blob: a823fe245316e3922c7e42872e5b81256bddd7f3 [file] [log] [blame]
* Author: Max Lingua <>
#ifndef _S3V_TEX_H
#define _S3V_TEX_H
#define TEX_DEBUG_ON 0
extern void s3vUpdateTexLRU( s3vContextPtr vmesa, s3vTextureObjectPtr t );
#define DEBUG_TEX(str) printf str
#define DEBUG_TEX(str) /* str */
#define _TEXFLUSH 1 /* flush before uploading */
#define _TEXLOCK 1 /* lock before writing new texures to card mem */
/* if you turn it on you will gain stability and image
quality, but you will loose performance (~10%) */
#define _TEXFALLBACK 0 /* fallback to software for -big- textures (slow) */
/* turning this off, you will lose some tex (e.g. mountains
on tuxracer) but you will increase average playability */
#define _TEXALIGN 0x00000007