blob: aeaf7f0f0eed09ba3537f25964f8cff38e8ea58e [file] [log] [blame]
Copyright 2005-2010 Intel Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
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This file contains the TBB-based implementation of convex hull algortihm.
It corresponds to the following settings in convex_hull_bench.cpp:
- USETBB defined to 1
- USECONCVEC defined to 1
- INIT_ONCE defined to 0
- only buffered version is used
#include "convex_hull.h"
#include "tbb/task_scheduler_init.h"
#include "tbb/parallel_for.h"
#include "tbb/parallel_reduce.h"
#include "tbb/blocked_range.h"
#include "tbb/tick_count.h"
#include "tbb/concurrent_vector.h"
typedef util::point<double> point_t;
typedef tbb::concurrent_vector< point_t > pointVec_t;
typedef tbb::blocked_range<size_t> range_t;
void appendVector(const point_t* src, size_t srcSize, pointVec_t& dest) {
std::copy(src, src + srcSize, dest.grow_by(srcSize));
void appendVector(const pointVec_t& src, pointVec_t& dest) {
std::copy(src.begin(), src.end(), dest.grow_by(src.size()));
class FillRNDPointsVector_buf {
pointVec_t &points;
mutable unsigned int rseed;
static const size_t grainSize = cfg::GENERATE_GS;
FillRNDPointsVector_buf(pointVec_t& _points)
: points(_points), rseed(1) {}
FillRNDPointsVector_buf(const FillRNDPointsVector_buf& other)
: points(other.points), rseed(other.rseed+1) {}
void operator()(const range_t& range) const {
const size_t i_end = range.end();
size_t count = 0, j = 0;
point_t tmp_vec[grainSize];
for(size_t i=range.begin(); i!=i_end; ++i) {
tmp_vec[j++] = util::GenerateRNDPoint<double>(count, rseed);
appendVector(tmp_vec, j, points);
void initialize(pointVec_t &points) {
// In the buffered version, a temporary storage for as much as grainSize elements
// is allocated inside the body. Since auto_partitioner may increase effective
// range size which would cause a crash, simple partitioner has to be used.
tbb::parallel_for(range_t(0, cfg::MAXPOINTS, FillRNDPointsVector_buf::grainSize),
FillRNDPointsVector_buf(points), tbb::simple_partitioner());
class FindXExtremum {
typedef enum {
minX, maxX
} extremumType;
static const size_t grainSize = cfg::FINDEXT_GS;
FindXExtremum(const pointVec_t& points_, extremumType exType_)
: points(points_), exType(exType_), extrXPoint(points[0]) {}
FindXExtremum(const FindXExtremum& fxex, tbb::split)
// Can run in parallel with fxex.operator()() or fxex.join().
// The data race reported by tools is harmless.
: points(fxex.points), exType(fxex.exType), extrXPoint(fxex.extrXPoint) {}
void operator()(const range_t& range) {
const size_t i_end = range.end();
if(!range.empty()) {
for(size_t i = range.begin(); i != i_end; ++i) {
if(closerToExtremum(points[i])) {
extrXPoint = points[i];
void join(const FindXExtremum &rhs) {
if(closerToExtremum(rhs.extrXPoint)) {
extrXPoint = rhs.extrXPoint;
point_t extremeXPoint() {
return extrXPoint;
const pointVec_t &points;
const extremumType exType;
point_t extrXPoint;
bool closerToExtremum(const point_t &p) const {
switch(exType) {
case minX:
return p.x<extrXPoint.x; break;
case maxX:
return p.x>extrXPoint.x; break;
return false; // avoid warning
template <FindXExtremum::extremumType type>
point_t extremum(const pointVec_t &P) {
FindXExtremum fxBody(P, type);
tbb::parallel_reduce(range_t(0, P.size(), FindXExtremum::grainSize), fxBody);
return fxBody.extremeXPoint();
class SplitByCP_buf {
const pointVec_t &initialSet;
pointVec_t &reducedSet;
point_t p1, p2;
point_t farPoint;
double howFar;
static const size_t grainSize = cfg::DIVIDE_GS;
SplitByCP_buf( point_t _p1, point_t _p2,
const pointVec_t &_initialSet, pointVec_t &_reducedSet)
: p1(_p1), p2(_p2),
initialSet(_initialSet), reducedSet(_reducedSet),
howFar(0), farPoint(p1) {}
SplitByCP_buf(SplitByCP_buf& sbcp, tbb::split)
: p1(sbcp.p1), p2(sbcp.p2),
initialSet(sbcp.initialSet), reducedSet(sbcp.reducedSet),
howFar(0), farPoint(p1) {}
void operator()(const range_t& range) {
const size_t i_end = range.end();
size_t j = 0;
double cp;
point_t tmp_vec[grainSize];
for(size_t i = range.begin(); i != i_end; ++i) {
if( (initialSet[i] != p1) && (initialSet[i] != p2) ) {
cp = util::cross_product(p1, p2, initialSet[i]);
if(cp>0) {
tmp_vec[j++] = initialSet[i];
if(cp>howFar) {
farPoint = initialSet[i];
howFar = cp;
appendVector(tmp_vec, j, reducedSet);
void join(const SplitByCP_buf& rhs) {
if(rhs.howFar>howFar) {
howFar = rhs.howFar;
farPoint = rhs.farPoint;
point_t farthestPoint() const {
return farPoint;
point_t divide(const pointVec_t &P, pointVec_t &P_reduced,
const point_t &p1, const point_t &p2) {
SplitByCP_buf sbcpb(p1, p2, P, P_reduced);
// Must use simple_partitioner (see the comment in initialize() above)
tbb::parallel_reduce(range_t(0, P.size(), SplitByCP_buf::grainSize),
sbcpb, tbb::simple_partitioner());
if(util::VERBOSE) {
std::stringstream ss;
ss << P.size() << " nodes in bucket"<< ", "
<< "dividing by: [ " << p1 << ", " << p2 << " ], "
<< "farthest node: " << sbcpb.farthestPoint();
return sbcpb.farthestPoint();
void divide_and_conquer(const pointVec_t &P, pointVec_t &H,
point_t p1, point_t p2) {
if (P.size()<2) {
appendVector(P, H);
else {
pointVec_t P_reduced;
pointVec_t H1, H2;
point_t p_far = divide(P, P_reduced, p1, p2);
divide_and_conquer(P_reduced, H1, p1, p_far);
divide_and_conquer(P_reduced, H2, p_far, p2);
appendVector(H1, H);
appendVector(H2, H);
void quickhull(const pointVec_t &points, pointVec_t &hull) {
point_t p_maxx = extremum<FindXExtremum::maxX>(points);
point_t p_minx = extremum<FindXExtremum::minX>(points);
pointVec_t H;
divide_and_conquer(points, hull, p_maxx, p_minx);
divide_and_conquer(points, H, p_minx, p_maxx);
appendVector(H, hull);
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
util::ParseInputArgs(argc, argv);
pointVec_t points;
pointVec_t hull;
int nthreads;
util::my_time_t tm_init, tm_start, tm_end;
std::cout << " Starting TBB-bufferred version of QUICK HULL algorithm" << std::endl;
for(nthreads=cfg::NUM_THREADS_START; nthreads<=cfg::NUM_THREADS_END;
++nthreads) {
tbb::task_scheduler_init init(nthreads);
tm_init = util::gettime();
tm_start = util::gettime();
quickhull(points, hull);
tm_end = util::gettime();
util::WriteResults(nthreads, util::time_diff(tm_init, tm_start),
util::time_diff(tm_start, tm_end));
return 0;