blob: e4e6defb830e0981d691232a5a74cd8f751cd608 [file] [log] [blame]
Copyright 2005-2010 Intel Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
This file is part of Threading Building Blocks.
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// Polygon overlay
// Don't want warnings about deprecated sscanf, getenv
#define _MAIN_C_ 1
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <algorithm>
#include <cstring>
#include "tbb/tick_count.h"
#include "tbb/task_scheduler_init.h"
#include "pover_global.h"
#include "polyover.h"
#include "pover_video.h"
#include "polymain.h"
using namespace std;
#if _DEBUG
const char *faceNames[] = { "North", "East", "South", "West" };
int main( int argc, char **argv) {
pover_video poly;
poly.threaded = true;
gVideo = &poly;
if(!initializeVideo(argc, argv)) {
return 1;
gIsGraphicalVersion = poly.graphic_display();
if(argc > 1) {
if(!ParseCmdLine(argc, argv)) {
if(gIsGraphicalVersion) rt_sleep(10000);
// if graphical, we haven't opened the console window so all the error messages we
// so carefully wrote out disappeared into the ether. :(
if(gCsvFilename != NULL) {
#define BUFLEN 1000
std::string fname_buf = gCsvFilename;
fname_buf += ".csv";;
// we have gMapXSize and gMapYSize determining the number of "squares"
// we have g_xwinsize and g_ywinsize the total size of the window
// we also have BORDER_SIZE the size of the border between maps
// we need to determine
// g_polyBoxSize -- the number of pixels on each size of each square
if(gIsGraphicalVersion) {
int xpixelsPerMap = (g_xwinsize - 4*BORDER_SIZE) / 3; // three maps, with borders between and outside
gMapXSize = xpixelsPerMap; // make the boxes one per pixel
gPolyXBoxSize = xpixelsPerMap / gMapXSize;
int ypixelsPerMap = (g_ywinsize - 2*BORDER_SIZE); // one map vertically
gMapYSize = ypixelsPerMap; // one pixel per box, rather.
gPolyYBoxSize = ypixelsPerMap / gMapYSize;
if((gPolyXBoxSize == 0) || (gPolyYBoxSize == 0)) {
cout << "The display window is not large enough to show the maps" << std::endl;
int minxSize = 4*BORDER_SIZE + 3*gMapXSize;
int minySize = 2*BORDER_SIZE + gMapYSize;
cout << " Should be at least " << minxSize << " x " << minySize << "." << std::endl;
return 1;
map2XLoc = 2*BORDER_SIZE + gMapXSize * gPolyXBoxSize;
maprXLoc = 3*BORDER_SIZE + 2 * gMapXSize * gPolyXBoxSize;
else { // not gIsGraphicalVersion
// gMapXSize, gMapYSize, gNPolygons defined in pover_global.h
// create two polygon maps
SetRandomSeed(gMyRandomSeed); // for repeatability
void Usage(int argc, char **argv) {
char *cmdTail = strrchr(*argv, '\\');
if(cmdTail == NULL) {
cmdTail = *argv;
else {
cout << cmdTail << " [threads[:threads2]] [--polys npolys] [--size nnnxnnn] [--seed nnn]" << std::endl;
cout << "Create polygon maps and overlay them." << std::endl << std::endl;
cout << "Parameters:" << std::endl;
cout << " threads[:threads2] - number of threads to run" << std::endl;
cout << " --polys npolys - number of polygons in each map" << std::endl;
cout << " --size nnnxnnn - size of each map (X x Y)" << std::endl;
cout << " --seed nnn - initial value of random number generator" << std::endl;
cout << " --csv filename - write timing data to CSV-format file" << std::endl;
cout << " --grainsize n - set grainsize to n" << std::endl;
cout << " --use_malloc - allocate polygons with malloc instead of scalable allocator" << std::endl;
cout << std::endl;
cout << "npolys must be smaller than the size of the map" << std::endl;
cout << std::endl;
bool ParseCmdLine(int argc, char **argv ) {
bool error_found = false;
bool nPolysSpecified = false;
bool nMapSizeSpecified = false;
bool nSeedSpecified = false;
bool csvSpecified = false;
bool grainsizeSpecified = false;
bool mallocSpecified = false;
int origArgc = argc;
char** origArgv = argv;
unsigned int newnPolygons = gNPolygons;
unsigned int newSeed = gMyRandomSeed;
unsigned int newX = gMapXSize;
unsigned int newY = gMapYSize;
unsigned int newGrainSize = gGrainSize;
argc--; argv++;
if(argc > 0 && isdigit((*argv)[0])) {
// first argument is one or two numbers, specifying how mny threads to run
char* end; gThreadsHigh = gThreadsLow = (int)strtol(argv[0],&end,0);
switch( *end) {
case ':': gThreadsHigh = (int)strtol(end+1,0,0); break;
case '\0': break;
default: cout << "Unexpected character in thread specifier: " << *end << std::endl; break;
if(gThreadsLow > gThreadsHigh) {
int t = gThreadsLow;
gThreadsLow = gThreadsHigh;
gThreadsHigh = t;
argv++; argc--;
while(argc > 0) {
// format 1: --size nnnxnnn, where nnn in {0 .. 9}+ -- size of map in "squares"
if(!strncmp("--size", *argv, (size_t)6)) {
if(nMapSizeSpecified) {
cout << " Error: map size multiply specified" << std::endl;
error_found = true;
else {
argv++; argc--;
if(argc == 0) {
error_found = true;
cout << " Error: --size must have a value" << std::endl;
if(strchr(*argv, 'x') != strrchr(*argv,'x')) {
// more than one 'x'
cout << "Error: map size should be nnnxnnn (" << *argv << ")" << std::endl;
error_found = true;
else {
int rval;
rval = sscanf(*argv, "%ux%u", &newX, &newY);
if(rval != 2) {
cout << "Error parsing map size (format should be nnnxnnn (" << *argv << ")" << std::endl;
error_found = true;
if(newX == 0 || newY == 0) {
cout << "Error: size of map should be greater than 0 (" << *argv << ")" << std::endl;
error_found = true;
argc--; argv++;
// format 2: --seed nnn -- initial random number seed
else if(!strncmp("--seed", *argv, (size_t)6)) {
argv++; argc--;
if(nSeedSpecified) {
cout << "Error: new seed multiply specified" << std::endl;
error_found = true;
else {
nSeedSpecified = true;
int rtval = sscanf(*argv, "%u", &newSeed);
if(rtval == 0) {
cout << "Error: --seed should be an unsigned number (instead of " << *argv << ")" << std::endl;
error_found = true;
argv++; argc--;
// format 3: --polys n[n] -- number of polygons in each map
else if(!strncmp("--polys", *argv, (size_t)7)) {
//unsigned int newnPolygons;
argv++; argc--;
if(nPolysSpecified) {
cout << "Error: number of polygons multiply-specified" << std::endl;
error_found = true;
}else {
int rtval = sscanf(*argv, "%u", &newnPolygons);
if(newnPolygons == 0) {
cout << "Error: number of polygons must be greater than 0 (" << *argv << ")" << std::endl;
argv++; argc--;
// format 4: --csv <fileroot> -- name of CSV output file ("xxx" for "xxx.csv")
else if(!strncmp("--csv", *argv, (size_t)5)) {
argv++; argc--;
if(csvSpecified) {
cout << "Error: Multiple specification of CSV file" << std::endl;
error_found = true;
else {
gCsvFilename = *argv;
argv++; argc--;
csvSpecified = true;
else if(!strncmp("--grainsize", *argv, (size_t)11)) {
argv++; argc--;
if(grainsizeSpecified) {
cout << "Error: Multiple specification of grainsize" << std::endl;
error_found = true;
else {
int grval = sscanf(*argv, "%u", &newGrainSize);
grainsizeSpecified = true;
if(newGrainSize == 0) {
cout << "Error: grainsize must be greater than 0" << std::endl;
error_found = true;
argv++; argc--;
else if(!strncmp("--use_malloc", *argv, (size_t)12)) {
argv++; argc--;
if(mallocSpecified) {
cout << "Error: --use_malloc multiply-specified" << std::endl;
error_found = true;
else {
mallocSpecified = true;
gMBehavior = UseMalloc;
else {
cout << "Error: unrecognized argument: " << *argv << std::endl;
error_found = true;
argv++; argc--;
if(!error_found) {
if(newX * newY < newnPolygons) {
error_found = true;
cout << "Error: map size should not be smaller than the number of polygons (gNPolygons = " << newnPolygons << ", map size " << newX << "x" << newY << ")" << std::endl;
if(!error_found) {
gMapXSize = newX;
gMapYSize = newY;
gNPolygons = newnPolygons;
gMyRandomSeed = newSeed;
gGrainSize = (int)newGrainSize;
else {
Usage(origArgc, origArgv);
return !error_found;
// create a polygon map with at least gNPolygons polygons.
// Usually more than gNPolygons polygons will be generated, because the
// process of growing the polygons results in holes.
bool GenerateMap(Polygon_map_t **newMap, int xSize, int ySize, int gNPolygons, colorcomp_t maxR, colorcomp_t maxG, colorcomp_t maxB) {
bool error_found = false;
int *validPolys;
int *validSide;
int maxSides;
RPolygon *newPoly;
if(xSize <= 0) {
cout << "xSize (" << xSize << ") should be > 0." << std::endl;
error_found = true;
if(ySize <= 0) {
cout << "ySize (" << ySize << ") should be > 0." << std::endl;
error_found = true;
if(gNPolygons > (xSize * ySize)) {
cout << "gNPolygons (" << gNPolygons << ") should be less than " << (xSize * ySize) << std::endl;
error_found = true;
if(error_found) return false;
// the whole map is [xSize x ySize] squares
// the way we create the map is to
// 1) pick nPolygon discrete squares on an [xSize x ySize] grid
// 2) while there are unused squares on the grid
// 3) pick a polygon with a side that has unused squares on a side
// 4) expand the polygon by 1 to occupy the unused squares
// Continue until every square on the grid is occupied by a polygon
int *tempMap;
tempMap = (int *)malloc(xSize * ySize * sizeof(int));
for(int i=0;i < xSize; i++) {
for(int j=0;j < ySize; j++) {
tempMap[i*ySize + j] = 0;
// *newMap = new vector<RPolygon>;
*newMap = new Polygon_map_t;
(*newMap)->reserve(gNPolygons + 1); // how much bigger does this need to be on average?
newPoly = RPolygon::alloc_RPolygon(0,0,xSize-1, ySize-1);
for(int i=0; i < gNPolygons; i++) {
int nX;
int nY;
do { // look for an empty square.
nX = NextRan(xSize);
nY = NextRan(ySize);
} while(tempMap[nX * ySize + nY] != 0);
int nR = (maxR * NextRan(1000)) / 999;
int nG = (maxG * NextRan(1000)) / 999;
int nB = (maxB * NextRan(1000)) / 999;
newPoly = RPolygon::alloc_RPolygon(nX,nY,nX,nY,nR,nG,nB);
tempMap[nX * ySize + nY] = i+1; // index of this polygon + 1
// now have to grow polygons to fill the space.
validPolys = (int *)malloc(4*gNPolygons * sizeof(int));
validSide = (int *)malloc(4*gNPolygons * sizeof(int));
for(int i=0;i<gNPolygons;i++) {
validPolys[4*i] = validPolys[4*i + 1] = validPolys[4*i + 2] = validPolys[4*i + 3] = i + 1;
validSide[4*i] = NORTH_SIDE;
validSide[4*i+1] = EAST_SIDE;
validSide[4*i+2] = SOUTH_SIDE;
validSide[4*i+3] = WEST_SIDE;
maxSides = 4*gNPolygons;
while(maxSides > 0) {
int indx = NextRan(maxSides);
int polyIndx = validPolys[indx];
int checkSide = validSide[indx];
int xlow, xhigh, ylow, yhigh;
int xlnew, xhnew, ylnew, yhnew;
xlnew = xlow;
xhnew = xhigh;
ylnew = ylow;
yhnew = yhigh;
// can this polygon be expanded along the chosen side?
switch(checkSide) {
// y-1 from xlow to xhigh
ylow = yhigh = (ylow - 1);
// x+1 from ylow to yhigh
xlow = xhigh = (xhigh + 1);
// y+1 from xlow to xhigh
ylow = yhigh = (yhigh+1);
// x-1 from ylow to yhigh
xlow = xhigh = (xlow - 1);
bool okay_to_extend = !(((xlow < 0) || (xlow >= xSize)) || ((ylow < 0) || (ylow >= ySize)));
for(int ii = xlow; (ii <= xhigh) && okay_to_extend; ii++) {
for(int jj=ylow; (jj <= yhigh) && okay_to_extend; jj++) {
okay_to_extend = tempMap[ii*ySize + jj] == 0;
if(okay_to_extend) {
for(int ii = xlow; ii <= xhigh; ii++) {
for(int jj=ylow; jj <= yhigh && okay_to_extend; jj++) {
tempMap[ii*ySize + jj] = polyIndx;
else {
// once we cannot expand along a side, we will never be able to; remove from the list.
for(int i=indx + 1; i < maxSides; i++) {
validPolys[i-1] = validPolys[i];
validSide[i-1] = validSide[i];
// Once no polygons can be grown, look for unused squares, and fill them with polygons.
for(int j=0;j<ySize;j++) {
for(int i=0;i<xSize;i++) {
if(tempMap[i*ySize+j] == 0) {
// try to grow in the x direction, then the y direction
int ilen = i;
int jlen = j;
while(ilen < (xSize - 1) && tempMap[(ilen+1)*ySize + jlen] == 0) {
bool yok = true;
while(yok && jlen < (ySize - 1)) {
for(int ii = i; ii <= ilen && yok; ii++) {
yok = (tempMap[ii*ySize + jlen + 1] == 0);
if(yok) {
// create new polygon and push it on our list.
int nR = (maxR * NextRan(1000)) / 999;
int nG = (maxG * NextRan(1000)) / 999;
int nB = (maxB * NextRan(1000)) / 999;
newPoly = RPolygon::alloc_RPolygon(i,j,ilen,jlen,nR,nG,nB);
for(int ii=i; ii<=ilen;ii++) {
for(int jj=j;jj<=jlen;jj++) {
tempMap[ii*ySize + jj] = gNPolygons;
#if _DEBUG
if(!gIsGraphicalVersion) {
cout << std::endl << "Final Map:" << std::endl;
for(int j=0; j < ySize; j++ ) {
cout << "Row " << setw(2) << j << ":";
for(int i=0;i<xSize;i++) {
int it = tempMap[i*ySize + j];
if(it<10) {
cout << setw(2) << it;
else {
char ct = (int)'a' + it - 10;
cout << " " << ct;
cout << std::endl;
#endif // _DEBUG
return true;
void CheckPolygonMap(Polygon_map_t *checkMap) {
#define indx(i,j) (i*gMapYSize + j)
#define rangeCheck(str,n,limit) if(((n)<0)||((n)>=limit)) {cout << "checkMap error: " << str << " out of range (" << n << ")" << std::endl;anError=true;}
#define xRangeCheck(str,n) rangeCheck(str,n,gMapXSize)
#define yRangeCheck(str,n) rangeCheck(str,n,gMapYSize)
// The first polygon is the whole map.
bool anError = false;
int *cArray;
if(checkMap->size() <= 0) {
cout << "checkMap error: no polygons in map" << std::endl;
// mapXhigh and mapYhigh are inclusive, that is, if the map is 5x5, those values would be 4.
int mapXhigh, mapYhigh, mapLowX, mapLowY;
int gMapXSize, gMapYSize;
checkMap->at(0)->get(&mapLowX, &mapLowY, &mapXhigh, &mapYhigh);
if((mapLowX !=0) || (mapLowY != 0)) {
cout << "checkMap error: map origin not (0,0) (X=" << mapLowX << ", Y=" << mapLowY << ")" << std::endl;
anError = true;
if((mapXhigh < 0) || (mapYhigh < 0)) {
cout << "checkMap error: no area in map (X=" << mapXhigh << ", Y=" << mapYhigh << ")" << std::endl;
anError = true;
if(anError) return;
// bounds for array.
gMapXSize = mapXhigh + 1;
gMapYSize = mapYhigh + 1;
cArray = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int)*(gMapXSize*gMapYSize));
for(int i=0; i<gMapXSize; i++) {
for(int j=0; j< gMapYSize; j++) {
cArray[indx(i,j)] = 0;
int xlow, xhigh, ylow, yhigh;
for(int p=1; p < int(checkMap->size()) && !anError; p++) {
checkMap->at(p)->get(&xlow, &ylow, &xhigh, &yhigh);
xRangeCheck("xlow", xlow);
yRangeCheck("ylow", ylow);
xRangeCheck("xhigh", xhigh);
yRangeCheck("yhigh", yhigh);
if(xlow>xhigh) {
cout << "checkMap error: xlow > xhigh (" << xlow << "," << xhigh << ")" << std::endl;
anError = true;
if(ylow>yhigh) {
cout << "checkMap error: ylow > yhigh (" << ylow << "," << yhigh << ")" << std::endl;
anError = true;
for(int ii = xlow; ii <= xhigh; ii++) {
for(int jj = ylow; jj <= yhigh; jj++) {
if(cArray[indx(ii,jj)] != 0) {
cout << "checkMap error: polygons " << cArray[indx(ii,jj)] << " and " << p << " intersect" << std::endl;
anError = true;
cArray[indx(ii,jj)] = p;
for(int ii=0; ii < gMapXSize; ii++) {
for(int jj=0; jj < gMapYSize; jj++) {
if(cArray[indx(ii,jj)] == 0) {
cout << "checkMap error: block(" << ii << ", " << jj << ") not in any polygon" << std::endl;
anError = true;
bool CompOnePolygon(RPolygon *p1, RPolygon *p2) {
int xl1, xh1, yl1, yh1;
int xl2, xh2, yl2, yh2;
p1->get(&xl1, &yl1, &xh1, &yh1);
p2->get(&xl2, &yl2, &xh2, &yh2);
if(yl1>yl2) return true;
if(yl1<yl2) return false;
return (xl1 > xl2);
bool PolygonsEqual(RPolygon *p1, RPolygon *p2) {
int xl1, xh1, yl1, yh1;
int xl2, xh2, yl2, yh2;
p1->get(&xl1, &yl1, &xh1, &yh1);
p2->get(&xl2, &yl2, &xh2, &yh2);
return ((xl1 == xl2) && (yl1==yl2) && (xh1 == xh2) && (yh1 == yh2));
bool ComparePolygonMaps(Polygon_map_t *map1, Polygon_map_t *map2) {
// create two new polygon maps, copy the pointers from the original to these.
// we have to skip the first polygon, which is the size of the whole map
Polygon_map_t *t1, *t2;
bool is_ok = true;
t1 = new Polygon_map_t;
for(unsigned int i=1;i<map1->size(); i++) {
t2 = new Polygon_map_t;
for(unsigned int i=1;i<map2->size();i++) {
// sort the two created maps by (xlow, ylow)
sort(t1->begin(), t1->end(), CompOnePolygon);
sort(t2->begin(), t2->end(), CompOnePolygon);
// compare each element of both maps.
if(t1->size() != t2->size()) {
cout << "Error: maps not the same size ( " << int(t1->size()) << " vs " << int(t2->size()) << ")." << std::endl;
int maxSize = (int)((t1->size() < t2->size()) ? t1->size() : t2->size());
for(int i=0; i < maxSize; i++) {
if(!PolygonsEqual(t1->at(i), t2->at(i))) {
cout << "Error: polygons unequal (" << *(t1->at(i)) << " vs " << (*t2->at(i)) << std::endl;
is_ok = false;
delete t1;
delete t2;
return is_ok;
void SetRandomSeed(int newSeed) {
int NextRan(int n) {
// assert(n > 1);
// if we are given 1, we will just return 0
//assert(n < RAND_MAX);
int rrand = rand() << 15 | rand();
if(rrand < 0) rrand = -rrand;
return rrand % n;
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& s, const RPolygon &p) {
int xl, yl, xh, yh;
p.get(&xl, &yl, &xh, &yh);
return s << "[(" << xl << "," << yl << ")-(" << xh << "," << yh << ")] ";