blob: 8838043ad591d8b1cc728395c56282ea37605546 [file] [log] [blame]
Copyright 2005-2010 Intel Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
This file is part of Threading Building Blocks.
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#include "arena.h"
#include "governor.h"
#include "scheduler.h"
#include "itt_notify.h"
#include <stdlib.h> // for rand()
namespace tbb {
namespace internal {
// UnpaddedArenaPrefix
inline arena& UnpaddedArenaPrefix::Arena() {
return *static_cast<tbb::internal::arena*>(static_cast<void*>( static_cast<ArenaPrefix*>(this)+1 ));
void UnpaddedArenaPrefix::process( job& j ) {
generic_scheduler& s = static_cast<generic_scheduler&>(j);
__TBB_ASSERT( governor::is_set(&s), NULL );
__TBB_ASSERT( !s.innermost_running_task, NULL );
// Try to steal a task.
// Passing reference count is technically unnecessary in this context,
// but omitting it here would add checks inside the function.
task* t = s.receive_or_steal_task( s.dummy_task->prefix().ref_count, /*return_if_no_work=*/true );
if (t) {
// A side effect of receive_or_steal_task is that innermost_running_task can be set.
// But for the outermost dispatch loop of a worker it has to be NULL.
s.innermost_running_task = NULL;
__TBB_ASSERT( s.inbox.assert_is_idle(true), NULL );
__TBB_ASSERT( !s.innermost_running_task, NULL );
void UnpaddedArenaPrefix::cleanup( job& j ) {
generic_scheduler& s = static_cast<generic_scheduler&>(j);
if( !governor::is_set( &s ) ) {
bool is_master = governor::is_set( NULL );
governor::assume_scheduler( &s );
generic_scheduler::cleanup_worker( &s, !is_master );
governor::assume_scheduler( NULL );
} else {
generic_scheduler::cleanup_worker( &s, true );
void UnpaddedArenaPrefix::acknowledge_close_connection() {
::rml::job* UnpaddedArenaPrefix::create_one_job() {
generic_scheduler* s = generic_scheduler::create_worker( Arena(), next_job_index++ );
return s;
#endif /* !__TBB_ARENA_PER_MASTER */
// arena
void arena::process( generic_scheduler& s ) {
__TBB_ASSERT( governor::is_set(&s), NULL );
__TBB_ASSERT( !s.innermost_running_task, NULL );
__TBB_ASSERT( my_num_slots != 1, NULL );
// Start search for an empty slot from the one we occupied the last time
unsigned index = s.arena_index < my_num_slots ? s.arena_index : s.random.get() % (my_num_slots - 1) + 1,
end = index;
__TBB_ASSERT( index != 0, "A worker cannot occupy slot 0" );
__TBB_ASSERT( index < my_num_slots, NULL );
// Find a vacant slot
for ( ;; ) {
if ( !slot[index].my_scheduler && __TBB_CompareAndSwapW( &slot[index].my_scheduler, (intptr_t)&s, 0 ) == 0 )
if ( ++index == my_num_slots )
index = 1;
if ( index == end ) {
// Likely this arena is already saturated
if ( --my_num_threads_active == 0 )
ITT_NOTIFY(sync_acquired, &slot[index]);
s.my_arena = this;
s.arena_index = index;
s.attach_mailbox( affinity_id(index+1) );
slot[index].hint_for_push = index ^ unsigned(&s-(generic_scheduler*)NULL)>>16; // randomizer seed
slot[index].hint_for_pop = index; // initial value for round-robin
unsigned new_limit = index + 1;
unsigned old_limit = my_limit;
while ( new_limit > old_limit ) {
if ( my_limit.compare_and_swap(new_limit, old_limit) == old_limit )
old_limit = my_limit;
unsigned num_threads_left;
for ( ;; ) {
// Try to steal a task.
// Passing reference count is technically unnecessary in this context,
// but omitting it here would add checks inside the function.
task* t = s.receive_or_steal_task( s.dummy_task->prefix().ref_count, /*return_if_no_work=*/true );
if (t) {
// A side effect of receive_or_steal_task is that innermost_running_task can be set.
// But for the outermost dispatch loop of a worker it has to be NULL.
s.innermost_running_task = NULL;
num_threads_left = --my_num_threads_active;
__TBB_ASSERT ( slot[index].head == slot[index].tail, "Worker cannot leave arena when the task pool is not empty" );
__TBB_ASSERT( slot[index].task_pool == EmptyTaskPool, "Worker cannot leave arena when the task pool is not empty" );
// Revalidate quitting condition
// This check prevents relinquishing more than necessary workers because
// of the non-atomicity of the decision making procedure
if ( num_workers_active() >= my_num_workers_allotted || !my_num_workers_requested )
// Restore ref count
__TBB_ASSERT( !slot[0].my_scheduler || my_num_threads_active > 0, "Who requested more workers after the last one left the dispatch loop and the master's gone?" );
__TBB_store_with_release( slot[index].my_scheduler, (generic_scheduler*)NULL );
__TBB_ASSERT( s.inbox.assert_is_idle(true), NULL );
__TBB_ASSERT( !s.innermost_running_task, NULL );
if ( !num_threads_left )
arena::arena ( market& m, unsigned max_num_workers ) {
__TBB_ASSERT( sizeof(slot[0]) % NFS_GetLineSize()==0, "arena::slot size not multiple of cache line size" );
__TBB_ASSERT( (uintptr_t)this % NFS_GetLineSize()==0, "arena misaligned" );
my_market = &m;
my_limit = 1;
// Two slots are mandatory: for the master, and for 1 worker (required to support starvation resistant tasks).
my_num_slots = max(2u, max_num_workers + 1);
my_max_num_workers = max_num_workers;
my_num_threads_active = 1; // accounts for the master
__TBB_ASSERT ( my_max_num_workers < my_num_slots, NULL );
// Construct mailboxes. Mark internal synchronization elements for the tools.
for( unsigned i = 0; i < my_num_slots; ++i ) {
__TBB_ASSERT( !slot[i].my_scheduler && !slot[i].task_pool, NULL );
ITT_SYNC_CREATE(slot + i, SyncType_Scheduler, SyncObj_WorkerTaskPool);
ITT_SYNC_CREATE(&mailbox(i+1), SyncType_Scheduler, SyncObj_Mailbox);
ITT_SYNC_CREATE(&my_task_stream, SyncType_Scheduler, SyncObj_TaskStream);
my_mandatory_concurrency = false;
my_master_default_ctx = NULL;
arena& arena::allocate_arena( market& m, unsigned max_num_workers ) {
__TBB_ASSERT( sizeof(base_type) + sizeof(arena_slot) == sizeof(arena), "All arena data fields must go to arena_base" );
__TBB_ASSERT( sizeof(base_type) % NFS_GetLineSize() == 0, "arena slots area misaligned: wrong padding" );
__TBB_ASSERT( sizeof(mail_outbox) == NFS_MaxLineSize, "Mailbox padding is wrong" );
unsigned num_slots = max(2u, max_num_workers + 1);
size_t n = sizeof(base_type) + num_slots * (sizeof(mail_outbox) + sizeof(arena_slot));
unsigned char* storage = (unsigned char*)NFS_Allocate( n, 1, NULL );
// Zero all slots to indicate that they are empty
memset( storage, 0, n );
return *new( storage + num_slots * sizeof(mail_outbox) ) arena(m, max_num_workers);
void arena::free_arena () {
__TBB_ASSERT( !my_num_threads_active, "There are threads in the dying arena" );
intptr_t drained = 0;
for ( unsigned i = 1; i <= my_num_slots; ++i )
drained += mailbox(i).drain();
__TBB_ASSERT(my_task_stream.empty() && my_task_stream.drain()==0, "Not all enqueued tasks were executed");
my_market->update_task_node_count( -drained );
#endif /* __TBB_COUNT_TASK_NODES */
__TBB_ASSERT( my_master_default_ctx, "Master thread never entered the arena?" );
void* storage = &mailbox(my_num_slots);
NFS_Free( storage );
#else /* !__TBB_ARENA_PER_MASTER */
arena* arena::allocate_arena( unsigned number_of_slots, unsigned number_of_workers, stack_size_type stack_size ) {
__TBB_ASSERT( sizeof(ArenaPrefix) % NFS_GetLineSize()==0, "ArenaPrefix not multiple of cache line size" );
__TBB_ASSERT( sizeof(mail_outbox)==NFS_MaxLineSize, NULL );
__TBB_ASSERT( stack_size>0, NULL );
size_t n = sizeof(ArenaPrefix) + number_of_slots*(sizeof(mail_outbox)+sizeof(arena_slot));
unsigned char* storage = (unsigned char*)NFS_Allocate( n, 1, NULL );
// Zero all slots to indicate that they are empty
memset( storage, 0, n );
arena* a = (arena*)(storage + sizeof(ArenaPrefix)+ number_of_slots*(sizeof(mail_outbox)));
__TBB_ASSERT( sizeof(a->slot[0]) % NFS_GetLineSize()==0, "arena::slot size not multiple of cache line size" );
__TBB_ASSERT( (uintptr_t)a % NFS_GetLineSize()==0, NULL );
new( &a->prefix() ) ArenaPrefix( number_of_slots, number_of_workers );
// Allocate the worker_list
WorkerDescriptor * w = new WorkerDescriptor[number_of_workers];
memset( w, 0, sizeof(WorkerDescriptor)*(number_of_workers));
a->prefix().worker_list = w;
// Construct mailboxes.
for( unsigned j=1; j<=number_of_slots; ++j )
a->prefix().stack_size = stack_size;
size_t k;
// Mark each internal sync element for the tools
for( k=0; k<number_of_workers; ++k ) {
ITT_SYNC_CREATE(a->slot + k, SyncType_Scheduler, SyncObj_WorkerTaskPool);
ITT_SYNC_CREATE(&w[k].scheduler, SyncType_Scheduler, SyncObj_WorkerLifeCycleMgmt);
ITT_SYNC_CREATE(&a->mailbox(k+1), SyncType_Scheduler, SyncObj_Mailbox);
for( ; k<number_of_slots; ++k ) {
ITT_SYNC_CREATE(a->slot + k, SyncType_Scheduler, SyncObj_MasterTaskPool);
ITT_SYNC_CREATE(&a->mailbox(k+1), SyncType_Scheduler, SyncObj_Mailbox);
return a;
void arena::free_arena () {
// Drain mailboxes
// TODO: each scheduler should plug-and-drain its own mailbox when it terminates.
intptr_t drain_count = 0;
for( unsigned i=1; i<=prefix().number_of_slots; ++i )
drain_count += mailbox(i).drain();
prefix().task_node_count -= drain_count;
if( prefix().task_node_count ) {
runtime_warning( "Leaked %ld task objects\n", long(prefix().task_node_count) );
#endif /* __TBB_COUNT_TASK_NODES */
void* storage = &mailbox(prefix().number_of_slots);
delete[] prefix().worker_list;
NFS_Free( storage );
#endif /* !__TBB_ARENA_PER_MASTER */
bool arena::is_out_of_work() {
// TODO: rework it to return at least a hint about where a task was found; better if the task itself.
for(;;) {
pool_state_t snapshot = prefix().pool_state;
switch( snapshot ) {
#endif /* !__TBB_ARENA_PER_MASTER */
return true;
// Use unique id for "busy" in order to avoid ABA problems.
const pool_state_t busy = pool_state_t(this);
// Request permission to take snapshot
if( prefix().pool_state.compare_and_swap( busy, SNAPSHOT_FULL )==SNAPSHOT_FULL ) {
// Got permission. Take the snapshot.
size_t n = my_limit;
#else /* !__TBB_ARENA_PER_MASTER */
size_t n = prefix().limit;
#endif /* !__TBB_ARENA_PER_MASTER */
size_t k;
for( k=0; k<n; ++k )
if( slot[k].task_pool != EmptyTaskPool && slot[k].head < slot[k].tail )
bool work_absent = k>=n;
work_absent = work_absent && my_task_stream.empty();
#endif /* __TBB_ARENA_PER_MASTER */
// Test and test-and-set.
if( prefix().pool_state==busy ) {
if( work_absent ) {
// save current demand value before setting SNAPSHOT_EMPTY,
// to avoid race with advertise_new_work.
int current_demand = (int)my_max_num_workers;
if( prefix().pool_state.compare_and_swap( SNAPSHOT_EMPTY, busy )==busy ) {
// This thread transitioned pool to empty state, and thus is responsible for
// telling RML that there is no other work to do.
my_market->adjust_demand( *this, -current_demand );
#else /* !__TBB_ARENA_PER_MASTER */
prefix().server->adjust_job_count_estimate( -int(prefix().number_of_workers) );
#endif /* !__TBB_ARENA_PER_MASTER */
return true;
} else {
// Undo previous transition SNAPSHOT_FULL-->busy, unless another thread undid it.
prefix().pool_state.compare_and_swap( SNAPSHOT_FULL, busy );
return false;
// Another thread is taking a snapshot.
return false;
void arena::close_arena () {
my_market->detach_arena( *this );
#else /* !__TBB_ARENA_PER_MASTER */
for(;;) {
pool_state_t snapshot = prefix().pool_state;
if( prefix().pool_state.compare_and_swap( SNAPSHOT_SERVER_GOING_AWAY, snapshot )==snapshot ) {
if( snapshot!=SNAPSHOT_EMPTY )
prefix().server->adjust_job_count_estimate( -int(prefix().number_of_workers) );
#endif /* !__TBB_ARENA_PER_MASTER */
intptr_t arena::workers_task_node_count() {
intptr_t result = 0;
for( unsigned i = 1; i < my_num_slots; ++i ) {
generic_scheduler* s = slot[i].my_scheduler;
#else /* !__TBB_ARENA_PER_MASTER */
for( unsigned i=0; i<prefix().number_of_workers; ++i ) {
generic_scheduler* s = prefix().worker_list[i].scheduler;
#endif /* !__TBB_ARENA_PER_MASTER */
if( s )
result += s->task_node_count;
return result;
#endif /* __TBB_COUNT_TASK_NODES */
} // namespace internal
} // namespace tbb