blob: 2f4e3f6e68391fba391266d980cbe4740500715b [file] [log] [blame]
Copyright 2005-2010 Intel Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
This file is part of Threading Building Blocks.
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#include "tbb/reader_writer_lock.h"
#include "tbb/tbb_machine.h"
#include "tbb/tbb_exception.h"
#include "itt_notify.h"
namespace tbb {
namespace interface5 {
const unsigned WFLAG1 = 0x1; // writer interested or active
const unsigned WFLAG2 = 0x2; // writers interested, no entering readers
const unsigned RFLAG = 0x4; // reader interested but not active
const unsigned RC_INCR = 0x8; // to adjust reader count
// Perform an atomic bitwise-OR on the operand with the addend, and return
// the previous value of the operand.
inline unsigned fetch_and_or(atomic<unsigned>& operand, unsigned addend) {
tbb::internal::atomic_backoff backoff;
for (;;) {
unsigned old = operand;
unsigned result = operand.compare_and_swap(old|addend, old);
if (result==old) return old;
// Perform an atomic bitwise-AND on the operand with the addend, and return
// the previous value of the operand.
inline unsigned fetch_and_and(atomic<unsigned>& operand, unsigned addend) {
tbb::internal::atomic_backoff backoff;
for (;;) {
unsigned old = operand;
unsigned result = operand.compare_and_swap(old&addend, old);
if (result==old) return old;
//! Spin WHILE the value at the location is greater than or equal to a given value
/** T and U should be comparable types. */
template<typename T, typename U>
void spin_wait_while_geq( const volatile T& location, U value ) {
tbb::internal::atomic_backoff backoff;
while( location>=value ) backoff.pause();
//! Spin UNTIL (location & value) is true.
/** T and U should be comparable types. */
template<typename T, typename U>
void spin_wait_until_and( const volatile T& location, U value ) {
tbb::internal::atomic_backoff backoff;
while( !(location & value) ) backoff.pause();
void reader_writer_lock::internal_construct() {
reader_head = NULL;
writer_head = NULL;
writer_tail = NULL;
rdr_count_and_flags = 0;
my_current_writer = tbb_thread::id();
ITT_SYNC_CREATE(this, _T("tbb::reader_writer_lock"), _T(""));
void reader_writer_lock::internal_destroy() {
__TBB_ASSERT(rdr_count_and_flags==0, "reader_writer_lock destroyed with pending readers/writers.");
__TBB_ASSERT(reader_head==NULL, "reader_writer_lock destroyed with pending readers.");
__TBB_ASSERT(writer_tail==NULL, "reader_writer_lock destroyed with pending writers.");
__TBB_ASSERT(writer_head==NULL, "reader_writer_lock destroyed with pending/active writers.");
// Acquires the reader_writer_lock for write. If the lock is currently held in write
// mode by another context, the writer will block by spinning on a local variable.
// Throws exception improper_lock if the context tries to acquire a
// reader_writer_lock that it already has write ownership of.
void reader_writer_lock::lock() {
if (is_current_writer()) { // recursive lock attempt
// we don't support recursive writer locks; throw exception
else {
scoped_lock *a_writer_lock = new scoped_lock();
(void) start_write(a_writer_lock);
// Tries to acquire the reader_writer_lock for write. This function does not block.
// Return Value: True or false, depending on whether the lock is acquired or not.
// If the lock is already held by this acquiring context, try_lock() returns false.
bool reader_writer_lock::try_lock() {
if (is_current_writer()) { // recursive lock attempt
return false;
else {
scoped_lock *a_writer_lock = new scoped_lock();
a_writer_lock->status = waiting_nonblocking;
return start_write(a_writer_lock);
bool reader_writer_lock::start_write(scoped_lock *I) {
tbb_thread::id id = this_tbb_thread::get_id();
scoped_lock *pred = NULL;
if (I->status == waiting_nonblocking) {
if ((pred = writer_tail.compare_and_swap(I, NULL)) != NULL) {
delete I;
return false;
else {
ITT_NOTIFY(sync_prepare, this);
pred = writer_tail.fetch_and_store(I);
if (pred)
pred->next = I;
else {
if (I->status == waiting_nonblocking) {
if (I->next) { // potentially more writers
else { // no more writers
if (I != writer_tail.compare_and_swap(NULL, I)) { // an incoming writer is in the process of being added
spin_wait_while_eq(I->next, (scoped_lock *)NULL); // wait for new writer to be added
__TBB_ASSERT(I->next, "There should be a node following the last writer.");
delete I;
return false;
spin_wait_while_eq(I->status, waiting);
ITT_NOTIFY(sync_acquired, this);
my_current_writer = id;
return true;
void reader_writer_lock::set_next_writer(scoped_lock *W) {
writer_head = W;
if (W->status == waiting_nonblocking) {
if (rdr_count_and_flags.compare_and_swap(WFLAG1+WFLAG2, 0) == 0) {
W->status = active;
else {
if (fetch_and_or(rdr_count_and_flags, WFLAG1) & RFLAG) { // reader present
spin_wait_until_and(rdr_count_and_flags, WFLAG2); // block until readers set WFLAG2
else { // no reader in timing window
__TBB_AtomicOR(&rdr_count_and_flags, WFLAG2);
spin_wait_while_geq(rdr_count_and_flags, RC_INCR); // block until readers finish
W->status = active;
// Acquires the reader_writer_lock for read. If the lock is currently held by a writer,
// this reader will block and wait until the writers are done.
// Throws exception improper_lock when the context tries to acquire a reader_writer_lock
// that it already has write ownership of.
void reader_writer_lock::lock_read() {
if (is_current_writer()) { // recursive lock attempt
// we don't support writer->reader downgrade; throw exception
else {
scoped_lock_read a_reader_lock;
// Tries to acquire the reader_writer_lock for read. This function does not block.
// Return Value: True or false, depending on whether the lock is acquired or not.
bool reader_writer_lock::try_lock_read() {
if (is_current_writer()) { // recursive lock attempt
return false;
else {
if (rdr_count_and_flags.fetch_and_add(RC_INCR) & (WFLAG1+WFLAG2)) { // writers present
rdr_count_and_flags -= RC_INCR;
return false;
else { // no writers
ITT_NOTIFY(sync_acquired, this);
return true;
void reader_writer_lock::start_read(scoped_lock_read *I) {
ITT_NOTIFY(sync_prepare, this);
I->next = reader_head.fetch_and_store(I);
if (!I->next) { // first arriving reader in my group; set RFLAG, test writer flags
// unblock and/or update statuses of non-blocking readers
if (!(fetch_and_or(rdr_count_and_flags, RFLAG) & (WFLAG1+WFLAG2))) { // no writers
__TBB_ASSERT(I->status == waiting || I->status == active, "Lock requests should be waiting or active before blocking.");
spin_wait_while_eq(I->status, waiting); // block
if (I->next) {
__TBB_ASSERT(I->next->status == waiting, NULL);
rdr_count_and_flags += RC_INCR;
I->next->status = active; // wake successor
ITT_NOTIFY(sync_acquired, this);
void reader_writer_lock::unblock_readers() {
// clear rdr interest flag, increment rdr count
__TBB_ASSERT(rdr_count_and_flags&RFLAG, NULL);
rdr_count_and_flags += RC_INCR-RFLAG;
__TBB_ASSERT(rdr_count_and_flags >= RC_INCR, NULL);
// indicate clear of window
if (rdr_count_and_flags & WFLAG1 && !(rdr_count_and_flags & WFLAG2)) {
__TBB_AtomicOR(&rdr_count_and_flags, WFLAG2);
// unblock waiting readers
scoped_lock_read *head = reader_head.fetch_and_store(NULL);
__TBB_ASSERT(head->status == waiting, NULL);
head->status = active;
// Releases the reader_writer_lock
void reader_writer_lock::unlock() {
if( my_current_writer!=tbb_thread::id() ) {
// A writer owns the lock
__TBB_ASSERT(is_current_writer(), "caller of reader_writer_lock::unlock() does not own the lock.");
__TBB_ASSERT(writer_head, NULL);
__TBB_ASSERT(writer_head->status==active, NULL);
scoped_lock *a_writer_lock = writer_head;
__TBB_ASSERT(a_writer_lock != writer_head, "Internal error: About to turn writer_head into dangling reference.");
delete a_writer_lock;
} else {
void reader_writer_lock::end_write(scoped_lock *I) {
__TBB_ASSERT(I==writer_head, "Internal error: can't unlock a thread that is not holding the lock.");
my_current_writer = tbb_thread::id();
ITT_NOTIFY(sync_releasing, this);
if (I->next) { // potentially more writers
writer_head = I->next;
writer_head->status = active;
else { // No more writers; clear writer flag, test reader interest flag
__TBB_ASSERT(writer_head, NULL);
if (fetch_and_and(rdr_count_and_flags, ~(WFLAG1+WFLAG2)) & RFLAG) {
if (I != writer_tail.compare_and_swap(NULL, I)) { // an incoming writer is in the process of being added
spin_wait_while_eq(I->next, (scoped_lock *)NULL); // wait for new writer to be added
__TBB_ASSERT(I->next, "There should be a node following the last writer.");
void reader_writer_lock::end_read() {
ITT_NOTIFY(sync_releasing, this);
__TBB_ASSERT(rdr_count_and_flags >= RC_INCR, "unlock() called but no readers hold the lock.");
rdr_count_and_flags -= RC_INCR;
inline bool reader_writer_lock::is_current_writer() {
return my_current_writer==this_tbb_thread::get_id();
// Construct with a blocking attempt to acquire a write lock on the passed reader_writer_lock
void reader_writer_lock::scoped_lock::internal_construct (reader_writer_lock& lock) {
mutex = &lock;
next = NULL;
status = waiting;
if (mutex->is_current_writer()) { // recursive lock attempt
// we don't support recursive writer locks; throw exception
else { // this thread holds no locks
(void) mutex->start_write(this);
inline reader_writer_lock::scoped_lock::scoped_lock() : mutex(NULL), next(NULL) {
status = waiting;
// Construct with a blocking attempt to acquire a write lock on the passed reader_writer_lock
void reader_writer_lock::scoped_lock_read::internal_construct (reader_writer_lock& lock) {
mutex = &lock;
next = NULL;
status = waiting;
if (mutex->is_current_writer()) { // recursive lock attempt
// we don't support writer->reader downgrade; throw exception
else { // this thread holds no locks
inline reader_writer_lock::scoped_lock_read::scoped_lock_read() : mutex(NULL), next(NULL) {
status = waiting;
void reader_writer_lock::scoped_lock::internal_destroy() {
if (mutex) {
__TBB_ASSERT(mutex->is_current_writer(), "~scoped_lock() destroyed by thread different than thread that holds lock.");
status = invalid;
void reader_writer_lock::scoped_lock_read::internal_destroy() {
if (mutex)
status = invalid;
} // namespace interface5
} // namespace tbb