blob: 9c44eb6b53a58be94edaf15d39b25c0603f9d3ac [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 1997, Be Inc. Copyright (C) 1999, Jake Hamby.
* This program is freely distributable without licensing fees
* and is provided without guarantee or warrantee expressed or
* implied. This program is -not- in the public domain.
* FILE: glutState.h
* DESCRIPTION: the global state for GLUT
* (takes the place of glutint.h in the C version)
* Headers
#include <GL/glut.h>
#include <Application.h>
#include "glutWindow.h"
#include "glutMenu.h"
* CLASS: GlutState
* DESCRIPTION: all the global state variables
struct GlutState {
BApplication *display;
thread_id appthread;
int initX, initY; // initial window position
int initWidth, initHeight; // initial window size
unsigned int displayMode; // initial display mode
char *displayString; // verbose display mode
GlutWindow *currentWindow; // current window
GlutMenu *currentMenu; // current menu
GlutWindow **windowList; // array of pointers to windows
int windowListSize; // size of window list
GLUTidleCB idle; // idle callback
GLUTmenuStatusCB menuStatus; // menu status callback
int modifierKeys; // only valid during keyboard callback
bool debug; // call glGetError
bool quitAll; // quit
GlutState() {
display = 0;
appthread = 0;
initX = initY = -1;
initWidth = initHeight = 300;
displayString = 0;
currentWindow = 0;
currentMenu = 0;
windowList = 0;
windowListSize = 0;
idle = 0;
menuStatus = 0;
modifierKeys = ~0;
debug = quitAll = false;
* Global variable (declared in glutInit.cpp)
extern GlutState gState;