blob: 2b6322ed3ac085f4e5117acb7c1bc7d466258d99 [file] [log] [blame]
Copyright 2005-2010 Intel Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
This file is part of Threading Building Blocks.
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and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
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You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
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// Put tbb/atomic.h first, so if it is missing a prerequisite header, we find out about it.
// The tests here do *not* test for atomicity, just serial correctness. */
#include "tbb/atomic.h"
#include "harness_assert.h"
#include <string.h> // memcmp
#if _MSC_VER && !defined(__INTEL_COMPILER)
// unary minus operator applied to unsigned type, result still unsigned
#pragma warning( push )
#pragma warning( disable: 4310 )
//! Structure that holds an atomic<T> and some guard bytes around it.
template<typename T>
struct TestStruct {
T prefix;
tbb::atomic<T> counter;
T suffix;
TestStruct( T i ) : prefix(T(0x1234)), suffix(T(0x5678)) {
counter = i;
ASSERT( sizeof(*this)==3*sizeof(T), NULL );
~TestStruct() {
// Check for writes outside the counter.
ASSERT( prefix==T(0x1234), NULL );
ASSERT( suffix==T(0x5678), NULL );
#if _MSC_VER && !defined(__INTEL_COMPILER)
#pragma warning( pop )
#if defined(__INTEL_COMPILER)
// reference to EBX in a function requiring stack alignment
#pragma warning( disable: 998 )
//! Test compare_and_swap template members of class atomic<T> for memory_semantics=M
template<typename T,tbb::memory_semantics M>
void TestCompareAndSwapAcquireRelease( T i, T j, T k ) {
ASSERT( i!=k, "values must be distinct" );
// Test compare_and_swap that should fail
TestStruct<T> x(i);
T old = x.counter.template compare_and_swap<M>( j, k );
ASSERT( old==i, NULL );
ASSERT( x.counter==i, "old value not retained" );
// Test compare and swap that should suceed
old = x.counter.template compare_and_swap<M>( j, i );
ASSERT( old==i, NULL );
ASSERT( x.counter==j, "value not updated?" );
//! i, j, k must be different values
template<typename T>
void TestCompareAndSwap( T i, T j, T k ) {
ASSERT( i!=k, "values must be distinct" );
// Test compare_and_swap that should fail
TestStruct<T> x(i);
T old = x.counter.compare_and_swap( j, k );
ASSERT( old==i, NULL );
ASSERT( x.counter==i, "old value not retained" );
// Test compare and swap that should suceed
old = x.counter.compare_and_swap( j, i );
ASSERT( old==i, NULL );
if( x.counter==i ) {
ASSERT( x.counter==j, "value not updated?" );
} else {
ASSERT( x.counter==j, "value trashed" );
//! memory_semantics variation on TestFetchAndStore
template<typename T, tbb::memory_semantics M>
void TestFetchAndStoreAcquireRelease( T i, T j ) {
ASSERT( i!=j, "values must be distinct" );
TestStruct<T> x(i);
T old = x.counter.template fetch_and_store<M>( j );
ASSERT( old==i, NULL );
ASSERT( x.counter==j, NULL );
//! i and j must be different values
template<typename T>
void TestFetchAndStore( T i, T j ) {
ASSERT( i!=j, "values must be distinct" );
TestStruct<T> x(i);
T old = x.counter.fetch_and_store( j );
ASSERT( old==i, NULL );
ASSERT( x.counter==j, NULL );
#if _MSC_VER && !defined(__INTEL_COMPILER)
// conversion from <bigger integer> to <smaller integer>, possible loss of data
// the warning seems a complete nonsense when issued for e.g. short+=short
#pragma warning( push )
#pragma warning( disable: 4244 )
//! Test fetch_and_add members of class atomic<T> for memory_semantics=M
template<typename T,tbb::memory_semantics M>
void TestFetchAndAddAcquireRelease( T i ) {
TestStruct<T> x(i);
T actual;
T expected = i;
// Test fetch_and_add member template
for( int j=0; j<10; ++j ) {
actual = x.counter.fetch_and_add(j);
ASSERT( actual==expected, NULL );
expected += j;
for( int j=0; j<10; ++j ) {
actual = x.counter.fetch_and_add(-j);
ASSERT( actual==expected, NULL );
expected -= j;
// Test fetch_and_increment member template
ASSERT( x.counter==i, NULL );
actual = x.counter.template fetch_and_increment<M>();
ASSERT( actual==i, NULL );
ASSERT( x.counter==T(i+1), NULL );
// Test fetch_and_decrement member template
actual = x.counter.template fetch_and_decrement<M>();
ASSERT( actual==T(i+1), NULL );
ASSERT( x.counter==i, NULL );
//! Test fetch_and_add and related operators
template<typename T>
void TestFetchAndAdd( T i ) {
TestStruct<T> x(i);
T value;
value = ++x.counter;
ASSERT( value==T(i+1), NULL );
value = x.counter++;
ASSERT( value==T(i+1), NULL );
value = x.counter--;
ASSERT( value==T(i+2), NULL );
value = --x.counter;
ASSERT( value==i, NULL );
T actual;
T expected = i;
for( int j=-100; j<=100; ++j ) {
expected += j;
actual = x.counter += j;
ASSERT( actual==expected, NULL );
for( int j=-100; j<=100; ++j ) {
expected -= j;
actual = x.counter -= j;
ASSERT( actual==expected, NULL );
// Test fetch_and_increment
ASSERT( x.counter==i, NULL );
actual = x.counter.fetch_and_increment();
ASSERT( actual==i, NULL );
ASSERT( x.counter==T(i+1), NULL );
// Test fetch_and_decrement
actual = x.counter.fetch_and_decrement();
ASSERT( actual==T(i+1), NULL );
ASSERT( x.counter==i, NULL );
x.counter = i;
ASSERT( x.counter==i, NULL );
#if _MSC_VER && !defined(__INTEL_COMPILER)
#pragma warning( pop )
#endif // warning 4244 is back
//! A type with unknown size.
class IncompleteType;
void TestFetchAndAdd( IncompleteType* ) {
// There are no fetch-and-add operations on a IncompleteType*.
void TestFetchAndAdd( void* ) {
// There are no fetch-and-add operations on a void*.
void TestFetchAndAdd( bool ) {
// There are no fetch-and-add operations on a bool.
template<typename T>
void TestConst( T i ) {
// Try const
const TestStruct<T> x(i);
ASSERT( memcmp( &i, &x.counter, sizeof(T) )==0, "write to atomic<T> broken?" );;
ASSERT( x.counter==i, "read of atomic<T> broken?" );
template<typename T>
void TestOperations( T i, T j, T k ) {
TestFetchAndStore(i,k); // Pass i,k instead of i,j, because callee requires two distinct values.
template<typename T>
void TestParallel( const char* name );
bool ParallelError;
template<typename T>
struct AlignmentChecker {
char c;
tbb::atomic<T> i;
#include "harness.h"
#if _MSC_VER && !defined(__INTEL_COMPILER)
// unary minus operator applied to unsigned type, result still unsigned
#pragma warning( push )
#pragma warning( disable: 4146 )
/** T is an integral type. */
template<typename T>
void TestAtomicInteger( const char* name ) {
REMARK("testing atomic<%s>\n",name);
#if ( __linux__ && __TBB_x86_32 && __GNUC__==3 && __GNUC_MINOR__==3 ) || defined(__SUNPRO_CC)
// gcc 3.3 has known problem for 32-bit Linux, so only warn if there is a problem.
// SUNPRO_CC does have this problem as well
if( sizeof(T)==8 ) {
if( sizeof(AlignmentChecker<T>)!=2*sizeof(tbb::atomic<T>) ) {
REPORT("Known issue: alignment for atomic<%s> is wrong with gcc 3.3 and sunCC 5.9 2008/01/28 for IA32\n",name);
} else
#endif /* ( __linux__ && __TBB_x86_32 && __GNUC__==3 && __GNUC_MINOR__==3 ) || defined(__SUNPRO_CC) */
ASSERT( sizeof(AlignmentChecker<T>)==2*sizeof(tbb::atomic<T>), NULL );
for( int k=0; k<int(sizeof(long))*8-1; ++k ) {
TestParallel<T>( name );
#if _MSC_VER && !defined(__INTEL_COMPILER)
#pragma warning( pop )
template<typename T>
struct Foo {
T x, y, z;
template<typename T>
void TestIndirection() {
Foo<T> item;
tbb::atomic<Foo<T>*> pointer;
pointer = &item;
for( int k=-10; k<=10; ++k ) {
// Test various syntaxes for indirection to fields with non-zero offset.
T value1=T(), value2=T();
for( size_t j=0; j<sizeof(T); ++j ) {
*(char*)&value1 = char(k^j);
*(char*)&value2 = char(k^j*j);
pointer->y = value1;
(*pointer).z = value2;
T result1 = (*pointer).y;
T result2 = pointer->z;
ASSERT( memcmp(&value1,&result1,sizeof(T))==0, NULL );
ASSERT( memcmp(&value2,&result2,sizeof(T))==0, NULL );
//! Test atomic<T*>
template<typename T>
void TestAtomicPointer() {
REMARK("testing atomic pointer (%d)\n",int(sizeof(T)));
T array[1000];
TestParallel<T*>( "pointer" );
//! Test atomic<Ptr> where Ptr is a pointer to a type of unknown size
template<typename Ptr>
void TestAtomicPointerToTypeOfUnknownSize( const char* name ) {
REMARK("testing atomic<%s>\n",name);
char array[1000];
TestParallel<Ptr>( name );
void TestAtomicBool() {
REMARK("testing atomic<bool>\n");
TestParallel<bool>( "bool" );
enum Color {Red=0,Green=1,Blue=-1};
void TestAtomicEnum() {
REMARK("testing atomic<Color>\n");
TestParallel<Color>( "Color" );
template<typename T>
void TestAtomicFloat( const char* name ) {
REMARK("testing atomic<%s>\n", name );
TestParallel<T>( name );
const int numMaskedOperations = 100000;
const int testSpaceSize = 8;
int prime[testSpaceSize] = {3,5,7,11,13,17,19,23};
#if _MSC_VER && !defined(__INTEL_COMPILER)
// "possible loss of data" warning suppressed again
#pragma warning( push )
#pragma warning( disable: 4244 )
template<typename T>
class TestMaskedCAS_Body: NoAssign {
T* test_space_uncontended;
T* test_space_contended;
TestMaskedCAS_Body( T* _space1, T* _space2 ) : test_space_uncontended(_space1), test_space_contended(_space2) {}
void operator()( int my_idx ) const {
using tbb::internal::__TBB_MaskedCompareAndSwap;
const T my_prime = T(prime[my_idx]);
T* const my_ptr = test_space_uncontended+my_idx;
T old_value=0;
for( int i=0; i<numMaskedOperations; ++i, old_value+=my_prime ){
T result;
// Test uncontended case
T new_value = old_value + my_prime;
// The following CAS should always fail
result = __TBB_MaskedCompareAndSwap<sizeof(T),T>(my_ptr,new_value,old_value-1);
ASSERT(result!=old_value-1, "masked CAS succeeded while it should fail");
ASSERT(result==*my_ptr, "masked CAS result mismatch with real value");
// The following one should succeed
result = __TBB_MaskedCompareAndSwap<sizeof(T),T>(my_ptr,new_value,old_value);
ASSERT(result==old_value && *my_ptr==new_value, "masked CAS failed while it should succeed");
// The following one should fail again
result = __TBB_MaskedCompareAndSwap<sizeof(T),T>(my_ptr,new_value,old_value);
ASSERT(result!=old_value, "masked CAS succeeded while it should fail");
ASSERT(result==*my_ptr, "masked CAS result mismatch with real value");
// Test contended case
for( int j=0; j<testSpaceSize; ++j ){
// try adding my_prime until success
T value;
do {
value = test_space_contended[j];
result = __TBB_MaskedCompareAndSwap<sizeof(T),T>(test_space_contended+j,value+my_prime,value);
} while( result!=value );
template<typename T>
struct intptr_as_array_of
static const int how_many_Ts = sizeof(intptr_t)/sizeof(T);
union {
intptr_t result;
T space[ how_many_Ts ];
template<typename T>
intptr_t getCorrectUncontendedValue(int slot_idx) {
intptr_as_array_of<T> slot;
slot.result = 0;
for( int i=0; i<slot.how_many_Ts; ++i ) {
const T my_prime = T(prime[slot_idx*slot.how_many_Ts + i]);
for( int j=0; j<numMaskedOperations; ++j )[i] += my_prime;
return slot.result;
template<typename T>
intptr_t getCorrectContendedValue() {
intptr_as_array_of<T> slot;
slot.result = 0;
for( int i=0; i<slot.how_many_Ts; ++i )
for( int primes=0; primes<testSpaceSize; ++primes )
for( int j=0; j<numMaskedOperations; ++j )[i] += prime[primes];
return slot.result;
#if _MSC_VER && !defined(__INTEL_COMPILER)
#pragma warning( pop )
#endif // warning 4244 is back again
template<typename T>
void TestMaskedCAS() {
REMARK("testing masked CAS<%d>\n",int(sizeof(T)));
const int num_slots = sizeof(T)*testSpaceSize/sizeof(intptr_t);
intptr_t arr1[num_slots+2]; // two more "canary" slots at boundaries
intptr_t arr2[num_slots+2];
for(int i=0; i<num_slots+2; ++i)
arr2[i] = arr1[i] = 0;
T* test_space_uncontended = (T*)(arr1+1);
T* test_space_contended = (T*)(arr2+1);
NativeParallelFor( testSpaceSize, TestMaskedCAS_Body<T>(test_space_uncontended, test_space_contended) );
ASSERT( arr1[0]==0 && arr1[num_slots+1]==0 && arr2[0]==0 && arr2[num_slots+1]==0 , "adjacent memory was overwritten" );
const intptr_t correctContendedValue = getCorrectContendedValue<T>();
for(int i=0; i<num_slots; ++i) {
ASSERT( arr1[i+1]==getCorrectUncontendedValue<T>(i), "unexpected value in an uncontended slot" );
ASSERT( arr2[i+1]==correctContendedValue, "unexpected value in a contended slot" );
template<unsigned N>
class ArrayElement {
char item[N];
int TestMain () {
#if defined(__INTEL_COMPILER)||!defined(_MSC_VER)||_MSC_VER>=1400
TestAtomicInteger<unsigned long long>("unsigned long long");
TestAtomicInteger<long long>("long long");
REPORT("Known issue: atomic<64-bits> does not compile with VC 7.1\n");
#endif /*defined(__INTEL_COMPILER)||!defined(_MSC_VER)||_MSC_VER>=1400 */
TestAtomicInteger<unsigned long>("unsigned long");
TestAtomicInteger<unsigned int>("unsigned int");
TestAtomicInteger<unsigned short>("unsigned short");
TestAtomicInteger<signed char>("signed char");
TestAtomicInteger<unsigned char>("unsigned char");
TestAtomicPointer<ArrayElement<1> >();
TestAtomicPointer<ArrayElement<2> >();
TestAtomicPointer<ArrayElement<3> >();
TestAtomicPointer<ArrayElement<4> >();
TestAtomicPointer<ArrayElement<5> >();
TestAtomicPointer<ArrayElement<6> >();
TestAtomicPointer<ArrayElement<7> >();
TestAtomicPointer<ArrayElement<8> >();
TestAtomicPointerToTypeOfUnknownSize<IncompleteType*>( "IncompleteType*" );
TestAtomicPointerToTypeOfUnknownSize<void*>( "void*" );
ASSERT( !ParallelError, NULL );
TestMaskedCAS<unsigned char>();
TestMaskedCAS<unsigned short>();
return Harness::Done;
template<typename T>
struct FlagAndMessage {
//! 0 if message not set yet, 1 if message is set.
tbb::atomic<T> flag;
/** Force flag and message to be on distinct cache lines for machines with cache line size <= 4096 bytes */
char pad[4096/sizeof(T)];
//! Non-zero if message is ready
T message;
// A special template function used for summation.
// Actually it is only necessary because of its specialization for void*
template<typename T>
T special_sum(intptr_t arg1, intptr_t arg2) {
return (T)((T)arg1 + arg2);
// The specialization for IncompleteType* is required
// because pointer arithmetic (+) is impossible with IncompleteType*
IncompleteType* special_sum<IncompleteType*>(intptr_t arg1, intptr_t arg2) {
return (IncompleteType*)(arg1 + arg2);
// The specialization for void* is required
// because pointer arithmetic (+) is impossible with void*
void* special_sum<void*>(intptr_t arg1, intptr_t arg2) {
return (void*)(arg1 + arg2);
// The specialization for bool is required to shut up gratuitous compiler warnings,
// because some compilers warn about casting int to bool.
bool special_sum<bool>(intptr_t arg1, intptr_t arg2) {
return ((arg1!=0) + arg2)!=0;
volatile int One = 1;
template<typename T>
class HammerLoadAndStoreFence: NoAssign {
FlagAndMessage<T>* fam;
const int n;
const int p;
const int trial;
const char* name;
mutable T accum;
HammerLoadAndStoreFence( FlagAndMessage<T>* fam_, int n_, int p_, const char* name_, int trial_ ) : fam(fam_), n(n_), p(p_), trial(trial_), name(name_) {}
void operator()( int k ) const {
int one = One;
FlagAndMessage<T>* s = fam+k;
FlagAndMessage<T>* s_next = fam + (k+1)%p;
for( int i=0; i<n; ++i ) {
// The inner for loop is a spin-wait loop, which is normally considered very bad style.
// But we must use it here because we are interested in examining subtle hardware effects.
for(unsigned short cnt=1; ; ++cnt) {
if( !cnt ) // to help 1-core systems complete the test, yield every 2^16 iterations
// Compilers typically generate non-trivial sequence for division by a constant.
// The expression here is dependent on the loop index i, so it cannot be hoisted.
#define COMPLICATED_ZERO (i*(one-1)/100)
// Read flag and then the message
T flag, message;
if( trial&1 ) {
// COMPLICATED_ZERO here tempts compiler to hoist load of message above reading of flag.
flag = (s+COMPLICATED_ZERO)->flag;
message = s->message;
} else {
flag = s->flag;
message = s->message;
if( flag ) {
if( flag!=(T)-1 ) {
REPORT("ERROR: flag!=(T)-1 k=%d i=%d trial=%x type=%s (atomicity problem?)\n", k, i, trial, name );
ParallelError = true;
if( message!=(T)-1 ) {
REPORT("ERROR: message!=(T)-1 k=%d i=%d trial=%x type=%s (memory fence problem?)\n", k, i, trial, name );
ParallelError = true;
s->message = T(0);
s->flag = T(0);
// Set message and then the flag
if( trial&2 ) {
// COMPLICATED_ZERO here tempts compiler to sink store below setting of flag
s_next->message = special_sum<T>(-1, COMPLICATED_ZERO);
s_next->flag = (T)-1;
} else {
s_next->message = (T)-1;
s_next->flag = (T)-1;
} else {
// Force compiler to use message anyway, so it cannot sink read of s->message below the if.
accum = message;
//! Test that atomic<T> has acquire semantics for loads and release semantics for stores.
/** Test performs round-robin passing of message among p processors,
where p goes from MinThread to MaxThread. */
template<typename T>
void TestLoadAndStoreFences( const char* name ) {
for( int p=MinThread<2 ? 2 : MinThread; p<=MaxThread; ++p ) {
FlagAndMessage<T>* fam = new FlagAndMessage<T>[p];
// Each of four trials excercise slightly different expresion pattern within the test.
// See occurrences of COMPLICATED_ZERO for details.
for( int trial=0; trial<4; ++trial ) {
memset( fam, 0, p*sizeof(FlagAndMessage<T>) );
fam->message = (T)-1;
fam->flag = (T)-1;
NativeParallelFor( p, HammerLoadAndStoreFence<T>( fam, 100, p, name, trial ) );
for( int k=0; k<p; ++k ) {
ASSERT( fam[k].message==(k==0 ? (T)-1 : 0), "incomplete round-robin?" );
ASSERT( fam[k].flag==(k==0 ? (T)-1 : 0), "incomplete round-robin?" );
delete[] fam;
//! Sparse set of values of integral type T.
/** Set is designed so that if a value is read or written non-atomically,
the resulting intermediate value is likely to not be a member of the set. */
template<typename T>
class SparseValueSet {
T factor;
SparseValueSet() {
// Compute factor such that:
// 1. It has at least one 1 in most of its bytes.
// 2. The bytes are typically different.
// 3. When multiplied by any value <=127, the product does not overflow.
factor = T(0);
for( unsigned i=0; i<sizeof(T)*8-7; i+=7 )
factor = T(factor | T(1)<<i);
//! Get ith member of set
T get( int i ) const {
// Create multiple of factor. The & prevents overflow of the product.
return T((i&0x7F)*factor);
//! True if set contains x
bool contains( T x ) const {
// True if
return (x%factor)==0;
//! Specialization for pointer types. The pointers are random and should not be dereferenced.
template<typename T>
class SparseValueSet<T*> {
SparseValueSet<ptrdiff_t> my_set;
T* get( int i ) const {return reinterpret_cast<T*>(my_set.get(i));}
bool contains( T* x ) const {return my_set.contains(reinterpret_cast<ptrdiff_t>(x));}
//! Specialization for bool.
/** Checking bool for atomic read/write is pointless in practice, because
there is no way to *not* atomically read or write a bool value. */
class SparseValueSet<bool> {
bool get( int i ) const {return i&1;}
bool contains( bool ) const {return true;}
#if _MSC_VER==1500 && !defined(__INTEL_COMPILER)
// VS2008/VC9 seems to have an issue; limits pull in math.h
#pragma warning( push )
#pragma warning( disable: 4985 )
#include <limits> /* Need std::numeric_limits */
#if _MSC_VER==1500 && !defined(__INTEL_COMPILER)
#pragma warning( pop )
//! Commonality inherited by specializations for floating-point types.
template<typename T>
class SparseFloatSet: NoAssign {
const T epsilon;
SparseFloatSet() : epsilon(std::numeric_limits<T>::epsilon()) {}
T get( int i ) const {
return i==0 ? T(0) : 1/T((i&0x7F)+1);
bool contains( T x ) const {
if( x==T(0) ) {
return true;
} else {
int j = int(1/x+T(0.5));
if( 0<j && j<=128 ) {
T error = x*T(j)-T(1);
// In the calculation above, if x was indeed generated by method get, the error should be
// at most epsilon, because x is off by at most 1/2 ulp from its infinitely precise value,
// j is exact, and the multiplication incurs at most another 1/2 ulp of round-off error.
if( -epsilon<=error && error<=epsilon ) {
return true;
} else {
REPORT("Warning: excessive floating-point error encountered j=%d x=%.15g error=%.15g\n",j,x,error);
return false;
class SparseValueSet<float>: public SparseFloatSet<float> {};
class SparseValueSet<double>: public SparseFloatSet<double> {};
template<typename T>
class HammerAssignment: NoAssign {
tbb::atomic<T>& x;
const char* name;
SparseValueSet<T> set;
HammerAssignment( tbb::atomic<T>& x_, const char* name_ ) : x(x_), name(name_) {}
void operator()( int k ) const {
const int n = 1000000;
if( k ) {
tbb::atomic<T> z;
AssertSameType( z=x, z ); // Check that return type from assignment is correct
for( int i=0; i<n; ++i ) {
// Read x atomically into z.
z = x;
if( !set.contains(z) ) {
REPORT("ERROR: assignment of atomic<%s> is not atomic\n", name);
ParallelError = true;
} else {
tbb::atomic<T> y;
for( int i=0; i<n; ++i ) {
// Get pseudo-random value.
y = set.get(i);
// Write y atomically into x.
x = y;
// Compile-time check that a class method has the required signature.
// Intended to check the assignment operator of tbb::atomic.
template<typename T> void TestAssignmentSignature( T& (T::*)(const T&) ) {}
#if _MSC_VER && !defined(__INTEL_COMPILER)
// Suppress "conditional expression is constant" warning.
#pragma warning( push )
#pragma warning( disable: 4127 )
template<typename T>
void TestAssignment( const char* name ) {
TestAssignmentSignature( &tbb::atomic<T>::operator= );
tbb::atomic<T> x;
x = T(0);
NativeParallelFor( 2, HammerAssignment<T>( x, name ) );
#if __TBB_x86_32 && (__linux__ || __FreeBSD__ || _WIN32)
if( sizeof(T)==8 ) {
// Some compilers for IA-32 fail to provide 8-byte alignment of objects on the stack,
// even if the object specifies 8-byte alignment. On such platforms, the IA-32 implementation
// of atomic<long long> and atomic<unsigned long long> use different tactics depending upon
// whether the object is properly aligned or not. The following abusive test ensures that we
// cover both the proper and improper alignment cases, one with the x above and the other with
// the y below, perhaps not respectively.
// Allocate space big enough to always contain 8-byte locations that are aligned and misaligned.
char raw_space[15];
// Set delta to 0 if x is aligned, 4 otherwise.
uintptr_t delta = ((reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(&x)&7) ? 0 : 4);
// y crosses 8-byte boundary if and only if x does not cross.
tbb::atomic<T>& y = *reinterpret_cast<tbb::atomic<T>*>((reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(&raw_space[7+delta])&~7u) - delta);
// Assertion checks that y really did end up somewhere inside "raw_space".
ASSERT( raw_space<=reinterpret_cast<char*>(&y), "y starts before raw_space" );
ASSERT( reinterpret_cast<char*>(&y+1) <= raw_space+sizeof(raw_space), "y starts after raw_space" );
y = T(0);
NativeParallelFor( 2, HammerAssignment<T>( y, name ) );
#endif /* __TBB_x86_32 && (__linux__ || __FreeBSD__ || _WIN32) */
#if _MSC_VER && !defined(__INTEL_COMPILER)
#pragma warning( pop )
template<typename T>
void TestParallel( const char* name ) {