blob: c5ed6eca5d273f49532dfc88c3da4f1302b56170 [file] [log] [blame]
Copyright 2005-2010 Intel Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
This file is part of Threading Building Blocks.
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#include "tbb/concurrent_queue.h"
#include "tbb/atomic.h"
#include "tbb/tick_count.h"
#include "../test/harness_assert.h"
#include "../test/harness.h"
static tbb::atomic<long> FooConstructed;
static tbb::atomic<long> FooDestroyed;
class Foo {
enum state_t{
state_t state;
int thread_id;
int serial;
Foo() : state(LIVE) {
Foo( const Foo& item ) : state(LIVE) {
ASSERT( item.state==LIVE, NULL );
thread_id = item.thread_id;
serial = item.serial;
~Foo() {
ASSERT( state==LIVE, NULL );
void operator=( Foo& item ) {
ASSERT( item.state==LIVE, NULL );
ASSERT( state==LIVE, NULL );
thread_id = item.thread_id;
serial = item.serial;
bool is_const() {return false;}
bool is_const() const {return true;}
const size_t MAXTHREAD = 256;
static int Sum[MAXTHREAD];
//! Count of various pop operations
/** [0] = pop_if_present that failed
[1] = pop_if_present that succeeded
[2] = pop */
static tbb::atomic<long> PopKind[3];
const int M = 10000;
struct Body {
tbb::concurrent_queue<Foo>* queue;
const int nthread;
Body( int nthread_ ) : nthread(nthread_) {}
void operator()( long thread_id ) const {
long pop_kind[3] = {0,0,0};
int serial[MAXTHREAD+1];
memset( serial, 0, nthread*sizeof(unsigned) );
ASSERT( thread_id<nthread, NULL );
long sum = 0;
for( long j=0; j<M; ++j ) {
Foo f;
f.thread_id = 0xDEAD;
f.serial = 0xDEAD;
bool prepopped = false;
if( j&1 ) {
prepopped = queue->pop_if_present(f);
Foo g;
g.thread_id = thread_id;
g.serial = j+1;
queue->push( g );
if( !prepopped ) {
ASSERT( f.thread_id<=nthread, NULL );
ASSERT( f.thread_id==nthread || serial[f.thread_id]<f.serial, "partial order violation" );
serial[f.thread_id] = f.serial;
sum += f.serial-1;
Sum[thread_id] = sum;
for( int k=0; k<3; ++k )
PopKind[k] += pop_kind[k];
void TestPushPop( int prefill, ptrdiff_t capacity, int nthread ) {
ASSERT( nthread>0, "nthread must be positive" );
if( prefill+1>=capacity )
bool success = false;
for( int k=0; k<3; ++k )
PopKind[k] = 0;
for( int trial=0; !success; ++trial ) {
FooConstructed = 0;
FooDestroyed = 0;
Body body(nthread);
tbb::concurrent_queue<Foo> queue;
queue.set_capacity( capacity );
body.queue = &queue;
for( int i=0; i<prefill; ++i ) {
Foo f;
f.thread_id = nthread;
f.serial = 1+i;
ASSERT( queue.size()==i+1, NULL );
ASSERT( !queue.empty(), NULL );
tbb::tick_count t0 = tbb::tick_count::now();
NativeParallelFor( nthread, body );
tbb::tick_count t1 = tbb::tick_count::now();
double timing = (t1-t0).seconds();
if( Verbose )
printf("prefill=%d capacity=%d time = %g = %g nsec/operation\n", prefill, int(capacity), timing, timing/(2*M*nthread)*1.E9);
int sum = 0;
for( int k=0; k<nthread; ++k )
sum += Sum[k];
int expected = nthread*((M-1)*M/2) + ((prefill-1)*prefill)/2;
for( int i=prefill; --i>=0; ) {
ASSERT( !queue.empty(), NULL );
Foo f;
ASSERT( queue.size()==i, NULL );
sum += f.serial-1;
ASSERT( queue.empty(), NULL );
ASSERT( queue.size()==0, NULL );
if( sum!=expected )
printf("sum=%d expected=%d\n",sum,expected);
ASSERT( FooConstructed==FooDestroyed, NULL );
success = true;
if( nthread>1 && prefill==0 ) {
// Check that pop_if_present got sufficient exercise
for( int k=0; k<2; ++k ) {
#if (_WIN32||_WIN64)
// The TBB library on Windows seems to have a tough time generating
// the desired interleavings for pop_if_present, so the code tries longer, and settles
// for fewer desired interleavings.
const int max_trial = 100;
const int min_requirement = 20;
const int min_requirement = 100;
const int max_trial = 20;
#endif /* _WIN32||_WIN64 */
if( PopKind[k]<min_requirement ) {
if( trial>=max_trial ) {
if( Verbose )
printf("Warning: %d threads had only %ld pop_if_present operations %s after %d trials (expected at least %d). "
"This problem may merely be unlucky scheduling. "
"Investigate only if it happens repeatedly.\n",
nthread, long(PopKind[k]), k==0?"failed":"succeeded", max_trial, min_requirement);
printf("Warning: the number of %s pop_if_present operations is less than expected for %d threads. Investigate if it happens repeatedly.\n",
k==0?"failed":"succeeded", nthread );
} else {
success = false;
template<typename Iterator1, typename Iterator2>
void TestIteratorAux( Iterator1 i, Iterator2 j, int size ) {
// Now test iteration
Iterator1 old_i;
for( int k=0; k<size; ++k ) {
ASSERT( i!=j, NULL );
ASSERT( !(i==j), NULL );
Foo f;
if( k&1 ) {
// Test pre-increment
f = *old_i++;
// Test assignment
i = old_i;
} else {
// Test post-increment
if( k<size-1 ) {
// Test "->"
ASSERT( k+2==i->serial, NULL );
// Test assignment
old_i = i;
ASSERT( k+1==f.serial, NULL );
ASSERT( !(i!=j), NULL );
ASSERT( i==j, NULL );
template<typename Iterator1, typename Iterator2>
void TestIteratorAssignment( Iterator2 j ) {
Iterator1 i(j);
ASSERT( i==j, NULL );
ASSERT( !(i!=j), NULL );
Iterator1 k;
k = j;
ASSERT( k==j, NULL );
ASSERT( !(k!=j), NULL );
//! Test the iterators for concurrent_queue
void TestIterator() {
tbb::concurrent_queue<Foo> queue;
tbb::concurrent_queue<Foo>& const_queue = queue;
for( int j=0; j<500; ++j ) {
TestIteratorAux( queue.begin(), queue.end(), j );
TestIteratorAux( const_queue.begin(), const_queue.end(), j );
TestIteratorAux( const_queue.begin(), queue.end(), j );
TestIteratorAux( queue.begin(), const_queue.end(), j );
Foo f;
f.serial = j+1;
TestIteratorAssignment<tbb::concurrent_queue<Foo>::const_iterator>( const_queue.begin() );
TestIteratorAssignment<tbb::concurrent_queue<Foo>::const_iterator>( queue.begin() );
TestIteratorAssignment<tbb::concurrent_queue<Foo>::iterator>( queue.begin() );
void TestConcurrenetQueueType() {
AssertSameType( tbb::concurrent_queue<Foo>::value_type(), Foo() );
Foo f;
const Foo g;
tbb::concurrent_queue<Foo>::reference r = f;
ASSERT( &r==&f, NULL );
ASSERT( !r.is_const(), NULL );
tbb::concurrent_queue<Foo>::const_reference cr = g;
ASSERT( &cr==&g, NULL );
ASSERT( cr.is_const(), NULL );
template<typename T>
void TestEmptyQueue() {
const tbb::concurrent_queue<T> queue;
ASSERT( queue.size()==0, NULL );
ASSERT( queue.capacity()>0, NULL );
ASSERT( size_t(queue.capacity())>=size_t(-1)/(sizeof(void*)+sizeof(T)), NULL );
void TestFullQueue() {
for( int n=0; n<10; ++n ) {
FooConstructed = 0;
FooDestroyed = 0;
tbb::concurrent_queue<Foo> queue;
for( int i=0; i<=n; ++i ) {
Foo f;
f.serial = i;
bool result = queue.push_if_not_full( f );
ASSERT( result==(i<n), NULL );
for( int i=0; i<=n; ++i ) {
Foo f;
bool result = queue.pop_if_present( f );
ASSERT( result==(i<n), NULL );
ASSERT( !result || f.serial==i, NULL );
ASSERT( FooConstructed==FooDestroyed, NULL );
template<typename T>
struct TestNegativeQueueBody {
tbb::concurrent_queue<T>& queue;
const int nthread;
TestNegativeQueueBody( tbb::concurrent_queue<T>& q, int n ) : queue(q), nthread(n) {}
void operator()( int k ) const {
if( k==0 ) {
int number_of_pops = nthread-1;
// Wait for all pops to pend.
while( queue.size()>-number_of_pops ) {
for( int i=0; ; ++i ) {
ASSERT( queue.size()==i-number_of_pops, NULL );
ASSERT( queue.empty()==(queue.size()<=0), NULL );
if( i==number_of_pops ) break;
// Satisfy another pop
queue.push( T() );
} else {
// Pop item from queue
T item;
//! Test a queue with a negative size.
template<typename T>
void TestNegativeQueue( int nthread ) {
tbb::concurrent_queue<T> queue;
NativeParallelFor( nthread, TestNegativeQueueBody<T>(queue,nthread) );
int TestMain () {
// Test concurrent operations
for( int nthread=MinThread; nthread<=MaxThread; ++nthread ) {
for( int prefill=0; prefill<64; prefill+=(1+prefill/3) ) {
return Harness::Done;