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Copyright 2005-2010 Intel Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
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// rpolygon.h
#ifndef _RPOLYGON_H_
#define _RPOLYGON_H_
#include <vector>
#include <iostream>
#include "pover_video.h"
#include "tbb/scalable_allocator.h"
using namespace std;
using namespace tbb;
class RPolygon;
typedef scalable_allocator<RPolygon> RPolygon_allocator;
DEFINE RPolygon_allocator rAlloc;
enum MallocBehavior {
DEFINE MallocBehavior gMBehavior INIT(UseScalableAllocator);
class RPolygon {
RPolygon() {m_XMin = m_YMin = m_XMax = m_YMax = 0;
m_r = m_g = m_b = 0;
RPolygon(int xMin, int yMin, int xMax, int yMax, int r=-1, int g=-1, int b=-1) : m_XMin(xMin), m_YMin(yMin), m_XMax(xMax), m_YMax(yMax) {
if( r >= 0) {
m_r=(colorcomp_t)r; m_g=(colorcomp_t)g; m_b=(colorcomp_t)b;
if(gDoDraw) drawPoly();
static RPolygon *alloc_RPolygon(int xMin, int yMin, int xMax, int yMax, int r=-1, int g=-1, int b=-1) {
switch(gMBehavior) {
case UseScalableAllocator: {
RPolygon *my_p = rAlloc.allocate(1);
if( r >= 0 && gDoDraw) {
return my_p;
case UseMalloc: {
RPolygon *my_p = new RPolygon(xMin,yMin,xMax,yMax,r,g,b);
return my_p;
return NULL;
static void free_RPolygon(RPolygon *p) {
switch(gMBehavior) {
case UseScalableAllocator: {
rAlloc.deallocate(p, 1);
case UseMalloc: {
delete p;
void set_nodraw(int xMin, int yMin, int xMax, int yMax) {m_XMin=xMin; m_YMin=yMin; m_XMax=xMax; m_YMax=yMax;}
RPolygon &intersect(RPolygon &otherPoly);
void set(int xMin, int yMin, int xMax, int yMax) {
if(gDoDraw) {
void get(int *xMin, int *yMin, int *xMax, int *yMax) const {*xMin=m_XMin;*yMin=m_YMin;*xMax=m_XMax;*yMax=m_YMax;}
void setColor(colorcomp_t newr, colorcomp_t newg, colorcomp_t newb) {m_r = newr; m_g=newg; m_b=newb;}
void getColor(int *myr, int *myg, int *myb) {*myr=m_r; *myg=m_g; *myb=m_b;}
color_t myColor() {return gVideo->get_color(m_r, m_g, m_b);}
void drawPoly() {
if(gVideo->running) {
if(g_next_frame()) { // Shouldn't call next_frame each time
drawing_area ldrawing(
gDrawXOffset+m_XMin*gPolyXBoxSize, //x
gDrawYOffset+m_YMin*gPolyYBoxSize, //y
(m_XMax-m_XMin+1)*gPolyXBoxSize, //sizex
(m_YMax-m_YMin+1)*gPolyYBoxSize); //sizey
for(int y=0; y<ldrawing.size_y; y++) {
color_t my_color = myColor();
for(int x=0;x < ldrawing.size_x; x++) {
int area() {return ((m_XMax-m_XMin+1)*(m_YMax-m_YMin+1));}
void print(int i) { cout << "RPolygon " << i << " (" << m_XMin << ", " << m_YMin << ")-(" << m_XMax << ", " << m_YMax << ") " << endl; fflush(stdout);}
int m_XMin;
int m_YMin;
int m_XMax;
int m_YMax;
colorcomp_t m_r;
colorcomp_t m_g;
colorcomp_t m_b;
extern ostream& operator<<(ostream& s, const RPolygon &p);
class RPolygon_flagged {
RPolygon *myPoly;
bool is_duplicate;
RPolygon_flagged() {myPoly = NULL; is_duplicate = false;}
bool isDuplicate() {return is_duplicate;}
void setDuplicate(bool newValue) {is_duplicate = newValue;}
RPolygon *p() {return myPoly;}
void setp(RPolygon *newp) {myPoly = newp;}
typedef class vector<RPolygon *> Polygon_map_t;
typedef class vector<RPolygon_flagged> Flagged_map_t; // we'll make shallow copies
inline bool PolygonsOverlap(RPolygon *p1, RPolygon *p2, int &xl, int &yl, int &xh, int &yh) {
int xl1, yl1, xh1, yh1, xl2, yl2, xh2, yh2;
#if _DEBUG
rt_sleep(1); // slow down the process so we can see it.
p1->get(&xl1, &yl1, &xh1, &yh1);
p2->get(&xl2, &yl2, &xh2, &yh2);
if(xl1 > xh2) return false;
if(xh1 < xl2) return false;
if(yl1 > yh2) return false;
if(yh1 < yl2) return false;
xl = (xl1 < xl2) ? xl2 : xl1;
xh = (xh1 < xh2) ? xh1 : xh2;
yl = (yl1 < yl2) ? yl2 : yl1;
yh = (yh1 < yh2) ? yh1 : yh2;
return true;
#endif // _RPOLYGON_H_