blob: 5eb109c6dead33ef98616c84586c88464c716cb2 [file] [log] [blame]
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#include "tbb/blocked_range2d.h"
#include "harness_assert.h"
// First test as much as we can without including other headers.
// Doing so should catch problems arising from failing to include headers.
template<typename Tag>
class AbstractValueType {
AbstractValueType() {}
int value;
template<typename OtherTag>
friend AbstractValueType<OtherTag> MakeAbstractValueType( int i );
template<typename OtherTag>
friend int GetValueOf( const AbstractValueType<OtherTag>& v ) ;
template<typename Tag>
AbstractValueType<Tag> MakeAbstractValueType( int i ) {
AbstractValueType<Tag> x;
x.value = i;
return x;
template<typename Tag>
int GetValueOf( const AbstractValueType<Tag>& v ) {return v.value;}
template<typename Tag>
bool operator<( const AbstractValueType<Tag>& u, const AbstractValueType<Tag>& v ) {
return GetValueOf(u)<GetValueOf(v);
template<typename Tag>
std::size_t operator-( const AbstractValueType<Tag>& u, const AbstractValueType<Tag>& v ) {
return GetValueOf(u)-GetValueOf(v);
template<typename Tag>
AbstractValueType<Tag> operator+( const AbstractValueType<Tag>& u, std::size_t offset ) {
return MakeAbstractValueType<Tag>(GetValueOf(u)+int(offset));
struct RowTag {};
struct ColTag {};
static void SerialTest() {
typedef AbstractValueType<RowTag> row_type;
typedef AbstractValueType<ColTag> col_type;
typedef tbb::blocked_range2d<row_type,col_type> range_type;
for( int rowx=-10; rowx<10; ++rowx ) {
for( int rowy=rowx; rowy<10; ++rowy ) {
row_type rowi = MakeAbstractValueType<RowTag>(rowx);
row_type rowj = MakeAbstractValueType<RowTag>(rowy);
for( int rowg=1; rowg<10; ++rowg ) {
for( int colx=-10; colx<10; ++colx ) {
for( int coly=colx; coly<10; ++coly ) {
col_type coli = MakeAbstractValueType<ColTag>(colx);
col_type colj = MakeAbstractValueType<ColTag>(coly);
for( int colg=1; colg<10; ++colg ) {
range_type r( rowi, rowj, rowg, coli, colj, colg );
AssertSameType( r.is_divisible(), true );
AssertSameType( r.empty(), true );
AssertSameType( static_cast<range_type::row_range_type::const_iterator*>(0), static_cast<row_type*>(0) );
AssertSameType( static_cast<range_type::col_range_type::const_iterator*>(0), static_cast<col_type*>(0) );
AssertSameType( r.rows(), tbb::blocked_range<row_type>( rowi, rowj, 1 ));
AssertSameType( r.cols(), tbb::blocked_range<col_type>( coli, colj, 1 ));
ASSERT( r.empty()==(rowx==rowy||colx==coly), NULL );
ASSERT( r.is_divisible()==(rowy-rowx>rowg||coly-colx>colg), NULL );
if( r.is_divisible() ) {
range_type r2(r,tbb::split());
if( GetValueOf(r2.rows().begin())==GetValueOf(r.rows().begin()) ) {
ASSERT( GetValueOf(r2.rows().end())==GetValueOf(r.rows().end()), NULL );
ASSERT( GetValueOf(r2.cols().begin())==GetValueOf(r.cols().end()), NULL );
} else {
ASSERT( GetValueOf(r2.cols().end())==GetValueOf(r.cols().end()), NULL );
ASSERT( GetValueOf(r2.rows().begin())==GetValueOf(r.rows().end()), NULL );
#include "tbb/parallel_for.h"
#include "harness.h"
const int N = 1<<10;
unsigned char Array[N][N];
struct Striker {
// Note: we use <int> here instead of <long> in order to test for problems similar to Quad 407676
void operator()( const tbb::blocked_range2d<int>& r ) const {
for( tbb::blocked_range<int>::const_iterator i=r.rows().begin(); i!=r.rows().end(); ++i )
for( tbb::blocked_range<int>::const_iterator j=r.cols().begin(); j!=r.cols().end(); ++j )
void ParallelTest() {
for( int i=0; i<N; i=i<3 ? i+1 : i*3 ) {
for( int j=0; j<N; j=j<3 ? j+1 : j*3 ) {
const tbb::blocked_range2d<int> r( 0, i, 7, 0, j, 5 );
tbb::parallel_for( r, Striker() );
for( int k=0; k<N; ++k ) {
for( int l=0; l<N; ++l ) {
ASSERT( Array[k][l]==(k<i && l<j), NULL );
Array[k][l] = 0;
#include "tbb/task_scheduler_init.h"
int TestMain () {
for( int p=MinThread; p<=MaxThread; ++p ) {
tbb::task_scheduler_init init(p);
return Harness::Done;