error messages
* utility.c: removed, not needed any more
Sun Jul 15 17:53:48 2001 Brian Gough <>
* removed interval type
Sun May 6 14:26:59 2001 Brian Gough <>
* test.c: removed tests for macros, which are now in sys/.
Mon Apr 16 20:17:04 2001 Brian Gough <>
* fsolver.c (gsl_root_fsolver_alloc): removed unnecessary status
Sun Feb 18 15:35:25 2001 Brian Gough <>
* fdfsolver.c fsolver.c: changed so that the solver _alloc
function no longer calls _set, the user must do that separately.
Wed May 17 11:37:15 2000 Brian Gough <>
* test_macros.c (test_macros): use GSL_POSINF and GSL_NAN macros
instead of 1/0 and 0/0
Mon Feb 14 13:05:30 2000 Brian Gough <>
* removed definition of isinf macro (no longer needed)
* made all internal functions static
Wed Nov 3 11:59:35 1999 Brian Gough <>
* fixed test failures
* test.c (main): added a call to gsl_ieee_env_setup for testing
* test_roots.c: increased the maximum number of iterations to 150
so that the tests still work on the difficult cases.
* steffenson.c (steffenson_iterate): add a check to avoid division
by zero
Sat Oct 16 19:43:14 1999 Brian Gough <>
* removed GSL_ROOT_EPSILON_BUFFER, not needed anymore
Wed Jul 21 18:47:01 1999 Brian Gough <>
* gsl_roots.h, convergence.c: changed order of relative and
absolute errors to make them the same as quadpack routines
Wed Jul 21 16:30:56 1999 Brian Gough <>
* brent.c (brent_iterate): fixed bug where bounding interval could
be incorrect and not include root.
Mon Mar 1 15:38:06 1999 Brian Gough <>
* moved static class data out of gsl_root_fsolver and
gsl_root_fdfsolver and into gsl_root_fsolver_type and
Mon Mar 1 15:38:06 1999 Brian Gough <>
* renamed f_solver to fsolver and fdf_solver to fdfsolver, since
these look neater
Sun Feb 28 21:11:21 1999 Brian Gough <>
* rewrote the root finding functions in an iterative framework
Tue Nov 17 16:47:09 1998 Brian Gough <>
* secant.c, falsepos.c newton.c: added gsl_math.h to included
headers to import GSL_MAX and GSL_MIN
Mon Nov 9 21:21:45 1998 Brian Gough <>
* roots.h: got rid of local MAX(a,b) and MIN(a,b) definitions
since they are now in config.h
Wed Nov 4 16:08:32 1998 Brian Gough <>
* test.c (test_brent): allow the brent tests to run for more
iterations since they take longer on the pathological cases.
* brent.c (gsl_root_brent): on each iteration keep track of
current best estimates of the root and the bounds so that they are
returned to the user if the function exits prematurely.
clean up the brent algorithm based on remarks in the original
Mon Oct 26 16:31:21 1998 Brian Gough <>
* in all routines with upper and lower bounds if a root is found
exactly then the bracket is collapsed onto the root instead of
being untouched.
Thu Oct 15 13:59:30 1998 Brian Gough <>
* bisection.c, falsepos.c, secant.c: reordered the tests so that
the minimum number of function evaluations are performed when
there is an early exit due to one of the supplied limits lying on
a root.
Fri Aug 21 14:48:13 1998 Brian Gough <>
* test.c: clean up of tests to get rid of warnings
Thu Aug 20 10:21:15 1998 Brian Gough <>
* roots.h (_WITHIN_TOL): added extra parens in macro definition,
for safety
* falsepos.c (gsl_root_falsepos): removed test for absolute
equality and replaced by a flag indicating which variables
* test.c (main): simplified the tests, removed command line
arguments (can use the debugger to select which ones to run)
Mon Jun 15 22:22:54 1998 Brian Gough <>
* started to eliminate void * arguments for function types (they
are not a good idea and can easily be specified)
1998-02-09 Mark Galassi <>
* test.c (main): added an extra argument so that the $(srcdir) can
be passed along when "make check" is run in a separate build
* test-macros, test-secant, test-bisection, test-newton,
test-falsepos: modified these to use build and source directories
explicitly. Now "make check" in a separate build directory works.
1998-02-02 Mark Galassi <>
* (TESTS): added $(srcdir) before these scripts, since
the TESTS target picks things from the build directory.