blob: 70bdeaebbf677b766d0161686d0300cae3effc61 [file] [log] [blame]
Copyright 2005-2010 Intel Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
This file is part of Threading Building Blocks.
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#include "tbb/blocked_range.h"
#include "tbb/parallel_for.h"
#include "tbb/parallel_reduce.h"
#define NRUNS 10
#define ONE_TEST_DURATION 0.01
#include "perf_util.h"
#define NUM_CHILD_TASKS 128
#define NUM_ROOT_TASKS 16
#define N 1000000
#define FINE_GRAIN 50
#define MED_GRAIN 500
#define COARSE_GRAIN 10000
typedef ANCHOR_TYPE count_type;
typedef tbb::blocked_range<count_type> range_type;
const count_type NUM_leaf_tasks = NUM_CHILD_TASKS * NUM_ROOT_TASKS;
const count_type N_finest = (count_type)(N/log((double)N)/10);
const count_type N_fine = N_finest * 10;
class static_task_holder {
tbb::task *my_simple_leaf_task_ptr;
static_task_holder ();
static static_task_holder s_tasks;
static size_t s_num_iterations = 0;
class simple_leaf_task : public tbb::task
task* execute () {
for ( size_t i=0; i < s_num_iterations; ++i )
util::anchor += i;
//util::anchor += size_t(log10((double)util::anchor)*10);
return NULL;
class simple_root_task : public tbb::task
task* execute () {
set_ref_count(NUM_leaf_tasks + 1);
for ( size_t i = 0; i < NUM_leaf_tasks; ++i ) {
simple_leaf_task &t = *new( allocate_child() ) simple_leaf_task;
return NULL;
void Work1 () {
for ( size_t i=0; i < NUM_leaf_tasks; ++i )
void Test1_1 () {
tbb::empty_task &r = *new( tbb::task::allocate_root() ) tbb::empty_task;
r.set_ref_count(NUM_leaf_tasks + 1);
for ( size_t i = 0; i < NUM_leaf_tasks; ++i ) {
simple_leaf_task &t = *new( r.allocate_child() ) simple_leaf_task;
void Test1_2 ()
simple_root_task &r = *new( tbb::task::allocate_root() ) simple_root_task;
class children_launcher_task : public tbb::task
task* execute () {
set_ref_count(NUM_CHILD_TASKS + 1);
for ( size_t i = 0; i < NUM_CHILD_TASKS; ++i ) {
simple_leaf_task &t = *new( allocate_child() ) simple_leaf_task;
return NULL;
class root_launcher_task : public tbb::task
task* execute () {
children_launcher_task &r = *new( allocate_root() ) children_launcher_task;
return NULL;
class hierarchy_root_task : public tbb::task
task* execute () {
tbb::task_list tl;
for ( size_t i = 0; i < NUM_ROOT_TASKS; ++i ) {
root_launcher_task &r = *new( allocate_root() ) root_launcher_task;
return NULL;
void Test1_3 ()
hierarchy_root_task &r = *new( tbb::task::allocate_root() ) hierarchy_root_task;
static size_t s_range = N,
s_grain = 1;
class simple_pfor_body {
void operator()( const range_type& r ) const {
count_type end = r.end();
for( count_type i = r.begin(); i < end; ++i )
util::anchor += i;
void Work2 () {
simple_pfor_body body;
range_type range(0, s_range, s_grain);
void Test2 () {
tbb::parallel_for( range_type(0, s_range, s_grain), simple_pfor_body() );
void Test2_0 () {
volatile count_type zero = 0;
tbb::parallel_for( range_type(0, zero, 1), simple_pfor_body() );
class simple_preduce_body {
count_type my_sum;
simple_preduce_body () : my_sum(0) {}
simple_preduce_body ( simple_preduce_body&, tbb::split ) : my_sum(0) {}
void join( simple_preduce_body& rhs ) { my_sum += rhs.my_sum;}
void operator()( const range_type& r ) {
count_type end = r.end();
for( count_type i = r.begin(); i < end; ++i )
util::anchor += i;
my_sum = util::anchor;
void Work3 () {
simple_preduce_body body;
range_type range(0, s_range, s_grain);
void Test3 () {
simple_preduce_body body;
tbb::parallel_reduce( range_type(0, s_range, s_grain), body );
void Test3_0 () {
volatile count_type zero = 0;
simple_preduce_body body;
tbb::parallel_reduce( range_type(0, zero, 1), body );
static_task_holder::static_task_holder () {
static simple_leaf_task s_t1;
my_simple_leaf_task_ptr = &s_t1;
void Test () {
const size_t num_task_tree_workloads = 4;
size_t task_tree_workloads[num_task_tree_workloads] = {0, 50, 500, 10000};
for (size_t i = 0; i < num_task_tree_workloads; ++i ) {
size_t n = task_tree_workloads[i];
s_num_iterations = n;
RunTest ("Bunch of leaves: %d adds/task", n, Test1_1);
RunTest ("Simple task tree: %d adds/task", n, Test1_2);
RunTest ("Complex task tree: %d adds/task", n, Test1_3);
// Using N_fine constant in the body of this function results in incorrect code
// generation by icl 10.1.014
const size_t num_alg_workloads = 4;
size_t alg_ranges[num_alg_workloads] = {N_fine/10, N_fine, N, N};
size_t alg_grains[num_alg_workloads] = {1, FINE_GRAIN, MED_GRAIN, COARSE_GRAIN};
//RunTest ("Empty pfor", 0, Test2_0);
for (size_t i = 0; i < num_alg_workloads; ++i ) {
s_range = alg_ranges[i];
s_grain = alg_grains[i];
RunTest ("pfor: %d adds/body", s_grain, Test2);
//RunTest ("Empty preduce", Test3_0);
for (size_t i = 0; i < num_alg_workloads; ++i ) {
s_range = alg_ranges[i];
s_grain = alg_grains[i];
RunTest ("preduce: %d adds/body", s_grain, Test3);
int main( int argc, char* argv[] ) {
test_main(argc, argv);
return 0;