blob: 305f00d415dc095ed618c38ad138e08db3abe1fd [file] [log] [blame]
This directory contains common code that is used in the Threading Building Blocks examples.
This code is not intended to be used directly. It is incorporated automatically by the examples that need it.
<DT><A HREF="gui">gui</A>
<DD>GUI code for examples that have graphical user interfaces. Currently supports:
<LI>GDI+*, Direct Draw (Windows* systems)
<LI>OpenGL* (Mac OS* X systems)
<LI>X-windows (Linux* or Mac OS* X systems)
See the examples that use the GUI
(<A HREF=../parallel_for/tachyon/index.html>tachyon</A> and <A HREF=../parallel_for/seismic/index.html>seismic</A>)
for more details.
<A HREF="../index.html">Up to parent directory</A>
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