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// Basic testing of an allocator
// Tests against requirements in 20.1.5 of ISO C++ Standard (1998).
// Does not check for thread safety or false sharing issues.
// Tests for compatibility with the host's STL are in
// test_Allocator_STL.h. Those tests are in a separate file
// because they bring in lots of STL headers, and the tests here
// are supposed to work in the abscense of STL.
#include "harness.h"
template<typename A>
struct is_zero_filling {
static const bool value = false;
int NumberOfFoo;
template<typename T, size_t N>
struct Foo {
T foo_array[N];
Foo() {
zero_fill<T>(foo_array, N);
Foo( const Foo& x ) {
*this = x;
~Foo() {
inline char PseudoRandomValue( size_t j, size_t k ) {
return char(j*3 ^ j>>4 ^ k);
//! T is type and A is allocator for that type
template<typename T, typename A>
void TestBasic( A& a ) {
T x;
const T cx = T();
// See Table 32 in ISO ++ Standard
typename A::pointer px = &x;
typename A::const_pointer pcx = &cx;
typename A::reference rx = x;
ASSERT( &rx==&x, NULL );
typename A::const_reference rcx = cx;
ASSERT( &rcx==&cx, NULL );
typename A::value_type v = x;
typename A::size_type size;
size = 0;
ASSERT( size>0, "not an unsigned integral type?" );
typename A::difference_type difference;
difference = 0;
ASSERT( difference<0, "not an signed integral type?" );
// "rebind" tested by our caller
ASSERT( a.address(rx)==px, NULL );
ASSERT( a.address(rcx)==pcx, NULL );
typename A::pointer array[100];
size_t sizeof_T = sizeof(T);
for( size_t k=0; k<100; ++k ) {
array[k] = k&1 ? a.allocate(k,array[0]) : a.allocate(k);
char* s = reinterpret_cast<char*>(reinterpret_cast<void*>(array[k]));
for( size_t j=0; j<k*sizeof_T; ++j )
s[j] = PseudoRandomValue(j,k);
// Test hint argument. This can't be compiled when hint is void*, It should be const void*
typename A::pointer a_ptr;
const void * const_hint = NULL;
a_ptr = a.allocate (1, const_hint);
a.deallocate(a_ptr, 1);
// Test "a.deallocate(p,n)
for( size_t k=0; k<100; ++k ) {
char* s = reinterpret_cast<char*>(reinterpret_cast<void*>(array[k]));
for( size_t j=0; j<k*sizeof_T; ++j )
ASSERT( s[j] == PseudoRandomValue(j,k), NULL );
// Test "a.max_size()"
AssertSameType( a.max_size(), typename A::size_type(0) );
// Following assertion catches case where max_size() is so large that computation of
// number of bytes for such an allocation would overflow size_type.
ASSERT( a.max_size()*typename A::size_type(sizeof(T))>=a.max_size(), "max_size larger than reasonable" );
// Test "a1==a2"
A a1, a2;
ASSERT( a1==a2, NULL );
// Test "a1!=a2"
ASSERT( !(a1!=a2), NULL );
// Test "a.construct(p,t)"
int n = NumberOfFoo;
typename A::pointer p = a.allocate(1);
a.construct( p, cx );
ASSERT( NumberOfFoo==n+1, "constructor for Foo not called?" );
// Test "a.destroy(p)"
a.destroy( p );
ASSERT( NumberOfFoo==n, "destructor for Foo not called?" );
#include "tbb/blocked_range.h"
#if _MSC_VER && !defined(__INTEL_COMPILER)
// Workaround for erroneous "conditional expression is constant" warning in method check_allocate.
#pragma warning (disable: 4127)
// A is an allocator for some type
template<typename A>
struct Body: NoAssign {
static const size_t max_k = 100000;
A &a;
Body(A &a_) : a(a_) {}
void check_allocate( typename A::pointer array[], size_t i, size_t t ) const
ASSERT(array[i] == 0, NULL);
size_t size = i * (i&3);
array[i] = i&1 ? a.allocate(size, array[i>>3]) : a.allocate(size);
char* s = reinterpret_cast<char*>(reinterpret_cast<void*>(array[i]));
for( size_t j=0; j<size*sizeof(A); ++j ) {
if(is_zero_filling<typename A::template rebind<void>::other>::value)
ASSERT( !s[j], NULL);
s[j] = PseudoRandomValue(i, t);
void check_deallocate( typename A::pointer array[], size_t i, size_t t ) const
ASSERT(array[i] != 0, NULL);
size_t size = i * (i&3);
char* s = reinterpret_cast<char*>(reinterpret_cast<void*>(array[i]));
for( size_t j=0; j<size*sizeof(A); ++j )
ASSERT( s[j] == PseudoRandomValue(i, t), "Thread safety test failed" );
a.deallocate(array[i], size);
array[i] = 0;
void operator()( size_t thread_id ) const {
typename A::pointer array[256];
for( size_t k=0; k<256; ++k )
array[k] = 0;
for( size_t k=0; k<max_k; ++k ) {
size_t i = static_cast<unsigned char>(PseudoRandomValue(k,thread_id));
if(!array[i]) check_allocate(array, i, thread_id);
else check_deallocate(array, i, thread_id);
for( size_t k=0; k<256; ++k )
check_deallocate(array, k, thread_id);
// A is an allocator for some type, and U is another type
template<typename A, typename U>
void Test() {
typename A::template rebind<U>::other b;
A a(b);
TestBasic<typename A::value_type>(a);
// thread safety
int n = NumberOfFoo;
NativeParallelFor( 4, Body<A>(a) );
ASSERT( NumberOfFoo==n, "Allocate/deallocate count mismatched" );
ASSERT( a==b, NULL );
ASSERT( !(a!=b), NULL );
template<typename Allocator>
int TestMain() {
Test<typename Allocator::template rebind<Foo<char,1> >::other, Foo<int,17> >();
Test<typename Allocator::template rebind<Foo<double,1> >::other, Foo<float,23> >();
return 0;