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Copyright 2005-2010 Intel Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
This file is part of Threading Building Blocks.
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// Just the tracing portion of the harness.
// This header defines TRACE and TRCAENL macros, which use REPORT like syntax and
// are useful for duplicating trace output to the standard debug output on Windows.
// It is possible to add the ability of automatic extending messages with additional
// info (file, line, function, time, thread ID, ...).
// Macros output nothing when test app runs in non-verbose mode (default).
// The full "harness.h" must be included before this header.
#ifndef tbb_tests_harness_report_H
#define tbb_tests_harness_report_H
#if defined(MAX_TRACE_SIZE) && MAX_TRACE_SIZE < 1024
#define MAX_TRACE_SIZE 1024
#include <stdio.h>
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstdarg>
#if _MSC_VER
#define snprintf _snprintf
#if _MSC_VER<=1400
#define vsnprintf _vsnprintf
namespace Harness {
namespace internal {
#ifndef TbbHarnessReporter
struct TbbHarnessReporter {
void Report ( const char* msg ) {
printf( "%s", msg );
#ifdef _WINDOWS_
}; // struct TbbHarnessReporter
#endif /* !TbbHarnessReporter */
class Tracer {
int m_flags;
const char *m_file;
const char *m_func;
size_t m_line;
TbbHarnessReporter m_reporter;
enum {
prefix = 1,
need_lf = 2
Tracer* set_trace_info ( int flags, const char *file, size_t line, const char *func ) {
m_flags = flags;
m_line = line;
m_file = file;
m_func = func;
return this;
void trace ( const char* fmt, ... ) {
char msg[MAX_TRACE_SIZE];
char msg_fmt_buf[MAX_TRACE_SIZE];
const char *msg_fmt = fmt;
if ( m_flags & prefix ) {
snprintf (msg_fmt_buf, MAX_TRACE_SIZE, "[%s] %s", m_func, fmt);
msg_fmt = msg_fmt_buf;
std::va_list argptr;
va_start (argptr, fmt);
int len = vsnprintf (msg, MAX_TRACE_SIZE, msg_fmt, argptr);
va_end (argptr);
if ( m_flags & need_lf &&
len < MAX_TRACE_SIZE - 1 && msg_fmt[len-1] != '\n' )
msg[len] = '\n';
msg[len + 1] = 0;
}; // class Tracer
static Tracer tracer;
bool not_the_first_call () {
static bool first_call = false;
bool res = first_call;
first_call = true;
return res;
} // namespace internal
} // namespace Harness
#if defined(_MSC_VER) && _MSC_VER >= 1300 || defined(__GNUC__) || defined(__GNUG__)
#define __FUNCTION__ ""
//! printf style tracing macro
/** This variant of TRACE adds trailing line-feed (new line) character, if it is absent. **/
#define TRACE Harness::internal::tracer.set_trace_info(Harness::internal::Tracer::need_lf, HARNESS_TRACE_ORIG_INFO)->trace
//! printf style tracing macro without automatic new line character adding
#define TRACENL Harness::internal::tracer.set_trace_info(0, HARNESS_TRACE_ORIG_INFO)->trace
//! printf style tracing macro with additional information prefix (e.g. current function name)
#define TRACEP Harness::internal::tracer.set_trace_info(Harness::internal::Tracer::prefix | \
Harness::internal::Tracer::need_lf, HARNESS_TRACE_ORIG_INFO)->trace
//! printf style remark macro
/** Produces output only when the test is run with the -v (verbose) option. **/
#define REMARK !Verbose ? (void)0 : TRACENL
//! printf style remark macro
/** Produces output only when invoked first time.
Only one instance of this macro is allowed per source code line. **/
#define REMARK_ONCE (!Verbose || Harness::internal::not_the_first_call<__LINE__>()) ? (void)0 : TRACE
//! printf style reporting macro
/** On heterogeneous platforms redirects its output to the host side. **/
#endif /* tbb_tests_harness_report_H */