blob: 02ebea615138470e13592edcc600c517871df40d [file] [log] [blame]
Copyright 2005-2010 Intel Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
This file is part of Threading Building Blocks.
Threading Building Blocks is free software; you can redistribute it
and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
Threading Building Blocks is distributed in the hope that it will be
useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with Threading Building Blocks; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
As a special exception, you may use this file as part of a free software
library without restriction. Specifically, if other files instantiate
templates or use macros or inline functions from this file, or you compile
this file and link it with other files to produce an executable, this
file does not by itself cause the resulting executable to be covered by
the GNU General Public License. This exception does not however
invalidate any other reasons why the executable file might be covered by
the GNU General Public License.
// Works on windows only
#ifdef _WIN32
#include <windows.h>
#include <new>
#include <stdio.h>
#include "tbb_function_replacement.h"
#include "tbb/tbb_config.h"
#include "tbb/tbb_stddef.h"
#include "../tbb/tbb_assert_impl.h"
inline UINT_PTR Ptr2Addrint(LPVOID ptr)
Int2Ptr i2p;
i2p.lpv = ptr;
return i2p.uip;
inline LPVOID Addrint2Ptr(UINT_PTR ptr)
Int2Ptr i2p;
i2p.uip = ptr;
return i2p.lpv;
// Is the distance between addr1 and addr2 smaller than dist
inline bool IsInDistance(UINT_PTR addr1, UINT_PTR addr2, __int64 dist)
__int64 diff = addr1>addr2 ? addr1-addr2 : addr2-addr1;
return diff<dist;
* When inserting a probe in 64 bits process the distance between the insertion
* point and the target may be bigger than 2^32. In this case we are using
* indirect jump through memory where the offset to this memory location
* is smaller than 2^32 and it contains the absolute address (8 bytes).
* This class is used to hold the pages used for the above trampolines.
* Since this utility will be used to replace malloc functions this implementation
* doesn't allocate memory dynamically.
* The struct MemoryBuffer holds the data about a page in the memory used for
* replacing functions in Intel64 where the target is too far to be replaced
* with a short jump. All the calculations of m_base and m_next are in a multiple
* of SIZE_OF_ADDRESS (which is 8 in Win64).
class MemoryProvider {
struct MemoryBuffer {
UINT_PTR m_base; // base address of the buffer
UINT_PTR m_next; // next free location in the buffer
DWORD m_size; // size of buffer
// Default constructor
MemoryBuffer() : m_base(0), m_next(0), m_size(0) {}
// Constructor
MemoryBuffer(void *base, DWORD size)
m_base = Ptr2Addrint(base);
m_next = m_base;
m_size = size;
MemoryBuffer *CreateBuffer(UINT_PTR addr)
// No more room in the pages database
if (m_lastBuffer - m_pages == MAX_NUM_BUFFERS)
return 0;
void *newAddr = Addrint2Ptr(addr);
// Get information for the region which the given address belongs to
if (VirtualQuery(newAddr, &memInfo, sizeof(memInfo)) != sizeof(memInfo))
return 0;
for(;;) {
// The new address to check is beyond the current region and aligned to allocation size
newAddr = Addrint2Ptr( (Ptr2Addrint(memInfo.BaseAddress) + memInfo.RegionSize + m_allocSize) & ~(UINT_PTR)(m_allocSize-1) );
// Check that the address is in the right distance.
// VirtualAlloc can only round the address down; so it will remain in the right distance
if (!IsInDistance(addr, Ptr2Addrint(newAddr), MAX_DISTANCE))
if (VirtualQuery(newAddr, &memInfo, sizeof(memInfo)) != sizeof(memInfo))
if (memInfo.State == MEM_FREE && memInfo.RegionSize >= m_allocSize)
// Found a free region, try to allocate a page in this region
void *newPage = VirtualAlloc(newAddr, m_allocSize, MEM_COMMIT|MEM_RESERVE, PAGE_READWRITE);
if (!newPage)
// Add the new page to the pages database
MemoryBuffer *pBuff = new (m_lastBuffer) MemoryBuffer(newPage, m_allocSize);
return pBuff;
// Failed to find a buffer in the distance
return 0;
m_allocSize = sysInfo.dwAllocationGranularity;
m_lastBuffer = &m_pages[0];
// We can't free the pages in the destructor because the trampolines
// are using these memory locations and a replaced function might be called
// after the destructor was called.
// Return a memory location in distance less than 2^31 from input address
UINT_PTR GetLocation(UINT_PTR addr)
MemoryBuffer *pBuff = m_pages;
for (; pBuff<m_lastBuffer && IsInDistance(pBuff->m_next, addr, MAX_DISTANCE); ++pBuff)
if (pBuff->m_next < pBuff->m_base + pBuff->m_size)
UINT_PTR loc = pBuff->m_next;
pBuff->m_next += MAX_PROBE_SIZE;
return loc;
pBuff = CreateBuffer(addr);
return 0;
UINT_PTR loc = pBuff->m_next;
pBuff->m_next += MAX_PROBE_SIZE;
return loc;
MemoryBuffer m_pages[MAX_NUM_BUFFERS];
MemoryBuffer *m_lastBuffer;
DWORD m_allocSize;
static MemoryProvider memProvider;
// Compare opcodes from dictionary (str1) and opcodes from code (str2)
// str1 might contain '*' to mask adresses
// RETURN: NULL if opcodes did not match, string lentgh of str1 on success
size_t compareStrings( const char *str1, const char *str2 )
size_t str1Lentgh = strlen(str1);
for (size_t i=0; i<str1Lentgh; i++){
if( str1[i] != '*' && str1[i] != str2[i] ) return 0;
return str1Lentgh;
// Check function prologue with know prologues from the dictionary
// opcodes - dictionary
// inpAddr - pointer to function prologue
// Dictionary contains opcodes for several full asm instrutions
// + one opcode byte for the next asm instruction for safe address processing
// RETURN: number of bytes for safe bytes replacement
// (matched_pattern/2-1)
UINT CheckOpcodes( const char ** opcodes, void *inpAddr )
static size_t opcodesStringsCount = 0;
static size_t maxOpcodesLength = 0;
static size_t opcodes_pointer = (size_t)opcodes;
char opcodeString[61];
size_t i;
size_t result;
// Get the values for static variables
// max length and number of patterns
if( !opcodesStringsCount || opcodes_pointer != (size_t)opcodes ){
while( *(opcodes + opcodesStringsCount)!= NULL ){
if( (i=strlen(*(opcodes + opcodesStringsCount))) > maxOpcodesLength )
maxOpcodesLength = i;
opcodes_pointer = (size_t)opcodes;
__TBB_ASSERT( maxOpcodesLength < 61, "Limit is 30 opcodes/60 symbols per pattern" );
// Translate prologue opcodes to string format to compare
for( i=0; i< maxOpcodesLength/2; i++ ){
sprintf( opcodeString + 2*i, "%.2X", *((unsigned char*)inpAddr+i) );
opcodeString[maxOpcodesLength] = 0;
// Compare translated opcodes with patterns
for( i=0; i< opcodesStringsCount; i++ ){
result = compareStrings( opcodes[i],opcodeString );
if( result )
return (UINT)(result/2-1);
// TODO: to add more stuff to patterns
__TBB_ASSERT( false, "CheckOpcodes failed" );
// No matches found just do not store original calls
return 0;
// Insert jump relative instruction to the input address
// RETURN: the size of the trampoline or 0 on failure
static DWORD InsertTrampoline32(void *inpAddr, void *targetAddr, const char ** opcodes, void** storedAddr)
UINT opcodesNumber = SIZE_OF_RELJUMP;
UINT_PTR srcAddr = Ptr2Addrint(inpAddr);
UINT_PTR tgtAddr = Ptr2Addrint(targetAddr);
// Check that the target fits in 32 bits
if (!IsInDistance(srcAddr, tgtAddr, MAX_DISTANCE))
return 0;
UINT_PTR offset;
UINT offset32;
UCHAR *codePtr = (UCHAR *)inpAddr;
// If requested, store original function code
if ( storedAddr ){
opcodesNumber = CheckOpcodes( opcodes, inpAddr );
if( opcodesNumber >= SIZE_OF_RELJUMP ){
UINT_PTR strdAddr = memProvider.GetLocation(srcAddr);
if (!strdAddr)
return 0;
*storedAddr = Addrint2Ptr(strdAddr);
// Set 'executable' flag for original instructions in the new place
if (!VirtualProtect(*storedAddr, MAX_PROBE_SIZE, pageFlags, &pageFlags)) return 0;
// Copy original instructions to the new place
memcpy(*storedAddr, codePtr, opcodesNumber);
// Set jump to the code after replacement
offset = srcAddr - strdAddr - SIZE_OF_RELJUMP;
offset32 = (UINT)((offset & 0xFFFFFFFF));
*((UCHAR*)*storedAddr+opcodesNumber) = 0xE9;
memcpy(((UCHAR*)*storedAddr+opcodesNumber+1), &offset32, sizeof(offset32));
// No matches found just do not store original calls
*storedAddr = NULL;
// The following will work correctly even if srcAddr>tgtAddr, as long as
// address difference is less than 2^31, which is guaranteed by IsInDistance.
offset = tgtAddr - srcAddr - SIZE_OF_RELJUMP;
offset32 = (UINT)(offset & 0xFFFFFFFF);
// Insert the jump to the new code
*codePtr = 0xE9;
memcpy(codePtr+1, &offset32, sizeof(offset32));
// Fill the rest with NOPs to correctly see disassembler of old code in debugger.
for( unsigned i=SIZE_OF_RELJUMP; i<opcodesNumber; i++ ){
*(codePtr+i) = 0x90;
// This function is called when the offset doesn't fit in 32 bits
// 1 Find and allocate a page in the small distance (<2^31) from input address
// 2 Put jump RIP relative indirect through the address in the close page
// 3 Put the absolute address of the target in the allocated location
// RETURN: the size of the trampoline or 0 on failure
static DWORD InsertTrampoline64(void *inpAddr, void *targetAddr, const char ** opcodes, void** storedAddr)
UINT opcodesNumber = SIZE_OF_INDJUMP;
UINT_PTR srcAddr = Ptr2Addrint(inpAddr);
UINT_PTR tgtAddr = Ptr2Addrint(targetAddr);
// Get a location close to the source address
UINT_PTR location = memProvider.GetLocation(srcAddr);
if (!location)
return 0;
UINT_PTR offset;
UINT offset32;
UCHAR *codePtr = (UCHAR *)inpAddr;
// Fill the location
UINT_PTR *locPtr = (UINT_PTR *)Addrint2Ptr(location);
*locPtr = tgtAddr;
// If requested, store original function code
if( storedAddr ){
opcodesNumber = CheckOpcodes( opcodes, inpAddr );
if( opcodesNumber >= SIZE_OF_INDJUMP ){
UINT_PTR strdAddr = memProvider.GetLocation(srcAddr);
if (!strdAddr)
return 0;
*storedAddr = Addrint2Ptr(strdAddr);
// Set 'executable' flag for original instructions in the new place
if (!VirtualProtect(*storedAddr, MAX_PROBE_SIZE, pageFlags, &pageFlags)) return 0;
// Copy original instructions to the new place
memcpy(*storedAddr, codePtr, opcodesNumber);
// Set jump to the code after replacement. It is within the distance of relative jump!
offset = srcAddr - strdAddr - SIZE_OF_RELJUMP;
offset32 = (UINT)((offset & 0xFFFFFFFF));
*((UCHAR*)*storedAddr+opcodesNumber) = 0xE9;
memcpy(((UCHAR*)*storedAddr+opcodesNumber+1), &offset32, sizeof(offset32));
// No matches found just do not store original calls
*storedAddr = NULL;
// Fill the buffer
offset = location - srcAddr - SIZE_OF_INDJUMP;
offset32 = (UINT)(offset & 0xFFFFFFFF);
*(codePtr) = 0xFF;
*(codePtr+1) = 0x25;
memcpy(codePtr+2, &offset32, sizeof(offset32));
// Fill the rest with NOPs to correctly see disassembler of old code in debugger.
for( unsigned i=SIZE_OF_INDJUMP; i<opcodesNumber; i++ ){
*(codePtr+i) = 0x90;
// Insert a jump instruction in the inpAddr to the targetAddr
// 1. Get the memory protection of the page containing the input address
// 2. Change the memory protection to writable
// 3. Call InsertTrampoline32 or InsertTrampoline64
// 4. Restore memory protection
// RETURN: FALSE on failure, TRUE on success
static bool InsertTrampoline(void *inpAddr, void *targetAddr, const char ** opcodes, void** origFunc)
DWORD probeSize;
// Change page protection to EXECUTE+WRITE
DWORD origProt = 0;
if (!VirtualProtect(inpAddr, MAX_PROBE_SIZE, PAGE_EXECUTE_WRITECOPY, &origProt))
return FALSE;
probeSize = InsertTrampoline32(inpAddr, targetAddr, opcodes, origFunc);
if (!probeSize)
probeSize = InsertTrampoline64(inpAddr, targetAddr, opcodes, origFunc);
// Restore original protection
VirtualProtect(inpAddr, MAX_PROBE_SIZE, origProt, &origProt);
if (!probeSize)
return FALSE;
FlushInstructionCache(GetCurrentProcess(), inpAddr, probeSize);
FlushInstructionCache(GetCurrentProcess(), origFunc, probeSize);
return TRUE;
// Routine to replace the functions
// TODO: replace opcodesNumber with opcodes and opcodes number to check if we replace right code.
FRR_TYPE ReplaceFunctionA(const char *dllName, const char *funcName, FUNCPTR newFunc, const char ** opcodes, FUNCPTR* origFunc)
// Cache the results of the last search for the module
// Assume that there was no DLL unload between
static char cachedName[MAX_PATH+1];
static HMODULE cachedHM = 0;
if (!dllName || !*dllName)
return FRR_NODLL;
if (!cachedHM || strncmp(dllName, cachedName, MAX_PATH) != 0)
// Find the module handle for the input dll
HMODULE hModule = GetModuleHandleA(dllName);
if (hModule == 0)
// Couldn't find the module with the input name
cachedHM = 0;
return FRR_NODLL;
cachedHM = hModule;
strncpy(cachedName, dllName, MAX_PATH);
FARPROC inpFunc = GetProcAddress(cachedHM, funcName);
if (inpFunc == 0)
// Function was not found
return FRR_NOFUNC;
if (!InsertTrampoline((void*)inpFunc, (void*)newFunc, opcodes, (void**)origFunc)){
// Failed to insert the trampoline to the target address
return FRR_FAILED;
return FRR_OK;
FRR_TYPE ReplaceFunctionW(const wchar_t *dllName, const char *funcName, FUNCPTR newFunc, const char ** opcodes, FUNCPTR* origFunc)
// Cache the results of the last search for the module
// Assume that there was no DLL unload between
static wchar_t cachedName[MAX_PATH+1];
static HMODULE cachedHM = 0;
if (!dllName || !*dllName)
return FRR_NODLL;
if (!cachedHM || wcsncmp(dllName, cachedName, MAX_PATH) != 0)
// Find the module handle for the input dll
HMODULE hModule = GetModuleHandleW(dllName);
if (hModule == 0)
// Couldn't find the module with the input name
cachedHM = 0;
return FRR_NODLL;
cachedHM = hModule;
wcsncpy(cachedName, dllName, MAX_PATH);
FARPROC inpFunc = GetProcAddress(cachedHM, funcName);
if (inpFunc == 0)
// Function was not found
return FRR_NOFUNC;
if (!InsertTrampoline((void*)inpFunc, (void*)newFunc, opcodes, (void**)origFunc)){
// Failed to insert the trampoline to the target address
return FRR_FAILED;
return FRR_OK;
#endif //_WIN32