blob: 0d70573f0c7218c0affddfbcf1d7ac05e4e9d0de [file] [log] [blame]
Copyright 2005-2010 Intel Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
This file is part of Threading Building Blocks.
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#ifndef _TBB_market_H
#define _TBB_market_H
#include "tbb/tbb_stddef.h"
#include "tbb/atomic.h"
#include "tbb/spin_mutex.h"
#include "../rml/include/rml_tbb.h"
#include "intrusive_list.h"
#if defined(_MSC_VER) && defined(_Wp64)
// Workaround for overzealous compiler warnings in /Wp64 mode
#pragma warning (push)
#pragma warning (disable: 4244)
namespace tbb {
class task_group_context;
namespace internal {
class arena;
class generic_scheduler;
// Class market
class market : no_copy, rml::tbb_client {
friend void ITT_DoUnsafeOneTimeInitialization ();
typedef intrusive_list<arena> arena_list_type;
//! Currently active global market
static market* theMarket;
typedef spin_mutex global_market_mutex_type;
//! Mutex guarding creation/destruction of theMarket, insertions/deletions in my_arenas, and cancellation propagation
static global_market_mutex_type theMarketMutex;
//! Reference count controlling market object lifetime
intptr_t my_ref_count;
//! List of active arenas
arena_list_type my_arenas;
//! The first arena to be checked when idle worker seeks for an arena to enter
/** The check happens in round-robin fashion. **/
arena_list_type::iterator my_next_arena;
//! Lightweight mutex guarding accounting operations with arenas list
spin_mutex my_arenas_list_mutex;
//! Number of workers that were requested by all arenas
atomic<int> my_total_demand;
//! Pointer to the RML server object that services this TBB instance.
rml::tbb_server* my_server;
//! Stack size of worker threads
size_t my_stack_size;
//! Number of workers requested from the underlying resource manager
unsigned my_max_num_workers;
//! Net number of nodes that have been allocated from heap.
/** Updated each time a scheduler or arena is destroyed. */
atomic<intptr_t> my_task_node_count;
#endif /* __TBB_COUNT_TASK_NODES */
//! Number of workers that have been delivered by RML
atomic<unsigned> my_num_workers;
//! Constructor
market ( unsigned max_num_workers, size_t stack_size );
//! Factory method creating new market object
static market& global_market ( unsigned max_num_workers, size_t stack_size );
//! Destroys and deallocates market object created by market::create()
void destroy ();
//! Returns next arena that needs more workers, or NULL.
arena* arena_in_need ();
//! Recalculates the number of workers assigned to each arena.
/** The actual number of workers servicing a particular arena may temporarily
deviate from the calculated value. **/
void update_allotment ( int max_workers );
//! Returns number of masters doing computational (CPU-intensive) work
int num_active_masters () { return 1; } // APM TODO: replace with a real mechanism
// // //
// Implementation of rml::tbb_client interface methods
/*override*/ version_type version () const { return 0; }
/*override*/ unsigned max_job_count () const { return my_max_num_workers; }
/*override*/ size_t min_stack_size () const { return worker_stack_size(); }
/*override*/ policy_type policy () const { return throughput; }
/*override*/ job* create_one_job ();
/*override*/ void cleanup( job& j );
/*override*/ void acknowledge_close_connection ();
/*override*/ void process( job& j );
//! Creates an arena object
/** If necessary, also creates global market instance, and boosts its ref count.
Each call to create_arena() must be matched by the call to arena::free_arena(). **/
static arena& create_arena ( unsigned max_num_workers, size_t stack_size );
//! Removes the arena from the market's list
void detach_arena ( arena& );
//! Decrements market's refcount and destroys it in the end
void release ();
//! Request that arena's need in workers should be adjusted.
/** Concurrent invocations are possible only on behalf of different arenas. **/
void adjust_demand ( arena&, int delta );
//! Returns the requested stack size of worker threads.
size_t worker_stack_size () const { return my_stack_size; }
//! Returns the number of task objects "living" in worker threads
intptr_t workers_task_node_count();
//! Net number of nodes that have been allocated from heap.
/** Updated each time a scheduler or arena is destroyed. */
void update_task_node_count( intptr_t delta ) { my_task_node_count += delta; }
#endif /* __TBB_COUNT_TASK_NODES */
//! Propagates cancellation request to all descendants of the context.
void propagate_cancellation ( task_group_context& ctx );
//! Array of pointers to the registered workers
/** Used by cancellation propagation mechanism.
Must be the last data member of the class market. **/
generic_scheduler* my_workers[1];
#if __TBB_ARENA_PER_MASTER && ( _WIN32||_WIN64 )
//! register master with the resource manager
void register_master( ::rml::server::execution_resource_t& rsc_handle ) {
__TBB_ASSERT( my_server, "RML server not defined?" );
// the server may ignore registration and set master_exec_resource to NULL.
my_server->register_master( rsc_handle );
//! unregister master with the resource manager
void unregister_master( ::rml::server::execution_resource_t& rsc_handle ) const {
my_server->unregister_master( rsc_handle );
#endif /* !__TBB_ARENA_PER_MASTER && ( _WIN32||_WIN64 ) */
}; // class market
} // namespace internal
} // namespace tbb
#if defined(_MSC_VER) && defined(_Wp64)
// Workaround for overzealous compiler warnings in /Wp64 mode
#pragma warning (pop)
#endif // warning 4244 is back
#endif /* __TBB_ARENA_PER_MASTER */
#endif /* _TBB_market_H */