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Copyright 2005-2010 Intel Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
This file is part of Threading Building Blocks.
Threading Building Blocks is free software; you can redistribute it
and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
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// All platform-specific threading support is encapsulated here. */
#ifndef __RML_thread_monitor_H
#define __RML_thread_monitor_H
#include <windows.h>
#include <process.h>
#include <malloc.h> //_alloca
#include <pthread.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#error Unsupported platform
#include <stdio.h>
#include "tbb/itt_notify.h"
// All platform-specific threading support is in this header.
#if (_WIN32||_WIN64)&&!__TBB_ipf
// Deal with 64K aliasing. The formula for "offset" is a Fibonacci hash function,
// which has the desirable feature of spreading out the offsets fairly evenly
// without knowing the total number of offsets, and furthermore unlikely to
// accidentally cancel out other 64K aliasing schemes that Microsoft might implement later.
// See Knuth Vol 3. "Theorem S" for details on Fibonacci hashing.
// The second statement is really does need "volatile", otherwise the compiler might remove the _alloca.
#define AVOID_64K_ALIASING(idx) \
size_t offset = (idx+1) * 40503U % (1U<<16); \
void* volatile sink_for_alloca = _alloca(offset); \
__TBB_ASSERT_EX(sink_for_alloca, "_alloca failed");
// Linux thread allocators avoid 64K aliasing.
#define AVOID_64K_ALIASING(idx)
#endif /* _WIN32||_WIN64 */
namespace rml {
namespace internal {
static const ::tbb::tchar *SyncType_RML = _T("%Constant");
static const ::tbb::tchar *SyncObj_ThreadMonitorLock = _T("RML Lock"),
*SyncObj_ThreadMonitor = _T("RML Thr Monitor");
#endif /* DO_ITT_NOTIFY */
//! Monitor with limited two-phase commit form of wait.
/** At most one thread should wait on an instance at a time. */
class thread_monitor {
class cookie {
friend class thread_monitor;
unsigned long long my_version;
//! If a thread is waiting or started a two-phase wait, notify it.
/** Can be called by any thread. */
void notify();
//! Begin two-phase wait.
/** Should only be called by thread that owns the monitor.
The caller must either complete the wait or cancel it. */
void prepare_wait( cookie& c );
//! Complete a two-phase wait and wait until notification occurs after the earlier prepare_wait.
void commit_wait( cookie& c );
//! Cancel a two-phase wait.
void cancel_wait();
typedef unsigned (WINAPI *thread_routine_type)(void*);
#endif /* USE_WINTHREAD */
typedef void*(*thread_routine_type)(void*);
#endif /* USE_PTHREAD */
//! Launch a thread
static void launch( thread_routine_type thread_routine, void* arg, size_t stack_size );
static void yield();
cookie my_cookie;
CRITICAL_SECTION critical_section;
HANDLE event;
#endif /* USE_WINTHREAD */
pthread_mutex_t my_mutex;
pthread_cond_t my_cond;
static void check( int error_code, const char* routine );
#endif /* USE_PTHREAD */
inline void thread_monitor::launch( thread_routine_type thread_routine, void* arg, size_t stack_size ) {
unsigned thread_id;
uintptr_t status = _beginthreadex( NULL, unsigned(stack_size), thread_routine, arg, STACK_SIZE_PARAM_IS_A_RESERVATION, &thread_id );
if( status==0 ) {
fprintf(stderr,"thread_monitor::launch: _beginthreadex failed\n");
} else {
inline void thread_monitor::yield() {
inline thread_monitor::thread_monitor() {
event = CreateEvent( NULL, /*manualReset=*/true, /*initialState=*/false, NULL );
InitializeCriticalSection( &critical_section );
ITT_SYNC_CREATE(&event, SyncType_RML, SyncObj_ThreadMonitor);
ITT_SYNC_CREATE(&critical_section, SyncType_RML, SyncObj_ThreadMonitorLock);
my_cookie.my_version = 0;
inline thread_monitor::~thread_monitor() {
// Fake prepare/acquired pair for Intel(R) Parallel Amplifier to correctly attribute the operations below
ITT_NOTIFY( sync_prepare, &event );
CloseHandle( event );
DeleteCriticalSection( &critical_section );
ITT_NOTIFY( sync_acquired, &event );
inline void thread_monitor::notify() {
EnterCriticalSection( &critical_section );
SetEvent( event );
LeaveCriticalSection( &critical_section );
inline void thread_monitor::prepare_wait( cookie& c ) {
EnterCriticalSection( &critical_section );
c = my_cookie;
inline void thread_monitor::commit_wait( cookie& c ) {
ResetEvent( event );
LeaveCriticalSection( &critical_section );
while( my_cookie.my_version==c.my_version ) {
WaitForSingleObject( event, INFINITE );
ResetEvent( event );
inline void thread_monitor::cancel_wait() {
LeaveCriticalSection( &critical_section );
#endif /* USE_WINTHREAD */
inline void thread_monitor::check( int error_code, const char* routine ) {
if( error_code ) {
fprintf(stderr,"thread_monitor %s\n", strerror(error_code) );
inline void thread_monitor::launch( void* (*thread_routine)(void*), void* arg, size_t stack_size ) {
// FIXME - consider more graceful recovery than just exiting if a thread cannot be launched.
// Note that there are some tricky situations to deal with, such that the thread is already
// grabbed as part of an OpenMP team.
pthread_attr_t s;
check(pthread_attr_init( &s ), "pthread_attr_init");
if( stack_size>0 ) {
check(pthread_attr_setstacksize( &s, stack_size ),"pthread_attr_setstack_size");
pthread_t handle;
check( pthread_create( &handle, &s, thread_routine, arg ), "pthread_create" );
check( pthread_detach( handle ), "pthread_detach" );
inline void thread_monitor::yield() {
inline thread_monitor::thread_monitor() {
check( pthread_cond_init(&my_cond,NULL), "pthread_cond_init" );
check( pthread_mutex_init(&my_mutex,NULL), "pthread_mutex_init" );
ITT_SYNC_CREATE(&my_cond, SyncType_RML, SyncObj_ThreadMonitor);
ITT_SYNC_CREATE(&my_mutex, SyncType_RML, SyncObj_ThreadMonitorLock);
my_cookie.my_version = 0;
inline thread_monitor::~thread_monitor() {
inline void thread_monitor::notify() {
check( pthread_mutex_lock( &my_mutex ), "pthread_mutex_lock" );
check( pthread_mutex_unlock( &my_mutex ), "pthread_mutex_unlock" );
check( pthread_cond_signal(&my_cond), "pthread_cond_signal" );
inline void thread_monitor::prepare_wait( cookie& c ) {
check( pthread_mutex_lock( &my_mutex ), "pthread_mutex_lock" );
c = my_cookie;
inline void thread_monitor::commit_wait( cookie& c ) {
while( my_cookie.my_version==c.my_version ) {
pthread_cond_wait( &my_cond, &my_mutex );
check( pthread_mutex_unlock( &my_mutex ), "pthread_mutex_unlock" );
inline void thread_monitor::cancel_wait() {
check( pthread_mutex_unlock( &my_mutex ), "pthread_mutex_unlock" );
#endif /* USE_PTHREAD */
} // namespace internal
} // namespace rml
#endif /* __RML_thread_monitor_H */