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Copyright 2005-2010 Intel Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
This file is part of Threading Building Blocks.
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#ifndef __TBB_parallel_reduce_H
#define __TBB_parallel_reduce_H
#include "task.h"
#include "aligned_space.h"
#include "partitioner.h"
#include <new>
namespace tbb {
//! @cond INTERNAL
namespace internal {
//! ITT instrumented routine that stores src into location pointed to by dst.
void __TBB_EXPORTED_FUNC itt_store_pointer_with_release_v3( void* dst, void* src );
//! ITT instrumented routine that loads pointer from location pointed to by src.
void* __TBB_EXPORTED_FUNC itt_load_pointer_with_acquire_v3( const void* src );
template<typename T> inline void parallel_reduce_store_body( T*& dst, T* src ) {
template<typename T> inline T* parallel_reduce_load_body( T*& src ) {
return static_cast<T*>(itt_load_pointer_with_acquire_v3(&src));
return __TBB_load_with_acquire(src);
//! 0 if root, 1 if a left child, 2 if a right child.
/** Represented as a char, not enum, for compactness. */
typedef char reduction_context;
//! Task type use to combine the partial results of parallel_reduce.
/** @ingroup algorithms */
template<typename Body>
class finish_reduce: public task {
//! Pointer to body, or NULL if the left child has not yet finished.
Body* my_body;
bool has_right_zombie;
const reduction_context my_context;
aligned_space<Body,1> zombie_space;
finish_reduce( char context_ ) :
task* execute() {
if( has_right_zombie ) {
// Right child was stolen.
Body* s = zombie_space.begin();
my_body->join( *s );
if( my_context==1 )
parallel_reduce_store_body( static_cast<finish_reduce*>(parent())->my_body, my_body );
return NULL;
template<typename Range,typename Body_, typename Partitioner>
friend class start_reduce;
//! Task type used to split the work of parallel_reduce.
/** @ingroup algorithms */
template<typename Range, typename Body, typename Partitioner>
class start_reduce: public task {
typedef finish_reduce<Body> finish_type;
Body* my_body;
Range my_range;
typename Partitioner::partition_type my_partition;
reduction_context my_context;
/*override*/ task* execute();
template<typename Body_>
friend class finish_reduce;
//! Constructor used for root task
start_reduce( const Range& range, Body* body, Partitioner& partitioner ) :
//! Splitting constructor used to generate children.
/** this becomes left child. Newly constructed object is right child. */
start_reduce( start_reduce& parent_, split ) :
parent_.my_context = 1;
//! Update affinity info, if any
/*override*/ void note_affinity( affinity_id id ) {
my_partition.note_affinity( id );
static void run( const Range& range, Body& body, Partitioner& partitioner ) {
if( !range.empty() ) {
task::spawn_root_and_wait( *new(task::allocate_root()) start_reduce(range,&body,partitioner) );
// Bound context prevents exceptions from body to affect nesting or sibling algorithms,
// and allows users to handle exceptions safely by wrapping parallel_for in the try-block.
task_group_context context;
task::spawn_root_and_wait( *new(task::allocate_root(context)) start_reduce(range,&body,partitioner) );
static void run( const Range& range, Body& body, Partitioner& partitioner, task_group_context& context ) {
if( !range.empty() )
task::spawn_root_and_wait( *new(task::allocate_root(context)) start_reduce(range,&body,partitioner) );
template<typename Range, typename Body, typename Partitioner>
task* start_reduce<Range,Body,Partitioner>::execute() {
if( my_context==2 ) {
finish_type* p = static_cast<finish_type*>(parent() );
if( !parallel_reduce_load_body(p->my_body) ) {
my_body = new( p->zombie_space.begin() ) Body(*my_body,split());
p->has_right_zombie = true;
if( !my_range.is_divisible() || my_partition.should_execute_range(*this) ) {
(*my_body)( my_range );
if( my_context==1 )
parallel_reduce_store_body(static_cast<finish_type*>(parent())->my_body, my_body );
return my_partition.continue_after_execute_range();
} else {
finish_type& c = *new( allocate_continuation()) finish_type(my_context);
bool delay = my_partition.decide_whether_to_delay();
start_reduce& b = *new( c.allocate_child() ) start_reduce(*this,split());
return this;
//! Auxiliary class for parallel_reduce; for internal use only.
/** The adaptor class that implements \ref parallel_reduce_body_req "parallel_reduce Body"
using given \ref parallel_reduce_lambda_req "anonymous function objects".
/** @ingroup algorithms */
template<typename Range, typename Value, typename RealBody, typename Reduction>
class lambda_reduce_body {
//FIXME: decide if my_real_body, my_reduction, and identity_element should be copied or referenced
// (might require some performance measurements)
const Value& identity_element;
const RealBody& my_real_body;
const Reduction& my_reduction;
Value my_value;
lambda_reduce_body& operator= ( const lambda_reduce_body& other );
lambda_reduce_body( const Value& identity, const RealBody& body, const Reduction& reduction )
: identity_element(identity)
, my_real_body(body)
, my_reduction(reduction)
, my_value(identity)
{ }
lambda_reduce_body( const lambda_reduce_body& other )
: identity_element(other.identity_element)
, my_real_body(other.my_real_body)
, my_reduction(other.my_reduction)
, my_value(other.my_value)
{ }
lambda_reduce_body( lambda_reduce_body& other, tbb::split )
: identity_element(other.identity_element)
, my_real_body(other.my_real_body)
, my_reduction(other.my_reduction)
, my_value(other.identity_element)
{ }
void operator()(Range& range) {
my_value = my_real_body(range, const_cast<const Value&>(my_value));
void join( lambda_reduce_body& rhs ) {
my_value = my_reduction(const_cast<const Value&>(my_value), const_cast<const Value&>(rhs.my_value));
Value result() const {
return my_value;
} // namespace internal
//! @endcond
// Requirements on Range concept are documented in blocked_range.h
/** \page parallel_reduce_body_req Requirements on parallel_reduce body
Class \c Body implementing the concept of parallel_reduce body must define:
- \code Body::Body( Body&, split ); \endcode Splitting constructor.
Must be able to run concurrently with operator() and method \c join
- \code Body::~Body(); \endcode Destructor
- \code void Body::operator()( Range& r ); \endcode Function call operator applying body to range \c r
and accumulating the result
- \code void Body::join( Body& b ); \endcode Join results.
The result in \c b should be merged into the result of \c this
/** \page parallel_reduce_lambda_req Requirements on parallel_reduce anonymous function objects (lambda functions)
/** \name parallel_reduce
See also requirements on \ref range_req "Range" and \ref parallel_reduce_body_req "parallel_reduce Body". **/
//! Parallel iteration with reduction and default partitioner.
/** @ingroup algorithms **/
template<typename Range, typename Body>
void parallel_reduce( const Range& range, Body& body ) {
internal::start_reduce<Range,Body, const __TBB_DEFAULT_PARTITIONER>::run( range, body, __TBB_DEFAULT_PARTITIONER() );
//! Parallel iteration with reduction and simple_partitioner
/** @ingroup algorithms **/
template<typename Range, typename Body>
void parallel_reduce( const Range& range, Body& body, const simple_partitioner& partitioner ) {
internal::start_reduce<Range,Body,const simple_partitioner>::run( range, body, partitioner );
//! Parallel iteration with reduction and auto_partitioner
/** @ingroup algorithms **/
template<typename Range, typename Body>
void parallel_reduce( const Range& range, Body& body, const auto_partitioner& partitioner ) {
internal::start_reduce<Range,Body,const auto_partitioner>::run( range, body, partitioner );
//! Parallel iteration with reduction and affinity_partitioner
/** @ingroup algorithms **/
template<typename Range, typename Body>
void parallel_reduce( const Range& range, Body& body, affinity_partitioner& partitioner ) {
internal::start_reduce<Range,Body,affinity_partitioner>::run( range, body, partitioner );
//! Parallel iteration with reduction, simple partitioner and user-supplied context.
/** @ingroup algorithms **/
template<typename Range, typename Body>
void parallel_reduce( const Range& range, Body& body, const simple_partitioner& partitioner, task_group_context& context ) {
internal::start_reduce<Range,Body,const simple_partitioner>::run( range, body, partitioner, context );
//! Parallel iteration with reduction, auto_partitioner and user-supplied context
/** @ingroup algorithms **/
template<typename Range, typename Body>
void parallel_reduce( const Range& range, Body& body, const auto_partitioner& partitioner, task_group_context& context ) {
internal::start_reduce<Range,Body,const auto_partitioner>::run( range, body, partitioner, context );
//! Parallel iteration with reduction, affinity_partitioner and user-supplied context
/** @ingroup algorithms **/
template<typename Range, typename Body>
void parallel_reduce( const Range& range, Body& body, affinity_partitioner& partitioner, task_group_context& context ) {
internal::start_reduce<Range,Body,affinity_partitioner>::run( range, body, partitioner, context );
/** parallel_reduce overloads that work with anonymous function objects
(see also \ref parallel_reduce_lambda_req "requirements on parallel_reduce anonymous function objects"). **/
//! Parallel iteration with reduction and default partitioner.
/** @ingroup algorithms **/
template<typename Range, typename Value, typename RealBody, typename Reduction>
Value parallel_reduce( const Range& range, const Value& identity, const RealBody& real_body, const Reduction& reduction ) {
internal::lambda_reduce_body<Range,Value,RealBody,Reduction> body(identity, real_body, reduction);
internal::start_reduce<Range,internal::lambda_reduce_body<Range,Value,RealBody,Reduction>,const __TBB_DEFAULT_PARTITIONER>
::run(range, body, __TBB_DEFAULT_PARTITIONER() );
return body.result();
//! Parallel iteration with reduction and simple_partitioner.
/** @ingroup algorithms **/
template<typename Range, typename Value, typename RealBody, typename Reduction>
Value parallel_reduce( const Range& range, const Value& identity, const RealBody& real_body, const Reduction& reduction,
const simple_partitioner& partitioner ) {
internal::lambda_reduce_body<Range,Value,RealBody,Reduction> body(identity, real_body, reduction);
internal::start_reduce<Range,internal::lambda_reduce_body<Range,Value,RealBody,Reduction>,const simple_partitioner>
::run(range, body, partitioner );
return body.result();
//! Parallel iteration with reduction and auto_partitioner
/** @ingroup algorithms **/
template<typename Range, typename Value, typename RealBody, typename Reduction>
Value parallel_reduce( const Range& range, const Value& identity, const RealBody& real_body, const Reduction& reduction,
const auto_partitioner& partitioner ) {
internal::lambda_reduce_body<Range,Value,RealBody,Reduction> body(identity, real_body, reduction);
internal::start_reduce<Range,internal::lambda_reduce_body<Range,Value,RealBody,Reduction>,const auto_partitioner>
::run( range, body, partitioner );
return body.result();
//! Parallel iteration with reduction and affinity_partitioner
/** @ingroup algorithms **/
template<typename Range, typename Value, typename RealBody, typename Reduction>
Value parallel_reduce( const Range& range, const Value& identity, const RealBody& real_body, const Reduction& reduction,
affinity_partitioner& partitioner ) {
internal::lambda_reduce_body<Range,Value,RealBody,Reduction> body(identity, real_body, reduction);
::run( range, body, partitioner );
return body.result();
//! Parallel iteration with reduction, simple partitioner and user-supplied context.
/** @ingroup algorithms **/
template<typename Range, typename Value, typename RealBody, typename Reduction>
Value parallel_reduce( const Range& range, const Value& identity, const RealBody& real_body, const Reduction& reduction,
const simple_partitioner& partitioner, task_group_context& context ) {
internal::lambda_reduce_body<Range,Value,RealBody,Reduction> body(identity, real_body, reduction);
internal::start_reduce<Range,internal::lambda_reduce_body<Range,Value,RealBody,Reduction>,const simple_partitioner>
::run( range, body, partitioner, context );
return body.result();
//! Parallel iteration with reduction, auto_partitioner and user-supplied context
/** @ingroup algorithms **/
template<typename Range, typename Value, typename RealBody, typename Reduction>
Value parallel_reduce( const Range& range, const Value& identity, const RealBody& real_body, const Reduction& reduction,
const auto_partitioner& partitioner, task_group_context& context ) {
internal::lambda_reduce_body<Range,Value,RealBody,Reduction> body(identity, real_body, reduction);
internal::start_reduce<Range,internal::lambda_reduce_body<Range,Value,RealBody,Reduction>,const auto_partitioner>
::run( range, body, partitioner, context );
return body.result();
//! Parallel iteration with reduction, affinity_partitioner and user-supplied context
/** @ingroup algorithms **/
template<typename Range, typename Value, typename RealBody, typename Reduction>
Value parallel_reduce( const Range& range, const Value& identity, const RealBody& real_body, const Reduction& reduction,
affinity_partitioner& partitioner, task_group_context& context ) {
internal::lambda_reduce_body<Range,Value,RealBody,Reduction> body(identity, real_body, reduction);
::run( range, body, partitioner, context );
return body.result();
} // namespace tbb
#endif /* __TBB_parallel_reduce_H */