blob: d4b63ec67f17c33c447c6bf30b1ff4ea9ec336e8 [file] [log] [blame]
Copyright 2005-2010 Intel Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
This file is part of Threading Building Blocks.
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#include "tbb/compat/condition_variable"
#include "tbb/atomic.h"
#include "dynamic_link.h"
#include "itt_notify.h"
namespace tbb {
namespace internal {
#if _WIN32||_WIN64
using tbb::interface5::internal::condition_variable_using_event;
static atomic<int> condvar_module_inited;
void WINAPI init_condvar_using_event( condition_variable_using_event* cv_event )
cv_event->event = CreateEvent( NULL, TRUE/*manual reset*/, FALSE/*not signalled initially*/, NULL);
InitializeCriticalSection( &cv_event->mutex );
cv_event->n_waiters = 0;
cv_event->release_count = 0;
cv_event->epoch = 0;
BOOL WINAPI sleep_condition_variable_cs_using_event( condition_variable_using_event* cv_event, LPCRITICAL_SECTION cs, DWORD dwMilliseconds )
EnterCriticalSection( &cv_event->mutex );
unsigned my_generation = cv_event->epoch;
LeaveCriticalSection( &cv_event->mutex );
LeaveCriticalSection( cs );
for (;;) {
// should come here at least once
DWORD rc = WaitForSingleObject( cv_event->event, dwMilliseconds );
EnterCriticalSection( &cv_event->mutex );
if( rc!=WAIT_OBJECT_0 ) {
LeaveCriticalSection( &cv_event->mutex );
if( rc==WAIT_TIMEOUT ) {
SetLastError( WAIT_TIMEOUT );
EnterCriticalSection( cs );
return false;
if( cv_event->release_count>0 && cv_event->epoch!=my_generation )
LeaveCriticalSection( &cv_event->mutex );
// still in the critical section
int count = --cv_event->release_count;
LeaveCriticalSection( &cv_event->mutex );
if( count==0 ) {
__TBB_ASSERT( cv_event->event, "Premature destruction of condition variable?" );
ResetEvent( cv_event->event );
EnterCriticalSection( cs );
return true;
void WINAPI wake_condition_variable_using_event( condition_variable_using_event* cv_event )
EnterCriticalSection( &cv_event->mutex );
if( cv_event->n_waiters>cv_event->release_count ) {
SetEvent( cv_event->event ); // Signal the manual-reset event.
LeaveCriticalSection( &cv_event->mutex );
void WINAPI wake_all_condition_variable_using_event( condition_variable_using_event* cv_event )
EnterCriticalSection( &cv_event->mutex );
if( cv_event->n_waiters>0 ) {
SetEvent( cv_event->event );
cv_event->release_count = cv_event->n_waiters;
LeaveCriticalSection( &cv_event->mutex );
void WINAPI destroy_condvar_using_event( condition_variable_using_event* cv_event )
HANDLE my_event = cv_event->event;
EnterCriticalSection( &cv_event->mutex );
// NULL is an invalid HANDLE value
cv_event->event = NULL;
if( cv_event->n_waiters>0 ) {
LeaveCriticalSection( &cv_event->mutex );
spin_wait_until_eq( cv_event->n_waiters, 0 );
// make sure the last thread completes its access to cv
EnterCriticalSection( &cv_event->mutex );
LeaveCriticalSection( &cv_event->mutex );
CloseHandle( my_event );
void WINAPI destroy_condvar_noop( CONDITION_VARIABLE* /*cv*/ ) { /*no op*/ }
static void (WINAPI *__TBB_init_condvar)( PCONDITION_VARIABLE ) = (void (WINAPI *)(PCONDITION_VARIABLE))&init_condvar_using_event;
static void (WINAPI *__TBB_condvar_notify_one)( PCONDITION_VARIABLE ) = (void (WINAPI *)(PCONDITION_VARIABLE))&wake_condition_variable_using_event;
static void (WINAPI *__TBB_condvar_notify_all)( PCONDITION_VARIABLE ) = (void (WINAPI *)(PCONDITION_VARIABLE))&wake_all_condition_variable_using_event;
static void (WINAPI *__TBB_destroy_condvar)( PCONDITION_VARIABLE ) = (void (WINAPI *)(PCONDITION_VARIABLE))&destroy_condvar_using_event;
//! Table describing the how to link the handlers.
static const dynamic_link_descriptor CondVarLinkTable[] = {
DLD(InitializeConditionVariable, __TBB_init_condvar),
DLD(SleepConditionVariableCS, __TBB_condvar_wait),
DLD(WakeConditionVariable, __TBB_condvar_notify_one),
DLD(WakeAllConditionVariable, __TBB_condvar_notify_all)
void init_condvar_module()
__TBB_ASSERT( (uintptr_t)__TBB_init_condvar==(uintptr_t)&init_condvar_using_event, NULL );
if( dynamic_link( "Kernel32.dll", CondVarLinkTable, 4 ) )
__TBB_destroy_condvar = (void (WINAPI *)(PCONDITION_VARIABLE))&destroy_condvar_noop;
#endif /* _WIN32||_WIN64 */
} // namespace internal
#if _WIN32||_WIN64
namespace interface5 {
namespace internal {
using tbb::internal::condvar_module_inited;
using tbb::internal::__TBB_init_condvar;
using tbb::internal::__TBB_condvar_wait;
using tbb::internal::__TBB_condvar_notify_one;
using tbb::internal::__TBB_condvar_notify_all;
using tbb::internal::__TBB_destroy_condvar;
using tbb::internal::init_condvar_module;
void internal_initialize_condition_variable( condvar_impl_t& cv )
if( condvar_module_inited!=2 ) {
if( condvar_module_inited==0 ) {
if( condvar_module_inited.compare_and_swap( 1, 0 )==0 ) {
condvar_module_inited = 2;
spin_wait_until_eq( condvar_module_inited, 2 );
__TBB_init_condvar( &cv.cv_native );
void internal_destroy_condition_variable( condvar_impl_t& cv )
__TBB_destroy_condvar( &cv.cv_native );
void internal_condition_variable_notify_one( condvar_impl_t& cv )
__TBB_condvar_notify_one ( &cv.cv_native );
void internal_condition_variable_notify_all( condvar_impl_t& cv )
__TBB_condvar_notify_all( &cv.cv_native );
bool internal_condition_variable_wait( condvar_impl_t& cv, mutex* mtx, const tick_count::interval_t* i )
DWORD duration = i ? DWORD((i->seconds()*1000)) : INFINITE;
mtx->set_state( mutex::INITIALIZED );
BOOL res = __TBB_condvar_wait( &cv.cv_native, mtx->native_handle(), duration );
mtx->set_state( mutex::HELD );
return res?true:false;
} // namespace internal
} // nameespace interface5
#endif /* _WIN32||_WIN64 */
} // namespace tbb