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// Internal Intel tool
#ifndef __STATISTICS_H__
#define __STATISTICS_H__
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <vector>
#include <map>
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include <time.h>
using namespace std;
typedef double value_t;
Statistical collector class.
Resulting table output:
| [Date] <Title>... |
| TestName | Threads | Mode | Rounds results | Stat_type1 | .. | Stat_typeN |
| | | | | | | .. | | | | | | |
.. ... ... .................. ...... ..
| | | | | | | .. | | | | | | |
Iterating table output:
| [Date] <TestName>, Threads: <N>, Mode: <M>; for <Title>... |
class StatisticsCollector
typedef map<string, string> Analysis_t;
typedef vector<value_t> Results_t;
StatisticsCollector(const StatisticsCollector &);
struct StatisticResults
string Name;
string Mode;
int Threads;
Results_t Results;
Analysis_t Analysis;
// internal members
//bool OpenFile;
StatisticResults *CurrentKey;
string Title;
const char /**Name,*/ *ResultsFmt;
string Name;
//! Data
typedef map<string, StatisticResults*> Statistics_t;
Statistics_t Statistics;
typedef vector<string> RoundTitles_t;
RoundTitles_t RoundTitles;
//TODO: merge those into one structure
typedef map<string, string> Formulas_t;
Formulas_t Formulas;
typedef set<string> AnalysisTitles_t;
AnalysisTitles_t AnalysisTitles;
struct TestCase {
StatisticResults *access;
TestCase() : access(0) {}
TestCase(StatisticResults *link) : access(link) {}
const char *getName() const { return access->Name.c_str(); }
const char *getMode() const { return access->Mode.c_str(); }
int getThreads() const { return access->Threads; }
const Results_t &getResults() const { return access->Results; }
const Analysis_t &getAnalysis() const { return access->Analysis; }
enum Sorting {
ByThreads, ByAlg
//! Data and output types
enum DataOutput {
// Verbosity level enumeration
Statistic = 1, //< Analytical data - computed after all iterations and rounds passed
Result = 2, //< Testing data - collected after all iterations passed
Iteration = 3, //< Verbose data - collected at each iteration (for each size - in case of containers)
// ExtraVerbose is not applicabe yet :) be happy, but flexibility is always welcome
// Next constants are bit-fields
Stdout = 1<<8, //< Output to the console
TextFile = 1<<9, //< Output to plain text file "name.txt" (delimiter is TAB by default)
ExcelXML = 1<<10, //< Output to Excel-readable XML-file "name.xml"
HTMLFile = 1<<11 //< Output to HTML file "name.html"
//! Constructor. Specify tests set name which used as name of output files
StatisticsCollector(const char *name, Sorting mode = ByThreads, const char *fmt = "%g")
: CurrentKey(NULL), ResultsFmt(fmt), Name(name), SortMode(mode) {}
//! Set tests set title, supporting printf-like arguments
void SetTitle(const char *fmt, ...);
//! Specify next test key
TestCase SetTestCase(const char *name, const char *mode, int threads);
//! Specify next test key
void SetTestCase(const TestCase &t) { SetTestCase(t.getName(), t.getMode(), t.getThreads()); }
//! Reserve specified number of rounds. Use for effeciency. Used mostly internally
void ReserveRounds(size_t index);
//! Add result of the measure
void AddRoundResult(const TestCase &, value_t v);
//! Add result of the current measure
void AddRoundResult(value_t v) { if(CurrentKey) AddRoundResult(TestCase(CurrentKey), v); }
//! Add title of round
void SetRoundTitle(size_t index, const char *fmt, ...);
//! Add numbered title of round
void SetRoundTitle(size_t index, int num) { SetRoundTitle(index, "%d", num); }
//! Get number of rounds
size_t GetRoundsCount() const { return RoundTitles.size(); }
// Set statistic value for the test
void AddStatisticValue(const TestCase &, const char *type, const char *fmt, ...);
// Set statistic value for the current test
void AddStatisticValue(const char *type, const char *fmt, ...);
//! Add Excel-processing formulas. @arg formula can contain more than one instances of
//! ROUNDS template which transforms into the range of cells with result values
//TODO://! #1 .. #n templates represent data cells from the first to the last
//TODO: merge with Analisis
void SetStatisticFormula(const char *name, const char *formula);
//! Data output
void Print(int dataOutput, const char *ModeName = "Mode");
Sorting SortMode;
//! using: Func(const char *fmt, ...) { vargf2buff(buff, 128, fmt);...
#define vargf2buff(name, size, fmt) char name[size]; memset(name, 0, size); va_list args; va_start(args, fmt); vsnprintf( name, size-1, fmt, args)
inline std::string Format(const char *fmt, ...) {
vargf2buff(buf, 1024, fmt); // from statistics.h
return std::string(buf);
#include "statistics.cpp"
#endif //__STATISTICS_H__