blob: 99ddfdd303362856a9f302707ce7ea6e1d800dd0 [file] [log] [blame]
Copyright 2005-2010 Intel Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
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// Polygon overlay
#include <iostream>
#include <algorithm>
#include <string.h>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <assert.h>
#include "tbb/tick_count.h"
#include "tbb/blocked_range.h"
#include "tbb/task_scheduler_init.h"
#include "tbb/parallel_for.h"
#include "tbb/mutex.h"
#include "tbb/spin_mutex.h"
#include "polyover.h"
#include "polymain.h"
#include "pover_video.h"
using namespace std;
* @brief intersects a polygon with a map, adding any results to output map
* @param[out] resultMap output map (must be allocated)
* @param[in] polygon to be intersected
* @param[in] map intersected against
* @param[in] lock to use when adding output polygons to result map
void OverlayOnePolygonWithMap(Polygon_map_t *resultMap, RPolygon *myPoly, Polygon_map_t *map2, tbb::spin_mutex *rMutex) {
int r1, g1, b1, r2, g2, b2;
int myr=0;
int myg=0;
int myb=0;
int p1Area = myPoly->area();
for(unsigned int j=1; (j < map2->size()) && (p1Area > 0); j++) {
RPolygon *p2 = (*map2)[j];
RPolygon *pnew;
int newxMin, newxMax, newyMin, newyMax;
myPoly->getColor(&r1, &g1, &b1);
if(PolygonsOverlap(myPoly, p2, newxMin, newyMin, newxMax, newyMax)) {
p2->getColor(&r2, &g2, &b2);
myr = r1 + r2;
myg = g1 + g2;
myb = b1 + b2;
pnew = RPolygon::alloc_RPolygon(newxMin, newyMin, newxMax, newyMax, myr, myg, myb);
p1Area -= pnew->area(); // when all the area of the polygon is accounted for, we can quit.
if(rMutex) {
tbb::spin_mutex::scoped_lock lock(*rMutex);
#if _DEBUG
else {
#ifdef _DEBUG
* @brief Serial version of polygon overlay
* @param[out] output map
* @param[in] first map (map that individual polygons are taken from)
* @param[in] second map (map passed to OverlayOnePolygonWithMap)
void SerialOverlayMaps(Polygon_map_t **resultMap, Polygon_map_t *map1, Polygon_map_t *map2) {
cout << "SerialOverlayMaps called" << std::endl;
*resultMap = new Polygon_map_t;
RPolygon *p0 = (*map1)[0];
int mapxSize, mapySize, ignore1, ignore2;
p0->get(&ignore1, &ignore2, &mapxSize, &mapySize);
(*resultMap)->reserve(mapxSize*mapySize); // can't be any bigger than this
// push the map size as the first polygon,
p0 = RPolygon::alloc_RPolygon(0,0,mapxSize, mapySize);
for(unsigned int i=1; i < map1->size(); i++) {
RPolygon *p1 = (*map1)[i];
OverlayOnePolygonWithMap(*resultMap, p1, map2, NULL);
* @class ApplyOverlay
* @brief Simple version of parallel overlay (make parallel on polygons in map1)
class ApplyOverlay {
Polygon_map_t *m_map1, *m_map2, *m_resultMap;
tbb::spin_mutex *m_rMutex;
* @brief functor to apply
* @param[in] r range of polygons to intersect from map1
void operator()( const tbb::blocked_range<int> & r) const {
PRINT_DEBUG("From " << r.begin() << " to " << r.end());
for(int i=r.begin(); i != r.end(); i++) {
RPolygon *myPoly = (*m_map1)[i];
OverlayOnePolygonWithMap(m_resultMap, myPoly, m_map2, m_rMutex);
ApplyOverlay(Polygon_map_t *resultMap, Polygon_map_t *map1, Polygon_map_t *map2, tbb::spin_mutex *rmutex) :
m_resultMap(resultMap), m_map1(map1), m_map2(map2), m_rMutex(rmutex) {}
* @brief apply the parallel algorithm
* @param[out] result_map generated map
* @param[in] polymap1 first map to be applied (algorithm is parallel on this map)
* @param[in] polymap2 second map.
void NaiveParallelOverlay(Polygon_map_t *&result_map, Polygon_map_t &polymap1, Polygon_map_t &polymap2) {
// -----------------------------------
bool automatic_threadcount = false;
if(gThreadsLow == THREADS_UNSET || gThreadsLow == tbb::task_scheduler_init::automatic) {
gThreadsLow = gThreadsHigh = tbb::task_scheduler_init::automatic;
automatic_threadcount = true;
result_map = new Polygon_map_t;
RPolygon *p0 = polymap1[0];
int mapxSize, mapySize, ignore1, ignore2;
p0->get(&ignore1, &ignore2, &mapxSize, &mapySize);
result_map->reserve(mapxSize*mapySize); // can't be any bigger than this
// push the map size as the first polygon,
tbb::spin_mutex *resultMutex = new tbb::spin_mutex();
int grain_size = gGrainSize;
for(int nthreads = gThreadsLow; nthreads <= gThreadsHigh; nthreads++) {
tbb::task_scheduler_init init(nthreads);
if(gIsGraphicalVersion) {
RPolygon *xp = RPolygon::alloc_RPolygon(0, 0, gMapXSize-1, gMapYSize-1, 0, 0, 0); // Clear the output space
RPolygon::free_RPolygon( xp );
// put size polygon in result map
p0 = RPolygon::alloc_RPolygon(0,0,mapxSize, mapySize);
tbb::tick_count t0 = tbb::tick_count::now();
tbb::parallel_for (tbb::blocked_range<int>(1,(int)(polymap1.size()),grain_size), ApplyOverlay(result_map, &polymap1, &polymap2, resultMutex));
tbb::tick_count t1 = tbb::tick_count::now();
double naiveParallelTime = (t1-t0).seconds() * 1000;
cout << "Naive parallel with spin lock and ";
if(automatic_threadcount) cout << "automatic";
else cout << nthreads;
cout << ((nthreads == 1) ? " thread" : " threads");
cout << " took " << naiveParallelTime << " msec : speedup over serial " << (gSerialTime / naiveParallelTime) << std::endl;
if(gCsvFile.is_open()) {
gCsvFile << "," << naiveParallelTime;
#if _DEBUG
ComparePolygonMaps(result_map, gResultMap);
for(int i=0; i<int(result_map->size());i++) {
delete resultMutex;
if(gCsvFile.is_open()) {
gCsvFile << std::endl;
// -----------------------------------
* @class ApplySplitOverlay
* @brief parallel by columnar strip
class ApplySplitOverlay {
Polygon_map_t *m_map1, *m_map2, *m_resultMap;
tbb::spin_mutex *m_rMutex;
* @brief functor for columnar parallel version
* @param[in] r range of map to be operated on
void operator()(const tbb::blocked_range<int> & r) const {
#ifdef _DEBUG
// if we are debugging, serialize the method. That way we can
// see what is happening in each strip without the interleaving
// confusing things.
tbb::spin_mutex::scoped_lock lock(*m_rMutex);
cout << unitbuf << "From " << r.begin() << " to " << r.end()-1 << std::endl;
// instead of handing out subsets of polygons from map1 to intersect
// with the polygons in map2, we are handed a strip of the map from
// [(r.begin(),0)-(r.end()-1,yMapSize)].
// make a polygon with those values, and intersect with all the polygons
// in map1 and map2, creating flagged polygon lists fmap1 and fmap2.
// There are four possiblities:
// 1) a polygon is contained entirely within the strip. We just
// add the polygon to our flagged map.
// 2) the polygon will be partly contained in our strip, and partly
// in the strip to our right (higher x values). Add the polygon
// to our flagged map.
// 3) the polygon is partly contained in our map, and partly in the
// strip to our left. Add the polygon to our map, but flag it as
// a duplicate.
// 4) the polygons do not intersect. Don't add to flagged map.
// get yMapSize
int r1, g1, b1, r2, g2, b2;
int myr=-1;
int myg=-1;
int myb=-1;
int i1, i2, i3, yMapSize;
m_map1->at(0)->get(&i1, &i2, &i3, &yMapSize);
RPolygon *slicePolygon = RPolygon::alloc_RPolygon(r.begin(), 0, r.end() - 1, yMapSize);
Flagged_map_t *fmap1, *fmap2;
fmap1 = new std::vector<RPolygon_flagged>;
fmap2 = new Flagged_map_t;
PRINT_DEBUG(std::endl << "Map1 -------------------");
for(unsigned int i=1; i<m_map1->size(); i++) {
int xl, yl, xh, yh;
RPolygon *px = m_map1->at(i);
if(PolygonsOverlap(slicePolygon, px, xl, yl, xh, yh)) {
bool is_duplicate = false;
int pxl, pyl, pxh, pyh;
int indx = (int)(fmap1->size());
px->get(&pxl, &pyl, &pxh, &pyh);
if(pxl < xl) {
is_duplicate = true;
PRINT_DEBUG(" Polygon " << *px << " is in map, is_duplicate=" << is_duplicate);
PRINT_DEBUG(std::endl << "Map2 -------------------");
for(unsigned int i=1; i<m_map2->size(); i++) {
int xl, yl, xh, yh;
RPolygon *px = m_map2->at(i);
if(PolygonsOverlap(slicePolygon, px, xl, yl, xh, yh)) {
bool is_duplicate = false;
int pxl, pyl, pxh, pyh;
int indx = (int)(fmap2->size());
px->get(&pxl, &pyl, &pxh, &pyh);
if(pxl < xl) {
is_duplicate = true;
PRINT_DEBUG(" Polygon " << *px << " is in map, is_duplicate=" << is_duplicate);
// When intersecting polygons from fmap1 and fmap2, if BOTH are flagged
// as duplicate, don't add the result to the output map. We can still
// intersect them, because we are keeping track of how much of the polygon
// is left over from intersecting, and quitting when the polygon is
// used up.
for(unsigned int ii=0; ii < fmap1->size(); ii++) {
RPolygon *p1 = fmap1->at(ii).p();
bool is_dup = fmap1->at(ii).isDuplicate();
int parea = p1->area();
p1->getColor(&r1, &g1, &b1);
for(unsigned int jj=0;(jj < fmap2->size()) && (parea > 0); jj++) {
int xl, yl, xh, yh;
RPolygon *p2 = fmap2->at(jj).p();
if(PolygonsOverlap(p1, p2, xl, yl, xh, yh)) {
if(!(is_dup && fmap2->at(jj).isDuplicate())) {
p2->getColor(&r2, &g2, &b2);
myr = r1 + r2;
myg = g1 + g2;
myb = b1 + b2;
RPolygon *pnew = RPolygon::alloc_RPolygon(xl, yl, xh, yh, myr, myg, myb);
#ifdef _DEBUG
tbb::spin_mutex::scoped_lock lock(*m_rMutex);
parea -= (xh-xl+1)*(yh-yl+1);
delete fmap1;
delete fmap2;
RPolygon::free_RPolygon( slicePolygon );
ApplySplitOverlay(Polygon_map_t *resultMap, Polygon_map_t *map1, Polygon_map_t *map2, tbb::spin_mutex *rmutex) :
m_resultMap(resultMap), m_map1(map1), m_map2(map2), m_rMutex(rmutex) {}
* @brief intersects two maps strip-wise
* @param[out] resultMap output map (must be allocated)
* @param[in] polymap1 map to be intersected
* @param[in] polymap2 map to be intersected
void SplitParallelOverlay(Polygon_map_t **result_map, Polygon_map_t *polymap1, Polygon_map_t *polymap2) {
int nthreads;
bool automatic_threadcount = false;
double domainSplitParallelTime;
tbb::tick_count t0, t1;
tbb::spin_mutex *resultMutex;
if(gThreadsLow == THREADS_UNSET || gThreadsLow == tbb::task_scheduler_init::automatic ) {
gThreadsLow = gThreadsHigh = tbb::task_scheduler_init::automatic;
automatic_threadcount = true;
*result_map = new Polygon_map_t;
RPolygon *p0 = (*polymap1)[0];
int mapxSize, mapySize, ignore1, ignore2;
p0->get(&ignore1, &ignore2, &mapxSize, &mapySize);
(*result_map)->reserve(mapxSize*mapySize); // can't be any bigger than this
resultMutex = new tbb::spin_mutex();
int grain_size;
#ifdef _DEBUG
grain_size = gMapXSize / 4;
grain_size = gGrainSize;
for(nthreads = gThreadsLow; nthreads <= gThreadsHigh; nthreads++) {
tbb::task_scheduler_init init(nthreads);
if(gIsGraphicalVersion) {
RPolygon *xp = RPolygon::alloc_RPolygon(0, 0, gMapXSize-1, gMapYSize-1, 0, 0, 0); // Clear the output space
RPolygon::free_RPolygon( xp );
// push the map size as the first polygon,
p0 = RPolygon::alloc_RPolygon(0,0,mapxSize, mapySize);
t0 = tbb::tick_count::now();
tbb::parallel_for (tbb::blocked_range<int>(0,(int)(mapxSize+1),grain_size), ApplySplitOverlay((*result_map), polymap1, polymap2, resultMutex));
t1 = tbb::tick_count::now();
domainSplitParallelTime = (t1-t0).seconds()*1000;
cout << "Splitting parallel with spin lock and ";
if(automatic_threadcount) cout << "automatic";
else cout << nthreads;
cout << ((nthreads == 1) ? " thread" : " threads");
cout << " took " << domainSplitParallelTime << " msec : speedup over serial " << (gSerialTime / domainSplitParallelTime) << std::endl;
if(gCsvFile.is_open()) {
gCsvFile << "," << domainSplitParallelTime;
#if _DEBUG
ComparePolygonMaps(*result_map, gResultMap);
for(int i=0; i<int((*result_map)->size());i++) {
delete resultMutex;
if(gCsvFile.is_open()) {
gCsvFile << std::endl;