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#ifndef __TBB_partitioner_H
#define __TBB_partitioner_H
#include "task.h"
namespace tbb {
class affinity_partitioner;
//! @cond INTERNAL
namespace internal {
size_t __TBB_EXPORTED_FUNC get_initial_auto_partitioner_divisor();
//! Defines entry points into tbb run-time library;
/** The entry points are the constructor and destructor. */
class affinity_partitioner_base_v3: no_copy {
friend class tbb::affinity_partitioner;
//! Array that remembers affinities of tree positions to affinity_id.
/** NULL if my_size==0. */
affinity_id* my_array;
//! Number of elements in my_array.
size_t my_size;
//! Zeros the fields.
affinity_partitioner_base_v3() : my_array(NULL), my_size(0) {}
//! Deallocates my_array.
~affinity_partitioner_base_v3() {resize(0);}
//! Resize my_array.
/** Retains values if resulting size is the same. */
void __TBB_EXPORTED_METHOD resize( unsigned factor );
friend class affinity_partition_type;
//! Provides default methods for partition objects without affinity.
class partition_type_base {
void set_affinity( task & ) {}
void note_affinity( task::affinity_id ) {}
task* continue_after_execute_range() {return NULL;}
bool decide_whether_to_delay() {return false;}
void spawn_or_delay( bool, task& b ) {
class affinity_partition_type;
template<typename Range, typename Body, typename Partitioner> class start_for;
template<typename Range, typename Body, typename Partitioner> class start_reduce;
template<typename Range, typename Body> class start_reduce_with_affinity;
template<typename Range, typename Body, typename Partitioner> class start_scan;
} // namespace internal
//! @endcond
//! A simple partitioner
/** Divides the range until the range is not divisible.
@ingroup algorithms */
class simple_partitioner {
simple_partitioner() {}
template<typename Range, typename Body, typename Partitioner> friend class internal::start_for;
template<typename Range, typename Body, typename Partitioner> friend class internal::start_reduce;
template<typename Range, typename Body, typename Partitioner> friend class internal::start_scan;
class partition_type: public internal::partition_type_base {
bool should_execute_range(const task& ) {return false;}
partition_type( const simple_partitioner& ) {}
partition_type( const partition_type&, split ) {}
//! An auto partitioner
/** The range is initial divided into several large chunks.
Chunks are further subdivided into VICTIM_CHUNKS pieces if they are stolen and divisible.
@ingroup algorithms */
class auto_partitioner {
auto_partitioner() {}
template<typename Range, typename Body, typename Partitioner> friend class internal::start_for;
template<typename Range, typename Body, typename Partitioner> friend class internal::start_reduce;
template<typename Range, typename Body, typename Partitioner> friend class internal::start_scan;
class partition_type: public internal::partition_type_base {
size_t num_chunks;
static const size_t VICTIM_CHUNKS = 4;
bool should_execute_range(const task &t) {
if( num_chunks<VICTIM_CHUNKS && t.is_stolen_task() )
num_chunks = VICTIM_CHUNKS;
return num_chunks==1;
partition_type( const auto_partitioner& ) : num_chunks(internal::get_initial_auto_partitioner_divisor()) {}
partition_type( partition_type& pt, split ) {
num_chunks = pt.num_chunks /= 2u;
//! An affinity partitioner
class affinity_partitioner: internal::affinity_partitioner_base_v3 {
affinity_partitioner() {}
template<typename Range, typename Body, typename Partitioner> friend class internal::start_for;
template<typename Range, typename Body, typename Partitioner> friend class internal::start_reduce;
template<typename Range, typename Body> friend class internal::start_reduce_with_affinity;
template<typename Range, typename Body, typename Partitioner> friend class internal::start_scan;
typedef internal::affinity_partition_type partition_type;
friend class internal::affinity_partition_type;
//! @cond INTERNAL
namespace internal {
class affinity_partition_type: public no_copy {
//! Must be power of two
static const unsigned factor = 16;
static const size_t VICTIM_CHUNKS = 4;
internal::affinity_id* my_array;
task_list delay_list;
unsigned map_begin, map_end;
size_t num_chunks;
affinity_partition_type( affinity_partitioner& ap ) {
__TBB_ASSERT( (factor&(factor-1))==0, "factor must be power of two" );
my_array = ap.my_array;
map_begin = 0;
map_end = unsigned(ap.my_size);
num_chunks = internal::get_initial_auto_partitioner_divisor();
affinity_partition_type(affinity_partition_type& p, split) : my_array(p.my_array) {
__TBB_ASSERT( p.map_end-p.map_begin<factor || (p.map_end-p.map_begin)%factor==0, NULL );
num_chunks = p.num_chunks /= 2;
unsigned e = p.map_end;
unsigned d = (e - p.map_begin)/2;
if( d>factor )
d &= 0u-factor;
map_end = e;
map_begin = p.map_end = e-d;
bool should_execute_range(const task &t) {
if( num_chunks < VICTIM_CHUNKS && t.is_stolen_task() )
num_chunks = VICTIM_CHUNKS;
return num_chunks == 1;
void set_affinity( task &t ) {
if( map_begin<map_end )
t.set_affinity( my_array[map_begin] );
void note_affinity( task::affinity_id id ) {
if( map_begin<map_end )
my_array[map_begin] = id;
task* continue_after_execute_range() {
task* first = NULL;
if( !delay_list.empty() ) {
first = &delay_list.pop_front();
while( !delay_list.empty() ) {
first = &delay_list.pop_front();
return first;
bool decide_whether_to_delay() {
// The possible underflow caused by "-1u" is deliberate
return (map_begin&(factor-1))==0 && map_end-map_begin-1u<factor;
void spawn_or_delay( bool delay, task& b ) {
if( delay )
~affinity_partition_type() {
// The delay_list can be non-empty if an exception is thrown.
while( !delay_list.empty() ) {
task& t = delay_list.pop_front();
} // namespace internal
//! @endcond
} // namespace tbb
#endif /* __TBB_partitioner_H */