blob: ddb8321330449d4b2f07ba0833d837d4cd8ec977 [file] [log] [blame]
Copyright 2005-2010 Intel Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
This file is part of Threading Building Blocks.
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#include "tbb/tbb_config.h"
#include "tbb/spin_rw_mutex.h"
#include "tbb/aligned_space.h"
#include "observer_proxy.h"
#include "tbb_main.h"
#include "governor.h"
#include "scheduler.h"
namespace tbb {
namespace internal {
typedef spin_rw_mutex::scoped_lock task_scheduler_observer_mutex_scoped_lock;
/** aligned_space used here to shut up warnings when mutex destructor is called while threads are still using it. */
static aligned_space<spin_rw_mutex,1> the_task_scheduler_observer_mutex;
static observer_proxy* global_first_observer_proxy;
observer_proxy* global_last_observer_proxy;
static atomic<int> observer_proxy_count;
struct check_observer_proxy_count {
~check_observer_proxy_count() {
if( observer_proxy_count!=0 ) {
runtime_warning( "Leaked %ld observer_proxy objects\n", long(observer_proxy_count) );
static check_observer_proxy_count the_check_observer_proxy_count;
#endif /* TBB_USE_ASSERT */
observer_proxy::observer_proxy( task_scheduler_observer_v3& tso ) : next(NULL), observer(&tso) {
#endif /* TBB_USE_ASSERT */
// 1 for observer
gc_ref_count = 1;
// Append to the global list
task_scheduler_observer_mutex_scoped_lock lock(the_task_scheduler_observer_mutex.begin()[0],/*is_writer=*/true);
observer_proxy* p = global_last_observer_proxy;
prev = p;
if( p )
global_first_observer_proxy = this;
global_last_observer_proxy = this;
void observer_proxy::remove_from_list() {
// Take myself off the global list.
if( next )
next->prev = prev;
global_last_observer_proxy = prev;
if( prev )
prev->next = next;
global_first_observer_proxy = next;
gc_ref_count = -666;
#endif /* TBB_USE_ASSERT */
void observer_proxy::remove_ref_slow() {
int r = gc_ref_count;
while(r>1) {
__TBB_ASSERT( r!=0, NULL );
int r_old = gc_ref_count.compare_and_swap(r-1,r);
if( r_old==r ) {
// Successfully decremented count.
r = r_old;
__TBB_ASSERT( r==1, NULL );
// Reference count might go to zero
task_scheduler_observer_mutex_scoped_lock lock(the_task_scheduler_observer_mutex.begin()[0],/*is_writer=*/true);
r = --gc_ref_count;
if( !r ) {
if( !r ) {
__TBB_ASSERT( gc_ref_count == -666, NULL );
#endif /* TBB_USE_ASSERT */
delete this;
observer_proxy* observer_proxy::process_list( observer_proxy* local_last, bool is_worker, bool is_entry ) {
// Pointer p marches though the list.
// If is_entry, start with our previous list position, otherwise start at beginning of list.
observer_proxy* p = is_entry ? local_last : NULL;
for(;;) {
task_scheduler_observer* tso=NULL;
// Hold lock on list only long enough to advance to next proxy in list.
task_scheduler_observer_mutex_scoped_lock lock(the_task_scheduler_observer_mutex.begin()[0],/*is_writer=*/false);
do {
if( local_last && local_last->observer ) {
// 2 = 1 for observer and 1 for local_last
__TBB_ASSERT( local_last->gc_ref_count>=2, NULL );
// Can decrement count quickly, because it cannot become zero here.
local_last = NULL;
} else {
// Use slow form of decrementing the reference count, after lock is released.
if( p ) {
// We were already processing the list.
if( observer_proxy* q = p->next ) {
// Step to next item in list.
} else {
// At end of list.
if( is_entry ) {
// Remember current position in the list, so we can start at on the next call.
} else {
// Finishin running off the end of the list
goto done;
} else {
// Starting pass through the list
p = global_first_observer_proxy;
if( !p )
goto done;
tso = p->observer;
} while( !tso );
__TBB_ASSERT( !local_last || p!=local_last, NULL );
if( local_last )
// Do not hold any locks on the list while calling user's code.
if( is_entry )
tso->on_scheduler_entry( is_worker );
tso->on_scheduler_exit( is_worker );
} __TBB_CATCH(...) {
// Suppress exception, because user routines are supposed to be observing, not changing
// behavior of a master or worker thread.
runtime_warning( "%s threw exception\n", is_entry ? "on_scheduler_entry" : "on_scheduler_exit");
#endif /* __TBB_USE_ASSERT */
intptr_t bc = --tso->my_busy_count;
__TBB_ASSERT_EX( bc>=0, "my_busy_count underflowed" );
local_last = p;
// Return new value to be used as local_last next time.
if( local_last )
__TBB_ASSERT( !p || is_entry, NULL );
return p;
void task_scheduler_observer_v3::observe( bool state ) {
if( state ) {
if( !my_proxy ) {
if( !__TBB_InitOnce::initialization_done() )
my_busy_count = 0;
my_proxy = new observer_proxy(*this);
if( generic_scheduler* s = governor::local_scheduler_if_initialized() ) {
// Notify newly created observer of its own thread.
// Any other pending observers are notified too.
} else {
if( observer_proxy* proxy = my_proxy ) {
my_proxy = NULL;
__TBB_ASSERT( proxy->gc_ref_count>=1, "reference for observer missing" );
task_scheduler_observer_mutex_scoped_lock lock(the_task_scheduler_observer_mutex.begin()[0],/*is_writer=*/true);
proxy->observer = NULL;
while( my_busy_count ) {
} // namespace internal
} // namespace tbb