blob: 74ba8598c5e2d2d0f60d67e4bb39e4627aea4f27 [file] [log] [blame]
Copyright 2005-2010 Intel Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
This file is part of Threading Building Blocks.
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#include "governor.h"
#include "tbb_main.h"
#include "scheduler.h"
#include "market.h"
#endif /* __TBB_ARENA_PER_MASTER */
#include "arena.h"
#include "tbb/task_scheduler_init.h"
namespace tbb {
namespace internal {
// governor
namespace rml {
tbb_server* make_private_server( tbb_client& client );
void governor::acquire_resources () {
int status = theTLS.create(auto_terminate);
int status = theTLS.create();
if( status )
handle_perror(status, "TBB failed to initialize TLS storage\n");
::rml::factory::status_type res =;
UsePrivateRML = res != ::rml::factory::st_success;
void governor::release_resources () {
if( __TBB_InitOnce::initialization_done() && theTLS.get() )
runtime_warning( "TBB is unloaded while tbb::task_scheduler_init object is alive?" );
int status = theTLS.destroy();
if( status )
handle_perror(status, "TBB failed to destroy TLS storage");
rml::tbb_server* governor::create_rml_server ( rml::tbb_client& client ) {
rml::tbb_server* server = NULL;
if( !UsePrivateRML ) {
::rml::factory::status_type status = theRMLServerFactory.make_server( server, client );
if( status != ::rml::factory::st_success ) {
UsePrivateRML = true;
runtime_warning( "rml::tbb_factorymake_server failed with status %x, falling back on private rml", status );
if ( !server ) {
__TBB_ASSERT( UsePrivateRML, NULL );
server = rml::make_private_server( client );
__TBB_ASSERT( server, "Failed to create RML server" );
return server;
arena* governor::obtain_arena( int number_of_threads, stack_size_type thread_stack_size ) {
mutex::scoped_lock lock( theArenaMutex );
arena* arena = theArena;
if( arena ) {
arena->prefix().number_of_masters += 1;
} else {
__TBB_ASSERT( number_of_threads > 0, NULL );
arena = arena::allocate_arena( 2*number_of_threads, number_of_threads-1,
thread_stack_size ? thread_stack_size : ThreadStackSize );
__TBB_ASSERT( arena->prefix().number_of_masters==1, NULL );
NumWorkers = arena->prefix().number_of_workers;
arena->prefix().server = create_rml_server( arena->prefix() );
// Publish the arena.
// A memory release fence is not required here, because workers have not started yet,
// and concurrent masters inspect theArena while holding theArenaMutex.
__TBB_ASSERT( !theArena, NULL );
theArena = arena;
return arena;
void governor::finish_with_arena() {
mutex::scoped_lock lock( theArenaMutex );
arena* a = theArena;
__TBB_ASSERT( a, "theArena is missing" );
if( --(a->prefix().number_of_masters) )
a = NULL;
else {
theArena = NULL;
// Must do this while holding lock, otherwise terminate message might reach
// RML thread *after* initialize message reaches it for the next arena,
// which causes TLS to be set to new value before old one is erased!
#endif /* !__TBB_ARENA_PER_MASTER */
void governor::sign_on(generic_scheduler* s) {
__TBB_ASSERT( !s->is_registered, NULL );
s->is_registered = true;
#endif /* !__TBB_ARENA_PER_MASTER */
void governor::sign_off(generic_scheduler* s) {
if( s->is_registered ) {
__TBB_ASSERT( theTLS.get()==s || (!s->is_worker() && !theTLS.get()), "attempt to unregister a wrong scheduler instance" );
s->is_registered = false;
#endif /* !__TBB_ARENA_PER_MASTER */
generic_scheduler* governor::init_scheduler( unsigned num_threads, stack_size_type stack_size, bool auto_init ) {
if( !__TBB_InitOnce::initialization_done() )
generic_scheduler* s = theTLS.get();
if( s ) {
s->ref_count += 1;
return s;
if( (int)num_threads == task_scheduler_init::automatic )
num_threads = default_num_threads();
s = generic_scheduler::create_master(
market::create_arena( num_threads - 1, stack_size ? stack_size : ThreadStackSize ) );
#else /* !__TBB_ARENA_PER_MASTER */
s = generic_scheduler::create_master( *obtain_arena(num_threads, stack_size) );
#endif /* !__TBB_ARENA_PER_MASTER */
__TBB_ASSERT(s, "Somehow a local scheduler creation for a master thread failed");
s->is_auto_initialized = auto_init;
return s;
void governor::terminate_scheduler( generic_scheduler* s ) {
__TBB_ASSERT( s == theTLS.get(), "Attempt to terminate non-local scheduler instance" );
if( !--(s->ref_count) )
void governor::auto_terminate(void* arg){
generic_scheduler* s = static_cast<generic_scheduler*>(arg);
if( s && s->is_auto_initialized ) {
if( !--(s->ref_count) ) {
if ( !theTLS.get() && !s->local_task_pool_empty() ) {
// This thread's TLS slot is already cleared. But in order to execute
// remaining tasks cleanup_master() will need TLS correctly set.
// So we temporarily restore its value.
void governor::print_version_info () {
if ( UsePrivateRML )
PrintExtraVersionInfo( "RML", "private" );
else {
PrintExtraVersionInfo( "RML", "shared" );
theRMLServerFactory.call_with_server_info( PrintRMLVersionInfo, (void*)"" );
} // namespace internal
// task_scheduler_init
using namespace internal;
/** Left out-of-line for the sake of the backward binary compatibility **/
void task_scheduler_init::initialize( int number_of_threads ) {
initialize( number_of_threads, 0 );
void task_scheduler_init::initialize( int number_of_threads, stack_size_type thread_stack_size ) {
if( number_of_threads!=deferred ) {
__TBB_ASSERT( !my_scheduler, "task_scheduler_init already initialized" );
__TBB_ASSERT( number_of_threads==-1 || number_of_threads>=1,
"number_of_threads for task_scheduler_init must be -1 or positive" );
my_scheduler = governor::init_scheduler( number_of_threads, thread_stack_size );
} else {
__TBB_ASSERT( !thread_stack_size, "deferred initialization ignores stack size setting" );
void task_scheduler_init::terminate() {
generic_scheduler* s = static_cast<generic_scheduler*>(my_scheduler);
my_scheduler = NULL;
__TBB_ASSERT( s, "task_scheduler_init::terminate without corresponding task_scheduler_init::initialize()");
int task_scheduler_init::default_num_threads() {
return governor::default_num_threads();
} // namespace tbb