blob: 806c1927b138b0cbe18d4aa4cecc8daf66762147 [file] [log] [blame]
Copyright 2005-2010 Intel Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
This file is part of Threading Building Blocks.
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#ifndef _TBB_arena_H
#define _TBB_arena_H
#include "tbb/tbb_stddef.h"
#include "tbb/atomic.h"
#include "market.h"
#include "intrusive_list.h"
#include "task_stream.h"
#else /* !__TBB_ARENA_PER_MASTER */
#include "../rml/include/rml_tbb.h"
#endif /* !__TBB_ARENA_PER_MASTER */
#include "mailbox.h"
namespace tbb {
class task_group_context;
class allocate_root_with_context_proxy;
#endif /* __TBB_ARENA_PER_MASTER */
namespace internal {
class governor;
class arena;
class generic_scheduler;
template<typename SchedulerTraits> class custom_scheduler;
// UnpaddedArenaPrefix
struct WorkerDescriptor {
//! NULL until worker is published. -1 if worker should not be published.
generic_scheduler* scheduler;
//! The useful contents of an ArenaPrefix
class UnpaddedArenaPrefix: no_copy, rml::tbb_client {
friend class generic_scheduler;
template<typename SchedulerTraits> friend class custom_scheduler;
friend class arena;
friend class governor;
friend struct WorkerDescriptor;
//! Arena slot to try to acquire first for the next new master.
unsigned limit;
//! Number of masters that own this arena.
/** This may be smaller than the number of masters who have entered the arena. */
unsigned number_of_masters;
//! Total number of slots in the arena
const unsigned number_of_slots;
//! Number of workers that belong to this arena
const unsigned number_of_workers;
//! Pointer to the RML server object that services requests for this arena.
rml::tbb_server* server;
//! Counter used to allocate job indices
tbb::atomic<size_t> next_job_index;
//! Stack size of worker threads
size_t stack_size;
//! Array of workers.
WorkerDescriptor* worker_list;
//! Net number of nodes that have been allocated from heap.
/** Updated each time a scheduler is destroyed. */
atomic<intptr_t> task_node_count;
#endif /* __TBB_COUNT_TASK_NODES */
//! Estimate of number of available tasks.
/** The estimate is either 0 (SNAPSHOT_EMPTY), infinity (SNAPSHOT_FULL), or a special value.
The implementation of arena::is_busy_or_empty requires that pool_state_t be unsigned. */
typedef uintptr_t pool_state_t;
//! Current estimate of number of available tasks.
tbb::atomic<pool_state_t> pool_state;
UnpaddedArenaPrefix( unsigned number_of_slots_, unsigned number_of_workers_ ) :
task_node_count = 0;
#endif /* __TBB_COUNT_TASK_NODES */
limit = number_of_workers_;
server = NULL;
stack_size = 0;
next_job_index = 0;
//! Return reference to corresponding arena.
arena& Arena();
/*override*/ version_type version() const {
return 0;
/*override*/ unsigned max_job_count() const {
return number_of_workers;
/*override*/ size_t min_stack_size() const {
return stack_size;
/*override*/ policy_type policy() const {
return throughput;
/*override*/ job* create_one_job();
/*override*/ void cleanup( job& j );
/*override*/ void acknowledge_close_connection();
/*override*/ void process( job& j );
}; // class UnpaddedArenaPrefix
// ArenaPrefix
//! The prefix to arena with padding.
class ArenaPrefix: public UnpaddedArenaPrefix {
//! Padding to fill out to multiple of cache line size.
char pad[(sizeof(UnpaddedArenaPrefix)/NFS_MaxLineSize+1)*NFS_MaxLineSize-sizeof(UnpaddedArenaPrefix)];
ArenaPrefix( unsigned number_of_slots_, unsigned number_of_workers_ ) :
}; // class ArenaPrefix
#endif /* !__TBB_ARENA_PER_MASTER */
// arena_slot
struct arena_slot {
//! Scheduler of the thread attached to the slot
/** Marks the slot as busy, and is used to iterate through the schedulers belonging to this arena **/
generic_scheduler* my_scheduler;
#endif /* __TBB_ARENA_PER_MASTER */
// Task pool (the deque of task pointers) of the scheduler that owns this slot
/** Also is used to specify if the slot is empty or locked:
0 - empty
-1 - locked **/
task** task_pool;
//! Index of the first ready task in the deque.
/** Modified by thieves, and by the owner during compaction/reallocation **/
size_t head;
//! Padding to avoid false sharing caused by the thieves accessing this slot
char pad1[NFS_MaxLineSize - sizeof(size_t) - sizeof(task**)
- sizeof(generic_scheduler*)
#endif /* __TBB_ARENA_PER_MASTER */
//! Index of the element following the last ready task in the deque.
/** Modified by the owner thread. **/
size_t tail;
//! Hints provided for operations with the container of starvation-resistant tasks.
/** Modified by the owner thread (during these operations). **/
unsigned hint_for_push, hint_for_pop;
#endif /* __TBB_ARENA_PER_MASTER */
//! Padding to avoid false sharing caused by the thieves accessing the next slot
char pad2[NFS_MaxLineSize - sizeof(size_t)
- 2*sizeof(unsigned)
#endif /* __TBB_ARENA_PER_MASTER */
}; // class arena_slot
// arena
//! arena data except the array of slots
/** Separated in order to simplify padding.
Intrusive list node base class is used by market to form a list of arenas. **/
struct arena_base : intrusive_list_node {
//! Market owning this arena
market* my_market;
//! Maximal currently busy slot.
atomic<unsigned> my_limit;
//! Number of slots in the arena
unsigned my_num_slots;
//! Number of workers requested by the master thread owning the arena
unsigned my_max_num_workers;
//! Number of workers that are currently requested from the resource manager
atomic<int> my_num_workers_requested;
//! Number of workers that have been marked out by the resource manager to service the arena
unsigned my_num_workers_allotted;
//! Number of threads in the arena at the moment
/** Consists of the workers servicing the arena and one master until it starts
arena shutdown and detaches from it. Plays the role of the arena's ref count. **/
atomic<unsigned> my_num_threads_active;
//! Current task pool state and estimate of available tasks amount.
/** The estimate is either 0 (SNAPSHOT_EMPTY) or infinity (SNAPSHOT_FULL).
Special state is "busy" (any other unsigned value).
Note that the implementation of arena::is_busy_or_empty() requires
pool_state to be unsigned. */
tbb::atomic<uintptr_t> pool_state;
//! Pointer to the "default" task_group_context allocated by the arena's master.
task_group_context* my_master_default_ctx;
//! The task pool that guarantees eventual execution even if new tasks are constantly coming.
task_stream my_task_stream;
bool my_mandatory_concurrency;
}; // struct arena_base
#endif /* __TBB_ARENA_PER_MASTER */
class arena
#if (__GNUC__<4 || __GNUC__==4 && __GNUC_MINOR__==0) && !__INTEL_COMPILER
: public padded<arena_base>
: padded<arena_base>
#endif /* __TBB_ARENA_PER_MASTER */
friend class generic_scheduler;
template<typename SchedulerTraits> friend class custom_scheduler;
friend class governor;
friend class market;
friend class tbb::task_group_context;
friend class allocate_root_with_context_proxy;
friend class intrusive_list<arena>;
typedef padded<arena_base> base_type;
//! Constructor
arena ( market&, unsigned max_num_workers );
arena& prefix() const { return const_cast<arena&>(*this); }
//! Allocate an instance of arena.
static arena& allocate_arena( market&, unsigned max_num_workers );
//! Propagates cancellation request to all descendants of the context.
/** The propagation is relayed to the market because tasks created by one
master thread can be passed to and executed by other masters. This means
that context trees can span several arenas at once and thus cancellation
propagation cannot be generally localized to one arena only. **/
void propagate_cancellation ( task_group_context& ctx ) {
my_market->propagate_cancellation( ctx );
#else /* !__TBB_ARENA_PER_MASTER */
friend class UnpaddedArenaPrefix;
friend struct WorkerDescriptor;
//! Get reference to prefix portion
ArenaPrefix& prefix() const {return ((ArenaPrefix*)(void*)this)[-1];}
//! Allocate an instance of arena, and prepare everything to start workers.
static arena* allocate_arena( unsigned num_slots, unsigned num_workers, size_t stack_size );
#endif /* !__TBB_ARENA_PER_MASTER */
//! Get reference to mailbox corresponding to given affinity_id.
mail_outbox& mailbox( affinity_id id ) {
__TBB_ASSERT( 0<id, "affinity id must be positive integer" );
__TBB_ASSERT( id <= my_num_slots, "affinity id out of bounds" );
#else /* !__TBB_ARENA_PER_MASTER */
__TBB_ASSERT( id <= prefix().number_of_slots, "id out of bounds" );
#endif /* !__TBB_ARENA_PER_MASTER */
return ((mail_outbox*)&prefix())[-(int)id];
//! Completes arena shutdown, destructs and deallocates it.
void free_arena ();
typedef uintptr_t pool_state_t;
//! No tasks to steal since last snapshot was taken
static const pool_state_t SNAPSHOT_EMPTY = 0;
//! At least one task has been offered for stealing since the last snapshot started
static const pool_state_t SNAPSHOT_FULL = pool_state_t(-1);
//! No tasks to steal or snapshot is being taken.
static bool is_busy_or_empty( pool_state_t s ) { return s < SNAPSHOT_FULL; }
//! The number of workers active in the arena.
unsigned num_workers_active( ) {
return my_num_threads_active - (slot[0].my_scheduler? 1: 0);
//! If necessary, raise a flag that there is new job in arena.
template<bool Spawned> void advertise_new_work();
//! Server is going away and hence further calls to adjust_job_count_estimate are unsafe.
static const pool_state_t SNAPSHOT_SERVER_GOING_AWAY = pool_state_t(-2);
//! No tasks to steal or snapshot is being taken.
static bool is_busy_or_empty( pool_state_t s ) { return s < SNAPSHOT_SERVER_GOING_AWAY; }
//! If necessary, raise a flag that task was added to pool recently.
inline void mark_pool_full();
#endif /* __TBB_ARENA_PER_MASTER */
//! Check if there is job anywhere in arena.
/** Return true if no job or if arena is being cleaned up. */
bool is_out_of_work();
//! Initiates arena shutdown.
void close_arena ();
void process( generic_scheduler& s );
//! Returns the number of task objects "living" in worker threads
intptr_t workers_task_node_count();
/** Must be the last data field */
arena_slot slot[1];
}; // class arena
template<bool Spawned> void arena::advertise_new_work() {
if( !Spawned ) { // i.e. the work was enqueued
if( my_max_num_workers==0 ) {
my_max_num_workers = 1;
my_mandatory_concurrency = true;
prefix().pool_state = SNAPSHOT_FULL;
my_market->adjust_demand( *this, 1 );
// Local memory fence is required to avoid missed wakeups; see the comment below.
// Starvation resistant tasks require mandatory concurrency, so missed wakeups are unacceptable.
// Double-check idiom that, in case of spawning, is deliberately sloppy about memory fences.
// Technically, to avoid missed wakeups, there should be a full memory fence between the point we
// released the task pool (i.e. spawned task) and read the arena's state. However, adding such a
// fence might hurt overall performance more than it helps, because the fence would be executed
// on every task pool release, even when stealing does not occur. Since TBB allows parallelism,
// but never promises parallelism, the missed wakeup is not a correctness problem.
pool_state_t snapshot = prefix().pool_state;
if( is_busy_or_empty(snapshot) ) {
// Attempt to mark as full. The compare_and_swap below is a little unusual because the
// result is compared to a value that can be different than the comparand argument.
if( prefix().pool_state.compare_and_swap( SNAPSHOT_FULL, snapshot )==SNAPSHOT_EMPTY ) {
if( snapshot!=SNAPSHOT_EMPTY ) {
// This thread read "busy" into snapshot, and then another thread transitioned
// pool_state to "empty" in the meantime, which caused the compare_and_swap above
// to fail. Attempt to transition pool_state from "empty" to "full".
if( prefix().pool_state.compare_and_swap( SNAPSHOT_FULL, SNAPSHOT_EMPTY )!=SNAPSHOT_EMPTY ) {
// Some other thread transitioned pool_state from "empty", and hence became
// responsible for waking up workers.
// This thread transitioned pool from empty to full state, and thus is responsible for
// telling RML that there is work to do.
if( Spawned ) {
if( my_mandatory_concurrency ) {
__TBB_ASSERT(my_max_num_workers==1, "");
// There was deliberate oversubscription on 1 core for sake of starvation-resistant tasks.
// Now a single active thread (must be the master) supposedly starts a new parallel region
// with relaxed sequential semantics, and oversubscription should be avoided.
// Demand for workers has been decreased to 0 during SNAPSHOT_EMPTY, so just keep it.
my_max_num_workers = 0;
my_mandatory_concurrency = false;
my_market->adjust_demand( *this, my_max_num_workers );
#else /* !__TBB_ARENA_PER_MASTER */
inline void arena::mark_pool_full() {
// Double-check idiom that is deliberately sloppy about memory fences.
// Technically, to avoid missed wakeups, there should be a full memory fence between the point we
// released the task pool (i.e. spawned task) and read the arena's state. However, adding such a
// fence might hurt overall performance more than it helps, because the fence would be executed
// on every task pool release, even when stealing does not occur. Since TBB allows parallelism,
// but never promises parallelism, the missed wakeup is not a correctness problem.
pool_state_t snapshot = prefix().pool_state;
if( is_busy_or_empty(snapshot) ) {
// Attempt to mark as full. The compare_and_swap below is a little unusual because the
// result is compared to a value that can be different than the comparand argument.
if( prefix().pool_state.compare_and_swap( SNAPSHOT_FULL, snapshot )==SNAPSHOT_EMPTY ) {
if( snapshot!=SNAPSHOT_EMPTY ) {
// This thread read "busy" into snapshot, and then another thread transitioned
// pool_state to "empty" in the meantime, which caused the compare_and_swap above
// to fail. Attempt to transition pool_state from "empty" to "full".
if( prefix().pool_state.compare_and_swap( SNAPSHOT_FULL, SNAPSHOT_EMPTY )!=SNAPSHOT_EMPTY ) {
// Some other thread transitioned pool_state from "empty", and hence became
// responsible for waking up workers.
// This thread transitioned pool from empty to full state, and thus is responsible for
// telling RML that there is work to do.
prefix().server->adjust_job_count_estimate( int(prefix().number_of_workers) );
#endif /* !__TBB_ARENA_PER_MASTER */
} // namespace internal
} // namespace tbb
#endif /* _TBB_arena_H */