blob: 59a636c927aac46afba23956b8f66ce5f7448f10 [file] [log] [blame]
Copyright 2005-2010 Intel Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
This file is part of Threading Building Blocks.
Threading Building Blocks is free software; you can redistribute it
and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
Threading Building Blocks is distributed in the hope that it will be
useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with Threading Building Blocks; if not, write to the Free Software
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As a special exception, you may use this file as part of a free software
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the GNU General Public License.
#ifndef __TIME_FRAMEWORK_H__
#define __TIME_FRAMEWORK_H__
#include <cstdlib>
#include <math.h>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <sstream>
#include "tbb/tbb_stddef.h"
#include "tbb/task_scheduler_init.h"
#include "tbb/tick_count.h"
#include "../test/harness.h"
#include "../test/harness_barrier.h"
#include "statistics.h"
#ifndef ARG_TYPE
typedef intptr_t arg_t;
typedef ARG_TYPE arg_t;
class Timer {
tbb::tick_count tick;
Timer() { tick = tbb::tick_count::now(); }
double get_time() { return (tbb::tick_count::now() - tick).seconds(); }
double diff_time(const Timer &newer) { return (newer.tick - tick).seconds(); }
double mark_time() { tbb::tick_count t1(tbb::tick_count::now()), t2(tick); tick = t1; return (t1 - t2).seconds(); }
double mark_time(const Timer &newer) { tbb::tick_count t(tick); tick = newer.tick; return (tick - t).seconds(); }
class TesterBase /*: public tbb::internal::no_copy*/ {
friend class TestProcessor;
friend class TestRunner;
//! it is barrier for synchronizing between threads
Harness::SpinBarrier *barrier;
//! number of tests per this tester
const int tests_count;
//! number of threads to operate
int threads_count;
//! some value for tester
arg_t value;
// avoid false sharing
char pad[128 - sizeof(arg_t) - sizeof(int)*2 - sizeof(void*) ];
//! init tester base. @arg ntests is number of embeded tests in this tester.
TesterBase(int ntests)
: barrier(NULL), tests_count(ntests)
virtual ~TesterBase() {}
//! internal function
void base_init(arg_t v, int t, Harness::SpinBarrier &b) {
threads_count = t;
barrier = &b;
value = v;
//! optionally override to init after value and threads count were set.
virtual void init() { }
//! Override to provide your names
virtual std::string get_name(int testn) {
return Format("test %d", testn);
//! optionally override to init test mode just before execution for a given thread number.
virtual void test_prefix(int testn, int threadn) { }
//! Override to provide main test's entry function returns a value to record
virtual value_t test(int testn, int threadn) = 0;
//! Type of aggregation from results of threads
enum result_t {
//! Override to change result type for the test. Return postfix for test name or 0 if result type is not needed.
virtual const char *get_result_type(int /*testn*/, result_t type) const {
return type == AVG ? "" : 0; // only average result by default
a user's tester concept:
class tester: public TesterBase {
//! init tester with known amount of work
tester() : TesterBase(<user-specified tests count>) { ... }
//! run a test with sequental number @arg test_number for @arg thread.
/ *override* / value_t test(int test_number, int thread);
template<typename Tester, int scale = 1>
class TimeTest : public Tester {
/*override*/ value_t test(int testn, int threadn) {
Timer timer;
Tester::test(testn, threadn);
return timer.get_time() * double(scale);
template<typename Tester>
class NanosecPerValue : public Tester {
/*override*/ value_t test(int testn, int threadn) {
Timer timer;
Tester::test(testn, threadn);
// return time (ns) per value
return timer.get_time()*1000000.0/double(Tester::value);
template<typename Tester, int scale = 1>
class ValuePerSecond : public Tester {
/*override*/ value_t test(int testn, int threadn) {
Timer timer;
Tester::test(testn, threadn);
// return time value per seconds/scale
return double(Tester::value)/(timer.get_time()*scale);
// operate with single tester
class TestRunner {
friend class TestProcessor;
friend struct RunArgsBody;
TestRunner(const TestRunner &); // don't copy
const char *tester_name;
StatisticsCollector *stat;
std::vector<std::vector<StatisticsCollector::TestCase> > keys;
TesterBase &tester;
template<typename Test>
TestRunner(const char *name, Test *test)
: tester_name(name), tester(*static_cast<TesterBase*>(test))
~TestRunner() { delete &tester; }
void init(arg_t value, int threads, Harness::SpinBarrier &barrier, StatisticsCollector *s) {
tester.base_init(value, threads, barrier);
stat = s;
for(int testn = 0; testn < tester.tests_count; testn++) {
std::string test_name(tester.get_name(testn));
for(int threadn = 0; threadn < threads; threadn++)
keys[testn][threadn] = stat->SetTestCase(tester_name, test_name.c_str(), threadn);
void run_test(int threadn) {
for(int testn = 0; testn < tester.tests_count; testn++) {
tester.test_prefix(testn, threadn);
tester.barrier->wait(); // <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Barrier before running test mode
value_t result = tester.test(testn, threadn);
stat->AddRoundResult(keys[testn][threadn], result);
void post_process(StatisticsCollector &report) {
const int threads = tester.threads_count;
for(int testn = 0; testn < tester.tests_count; testn++) {
size_t coln = keys[testn][0].getResults().size()-1;
value_t rsum = keys[testn][0].getResults()[coln];
value_t rmin = rsum, rmax = rsum;
for(int threadn = 1; threadn < threads; threadn++) {
value_t result = keys[testn][threadn].getResults()[coln];
rsum += result; // for both SUM or AVG
if(rmin > result) rmin = result;
if(rmax < result) rmax = result;
std::string test_name(tester.get_name(testn));
const char *rname = tester.get_result_type(testn, TesterBase::SUM);
if( rname ) {
report.SetTestCase(tester_name, (test_name+rname).c_str(), threads);
rname = tester.get_result_type(testn, TesterBase::MIN);
if( rname ) {
report.SetTestCase(tester_name, (test_name+rname).c_str(), threads);
rname = tester.get_result_type(testn, TesterBase::AVG);
if( rname ) {
report.SetTestCase(tester_name, (test_name+rname).c_str(), threads);
report.AddRoundResult(rsum / threads);
rname = tester.get_result_type(testn, TesterBase::MAX);
if( rname ) {
report.SetTestCase(tester_name, (test_name+rname).c_str(), threads);
struct RunArgsBody {
const vector<TestRunner*> &run_list;
RunArgsBody(const vector<TestRunner*> &a) : run_list(a) { }
#ifndef __TBB_parallel_for_H
void operator()(int thread) const {
void operator()(const tbb::blocked_range<int> &r) const {
ASSERT( r.begin() + 1 == r.end(), 0);
int thread = r.begin();
for(size_t i = 0; i < run_list.size(); i++)
//! Main test processor.
/** Override or use like this:
class MyTestCollection : public TestProcessor {
void factory(arg_t value, int threads) {
process( value, threads,
run("my1", new tester<my1>() ),
run("my2", new tester<my2>() ),
end );
if(value == threads)
class TestProcessor {
friend class TesterBase;
// <threads, collector>
typedef std::map<int, StatisticsCollector *> statistics_collection;
statistics_collection stat_by_threads;
// Members
const char *collection_name;
// current stat
StatisticsCollector *stat;
// token
size_t end;
StatisticsCollector report;
// token of tests list
template<typename Test>
TestRunner *run(const char *name, Test *test) {
return new TestRunner(name, test);
// iteration processing
void process(arg_t value, int threads, ...) {
// prepare items
stat = stat_by_threads[threads];
if(!stat) {
stat_by_threads[threads] = stat = new StatisticsCollector((collection_name + Format("@%d", threads)).c_str(), StatisticsCollector::ByAlg);
stat->SetTitle("Detailed log of %s running with %d threads.", collection_name, threads);
Harness::SpinBarrier barrier(threads);
// init args
va_list args; va_start(args, threads);
vector<TestRunner*> run_list; run_list.reserve(16);
while(true) {
TestRunner *item = va_arg(args, TestRunner*);
if( !item ) break;
item->init(value, threads, barrier, stat);
std::ostringstream buf;
buf << value;
const size_t round_number = stat->GetRoundsCount();
stat->SetRoundTitle(round_number, buf.str().c_str());
report.SetRoundTitle(round_number, buf.str().c_str());
// run them
#ifndef __TBB_parallel_for_H
NativeParallelFor(threads, RunArgsBody(run_list));
tbb::parallel_for(tbb::blocked_range<int>(0,threads,1), RunArgsBody(run_list));
// destroy args
for(size_t i = 0; i < run_list.size(); i++) {
delete run_list[i];
TestProcessor(const char *name, StatisticsCollector::Sorting sort_by = StatisticsCollector::ByAlg)
: collection_name(name), stat(NULL), end(0), report(collection_name, sort_by)
{ }
~TestProcessor() {
for(statistics_collection::iterator i = stat_by_threads.begin(); i != stat_by_threads.end(); i++)
delete i->second;
#endif// __TIME_FRAMEWORK_H__