blob: d10c8c9fc209092ca4baf69840e13c14d43e2710 [file] [log] [blame]
Copyright 2005-2010 Intel Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
This file is part of Threading Building Blocks.
Threading Building Blocks is free software; you can redistribute it
and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
Threading Building Blocks is distributed in the hope that it will be
useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with Threading Building Blocks; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
As a special exception, you may use this file as part of a free software
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templates or use macros or inline functions from this file, or you compile
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invalidate any other reasons why the executable file might be covered by
the GNU General Public License.
// Our tests usually include the header under test first. But this test needs
// to use the preprocessor to edit the identifier runtime_warning in concurrent_hash_map.h.
// Hence we include a few other headers before doing the abusive edit.
#include "tbb/tbb_stddef.h" /* Defines runtime_warning */
#include "harness_assert.h" /* Prerequisite for defining hooked_warning */
// The symbol internal::runtime_warning is normally an entry point into the TBB library.
// Here for sake of testing, we define it to be hooked_warning, a routine peculiar to this unit test.
#define runtime_warning hooked_warning
static bool bad_hashing = false;
namespace tbb {
namespace internal {
static void hooked_warning( const char* /*format*/, ... ) {
ASSERT(bad_hashing, "unexpected bad hashing");
} // namespace internal
} // namespace tbb
#define __TBB_EXTRA_DEBUG 1 // enables additional checks
#include "tbb/concurrent_hash_map.h"
// Restore runtime_warning as an entry point into the TBB library.
#undef runtime_warning
namespace Jungle {
struct Tiger {};
size_t tbb_hasher( const Tiger& ) {return 0;}
#if !defined(_MSC_VER) || _MSC_VER>=1400 || __INTEL_COMPILER
void test_ADL() {
tbb::tbb_hash_compare<Jungle::Tiger>::hash(Jungle::Tiger()); // Instantiation chain finds tbb_hasher via Argument Dependent Lookup
struct UserDefinedKeyType {
namespace tbb {
// Test whether tbb_hash_compare can be partially specialized as stated in Reference manual.
template<> struct tbb_hash_compare<UserDefinedKeyType> {
size_t hash( UserDefinedKeyType ) const {return 0;}
bool equal( UserDefinedKeyType /*x*/, UserDefinedKeyType /*y*/ ) {return true;}
tbb::concurrent_hash_map<UserDefinedKeyType,int> TestInstantiationWithUserDefinedKeyType;
// Test whether a sufficient set of headers were included to instantiate a concurernt_hash_map. OSS Bug #120 (& #130):
tbb::concurrent_hash_map<std::pair<std::pair<int,std::string>,const char*>,int> TestInstantiation;
#include "tbb/parallel_for.h"
#include "tbb/blocked_range.h"
#include "tbb/atomic.h"
#include "tbb/tick_count.h"
#include "harness.h"
#include "harness_allocator.h"
class MyException : public std::bad_alloc {
virtual const char *what() const noexcept { return "out of items limit"; }
virtual ~MyException() noexcept {}
/** Has tightly controlled interface so that we can verify
that concurrent_hash_map uses only the required interface. */
class MyKey {
void operator=( const MyKey& ); // Deny access
int key;
friend class MyHashCompare;
friend class YourHashCompare;
static MyKey make( int i ) {
MyKey result;
result.key = i;
return result;
int value_of() const {return key;}
tbb::atomic<long> MyDataCount;
long MyDataCountLimit = 0;
class MyData {
friend class MyData2;
int data;
enum state_t {
} my_state;
void operator=( const MyData& ); // Deny access
MyData(int i = 0) {
my_state = LIVE;
data = i;
if(MyDataCountLimit && MyDataCount + 1 >= MyDataCountLimit)
__TBB_THROW( MyException() );
MyData( const MyData& other ) {
ASSERT( other.my_state==LIVE, NULL );
my_state = LIVE;
data =;
if(MyDataCountLimit && MyDataCount + 1 >= MyDataCountLimit)
__TBB_THROW( MyException() );
~MyData() {
my_state = DEAD;
static MyData make( int i ) {
MyData result; = i;
return result;
int value_of() const {
ASSERT( my_state==LIVE, NULL );
return data;
void set_value( int i ) {
ASSERT( my_state==LIVE, NULL );
data = i;
bool operator==( const MyData& other ) const {
ASSERT( other.my_state==LIVE, NULL );
ASSERT( my_state==LIVE, NULL );
return data ==;
class MyData2 : public MyData {
MyData2( ) {}
MyData2( const MyData& other ) {
ASSERT( other.my_state==LIVE, NULL );
ASSERT( my_state==LIVE, NULL );
data =;
void operator=( const MyData& other ) {
ASSERT( other.my_state==LIVE, NULL );
ASSERT( my_state==LIVE, NULL );
data =;
void operator=( const MyData2& other ) {
ASSERT( other.my_state==LIVE, NULL );
ASSERT( my_state==LIVE, NULL );
data =;
bool operator==( const MyData2& other ) const {
ASSERT( other.my_state==LIVE, NULL );
ASSERT( my_state==LIVE, NULL );
return data ==;
class MyHashCompare {
bool equal( const MyKey& j, const MyKey& k ) const {
return j.key==k.key;
unsigned long hash( const MyKey& k ) const {
return k.key;
class YourHashCompare {
bool equal( const MyKey& j, const MyKey& k ) const {
return j.key==k.key;
unsigned long hash( const MyKey& ) const {
return 1;
typedef local_counting_allocator<std::allocator<MyData> > MyAllocator;
typedef tbb::concurrent_hash_map<MyKey,MyData,MyHashCompare,MyAllocator> MyTable;
typedef tbb::concurrent_hash_map<MyKey,MyData2,MyHashCompare> MyTable2;
typedef tbb::concurrent_hash_map<MyKey,MyData,YourHashCompare> YourTable;
template<typename MyTable>
inline void CheckAllocator(MyTable &table, size_t expected_allocs, size_t expected_frees, bool exact = true) {
size_t items_allocated = table.get_allocator().items_allocated, items_freed = table.get_allocator().items_freed;
size_t allocations = table.get_allocator().allocations, frees = table.get_allocator().frees;
REMARK("checking allocators: items %u/%u, allocs %u/%u\n",
unsigned(items_allocated), unsigned(items_freed), unsigned(allocations), unsigned(frees) );
ASSERT( items_allocated == allocations, NULL); ASSERT( items_freed == frees, NULL);
if(exact) {
ASSERT( allocations == expected_allocs, NULL); ASSERT( frees == expected_frees, NULL);
} else {
ASSERT( allocations >= expected_allocs, NULL); ASSERT( frees >= expected_frees, NULL);
ASSERT( allocations - frees == expected_allocs - expected_frees, NULL );
inline bool UseKey( size_t i ) {
return (i&3)!=3;
struct Insert {
static void apply( MyTable& table, int i ) {
if( UseKey(i) ) {
if( i&4 ) {
MyTable::accessor a;
table.insert( a, MyKey::make(i) );
if( i&1 )
} else
if( i&1 ) {
MyTable::accessor a;
table.insert( a, std::make_pair(MyKey::make(i), MyData(i*i)) );
ASSERT( (*a).second.value_of()==i*i, NULL );
} else {
MyTable::const_accessor ca;
table.insert( ca, std::make_pair(MyKey::make(i), MyData(i*i)) );
ASSERT( ca->second.value_of()==i*i, NULL );
struct Find {
static void apply( MyTable& table, int i ) {
MyTable::accessor a;
const MyTable::accessor& ca = a;
bool b = table.find( a, MyKey::make(i) );
ASSERT( b==!a.empty(), NULL );
if( b ) {
if( !UseKey(i) )
REPORT("Line %d: unexpected key %d present\n",__LINE__,i);
AssertSameType( &*a, static_cast<MyTable::value_type*>(0) );
ASSERT( ca->second.value_of()==i*i, NULL );
ASSERT( (*ca).second.value_of()==i*i, NULL );
if( i&1 )
ca->second.set_value( ~ca->second.value_of() );
(*ca).second.set_value( ~ca->second.value_of() );
} else {
if( UseKey(i) )
REPORT("Line %d: key %d missing\n",__LINE__,i);
struct FindConst {
static void apply( const MyTable& table, int i ) {
MyTable::const_accessor a;
const MyTable::const_accessor& ca = a;
bool b = table.find( a, MyKey::make(i) );
ASSERT( b==(table.count(MyKey::make(i))>0), NULL );
ASSERT( b==!a.empty(), NULL );
ASSERT( b==UseKey(i), NULL );
if( b ) {
AssertSameType( &*ca, static_cast<const MyTable::value_type*>(0) );
ASSERT( ca->second.value_of()==~(i*i), NULL );
ASSERT( (*ca).second.value_of()==~(i*i), NULL );
tbb::atomic<int> EraseCount;
struct Erase {
static void apply( MyTable& table, int i ) {
bool b;
if(i&4) {
if(i&8) {
MyTable::const_accessor a;
b = table.find( a, MyKey::make(i) ) && table.erase( a );
} else {
MyTable::accessor a;
b = table.find( a, MyKey::make(i) ) && table.erase( a );
} else
b = table.erase( MyKey::make(i) );
if( b ) ++EraseCount;
ASSERT( table.count(MyKey::make(i)) == 0, NULL );
static const int IE_SIZE = 2;
tbb::atomic<YourTable::size_type> InsertEraseCount[IE_SIZE];
struct InsertErase {
static void apply( YourTable& table, int i ) {
if ( i%3 ) {
int key = i%IE_SIZE;
if ( table.insert( std::make_pair(MyKey::make(key), MyData2()) ) )
} else {
int key = i%IE_SIZE;
if( i&1 ) {
YourTable::accessor res;
if(table.find( res, MyKey::make(key) ) && table.erase( res ) )
} else {
YourTable::const_accessor res;
if(table.find( res, MyKey::make(key) ) && table.erase( res ) )
// Test for the deadlock discussed at:
struct InnerInsert {
static void apply( YourTable& table, int i ) {
YourTable::accessor a1, a2;
if(i&1) __TBB_Yield();
table.insert( a1, MyKey::make(1) );
table.insert( a2, MyKey::make(1 + (1<<30)) ); // the same chain
table.erase( a2 ); // if erase by key it would lead to deadlock for single thread
template<typename Op, typename MyTable>
class TableOperation: NoAssign {
MyTable& my_table;
void operator()( const tbb::blocked_range<int>& range ) const {
for( int i=range.begin(); i!=range.end(); ++i )
TableOperation( MyTable& table ) : my_table(table) {}
template<typename Op, typename TableType>
void DoConcurrentOperations( TableType& table, int n, const char* what, int nthread ) {
REMARK("testing %s with %d threads\n",what,nthread);
tbb::tick_count t0 = tbb::tick_count::now();
tbb::parallel_for( tbb::blocked_range<int>(0,n,100), TableOperation<Op,TableType>(table) );
tbb::tick_count t1 = tbb::tick_count::now();
REMARK("time for %s = %g with %d threads\n",what,(t1-t0).seconds(),nthread);
//! Test traversing the table with an iterator.
void TraverseTable( MyTable& table, size_t n, size_t expected_size ) {
REMARK("testing traversal\n");
size_t actual_size = table.size();
ASSERT( actual_size==expected_size, NULL );
size_t count = 0;
bool* array = new bool[n];
memset( array, 0, n*sizeof(bool) );
const MyTable& const_table = table;
MyTable::const_iterator ci = const_table.begin();
for( MyTable::iterator i = table.begin(); i!=table.end(); ++i ) {
// Check iterator
int k = i->first.value_of();
ASSERT( UseKey(k), NULL );
ASSERT( (*i).first.value_of()==k, NULL );
ASSERT( 0<=k && size_t(k)<n, "out of bounds key" );
ASSERT( !array[k], "duplicate key" );
array[k] = true;
// Check lower/upper bounds
std::pair<MyTable::iterator, MyTable::iterator> er = table.equal_range(i->first);
std::pair<MyTable::const_iterator, MyTable::const_iterator> cer = const_table.equal_range(i->first);
ASSERT(cer.first == er.first && cer.second == er.second, NULL);
ASSERT(cer.first == i, NULL);
ASSERT(std::distance(cer.first, cer.second) == 1, NULL);
// Check const_iterator
ASSERT( ci->first.value_of()==k, NULL );
ASSERT( (*ci).first.value_of()==k, NULL );
ASSERT( ci==const_table.end(), NULL );
delete[] array;
if( count!=expected_size ) {
REPORT("Line %d: count=%ld but should be %ld\n",__LINE__,long(count),long(expected_size));
typedef tbb::atomic<unsigned char> AtomicByte;
template<typename RangeType>
struct ParallelTraverseBody: NoAssign {
const size_t n;
AtomicByte* const array;
ParallelTraverseBody( AtomicByte array_[], size_t n_ ) :
void operator()( const RangeType& range ) const {
for( typename RangeType::iterator i = range.begin(); i!=range.end(); ++i ) {
int k = i->first.value_of();
ASSERT( 0<=k && size_t(k)<n, NULL );
void Check( AtomicByte array[], size_t n, size_t expected_size ) {
if( expected_size )
for( size_t k=0; k<n; ++k ) {
if( array[k] != int(UseKey(k)) ) {
REPORT("array[%d]=%d != %d=UseKey(%d)\n",
int(k), int(array[k]), int(UseKey(k)), int(k));
//! Test travering the tabel with a parallel range
void ParallelTraverseTable( MyTable& table, size_t n, size_t expected_size ) {
REMARK("testing parallel traversal\n");
ASSERT( table.size()==expected_size, NULL );
AtomicByte* array = new AtomicByte[n];
memset( array, 0, n*sizeof(AtomicByte) );
MyTable::range_type r = table.range(10);
tbb::parallel_for( r, ParallelTraverseBody<MyTable::range_type>( array, n ));
Check( array, n, expected_size );
const MyTable& const_table = table;
memset( array, 0, n*sizeof(AtomicByte) );
MyTable::const_range_type cr = const_table.range(10);
tbb::parallel_for( cr, ParallelTraverseBody<MyTable::const_range_type>( array, n ));
Check( array, n, expected_size );
delete[] array;
void TestInsertFindErase( int nthread ) {
int n=250000;
// compute m = number of unique keys
int m = 0;
for( int i=0; i<n; ++i )
m += UseKey(i);
MyAllocator a; a.items_freed = a.frees = 100;
ASSERT( MyDataCount==0, NULL );
MyTable table(a);
CheckAllocator(table, 0, 100);
ASSERT( MyDataCount==m, NULL );
CheckAllocator(table, m, 100);
ASSERT( MyDataCount==m, NULL );
CheckAllocator(table, m, 100);
ASSERT( MyDataCount==m, NULL );
CheckAllocator(table, m, 100);
ASSERT( EraseCount==m, NULL );
ASSERT( MyDataCount==0, NULL );
CheckAllocator(table, m, m+100);
bad_hashing = true;
bad_hashing = false;
if(nthread > 1) {
YourTable ie_table;
for( int i=0; i<IE_SIZE; ++i )
InsertEraseCount[i] = 0;
for( int i=0; i<IE_SIZE; ++i )
ASSERT( InsertEraseCount[i]==ie_table.count(MyKey::make(i)), NULL );
DoConcurrentOperations<InnerInsert,YourTable>(ie_table,2000,"inner insert",nthread);
volatile int Counter;
class AddToTable: NoAssign {
MyTable& my_table;
const int my_nthread;
const int my_m;
AddToTable( MyTable& table, int nthread, int m ) : my_table(table), my_nthread(nthread), my_m(m) {}
void operator()( int ) const {
for( int i=0; i<my_m; ++i ) {
// Busy wait to synchronize threads
int j = 0;
while( Counter<i ) {
if( ++j==1000000 ) {
// If Counter<i after a million iterations, then we almost surely have
// more logical threads than physical threads, and should yield in
// order to let suspended logical threads make progress.
j = 0;
// Now all threads attempt to simultaneously insert a key.
int k;
MyTable::accessor a;
MyKey key = MyKey::make(i);
if( my_table.insert( a, key ) )
a->second.set_value( 1 );
a->second.set_value( a->second.value_of()+1 );
k = a->second.value_of();
if( k==my_nthread )
class RemoveFromTable: NoAssign {
MyTable& my_table;
const int my_nthread;
const int my_m;
RemoveFromTable( MyTable& table, int nthread, int m ) : my_table(table), my_nthread(nthread), my_m(m) {}
void operator()(int) const {
for( int i=0; i<my_m; ++i ) {
bool b;
if(i&4) {
if(i&8) {
MyTable::const_accessor a;
b = my_table.find( a, MyKey::make(i) ) && my_table.erase( a );
} else {
MyTable::accessor a;
b = my_table.find( a, MyKey::make(i) ) && my_table.erase( a );
} else
b = my_table.erase( MyKey::make(i) );
if( b ) ++EraseCount;
//! Test for memory leak in concurrent_hash_map (TR #153).
void TestConcurrency( int nthread ) {
REMARK("testing multiple insertions/deletions of same key with %d threads\n", nthread);
ASSERT( MyDataCount==0, NULL );
MyTable table;
const int m = 1000;
Counter = 0;
tbb::tick_count t0 = tbb::tick_count::now();
NativeParallelFor( nthread, AddToTable(table,nthread,m) );
tbb::tick_count t1 = tbb::tick_count::now();
REMARK("time for %u insertions = %g with %d threads\n",unsigned(MyDataCount),(t1-t0).seconds(),nthread);
ASSERT( MyDataCount==m, "memory leak detected" );
EraseCount = 0;
t0 = tbb::tick_count::now();
NativeParallelFor( nthread, RemoveFromTable(table,nthread,m) );
t1 = tbb::tick_count::now();
REMARK("time for %u deletions = %g with %d threads\n",unsigned(EraseCount),(t1-t0).seconds(),nthread);
ASSERT( MyDataCount==0, "memory leak detected" );
ASSERT( EraseCount==m, "return value of erase() is broken" );
CheckAllocator(table, m, m, /*exact*/nthread <= 1);
ASSERT( MyDataCount==0, "memory leak detected" );
void TestTypes() {
AssertSameType( static_cast<MyTable::key_type*>(0), static_cast<MyKey*>(0) );
AssertSameType( static_cast<MyTable::mapped_type*>(0), static_cast<MyData*>(0) );
AssertSameType( static_cast<MyTable::value_type*>(0), static_cast<std::pair<const MyKey,MyData>*>(0) );
AssertSameType( static_cast<MyTable::accessor::value_type*>(0), static_cast<MyTable::value_type*>(0) );
AssertSameType( static_cast<MyTable::const_accessor::value_type*>(0), static_cast<const MyTable::value_type*>(0) );
AssertSameType( static_cast<MyTable::size_type*>(0), static_cast<size_t*>(0) );
AssertSameType( static_cast<MyTable::difference_type*>(0), static_cast<ptrdiff_t*>(0) );
template<typename Iterator, typename T>
void TestIteratorTraits() {
AssertSameType( static_cast<typename Iterator::difference_type*>(0), static_cast<ptrdiff_t*>(0) );
AssertSameType( static_cast<typename Iterator::value_type*>(0), static_cast<T*>(0) );
AssertSameType( static_cast<typename Iterator::pointer*>(0), static_cast<T**>(0) );
AssertSameType( static_cast<typename Iterator::iterator_category*>(0), static_cast<std::forward_iterator_tag*>(0) );
T x;
typename Iterator::reference xr = x;
typename Iterator::pointer xp = &x;
ASSERT( &xr==xp, NULL );
template<typename Iterator1, typename Iterator2>
void TestIteratorAssignment( Iterator2 j ) {
Iterator1 i(j), k;
ASSERT( i==j, NULL ); ASSERT( !(i!=j), NULL );
k = j;
ASSERT( k==j, NULL ); ASSERT( !(k!=j), NULL );
template<typename Range1, typename Range2>
void TestRangeAssignment( Range2 r2 ) {
Range1 r1(r2); r1 = r2;
// Test for copy constructor and assignment
template<typename MyTable>
static void FillTable( MyTable& x, int n ) {
for( int i=1; i<=n; ++i ) {
MyKey key( MyKey::make(-i) ); // hash values must not be specified in direct order
typename MyTable::accessor a;
bool b = x.insert(a,key);
a->second.set_value( i*i );
template<typename MyTable>
static void CheckTable( const MyTable& x, int n ) {
ASSERT( x.size()==size_t(n), "table is different size than expected" );
ASSERT( x.empty()==(n==0), NULL );
ASSERT( x.size()<=x.max_size(), NULL );
for( int i=1; i<=n; ++i ) {
MyKey key( MyKey::make(-i) );
typename MyTable::const_accessor a;
bool b = x.find(a,key);
ASSERT( a->second.value_of()==i*i, NULL );
int count = 0;
int key_sum = 0;
for( typename MyTable::const_iterator i(x.begin()); i!=x.end(); ++i ) {
key_sum += -i->first.value_of();
ASSERT( count==n, NULL );
ASSERT( key_sum==n*(n+1)/2, NULL );
static void TestCopy() {
REMARK("testing copy\n");
MyTable t1;
for( int i=0; i<10000; i=(i<100 ? i+1 : i*3) ) {
MyDataCount = 0;
// Do not call CheckTable(t1,i) before copying, it enforces rehashing
MyTable t2(t1);
// Check that copy constructor did not mangle source table.
swap(t1, t2);
ASSERT( !(t1 != t2), NULL );
// Clear original table
swap(t2, t1);
// Verify that copy of t1 is correct, even after t1 is cleared.
t1.swap( t2 );
ASSERT( MyDataCount==0, "data leak?" );
void TestAssignment() {
REMARK("testing assignment\n");
for( int i=0; i<1000; i=(i<30 ? i+1 : i*5) ) {
for( int j=0; j<1000; j=(j<30 ? j+1 : j*7) ) {
MyTable t1;
MyTable t2;
ASSERT( (t1 == t2) == (i == j), NULL );
MyTable& tref = t2=t1;
ASSERT( &tref==&t2, NULL );
ASSERT( t1 == t2, NULL );
ASSERT( MyDataCount==i, "data leak?" );
ASSERT( MyDataCount==0, "data leak?" );
void TestIteratorsAndRanges() {
REMARK("testing iterators compliance\n");
TestIteratorTraits<MyTable::const_iterator,const MyTable::value_type>();
MyTable v;
MyTable const &u = v;
TestIteratorAssignment<MyTable::const_iterator>( u.begin() );
TestIteratorAssignment<MyTable::const_iterator>( v.begin() );
TestIteratorAssignment<MyTable::iterator>( v.begin() );
// doesn't compile as expected: TestIteratorAssignment<typename V::iterator>( u.begin() );
// check for non-existing
ASSERT(v.equal_range(MyKey::make(-1)) == std::make_pair(v.end(), v.end()), NULL);
ASSERT(u.equal_range(MyKey::make(-1)) == std::make_pair(u.end(), u.end()), NULL);
REMARK("testing ranges compliance\n");
TestRangeAssignment<MyTable::const_range_type>( u.range() );
TestRangeAssignment<MyTable::const_range_type>( v.range() );
TestRangeAssignment<MyTable::range_type>( v.range() );
// doesn't compile as expected: TestRangeAssignment<typename V::range_type>( u.range() );
REMARK("testing construction and insertion from iterators range\n");
FillTable( v, 1000 );
MyTable2 t(v.begin(), v.end());
CheckTable(t, 1000);
t.insert(v.begin(), v.end()); // do nothing
CheckTable(t, 1000);
t.insert(v.begin(), v.end()); // restore
CheckTable(t, 1000);
REMARK("testing comparison\n");
typedef tbb::concurrent_hash_map<MyKey,MyData2,YourHashCompare,MyAllocator> YourTable1;
typedef tbb::concurrent_hash_map<MyKey,MyData2,YourHashCompare> YourTable2;
YourTable1 t1;
FillTable( t1, 10 );
CheckTable(t1, 10 );
YourTable2 t2(t1.begin(), t1.end());
MyKey key( MyKey::make(-5) ); MyData2 data;
ASSERT(t2.erase(key), NULL);
YourTable2::accessor a;
ASSERT(t2.insert(a, key), NULL);
data.set_value(0); a->second = data;
ASSERT( t1 != t2, NULL);
data.set_value(5*5); a->second = data;
ASSERT( t1 == t2, NULL);
void TestRehash() {
REMARK("testing rehashing\n");
MyTable w;
w.insert( std::make_pair(MyKey::make(-5), MyData()) );
w.rehash(); // without this, assertion will fail
MyTable::const_iterator it = w.begin();
int i = 0; // check for non-rehashed buckets
for( ; it != w.end(); ++it, i++ )
w.count( it->first );
ASSERT( i == 1, NULL );
for( i=0; i<1000; i=(i<29 ? i+1 : i*2) ) {
for( int j=max(256+i, i*2); j<10000; j*=3 ) {
MyTable v;
FillTable( v, i );
ASSERT(int(v.size()) == i, NULL);
ASSERT(int(v.bucket_count()) <= j, NULL);
v.rehash( j );
ASSERT(int(v.bucket_count()) >= j, NULL);
CheckTable( v, i );
void TestExceptions() {
typedef local_counting_allocator<tbb::tbb_allocator<MyData2> > allocator_t;
typedef tbb::concurrent_hash_map<MyKey,MyData2,MyHashCompare,allocator_t> ThrowingTable;
enum methods {
zero_method = 0,
ctor_copy, op_assign, op_insert,
REMARK("testing exception-safety guarantees\n");
ThrowingTable src;
FillTable( src, 1000 );
ASSERT( MyDataCount==1000, NULL );
try {
for(int t = 0; t < 2; t++) // exception type
for(int m = zero_method+1; m < all_methods; m++)
allocator_t a;
if(t) MyDataCountLimit = 101;
else a.set_limits(101);
ThrowingTable victim(a);
MyDataCount = 0;
try {
switch(m) {
case ctor_copy: {
ThrowingTable acopy(src, a);
} break;
case op_assign: {
victim = src;
} break;
case op_insert: {
FillTable( victim, 1000 );
} break;
ASSERT(false, "should throw an exception");
} catch(std::bad_alloc &e) {
MyDataCountLimit = 0;
size_t size = victim.size();
switch(m) {
case op_assign:
ASSERT( MyDataCount==100, "data leak?" );
ASSERT( size>=100, NULL );
CheckAllocator(victim, 100+t, t);
case ctor_copy:
CheckTable(src, 1000);
case op_insert:
ASSERT( size==size_t(100-t), NULL );
ASSERT( MyDataCount==100-t, "data leak?" );
CheckTable(victim, 100-t);
CheckAllocator(victim, 100, t);
default:; // nothing to check here
REMARK("Exception %d: %s\t- ok ()\n", m, e.what());
catch ( ... ) {
ASSERT ( __TBB_EXCEPTION_TYPE_INFO_BROKEN, "Unrecognized exception" );
} catch(...) {
ASSERT(false, "unexpected exception");
src.clear(); MyDataCount = 0;
// Test driver
#include "tbb/task_scheduler_init.h"
int TestMain () {
if( MinThread<0 ) {
REPORT("ERROR: must use at least one thread\n");
// Do serial tests
// Do concurrency tests.
for( int nthread=MinThread; nthread<=MaxThread; ++nthread ) {
tbb::task_scheduler_init init( nthread );
TestInsertFindErase( nthread );
TestConcurrency( nthread );
// check linking
if(bad_hashing) { //should be false
tbb::internal::runtime_warning("none\nERROR: it must not be executed");
return Harness::Done;