blob: 0bab2dc2debd2f19669c815c3179da24161f7a94 [file] [log] [blame]
Copyright 2005-2010 Intel Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
This file is part of Threading Building Blocks.
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#ifndef _TBB_mailbox_H
#define _TBB_mailbox_H
#include "tbb/tbb_stddef.h"
#include "tbb/cache_aligned_allocator.h"
#include "scheduler_common.h"
namespace tbb {
namespace internal {
class mail_outbox;
struct task_proxy : public task {
static const intptr_t pool_bit = 1;
static const intptr_t mailbox_bit = 2;
/* All but two low-order bits represent a (task*).
Two low-order bits mean:
1 = proxy is/was/will be in task pool
2 = proxy is/was/will be in mailbox */
intptr_t task_and_tag;
//! Pointer to next task_proxy in a mailbox
task_proxy* next_in_mailbox;
//! Mailbox to which this was mailed.
mail_outbox* outbox;
//! Internal representation of mail_outbox, without padding.
class unpadded_mail_outbox {
//! Pointer to first task_proxy in mailbox, or NULL if box is empty.
task_proxy* my_first;
//! Pointer to pointer that will point to next item in the queue. Never NULL.
task_proxy** my_last;
//! Owner of mailbox is not executing a task, and has drained its own task pool.
bool my_is_idle;
//! Class representing where mail is put.
/** Padded to occupy a cache line. */
class mail_outbox: unpadded_mail_outbox {
char pad[NFS_MaxLineSize-sizeof(unpadded_mail_outbox)];
task_proxy* internal_pop() {
//! No fence on load of my_first, because if it is NULL, there's nothing further to read from another thread.
task_proxy* first = my_first;
if( first ) {
// There is a first item in the mailbox. See if there is a second.
if( task_proxy* second = __TBB_load_with_acquire(first->next_in_mailbox) ) {
// There are at least two items, so first item can be popped easily.
__TBB_store_with_release( my_first, second );
} else {
// There is only one item. Some care is required to pop it.
my_first = NULL;
if( (task_proxy**)__TBB_CompareAndSwapW(&my_last, (intptr_t)&my_first,
(intptr_t)&first->next_in_mailbox)==&first->next_in_mailbox )
// Successfully transitioned mailbox from having one item to having none.
} else {
// Some other thread updated my_last but has not filled in result->next_in_mailbox
// Wait until first item points to second item.
atomic_backoff backoff;
while( !(second=const_cast<volatile task_proxy*>(first)->next_in_mailbox) )
my_first = second;
return first;
friend class mail_inbox;
//! Push task_proxy onto the mailbox queue of another thread.
/** Implementation is wait-free. */
void push( task_proxy& t ) {
t.next_in_mailbox = NULL;
task_proxy** link = (task_proxy**)__TBB_FetchAndStoreW(&my_last,(intptr_t)&t.next_in_mailbox);
// No release fence required for the next store, because there are no memory operations
// between the previous fully fenced atomic operation and the store.
*link = &t;
//! Construct *this as a mailbox from zeroed memory.
/** Raise assertion if *this is not previously zeored, or sizeof(this) is wrong.
This method is provided instead of a full constructor since we know the objecxt
will be constructed in zeroed memory. */
void construct() {
__TBB_ASSERT( sizeof(*this)==NFS_MaxLineSize, NULL );
__TBB_ASSERT( !my_first, NULL );
__TBB_ASSERT( !my_last, NULL );
__TBB_ASSERT( !my_is_idle, NULL );
//! Drain the mailbox
intptr_t drain() {
intptr_t k = 0;
// No fences here because other threads have already quit.
for( ; task_proxy* t = my_first; ++k ) {
my_first = t->next_in_mailbox;
NFS_Free((char*)t - task_prefix_reservation_size);
return k;
//! True if thread that owns this mailbox is looking for work.
bool recipient_is_idle() {
return my_is_idle;
}; // class mail_outbox
//! Class representing source of mail.
class mail_inbox {
//! Corresponding sink where mail that we receive will be put.
mail_outbox* my_putter;
//! Construct unattached inbox
mail_inbox() : my_putter(NULL) {}
//! Attach inbox to a corresponding outbox.
void attach( mail_outbox& putter ) {
__TBB_ASSERT(!my_putter,"already attached");
my_putter = &putter;
//! Detach inbox from its outbox
void detach() {
__TBB_ASSERT(my_putter,"not attached");
my_putter = NULL;
//! Get next piece of mail, or NULL if mailbox is empty.
task_proxy* pop() {
return my_putter->internal_pop();
//! Indicate whether thread that reads this mailbox is idle.
/** Raises assertion failure if mailbox is redundantly marked as not idle. */
void set_is_idle( bool value ) {
if( my_putter ) {
__TBB_ASSERT( my_putter->my_is_idle || value, "attempt to redundantly mark mailbox as not idle" );
my_putter->my_is_idle = value;
//! Indicate whether thread that reads this mailbox is idle.
bool assert_is_idle( bool value ) const {
__TBB_ASSERT( !my_putter || my_putter->my_is_idle==value, NULL );
return true;
#endif /* TBB_USE_ASSERT */
//! Get pointer to corresponding outbox used for ITT_NOTIFY calls.
void* outbox() const {return my_putter;}
#endif /* DO_ITT_NOTIFY */
}; // class mail_inbox
} // namespace internal
} // namespace tbb
#endif /* _TBB_mailbox_H */