blob: 4f2c324d8713e80263ac52b853da98c4ddfb5f09 [file] [log] [blame]
Copyright 2005-2010 Intel Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
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// Declarations for simple estimate of CPU time being used by a program.
// This header is an optional part of the test harness.
// It assumes that "harness_assert.h" has already been included.
#if _WIN32 && !_XBOX
#include <windows.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <sys/resource.h>
//! Return time (in seconds) spent by the current process in user mode.
/* Returns 0 if not implemented on platform. */
static double GetCPUUserTime() {
#if _XBOX
return 0;
#elif _WIN32
FILETIME my_times[4];
bool status = GetProcessTimes(GetCurrentProcess(), my_times, my_times+1, my_times+2, my_times+3)!=0;
ASSERT( status, NULL );
usrtime.LowPart = my_times[3].dwLowDateTime;
usrtime.HighPart = my_times[3].dwHighDateTime;
return double(usrtime.QuadPart)*1E-7;
// Generic UNIX, including __APPLE__
// On Linux, there is no good way to get CPU usage info for the current process:
// getrusage(RUSAGE_SELF, ...) that is used now only returns info for the calling thread;
// getrusage(RUSAGE_CHILDREN, ...) only counts for finished children threads;
// tms_utime and tms_cutime got with times(struct tms*) are equivalent to the above items;
// finally, /proc/self/task/<task_id>/stat doesn't exist on older kernels
// and it isn't quite convenient to read it for every task_id.
struct rusage resources;
bool status = getrusage(RUSAGE_SELF, &resources)==0;
ASSERT( status, NULL );
return (double(resources.ru_utime.tv_sec)*1E6 + double(resources.ru_utime.tv_usec))*1E-6;
#include "tbb/tick_count.h"
#include <cstdio>
// The resolution of GetCPUUserTime is 10-15 ms or so; waittime should be a few times bigger.
const double WAITTIME = 0.1; // in seconds, i.e. 100 ms
const double THRESHOLD = WAITTIME/100;
static void TestCPUUserTime( int nthreads, int nactive = 1 ) {
// The test will always pass on Linux; read the comments in GetCPUUserTime for details
// Also it will not detect spinning issues on systems with only one processing core.
int nworkers = nthreads-nactive;
if( !nworkers ) return;
double lastusrtime = GetCPUUserTime();
if( !lastusrtime ) return;
static double minimal_waittime = WAITTIME,
maximal_waittime = WAITTIME * 10;
double usrtime;
double waittime;
tbb::tick_count stamp = tbb::tick_count::now();
// wait for GetCPUUserTime update
while( (usrtime=GetCPUUserTime())-lastusrtime < THRESHOLD ) {
volatile intptr_t k = (intptr_t)&usrtime;
for ( int i = 0; i < 1000; ++i ) ++k;
if ( (waittime = (tbb::tick_count::now()-stamp).seconds()) > maximal_waittime ) {
REPORT( "Warning: %.2f sec elapsed but user mode time is still below its threshold (%g < %g)\n",
waittime, usrtime - lastusrtime, THRESHOLD );
lastusrtime = usrtime;
// Wait for workers to go sleep
stamp = tbb::tick_count::now();
while( ((waittime=(tbb::tick_count::now()-stamp).seconds()) < minimal_waittime)
|| ((usrtime=GetCPUUserTime()-lastusrtime) < THRESHOLD) )
if ( waittime > maximal_waittime ) {
REPORT( "Warning: %.2f sec elapsed but GetCPUUserTime reported only %g sec\n", waittime, usrtime );
// Test that all workers sleep when no work.
while( nactive>1 && usrtime-nactive*waittime<0 ) {
// probably the number of active threads was mispredicted
--nactive; ++nworkers;
double avg_worker_usrtime = (usrtime-nactive*waittime)/nworkers;
if( avg_worker_usrtime > waittime/2 )
REPORT( "ERROR: %d worker threads are spinning; waittime: %g; usrtime: %g; avg worker usrtime: %g\n",
nworkers, waittime, usrtime, avg_worker_usrtime);
REMARK("%d worker threads; waittime: %g; usrtime: %g; avg worker usrtime: %g\n",
nworkers, waittime, usrtime, avg_worker_usrtime);