blob: 1c24eef2153a8a0003dc34e4354b12f99643aa95 [file] [log] [blame]
Copyright 2005-2010 Intel Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
This file is part of Threading Building Blocks.
Threading Building Blocks is free software; you can redistribute it
and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
Threading Building Blocks is distributed in the hope that it will be
useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with Threading Building Blocks; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
As a special exception, you may use this file as part of a free software
library without restriction. Specifically, if other files instantiate
templates or use macros or inline functions from this file, or you compile
this file and link it with other files to produce an executable, this
file does not by itself cause the resulting executable to be covered by
the GNU General Public License. This exception does not however
invalidate any other reasons why the executable file might be covered by
the GNU General Public License.
/* This header contains code shared by test_omp_server.cpp and test_tbb_server.cpp
There is no ifndef guard - test is supposed to include this file exactly once.
The test is also exected to have #include of rml_omp.h or rml_tbb.h before
including this header.
This header should not use any parts of TBB that require linking in the TBB run-time.
It uses a few instances of tbb::atomic<T>, all of which are completely inlined. */
#include "tbb/atomic.h"
#include "tbb/tbb_thread.h"
#include "harness.h"
#include "harness_memory.h"
#include "harness_concurrency_tracker.h"
//! Define TRIVIAL as 1 to test only a single client, no nesting, no extra threads.
#define TRIVIAL 0
//! Maximum number of clients
const size_t MaxClient = 1;
const size_t MaxClient = 4;
const size_t ClientStackSize[MaxClient] = {
#endif /* TRIVIAL */
const size_t OverheadStackSize = 500000;
const size_t JobArraySize = 1000;
static bool TestSingleConnection;
static size_t N_TestConnections;
#if _WIN32||_WIN64
#include <Windows.h> /* Need Sleep */
#include <unistd.h> /* Need usleep */
void MilliSleep( unsigned milliseconds ) {
#if _WIN32||_WIN64
Sleep( milliseconds );
usleep( milliseconds*1000 );
#endif /* _WIN32||_WIN64 */
class MyJob: public ::rml::job {
//! Enumeration for tracking states of a job.
enum state_t {
//! Job has not yet been allocated.
//! Is idle.
//! Has a thread working on it.
//! After call to client::cleanup
tbb::atomic<int> state;
tbb::atomic<int> processing_count;
void update( state_t new_state, state_t old_state ) {
int o = state.compare_and_swap(new_state,old_state);
ASSERT( o==old_state, "illegal transition" );
void update_from_either( state_t new_state, state_t old_state1, state_t old_state2 ) {
int snapshot;
do {
snapshot = state;
ASSERT( snapshot==old_state1||snapshot==old_state2, "illegal transition" );
} while( state.compare_and_swap(new_state,snapshot)!=snapshot );
MyJob() {
~MyJob() {
// Overwrite so that accidental use after destruction can be detected.
static tbb::atomic<int> ClientConstructions;
static tbb::atomic<int> ClientDestructions;
struct Nesting {
int level;
int limit;
Nesting() : level(0), limit(0) {}
Nesting( int level_, int limit_ ) : level(level_), limit(limit_) {}
template<typename Client>
class ClientBase: public Client {
typedef typename Client::size_type size_type;
typedef typename Client::version_type version_type;
typedef typename Client::policy_type policy_type;
typedef typename Client::job job;
size_type my_max_job_count;
size_t my_stack_size;
tbb::atomic<size_t> next_job_index;
int my_client_id;
rml::server* my_server;
enum state_t {
//! Treat *this as constructed.
//! Treat *this as destroyed.
tbb::atomic<int> state;
void update( state_t new_state, state_t old_state ) {
int o = state.compare_and_swap(new_state,old_state);
ASSERT( o==old_state, NULL );
tbb::atomic<bool> expect_close_connection;
MyJob *job_array;
/*override*/version_type version() const {
ASSERT( state==live, NULL );
return 1;
/*override*/size_type max_job_count() const {
ASSERT( state==live, NULL );
return my_max_job_count;
/*override*/size_t min_stack_size() const {
ASSERT( state==live, NULL );
return my_stack_size;
/*override*/policy_type policy() const {return Client::throughput;}
/*override*/void acknowledge_close_connection() {
ASSERT( expect_close_connection, NULL );
for( size_t k=next_job_index; k>0; ) {
ASSERT( job_array[k].state==MyJob::clean, NULL );
delete[] job_array;
job_array = NULL;
ASSERT( my_server, NULL );
update( destroyed, live );
delete this;
/*override*/void cleanup( job& j_ ) {
REMARK("client %d: cleanup(%p) called\n",client_id(),&j_);
ASSERT( state==live, NULL );
MyJob& j = static_cast<MyJob&>(j_);
while( j.state==MyJob::busy )
REMARK("client %d: cleanup(%p) returns\n",client_id(),&j_);
job* create_one_job();
void do_process( job& j_ ) {
ASSERT( state==live, NULL );
MyJob& j = static_cast<MyJob&>(j_);
// use of the plain addition (not the atomic increment) is intentonial
j.processing_count = j.processing_count + 1;
ASSERT( my_stack_size>OverheadStackSize, NULL );
#ifdef __ia64__
// Half of the stack is reserved for RSE, so test only remaining half.
UseStackSpace( (my_stack_size-OverheadStackSize)/2 );
// XNMetaScheduler does not expose API for changing stack size.
UseStackSpace( my_stack_size-OverheadStackSize );
ClientBase() : my_server(NULL) {
my_client_id = ClientConstructions++;
next_job_index = 0;
int client_id() const {return my_client_id;}
Nesting nesting;
void initialize( size_type max_job_count, Nesting nesting_, size_t stack_size ) {
ASSERT( stack_size>0, NULL );
my_max_job_count = max_job_count;
nesting = nesting_;
my_stack_size = stack_size;
job_array = new MyJob[JobArraySize];
expect_close_connection = false;
state = live;
void set_server( rml::server* s ) {my_server=s;}
unsigned default_concurrency() const { ASSERT( my_server, NULL); return my_server->default_concurrency(); }
virtual ~ClientBase() {
ASSERT( state==destroyed, NULL );
template<typename Client>
typename Client::job* ClientBase<Client>::create_one_job() {
REMARK("client %d: create_one_job() called\n",client_id());
size_t k = next_job_index++;
ASSERT( state==live, NULL );
// Following assertion depends on assumption that implementation does not destroy jobs until
// the connection is closed. If the implementation is changed to destroy jobs sooner, the
// test logic in this header will have to be reworked.
ASSERT( k<my_max_job_count, "RML allocated more than max_job_count jobs simultaneously" );
ASSERT( k<JobArraySize, "JobArraySize not big enough (problem is in test, not RML)" );
MyJob& j = job_array[k];
REMARK("client %d: create_one_job() for k=%d returns %p\n",client_id(),int(k),&j);
return &j;
struct warning_tracker {
tbb::atomic<int> n_more_than_available;
tbb::atomic<int> n_too_many_threads;
tbb::atomic<int> n_system_overload;
warning_tracker() {
n_more_than_available = 0;
n_too_many_threads = 0;
n_system_overload = 0;
bool all_set() { return n_more_than_available>0 && n_too_many_threads>0 && n_system_overload>0; }
} tracker;
class Checker {
int default_concurrency;
void check_number_of_threads_delivered( int n_delivered, int n_requested, int n_extra ) const;
Checker( rml::server& server ) : default_concurrency(int(server.default_concurrency())) {}
void Checker::check_number_of_threads_delivered( int n_delivered, int n_requested, int n_extra ) const {
ASSERT( default_concurrency>=0, NULL );
if( tracker.all_set() ) return;
// Check that number of threads delivered is reasonable.
int n_avail = default_concurrency;
if( n_extra>0 )
if( n_avail<0 )
if( n_requested>default_concurrency )
n_avail += n_requested-default_concurrency;
int n_expected = n_requested;
if( n_expected>n_avail )
const char* msg = NULL;
if( n_delivered>n_avail ) {
if( ++tracker.n_more_than_available>1 )
msg = "server delivered more threads than were theoretically available";
} else if( n_delivered>n_expected ) {
if( ++tracker.n_too_many_threads>1 )
msg = "server delivered more threads than expected";
} else if( n_delivered<n_expected ) {
if( ++tracker.n_system_overload>1 )
msg = "server delivered fewer threads than ideal; or, the system is overloaded?";
if( msg ) {
REPORT("Warning: %s (n_delivered=%d n_avail=%d n_requested=%d n_extra=%d default_concurrency=%d)\n",
msg, n_delivered, n_avail, n_requested, n_extra, default_concurrency );
template<typename Factory,typename Client>
class DoOneConnection: NoAssign {
//! Number of threads to request
const int n_thread;
//! Nesting
const Nesting nesting;
//! Number of extra threads to pretend having outside the RML
const int n_extra;
//! If true, check number of threads actually delivered.
const bool check_delivered;
DoOneConnection( int n_thread_, Nesting nesting_, int n_extra_, bool check_delivered_ ) :
//! Test ith connection
void operator()( size_t i ) const;
template<typename Factory,typename Client>
void DoOneConnection<Factory,Client>::operator()( size_t i ) const {
ASSERT( i<MaxClient, NULL );
Client* client = new Client;
client->initialize( Client::is_omp ? JobArraySize : n_thread, nesting, ClientStackSize[i] );
Factory factory;
memset( &factory, 0, sizeof(factory) );
typename Factory::status_type status =;
ASSERT( status==Factory::st_success, NULL );
typename Factory::server_type* server;
status = factory.make_server( server, *client );
ASSERT( status==Factory::st_success, NULL );
Harness::ConcurrencyTracker ct;
REMARK("client %d: opened server n_thread=%d nesting=(%d,%d)\n",
client->client_id(), n_thread, nesting.level, nesting.limit);
client->set_server( server );
Checker checker( *server );
FireUpJobs( *server, *client, n_thread, n_extra, check_delivered && !client->is_strict() ? &checker : NULL );
// Close the connection
client->expect_close_connection = true;
REMARK("client %d: calling request_close_connection\n", client->client_id());
int default_concurrency = server->default_concurrency();
// Client deletes itself when it sees call to acknowledge_close_connection from server.
if( TestSingleConnection )
__TBB_ASSERT_EX( uintptr_t(factory.scratch_ptr)==uintptr_t(default_concurrency), "under/over subscription?" );
//! Test with n_threads threads and n_client clients.
template<typename Factory, typename Client>
void SimpleTest() {
TestSingleConnection = true;
N_TestConnections = 1;
for( int n_thread=MinThread; n_thread<=MaxThread; ++n_thread ) {
// Test a single connection, no nesting, no extra threads
DoOneConnection<Factory,Client> doc(n_thread,Nesting(0,0),0,false);
TestSingleConnection = false;
for( int n_thread=MinThread; n_thread<=MaxThread; ++n_thread ) {
// Test parallel connections
for( int n_client=1; n_client<=int(MaxClient); ++n_client ) {
N_TestConnections = n_client;
REMARK("SimpleTest: n_thread=%d n_client=%d\n",n_thread,n_client);
NativeParallelFor( n_client, DoOneConnection<Factory,Client>(n_thread,Nesting(0,0),0,false) );
// Test server::independent_thread_number_changed
N_TestConnections = 1;
for( int n_extra=-4; n_extra<=32; n_extra=n_extra+1+n_extra/5 ) {
DoOneConnection<Factory,Client> doc(n_thread,Nesting(0,0),n_extra,true);
// Test nested connections
DoOneConnection<Factory,Client> doc(n_thread,Nesting(0,2),0,false);
ASSERT( Harness::ConcurrencyTracker::PeakParallelism()>1, "No multiple connections exercised?" );
#endif /* !TRIVIAL */
// Let RML catch up.
while( ClientConstructions!=ClientDestructions )
static void check_server_info( void* arg, const char* server_info )
ASSERT( strstr(server_info, (char*)arg), NULL );
template<typename Factory, typename Client>
void VerifyInitialization( int n_thread ) {
Client* client = new Client;
client->initialize( Client::is_omp ? JobArraySize : n_thread, Nesting(), ClientStackSize[0] );
Factory factory;
memset( &factory, 0, sizeof(factory) );
typename Factory::status_type status =;
ASSERT( status!=Factory::st_not_found, "could not find RML library" );
ASSERT( status!=Factory::st_incompatible, NULL );
ASSERT( status==Factory::st_success, NULL );
factory.call_with_server_info( check_server_info, (void*)"Intel(R) RML library" );
typename Factory::server_type* server;
status = factory.make_server( server, *client );
ASSERT( status!=Factory::st_incompatible, NULL );
ASSERT( status!=Factory::st_not_found, NULL );
ASSERT( status==Factory::st_success, NULL );
REMARK("client %d: opened server n_thread=%d nesting=(%d,%d)\n",
client->client_id(), n_thread, 0, 0);
ASSERT( server, NULL );
client->set_server( server );
DoClientSpecificVerification( *server, n_thread );
// Close the connection
client->expect_close_connection = true;
REMARK("client %d: calling request_close_connection\n", client->client_id());
// Client deletes itself when it sees call to acknowledge_close_connection from server.