blob: e1a61e8973dac8dd9b62da9ad93a42a6261c2bf8 [file] [log] [blame]
Copyright 2005-2010 Intel Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
This file is part of Threading Building Blocks.
Threading Building Blocks is free software; you can redistribute it
and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
Threading Building Blocks is distributed in the hope that it will be
useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with Threading Building Blocks; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
As a special exception, you may use this file as part of a free software
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templates or use macros or inline functions from this file, or you compile
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file does not by itself cause the resulting executable to be covered by
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invalidate any other reasons why the executable file might be covered by
the GNU General Public License.
#ifndef __CONVEX_HULL_H__
#define __CONVEX_HULL_H__
#include <cstdlib>
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <sstream>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <cstring>
#include <algorithm>
#include <functional>
#include <assert.h>
#include "tbb/tick_count.h"
using namespace std;
namespace cfg {
// convex hull problem parameter defaults
const long NP = 5000000; // problem size
const int SNT = 1; // minimal number of threads
const int ENT = 8; // maximal number of threads
// convex hull problem user set parameters
// convex hull grain sizes for 3 subproblems. Be sure 16*GS < 512Kb
const size_t GENERATE_GS = 25000;
const size_t FINDEXT_GS = 25000;
const size_t DIVIDE_GS = 25000;
namespace util {
bool VERBOSE = false;
vector<string> OUTPUT;
// utility functionality
void ParseInputArgs(int argc, char* argv[]) {
int numArgs = 1;
if(argc>numArgs) {
char delim = ':';
if(!strcmp(argv[numArgs], "-h")) {
cout << " Program usage is:" << endl
<< " " << argv[0] << " [NP] [SNT" << delim << "ENT] [-v]"
<< endl << endl
<< " where:" << endl
<< " NP - number of points" << endl
<< " SNT - start with this number of threads" << endl
<< " ENT - end with this number of threads" << endl
<< " -v - turns verbose ON" << endl;
} else {
while(argc>numArgs) {
char* endptr;
if(!strcmp(argv[numArgs], "-v")) {
VERBOSE = true;
} else if(!strchr(argv[numArgs], delim)) {
cfg::MAXPOINTS = strtol(argv[numArgs], &endptr, 0);
if(*endptr!='\0') {
cout << " wrong parameter format for Number of Points" << endl;
if(cfg::MAXPOINTS<=0) {
<< " wrong value set for Number of Points" << endl
<< " using default value: " << endl
<< " Number of Points = " << cfg::NP << endl;
cfg::MAXPOINTS = cfg::NP;
} else {
cfg::NUM_THREADS_START=(int)strtol(argv[numArgs], &endptr, 0);
if(*endptr==delim) {
cfg::NUM_THREADS_END = (int)strtol(endptr+1, &endptr, 0);
} else {
cout << " wrong parameter format for Number of Threads" << endl;
if(*endptr!='\0') {
cout << " wrong parameter format for Number of Threads" << endl;
<< " wrong values set for Number of Threads" << endl
<< " using default values: " << endl
<< " start NT = " << cfg::SNT << endl
<< " end NT = " << cfg::ENT << endl;
template <typename T>
struct point {
T x;
T y;
point() : x(T()), y(T()) {}
point(T _x, T _y) : x(_x), y(_y) {}
//why do we need below line? it fails to compile with suncc
//point(const point<T>& _P) : x(_P.x), y(_P.y) {}
int random(unsigned int& rseed) {
#if __linux__ || __APPLE__ || __FreeBSD__
return rand_r(&rseed);
#elif _WIN32 || __sun
return rand();
#error Unknown/unsupported OS?
#endif // __linux__ || __APPLE__ || __FreeBSD__
template < typename T >
point<T> GenerateRNDPoint(size_t& count, unsigned int& rseed) {
/* generates random points on 2D plane so that the cluster
is somewhat circle shaped */
const size_t maxsize=500;
T x = random(rseed)*2.0/(double)RAND_MAX - 1;
T y = random(rseed)*2.0/(double)RAND_MAX - 1;
T r = (x*x + y*y);
if(r>1) {
if(count>10) {
if (random(rseed)/(double)RAND_MAX > 0.5)
x /= r;
if (random(rseed)/(double)RAND_MAX > 0.5)
y /= r;
count = 0;
else {
x /= r;
y /= r;
x = (x+1)*0.5*maxsize;
y = (y+1)*0.5*maxsize;
return point<T>(x,y);
template <typename Index>
struct edge {
Index start;
Index end;
edge(Index _p1, Index _p2) : start(_p1), end(_p2) {};
template <typename T>
ostream& operator <<(ostream& _ostr, point<T> _p) {
return _ostr << '(' << _p.x << ',' << _p.y << ')';
template <typename T>
istream& operator >>(istream& _istr, point<T> _p) {
return _istr >> _p.x >> _p.y;
template <typename T>
bool operator ==(point<T> p1, point<T> p2) {
return (p1.x == p2.x && p1.y == p2.y);
template <typename T>
bool operator !=(point<T> p1, point<T> p2) {
return !(p1 == p2);
template <typename T>
double cross_product(const point<T>& start, const point<T>& end1, const point<T>& end2) {
return ((end1.x-start.x)*(end2.y-start.y)-(end2.x-start.x)*(end1.y-start.y));
// Timing functions are based on TBB to always obtain wall-clock time
typedef tbb::tick_count my_time_t;
my_time_t gettime() {
return tbb::tick_count::now();
double time_diff(my_time_t start, my_time_t end) {
return (end-start).seconds();
void WriteResults(int nthreads, double initTime, double calcTime) {
cout << " Step by step hull construction:" << endl;
for(size_t i = 0; i < OUTPUT.size(); ++i)
cout << OUTPUT[i] << endl;
<< " Number of nodes:" << cfg::MAXPOINTS
<< " Number of threads:" << nthreads
<< " Initialization time:" << setw(10) << setprecision(3) << initTime
<< " Calculation time:" << setw(10) << setprecision(3) << calcTime
<< endl;
#endif // __CONVEX_HULL_H__