blob: d781e6b5d9fcb27dd9ac69de400710d382dd0e2d [file] [log] [blame]
Copyright 2005-2010 Intel Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
This file is part of Threading Building Blocks.
Threading Building Blocks is free software; you can redistribute it
and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
Threading Building Blocks is distributed in the hope that it will be
useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with Threading Building Blocks; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
As a special exception, you may use this file as part of a free software
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templates or use macros or inline functions from this file, or you compile
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invalidate any other reasons why the executable file might be covered by
the GNU General Public License.
/* Some tests in this source file are based on PPL tests provided by Microsoft. */
#define __TBB_EXTRA_DEBUG 1
#include "tbb/concurrent_unordered_map.h"
#include "tbb/parallel_for.h"
#include "tbb/tick_count.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include "harness.h"
#include "harness_allocator.h"
using namespace std;
typedef local_counting_allocator<debug_allocator<std::pair<const int,int>,std::allocator> > MyAllocator;
typedef tbb::concurrent_unordered_map<int, int, tbb::tbb_hash<int>, std::equal_to<int>, MyAllocator> Mycumap;
//typedef tbb::concurrent_unordered_map<int, int> Mycumap;
//typedef concurrent_unordered_multimap<int, int> Mycummap;
#define CheckAllocatorE(t,a,f) CheckAllocator(t,a,f,true,__LINE__)
#define CheckAllocatorA(t,a,f) CheckAllocator(t,a,f,false,__LINE__)
template<typename MyTable>
inline void CheckAllocator(MyTable &table, size_t expected_allocs, size_t expected_frees, bool exact = true, int line = 0) {
typename MyTable::allocator_type a = table.get_allocator();
REMARK("#%d checking allocators: items %u/%u, allocs %u/%u\n", line,
unsigned(a.items_allocated), unsigned(a.items_freed), unsigned(a.allocations), unsigned(a.frees) );
ASSERT( a.items_allocated == a.allocations, NULL); ASSERT( a.items_freed == a.frees, NULL);
if(exact) {
ASSERT( a.allocations == expected_allocs, NULL); ASSERT( a.frees == expected_frees, NULL);
} else {
ASSERT( a.allocations >= expected_allocs, NULL); ASSERT( a.frees >= expected_frees, NULL);
ASSERT( a.allocations - a.frees == expected_allocs - expected_frees, NULL );
template <typename K, typename V = std::pair<const K, K> >
struct ValueFactory {
static V make(const K &value) { return V(value, value); }
static K get(const V& value) { return value.second; }
template <typename T>
struct ValueFactory<T, T> {
static T make(const T &value) { return value; }
static T get(const T &value) { return value; }
template <typename T>
struct Value : ValueFactory<typename T::key_type, typename T::value_type> {};
#if _MSC_VER
#pragma warning(disable: 4189) // warning 4189 -- local variable is initialized but not referenced
#pragma warning(disable: 4127) // warning 4127 -- while (true) has a constant expression in it
template<typename Iterator, typename RangeType>
std::pair<int,int> CheckRecursiveRange(RangeType range) {
std::pair<int,int> sum(0, 0); // count, sum
for( Iterator i = range.begin(), e = range.end(); i != e; ++i ) {
++sum.first; sum.second += i->second;
if( range.is_divisible() ) {
RangeType range2( range, tbb::split() );
std::pair<int,int> sum1 = CheckRecursiveRange<Iterator, RangeType>( range );
std::pair<int,int> sum2 = CheckRecursiveRange<Iterator, RangeType>( range2 );
sum1.first += sum2.first; sum1.second += sum2.second;
ASSERT( sum == sum1, "Mismatched ranges after division");
return sum;
template <typename T>
struct SpecialTests {
static void Test() {}
template <>
struct SpecialTests <Mycumap>
static void Test()
Mycumap cont;
const Mycumap &ccont(cont);
// mapped_type& operator[](const key_type& k);
cont[1] = 2;
// bool empty() const;
ASSERT(!ccont.empty(), "Concurrent container empty after adding an element");
// size_type size() const;
ASSERT(ccont.size() == 1, "Concurrent container size incorrect");
ASSERT(cont[1] == 2, "Concurrent container size incorrect");
// mapped_type& at( const key_type& k );
// const mapped_type& at(const key_type& k) const;
ASSERT( == 2, "Concurrent container size incorrect");
ASSERT( == 2, "Concurrent container size incorrect");
// iterator find(const key_type& k);
Mycumap::const_iterator it = cont.find(1);
ASSERT(it != cont.end() && Value<Mycumap>::get(*(it)) == 2, "Element with key 1 not properly found");
REMARK("passed -- specialized concurrent unordered map tests\n");
template<typename T>
void test_basic(const char * str)
T cont;
const T &ccont(cont);
// bool empty() const;
ASSERT(ccont.empty(), "Concurrent container not empty after construction");
// size_type size() const;
ASSERT(ccont.size() == 0, "Concurrent container not empty after construction");
// size_type max_size() const;
ASSERT(ccont.max_size() > 0, "Concurrent container max size invalid");
//iterator begin();
//iterator end();
ASSERT(cont.begin() == cont.end(), "Concurrent container iterators invalid after construction");
ASSERT(ccont.begin() == ccont.end(), "Concurrent container iterators invalid after construction");
ASSERT(cont.cbegin() == cont.cend(), "Concurrent container iterators invalid after construction");
//std::pair<iterator, bool> insert(const value_type& obj);
std::pair<typename T::iterator, bool> ins = cont.insert(Value<T>::make(1));
ASSERT(ins.second == true && Value<T>::get(*(ins.first)) == 1, "Element 1 not properly inserted");
// bool empty() const;
ASSERT(!ccont.empty(), "Concurrent container empty after adding an element");
// size_type size() const;
ASSERT(ccont.size() == 1, "Concurrent container size incorrect");
std::pair<typename T::iterator, bool> ins2 = cont.insert(Value<T>::make(1));
if (T::allow_multimapping)
// std::pair<iterator, bool> insert(const value_type& obj);
ASSERT(ins2.second == true && Value<T>::get(*(ins2.first)) == 1, "Element 1 not properly inserted");
// size_type size() const;
ASSERT(ccont.size() == 2, "Concurrent container size incorrect");
// size_type count(const key_type& k) const;
ASSERT(ccont.count(1) == 2, "Concurrent container count(1) incorrect");
// std::pair<iterator, iterator> equal_range(const key_type& k);
std::pair<typename T::iterator, typename T::iterator> range = cont.equal_range(1);
typename T::iterator it = range.first;
ASSERT(it != cont.end() && Value<T>::get(*it) == 1, "Element 1 not properly found");
unsigned int count = 0;
for (; it != range.second; it++)
ASSERT(Value<T>::get(*it) == 1, "Element 1 not properly found");
ASSERT(count == 2, "Range doesn't have the right number of elements");
// std::pair<iterator, bool> insert(const value_type& obj);
ASSERT(ins2.second == false && ins2.first == ins.first, "Element 1 should not be re-inserted");
// size_type size() const;
ASSERT(ccont.size() == 1, "Concurrent container size incorrect");
// size_type count(const key_type& k) const;
ASSERT(ccont.count(1) == 1, "Concurrent container count(1) incorrect");
// std::pair<const_iterator, const_iterator> equal_range(const key_type& k) const;
// std::pair<iterator, iterator> equal_range(const key_type& k);
std::pair<typename T::iterator, typename T::iterator> range = cont.equal_range(1);
typename T::iterator i = range.first;
ASSERT(i != cont.end() && Value<T>::get(*i) == 1, "Element 1 not properly found");
ASSERT(++i == range.second, "Range doesn't have the right number of elements");
// const_iterator find(const key_type& k) const;
// iterator find(const key_type& k);
typename T::iterator it = cont.find(1);
ASSERT(it != cont.end() && Value<T>::get(*(it)) == 1, "Element 1 not properly found");
ASSERT(ccont.find(1) == it, "Element 1 not properly found");
// iterator insert(const_iterator hint, const value_type& obj);
typename T::iterator it2 = cont.insert(ins.first, Value<T>::make(2));
ASSERT(Value<T>::get(*it2) == 2, "Element 2 not properly inserted");
// T(const T& _Umap)
T newcont = ccont;
ASSERT(T::allow_multimapping ? (newcont.size() == 3) : (newcont.size() == 2), "Copy construction did not copy the elements properly");
// size_type unsafe_erase(const key_type& k);
typename T::size_type size = cont.unsafe_erase(1);
ASSERT(T::allow_multimapping ? (size == 2) : (size == 1), "Erase did not remove the right number of elements");
// iterator unsafe_erase(const_iterator position);
typename T::iterator it4 = cont.unsafe_erase(cont.find(2));
ASSERT(it4 == cont.end() && cont.size() == 0, "Erase did not remove the last element properly");
// template<class InputIterator> void insert(InputIterator first, InputIterator last);
cont.insert(newcont.begin(), newcont.end());
ASSERT(T::allow_multimapping ? (cont.size() == 3) : (cont.size() == 2), "Range insert did not copy the elements properly");
// iterator unsafe_erase(const_iterator first, const_iterator last);
std::pair<typename T::iterator, typename T::iterator> range2 = newcont.equal_range(1);
newcont.unsafe_erase(range2.first, range2.second);
ASSERT(newcont.size() == 1, "Range erase did not erase the elements properly");
// void clear();
ASSERT(newcont.begin() == newcont.end() && newcont.size() == 0, "Clear did not clear the container");
// T& operator=(const T& _Umap)
newcont = ccont;
ASSERT(T::allow_multimapping ? (newcont.size() == 3) : (newcont.size() == 2), "Assignment operator did not copy the elements properly");
// void rehash(size_type n);
ASSERT(T::allow_multimapping ? (newcont.size() == 3) : (newcont.size() == 2), "Rehash should not affect the container elements");
// float load_factor() const;
// float max_load_factor() const;
ASSERT(ccont.load_factor() <= ccont.max_load_factor(), "Load factor invalid");
// void max_load_factor(float z);
ASSERT(ccont.max_load_factor() == 16.0f, "Max load factor not properly changed");
// hasher hash_function() const;
// key_equal key_eq() const;
CheckAllocatorA(cont, 1, 0); // one dummy is always allocated
for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++)
std::pair<typename T::iterator, bool> ins3 = cont.insert(Value<T>::make(i));
ASSERT(ins3.second == true && Value<T>::get(*(ins3.first)) == i, "Element 1 not properly inserted");
ASSERT(cont.size() == 256, "Wrong number of elements inserted");
ASSERT(256 == CheckRecursiveRange<typename T::iterator>(cont.range()).first, NULL);
ASSERT(256 == CheckRecursiveRange<typename T::const_iterator>(ccont.range()).first, NULL);
// size_type unsafe_bucket_count() const;
ASSERT(ccont.unsafe_bucket_count() == 16, "Wrong number of buckets");
// size_type unsafe_max_bucket_count() const;
ASSERT(ccont.unsafe_max_bucket_count() > 65536, "Wrong max number of buckets");
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 256; i++)
typename T::size_type buck = ccont.unsafe_bucket(i);
// size_type unsafe_bucket(const key_type& k) const;
ASSERT(buck < 16, "Wrong bucket mapping");
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 16; i++)
// size_type unsafe_bucket_size(size_type n);
ASSERT(cont.unsafe_bucket_size(i) == 16, "Wrong number elements in a bucket");
// local_iterator unsafe_begin(size_type n);
// const_local_iterator unsafe_begin(size_type n) const;
// local_iterator unsafe_end(size_type n);
// const_local_iterator unsafe_end(size_type n) const;
// const_local_iterator unsafe_cbegin(size_type n) const;
// const_local_iterator unsafe_cend(size_type n) const;
unsigned int count = 0;
for (typename T::iterator bit = cont.unsafe_begin(i); bit != cont.unsafe_end(i); bit++)
ASSERT(count == 16, "Bucket iterators are invalid");
// void swap(T&);
ASSERT(newcont.size() == 256, "Wrong number of elements after swap");
ASSERT(newcont.count(200) == 1, "Element with key 200 not present after swap");
ASSERT(newcont.count(16) == 1, "Element with key 16 not present after swap");
ASSERT(newcont.count(99) == 1, "Element with key 99 not present after swap");
ASSERT(T::allow_multimapping ? (cont.size() == 3) : (cont.size() == 2), "Wrong number of elements after swap");
REMARK("passed -- basic %S tests\n", str);
#if defined (VERBOSE)
REMARK("container dump debug:\n");
REMARK("container dump release:\n");
void test_machine() {
ASSERT(__TBB_ReverseByte(0)==0, NULL );
ASSERT(__TBB_ReverseByte(1)==0x80, NULL );
ASSERT(__TBB_ReverseByte(0xFE)==0x7F, NULL );
ASSERT(__TBB_ReverseByte(0xFF)==0xFF, NULL );
template<typename T>
class FillTable: NoAssign {
T &table;
const int items;
typedef std::pair<typename T::iterator, bool> pairIB;
FillTable(T &t, int i) : table(t), items(i) {
ASSERT( !(items&1) && items > 100, NULL);
void operator()(int threadn) const {
if( threadn == 0 ) { // Fill even keys forward (single thread)
bool last_inserted = true;
for( int i = 0; i < items; i+=2 ) {
pairIB pib = table.insert(Value<T>::make(i));
ASSERT(Value<T>::get(*(pib.first)) == i, "Element not properly inserted");
ASSERT( last_inserted || !pib.second, "Previous key was not inserted but this is inserted" );
last_inserted = pib.second;
} else if( threadn == 1 ) { // Fill even keys backward (single thread)
bool last_inserted = true;
for( int i = items-2; i >= 0; i-=2 ) {
pairIB pib = table.insert(Value<T>::make(i));
ASSERT(Value<T>::get(*(pib.first)) == i, "Element not properly inserted");
ASSERT( last_inserted || !pib.second, "Previous key was not inserted but this is inserted" );
last_inserted = pib.second;
} else if( !(threadn&1) ) { // Fill odd keys forward (multiple threads)
for( int i = 1; i < items; i+=2 ) {
pairIB pib = table.insert(Value<T>::make(i));
ASSERT(Value<T>::get(*(pib.first)) == i, "Element not properly inserted");
} else { // Check odd keys backward (multiple threads)
bool last_found = false;
for( int i = items-1; i >= 0; i-=2 ) {
typename T::iterator it = table.find(i);
if( it != table.end() ) { // found
ASSERT(Value<T>::get(*it) == i, "Element not properly inserted");
last_found = true;
} else ASSERT( !last_found, "Previous key was found but this is not" );
typedef tbb::atomic<unsigned char> AtomicByte;
template<typename RangeType>
struct ParallelTraverseBody: NoAssign {
const int n;
AtomicByte* const array;
ParallelTraverseBody( AtomicByte an_array[], int a_n ) :
n(a_n), array(an_array)
void operator()( const RangeType& range ) const {
for( typename RangeType::iterator i = range.begin(); i!=range.end(); ++i ) {
int k = i->first;
ASSERT( k == i->second, NULL );
ASSERT( 0<=k && k<n, NULL );
void CheckRange( AtomicByte array[], int n ) {
for( int k=0; k<n; ++k ) {
if( array[k] != 1 ) {
REPORT("array[%d]=%d\n", k, int(array[k]));
template<typename T>
void test_concurrent(const char *tablename) {
T table;
int items = 2000;
int items = 100000;
tbb::tick_count t0 = tbb::tick_count::now();
NativeParallelFor( 16/*min 6*/, FillTable<T>(table, items) );
tbb::tick_count t1 = tbb::tick_count::now();
REMARK( "time for filling '%s' by %d items = %g\n", tablename, items, (t1-t0).seconds() );
ASSERT( int(table.size()) == items, NULL);
AtomicByte* array = new AtomicByte[items];
memset( array, 0, items*sizeof(AtomicByte) );
typename T::range_type r = table.range();
ASSERT(items == CheckRecursiveRange<typename T::iterator>(r).first, NULL);
tbb::parallel_for( r, ParallelTraverseBody<typename T::const_range_type>( array, items ));
CheckRange( array, items );
const T &const_table = table;
memset( array, 0, items*sizeof(AtomicByte) );
typename T::const_range_type cr = const_table.range();
ASSERT(items == CheckRecursiveRange<typename T::const_iterator>(cr).first, NULL);
tbb::parallel_for( cr, ParallelTraverseBody<typename T::const_range_type>( array, items ));
CheckRange( array, items );
delete[] array;
CheckAllocatorA(table, items+1, items); // one dummy is always allocated
int TestMain () {
test_basic<Mycumap>("concurrent unordered map");
test_concurrent<Mycumap>("concurrent unordered map");
return Harness::Done;