blob: 900fbbe0d4396966e4aee9c72b1279ffad5f8d90 [file] [log] [blame]
Copyright 2005-2010 Intel Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
This file is part of Threading Building Blocks.
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and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
Threading Building Blocks is distributed in the hope that it will be
useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
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#ifndef _TBB_malloc_Customize_H_
#define _TBB_malloc_Customize_H_
/* Thread shutdown notification callback */
/* redefine the name of the callback to meet TBB requirements
for externally visible names of service functions */
#define mallocThreadShutdownNotification __TBB_mallocThreadShutdownNotification
#define mallocProcessShutdownNotification __TBB_mallocProcessShutdownNotification
extern "C" void mallocThreadShutdownNotification(void *);
extern "C" void mallocProcessShutdownNotification(void);
// customizing MALLOC_ASSERT macro
#include "tbb/tbb_stddef.h"
#define MALLOC_ASSERT(assertion, message) __TBB_ASSERT(assertion, message)
#include "tbb/tbb_machine.h"
#include "tbb/itt_notify.h"
#define MALLOC_ITT_SYNC_PREPARE(pointer) ITT_NOTIFY(sync_prepare, (pointer))
#define MALLOC_ITT_SYNC_ACQUIRED(pointer) ITT_NOTIFY(sync_acquired, (pointer))
#define MALLOC_ITT_SYNC_RELEASING(pointer) ITT_NOTIFY(sync_releasing, (pointer))
#define MALLOC_ITT_SYNC_CANCEL(pointer) ITT_NOTIFY(sync_cancel, (pointer))
#define MALLOC_ITT_SYNC_PREPARE(pointer) ((void)0)
#define MALLOC_ITT_SYNC_ACQUIRED(pointer) ((void)0)
#define MALLOC_ITT_SYNC_RELEASING(pointer) ((void)0)
#define MALLOC_ITT_SYNC_CANCEL(pointer) ((void)0)
//! Stripped down version of spin_mutex.
/** Instances of MallocMutex must be declared in memory that is zero-initialized.
There are no constructors. This is a feature that lets it be
used in situations where the mutex might be used while file-scope constructors
are running.
There are no methods "acquire" or "release". The scoped_lock must be used
in a strict block-scoped locking pattern. Omitting these methods permitted
further simplication. */
class MallocMutex {
unsigned char value;
//! Deny assignment
void operator=( MallocMutex& MallocMutex );
class scoped_lock {
const unsigned char value;
MallocMutex& mutex;
scoped_lock( MallocMutex& m ) : value( __TBB_LockByte(m.value)), mutex(m) {}
~scoped_lock() { __TBB_store_with_release(mutex.value, value); }
friend class scoped_lock;
inline intptr_t AtomicIncrement( volatile intptr_t& counter ) {
return __TBB_FetchAndAddW( &counter, 1 )+1;
inline uintptr_t AtomicAdd( volatile uintptr_t& counter, uintptr_t value ) {
return __TBB_FetchAndAddW( &counter, value );
inline intptr_t AtomicCompareExchange( volatile intptr_t& location, intptr_t new_value, intptr_t comparand) {
return __TBB_CompareAndSwapW( &location, new_value, comparand );
// To support malloc replacement with LD_PRELOAD
#include "proxy.h"
#define malloc_proxy __TBB_malloc_proxy
extern "C" void * __TBB_malloc_proxy(size_t) __attribute__ ((weak));
const bool malloc_proxy = false;
namespace rml {
namespace internal {
void init_tbbmalloc();
} } // namespaces
#define MALLOC_EXTRA_INITIALIZATION rml::internal::init_tbbmalloc()
#endif /* _TBB_malloc_Customize_H_ */