blob: 2afae18db57e89d6400d6826a62bda0cfd876a8e [file] [log] [blame]
Copyright 2005-2010 Intel Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
This file is part of Threading Building Blocks.
Threading Building Blocks is free software; you can redistribute it
and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
Threading Building Blocks is distributed in the hope that it will be
useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
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the GNU General Public License.
#include "tbb/concurrent_vector.h"
#include "tbb/tbb_allocator.h"
#include "tbb/cache_aligned_allocator.h"
#include "tbb/tbb_exception.h"
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstdlib>
#include "harness_report.h"
#include "harness_assert.h"
#include "harness_allocator.h"
static bool known_issue_verbose = false;
#define KNOWN_ISSUE(msg) if(!known_issue_verbose) known_issue_verbose = true, REPORT(msg)
tbb::atomic<long> FooCount;
long MaxFooCount = 0;
//! Problem size
const size_t N = 500000;
//! Exception for concurrent_vector
class Foo_exception : public std::bad_alloc {
virtual const char *what() const noexcept { return "out of Foo limit"; }
virtual ~Foo_exception() noexcept {}
static const int initial_value_of_bar = 42;
struct Foo {
int my_bar;
enum State {
} state;
bool is_valid() const {
return state==DefaultInitialized||state==CopyInitialized;
bool is_valid_or_zero() const {
return is_valid()||(state==ZeroInitialized && !my_bar);
int& zero_bar() {
ASSERT( is_valid_or_zero(), NULL );
return my_bar;
int& bar() {
ASSERT( is_valid(), NULL );
return my_bar;
int bar() const {
ASSERT( is_valid(), NULL );
return my_bar;
Foo( int barr = initial_value_of_bar ) {
my_bar = barr;
if(MaxFooCount && FooCount >= MaxFooCount)
__TBB_THROW( Foo_exception() );
state = DefaultInitialized;
Foo( const Foo& foo ) {
my_bar = foo.my_bar;
ASSERT( foo.is_valid_or_zero(), "bad source for copy" );
if(MaxFooCount && FooCount >= MaxFooCount)
__TBB_THROW( Foo_exception() );
state = CopyInitialized;
~Foo() {
ASSERT( is_valid_or_zero(), NULL );
my_bar = ~initial_value_of_bar;
if(state != ZeroInitialized) --FooCount;
state = Destroyed;
bool operator==(const Foo &f) const { return my_bar == f.my_bar; }
bool operator<(const Foo &f) const { return my_bar < f.my_bar; }
bool is_const() const {return true;}
bool is_const() {return false;}
char reserve[1];
void operator=( const Foo& ) {}
class FooWithAssign: public Foo {
void operator=( const FooWithAssign& x ) {
my_bar = x.my_bar;
ASSERT( x.is_valid_or_zero(), "bad source for assignment" );
ASSERT( is_valid(), NULL );
bool operator==(const Foo &f) const { return my_bar == f.my_bar; }
bool operator<(const Foo &f) const { return my_bar < f.my_bar; }
class FooIterator: public std::iterator<std::input_iterator_tag,FooWithAssign> {
int x_bar;
FooIterator(int x) {
x_bar = x;
FooIterator &operator++() {
x_bar++; return *this;
FooWithAssign operator*() {
FooWithAssign foo; = x_bar;
return foo;
bool operator!=(const FooIterator &i) { return x_bar != i.x_bar; }
inline void NextSize( int& s ) {
if( s<=32 ) ++s;
else s += s/10;
//! Check vector have expected size and filling
template<typename vector_t>
static void CheckVector( const vector_t& cv, size_t expected_size, size_t old_size ) {
ASSERT( cv.capacity()>=expected_size, NULL );
ASSERT( cv.size()==expected_size, NULL );
ASSERT( cv.empty()==(expected_size==0), NULL );
for( int j=0; j<int(expected_size); ++j ) {
if( cv[j].bar()!=~j )
REPORT("ERROR on line %d for old_size=%ld expected_size=%ld j=%d\n",__LINE__,long(old_size),long(expected_size),j);
//! Test of assign, grow, copying with various sizes
void TestResizeAndCopy() {
typedef static_counting_allocator<debug_allocator<Foo,std::allocator>, std::size_t> allocator_t;
typedef tbb::concurrent_vector<Foo, allocator_t> vector_t;
for( int old_size=0; old_size<=128; NextSize( old_size ) ) {
for( int new_size=0; new_size<=1280; NextSize( new_size ) ) {
long count = FooCount;
vector_t v;
ASSERT( count==FooCount, NULL );
v.assign(old_size/2, Foo() );
ASSERT( count+old_size/2==FooCount, NULL );
for( int j=0; j<old_size/2; ++j )
ASSERT( v[j].state == Foo::CopyInitialized, NULL);
v.assign(FooIterator(0), FooIterator(old_size));
v.resize(new_size, Foo(33) );
ASSERT( count+new_size==FooCount, NULL );
for( int j=0; j<new_size; ++j ) {
int expected = j<old_size ? j : 33;
if( v[j].bar()!=expected )
REPORT("ERROR on line %d for old_size=%ld new_size=%ld v[%ld].bar()=%d != %d\n",__LINE__,long(old_size),long(new_size),long(j),v[j].bar(), expected);
ASSERT( v.size()==size_t(new_size), NULL );
for( int j=0; j<new_size; ++j ) {
v[j].bar() = ~j;
const vector_t& cv = v;
// Try copy constructor
vector_t copy_of_v(cv);
ASSERT( !(v != copy_of_v), NULL );
ASSERT( v.empty(), NULL );
swap(v, copy_of_v);
ASSERT( copy_of_v.empty(), NULL );
ASSERT( allocator_t::items_allocated == allocator_t::items_freed, NULL);
ASSERT( allocator_t::allocations == allocator_t::frees, NULL);
//! Test reserve, compact, capacity
void TestCapacity() {
typedef static_counting_allocator<debug_allocator<Foo,tbb::cache_aligned_allocator>, std::size_t> allocator_t;
typedef tbb::concurrent_vector<Foo, allocator_t> vector_t;
for( size_t old_size=0; old_size<=11000; old_size=(old_size<5 ? old_size+1 : 3*old_size) ) {
for( size_t new_size=0; new_size<=11000; new_size=(new_size<5 ? new_size+1 : 3*new_size) ) {
long count = FooCount;
vector_t v; v.reserve(old_size);
ASSERT( v.capacity()>=old_size, NULL );
v.reserve( new_size );
ASSERT( v.capacity()>=old_size, NULL );
ASSERT( v.capacity()>=new_size, NULL );
ASSERT( v.empty(), NULL );
size_t fill_size = 2*new_size;
for( size_t i=0; i<fill_size; ++i ) {
ASSERT( size_t(FooCount)==count+i, NULL );
size_t j = v.grow_by(1);
size_t j = v.grow_by(1) - v.begin();
ASSERT( j==i, NULL );
v[j].bar() = int(~j);
vector_t copy_of_v(v); // should allocate first segment with same size as for shrink_to_fit()
if(__TBB_Log2(/*reserved size*/old_size|1) > __TBB_Log2(fill_size|1) )
ASSERT( v.capacity() != copy_of_v.capacity(), NULL );
ASSERT( v.capacity() == copy_of_v.capacity(), NULL );
CheckVector(v, new_size*2, old_size); // check vector correctness
ASSERT( v==copy_of_v, NULL ); // TODO: check also segments layout equality
ASSERT( FooCount==count, NULL );
ASSERT( allocator_t::items_allocated == allocator_t::items_freed, NULL);
ASSERT( allocator_t::allocations == allocator_t::frees, NULL);
struct AssignElement {
typedef tbb::concurrent_vector<int>::range_type::iterator iterator;
iterator base;
void operator()( const tbb::concurrent_vector<int>::range_type& range ) const {
for( iterator i=range.begin(); i!=range.end(); ++i ) {
if( *i!=0 )
REPORT("ERROR for v[%ld]\n", long(i-base));
*i = int(i-base);
AssignElement( iterator base_ ) : base(base_) {}
struct CheckElement {
typedef tbb::concurrent_vector<int>::const_range_type::iterator iterator;
iterator base;
void operator()( const tbb::concurrent_vector<int>::const_range_type& range ) const {
for( iterator i=range.begin(); i!=range.end(); ++i )
if( *i != int(i-base) )
REPORT("ERROR for v[%ld]\n", long(i-base));
CheckElement( iterator base_ ) : base(base_) {}
#include "tbb/tick_count.h"
#include "tbb/parallel_for.h"
#include "harness.h"
//! Test parallel access by iterators
void TestParallelFor( int nthread ) {
typedef tbb::concurrent_vector<int> vector_t;
vector_t v;
tbb::tick_count t0 = tbb::tick_count::now();
REMARK("Calling parallel_for with %ld threads\n",long(nthread));
tbb::parallel_for( v.range(10000), AssignElement(v.begin()) );
tbb::tick_count t1 = tbb::tick_count::now();
const vector_t& u = v;
tbb::parallel_for( u.range(10000), CheckElement(u.begin()) );
tbb::tick_count t2 = tbb::tick_count::now();
REMARK("Time for parallel_for: assign time = %8.5f, check time = %8.5f\n",
for( long i=0; size_t(i)<v.size(); ++i )
if( v[i]!=i )
REPORT("ERROR for v[%ld]\n", i);
template<typename Iterator1, typename Iterator2>
void TestIteratorAssignment( Iterator2 j ) {
Iterator1 i(j);
ASSERT( i==j, NULL );
ASSERT( !(i!=j), NULL );
Iterator1 k;
k = j;
ASSERT( k==j, NULL );
ASSERT( !(k!=j), NULL );
template<typename Range1, typename Range2>
void TestRangeAssignment( Range2 r2 ) {
Range1 r1(r2); r1 = r2;
template<typename Iterator, typename T>
void TestIteratorTraits() {
AssertSameType( static_cast<typename Iterator::difference_type*>(0), static_cast<ptrdiff_t*>(0) );
AssertSameType( static_cast<typename Iterator::value_type*>(0), static_cast<T*>(0) );
AssertSameType( static_cast<typename Iterator::pointer*>(0), static_cast<T**>(0) );
AssertSameType( static_cast<typename Iterator::iterator_category*>(0), static_cast<std::random_access_iterator_tag*>(0) );
T x;
typename Iterator::reference xr = x;
typename Iterator::pointer xp = &x;
ASSERT( &xr==xp, NULL );
template<typename Vector, typename Iterator>
void CheckConstIterator( const Vector& u, int i, const Iterator& cp ) {
typename Vector::const_reference pref = *cp;
if(!=i )
REPORT("ERROR for u[%ld] using const_iterator\n", long(i));
typename Vector::difference_type delta = cp-u.begin();
ASSERT( delta==i, NULL );
if( u[i].bar()!=i )
REPORT("ERROR for u[%ld] using subscripting\n", long(i));
ASSERT( u.begin()[i].bar()==i, NULL );
template<typename Iterator1, typename Iterator2, typename V>
void CheckIteratorComparison( V& u ) {
V u2 = u;
Iterator1 i = u.begin();
for( int i_count=0; i_count<100; ++i_count ) {
Iterator2 j = u.begin();
Iterator2 i2 = u2.begin();
for( int j_count=0; j_count<100; ++j_count ) {
ASSERT( (i==j)==(i_count==j_count), NULL );
ASSERT( (i!=j)==(i_count!=j_count), NULL );
ASSERT( (i-j)==(i_count-j_count), NULL );
ASSERT( (i<j)==(i_count<j_count), NULL );
ASSERT( (i>j)==(i_count>j_count), NULL );
ASSERT( (i<=j)==(i_count<=j_count), NULL );
ASSERT( (i>=j)==(i_count>=j_count), NULL );
ASSERT( !(i==i2), NULL );
ASSERT( i!=i2, NULL );
//! Test sequential iterators for vector type V.
/** Also does timing. */
template<typename T>
void TestSequentialFor() {
typedef tbb::concurrent_vector<FooWithAssign> V;
V v(N);
ASSERT(v.grow_by(0) == v.grow_by(0, FooWithAssign()), NULL);
// Check iterator
tbb::tick_count t0 = tbb::tick_count::now();
typename V::iterator p = v.begin();
ASSERT( !(*p).is_const(), NULL );
ASSERT( !p->is_const(), NULL );
for( int i=0; size_t(i)<v.size(); ++i, ++p ) {
if( (*p).state!=Foo::DefaultInitialized )
REPORT("ERROR for v[%ld]\n", long(i));
typename V::reference pref = *p; = i;
typename V::difference_type delta = p-v.begin();
ASSERT( delta==i, NULL );
ASSERT( -delta<=0, "difference type not signed?" );
tbb::tick_count t1 = tbb::tick_count::now();
// Check const_iterator going forwards
const V& u = v;
typename V::const_iterator cp = u.begin();
ASSERT( cp == v.cbegin(), NULL );
ASSERT( (*cp).is_const(), NULL );
ASSERT( cp->is_const(), NULL );
ASSERT( *cp == v.front(), NULL);
for( int i=0; size_t(i)<u.size(); ++i ) {
V::const_iterator &cpr = ++cp;
ASSERT( &cpr == &cp, "preincrement not returning a reference?");
tbb::tick_count t2 = tbb::tick_count::now();
REMARK("Time for serial for: assign time = %8.5f, check time = %8.5f\n",
// Now go backwards
cp = u.end();
ASSERT( cp == v.cend(), NULL );
for( int i=int(u.size()); i>0; ) {
V::const_iterator &cpr = --cp;
ASSERT( &cpr == &cp, "predecrement not returning a reference?");
if( i>0 ) {
typename V::const_iterator cp_old = cp--;
int here = (*cp_old).bar();
ASSERT( here==u[i].bar(), NULL );
typename V::const_iterator cp_new = cp++;
int prev = (*cp_new).bar();
ASSERT( prev==u[i-1].bar(), NULL );
// Now go forwards and backwards
ptrdiff_t k = 0;
cp = u.begin();
for( size_t i=0; i<u.size(); ++i ) {
typename V::difference_type delta = i*3 % u.size();
if( 0<=k+delta && size_t(k+delta)<u.size() ) {
V::const_iterator &cpr = (cp += delta);
ASSERT( &cpr == &cp, "+= not returning a reference?");
k += delta;
delta = i*7 % u.size();
if( 0<=k-delta && size_t(k-delta)<u.size() ) {
if( i&1 ) {
V::const_iterator &cpr = (cp -= delta);
ASSERT( &cpr == &cp, "-= not returning a reference?");
} else
cp = cp - delta; // Test operator-
k -= delta;
for( int i=0; size_t(i)<u.size(); i=(i<50?i+1:i*3) )
for( int j=-i; size_t(i+j)<u.size(); j=(j<50?j+1:j*5) ) {
ASSERT( (u.begin()+i)[j].bar()==i+j, NULL );
ASSERT( (v.begin()+i)[j].bar()==i+j, NULL );
ASSERT((v.cbegin()+i)[j].bar()==i+j, NULL );
ASSERT( (i+u.begin())[j].bar()==i+j, NULL );
ASSERT( (i+v.begin())[j].bar()==i+j, NULL );
ASSERT((i+v.cbegin())[j].bar()==i+j, NULL );
CheckIteratorComparison<typename V::iterator, typename V::iterator>(v);
CheckIteratorComparison<typename V::iterator, typename V::const_iterator>(v);
CheckIteratorComparison<typename V::const_iterator, typename V::iterator>(v);
CheckIteratorComparison<typename V::const_iterator, typename V::const_iterator>(v);
TestIteratorAssignment<typename V::const_iterator>( u.begin() );
TestIteratorAssignment<typename V::const_iterator>( v.begin() );
TestIteratorAssignment<typename V::const_iterator>( v.cbegin() );
TestIteratorAssignment<typename V::iterator>( v.begin() );
// doesn't compile as expected: TestIteratorAssignment<typename V::iterator>( u.begin() );
TestRangeAssignment<typename V::const_range_type>( u.range() );
TestRangeAssignment<typename V::const_range_type>( v.range() );
TestRangeAssignment<typename V::range_type>( v.range() );
// doesn't compile as expected: TestRangeAssignment<typename V::range_type>( u.range() );
// Check reverse_iterator
typename V::reverse_iterator rp = v.rbegin();
for( size_t i=v.size(); i>0; --i, ++rp ) {
typename V::reference pref = *rp;
ASSERT( size_t(, NULL );
ASSERT( rp!=v.rend(), NULL );
ASSERT( rp==v.rend(), NULL );
// Check const_reverse_iterator
typename V::const_reverse_iterator crp = u.rbegin();
ASSERT( crp == v.crbegin(), NULL );
ASSERT( *crp == v.back(), NULL);
for( size_t i=v.size(); i>0; --i, ++crp ) {
typename V::const_reference cpref = *crp;
ASSERT( size_t(, NULL );
ASSERT( crp!=u.rend(), NULL );
ASSERT( crp == u.rend(), NULL );
ASSERT( crp == v.crend(), NULL );
TestIteratorAssignment<typename V::const_reverse_iterator>( u.rbegin() );
TestIteratorAssignment<typename V::reverse_iterator>( v.rbegin() );
// test compliance with C++ Standard 2003, clause 23.1.1p9
tbb::concurrent_vector<int> v1, v2(1, 100);
v1.assign(1, 100); ASSERT(v1 == v2, NULL);
ASSERT(v1.size() == 1 && v1[0] == 100, "used integral iterators");
// cross-allocator tests
#if !defined(_WIN64) || defined(_CPPLIB_VER)
typedef local_counting_allocator<std::allocator<int>, size_t> allocator1_t;
typedef tbb::cache_aligned_allocator<void> allocator2_t;
typedef tbb::concurrent_vector<FooWithAssign, allocator1_t> V1;
typedef tbb::concurrent_vector<FooWithAssign, allocator2_t> V2;
V1 v1( v ); // checking cross-allocator copying
V2 v2( 10 ); v2 = v1; // checking cross-allocator assignment
ASSERT( (v1 == v) && !(v2 != v), NULL);
ASSERT( !(v1 < v) && !(v2 > v), NULL);
ASSERT( (v1 <= v) && (v2 >= v), NULL);
static const size_t Modulus = 7;
typedef static_counting_allocator<debug_allocator<Foo> > MyAllocator;
typedef tbb::concurrent_vector<Foo, MyAllocator> MyVector;
template<typename MyVector>
class GrowToAtLeast: NoAssign {
MyVector& my_vector;
void operator()( const tbb::blocked_range<size_t>& range ) const {
for( size_t i=range.begin(); i!=range.end(); ++i ) {
size_t n = my_vector.size();
size_t req = (i % (2*n+1))+1;
typename MyVector::iterator p = my_vector.grow_to_at_least(req);
if( p-my_vector.begin() < typename MyVector::difference_type(req) )
ASSERT( p->state == Foo::DefaultInitialized || p->state == Foo::ZeroInitialized, NULL);
ASSERT( my_vector.size()>=req, NULL );
GrowToAtLeast( MyVector& vector ) : my_vector(vector) {}
void TestConcurrentGrowToAtLeast() {
typedef static_counting_allocator< tbb::zero_allocator<Foo> > MyAllocator;
typedef tbb::concurrent_vector<Foo, MyAllocator> MyVector;
MyVector v(2, Foo(), MyAllocator());
for( size_t s=1; s<1000; s*=10 ) {
tbb::parallel_for( tbb::blocked_range<size_t>(0,10000*s,s), GrowToAtLeast<MyVector>(v), tbb::simple_partitioner() );
ASSERT( 0 == v.get_allocator().frees, NULL);
size_t items_allocated = v.get_allocator().items_allocated,
items_freed = v.get_allocator().items_freed;
size_t allocations = v.get_allocator().allocations,
frees = v.get_allocator().frees;
ASSERT( items_allocated == items_freed, NULL);
ASSERT( allocations == frees, NULL);
//! Test concurrent invocations of method concurrent_vector::grow_by
template<typename MyVector>
class GrowBy: NoAssign {
MyVector& my_vector;
void operator()( const tbb::blocked_range<int>& range ) const {
ASSERT( range.begin() < range.end(), NULL );
for( int i=range.begin(); i!=range.end(); ++i )
int i = range.begin(), h = (range.end() - i) / 2;
typename MyVector::iterator s = my_vector.grow_by(h);
for( h += i; i < h; ++i, ++s )
s->bar() = i;
for(; i!=range.end(); ++i )
if( i&1 ) {
typename MyVector::reference element = my_vector[my_vector.grow_by(1)]; = i;
my_vector.grow_by(1)->bar() = i;
} else {
typename MyVector::value_type f; = i;
size_t r;
typename MyVector::iterator r;
if( i&2 )
r = my_vector.push_back( f );
r = my_vector.grow_by(1, f);
ASSERT( my_vector[r].bar()==i, NULL );
ASSERT( r->bar()==i, NULL );
GrowBy( MyVector& vector ) : my_vector(vector) {}
//! Test concurrent invocations of method concurrent_vector::grow_by
void TestConcurrentGrowBy( int nthread ) {
int m = 100000; MyAllocator a;
MyVector v( a );
tbb::parallel_for( tbb::blocked_range<int>(0,m,100), GrowBy<MyVector>(v), tbb::simple_partitioner() );
ASSERT( v.size()==size_t(m), NULL );
// Verify that v is a permutation of 0..m
int inversions = 0, def_inits = 0, copy_inits = 0;
bool* found = new bool[m];
memset( found, 0, m );
for( int i=0; i<m; ++i ) {
if( v[i].state == Foo::DefaultInitialized ) ++def_inits;
else if( v[i].state == Foo::CopyInitialized ) ++copy_inits;
else {
REMARK("i: %d ", i);
ASSERT( false, "v[i] seems not initialized");
int index = v[i].bar();
ASSERT( !found[index], NULL );
found[index] = true;
if( i>0 )
inversions += v[i].bar()<v[i-1].bar();
for( int i=0; i<m; ++i ) {
ASSERT( found[i], NULL );
ASSERT( nthread>1 || v[i].bar()==i, "sequential execution is wrong" );
delete[] found;
REMARK("Initialization by default constructor: %d, by copy: %d\n", def_inits, copy_inits);
ASSERT( def_inits >= m/2, NULL );
ASSERT( copy_inits >= m/4, NULL );
if( nthread>1 && inversions<m/20 )
REPORT("Warning: not much concurrency in TestConcurrentGrowBy (%d inversions)\n", inversions);
size_t items_allocated = MyAllocator::items_allocated,
items_freed = MyAllocator::items_freed;
size_t allocations = MyAllocator::allocations,
frees = MyAllocator::frees;
ASSERT( items_allocated == items_freed, NULL);
ASSERT( allocations == frees, NULL);
//! Test the assignment operator and swap
void TestAssign() {
typedef tbb::concurrent_vector<FooWithAssign, local_counting_allocator<std::allocator<FooWithAssign>, size_t > > vector_t;
local_counting_allocator<std::allocator<FooWithAssign>, size_t > init_alloc;
init_alloc.allocations = 100;
for( int dst_size=1; dst_size<=128; NextSize( dst_size ) ) {
for( int src_size=2; src_size<=128; NextSize( src_size ) ) {
vector_t u(FooIterator(0), FooIterator(src_size), init_alloc);
for( int i=0; i<src_size; ++i )
ASSERT( u[i].bar()==i, NULL );
vector_t v(dst_size, FooWithAssign(), init_alloc);
for( int i=0; i<dst_size; ++i ) {
ASSERT( v[i].state==Foo::CopyInitialized, NULL );
v[i].bar() = ~i;
ASSERT( v != u, NULL);
CheckVector(u, dst_size, src_size);
// using assignment
v = u;
ASSERT( v == u, NULL);
ASSERT( u.size()==0, NULL );
ASSERT( v.size()==size_t(src_size), NULL );
for( int i=0; i<src_size; ++i )
ASSERT( v[i].bar()==i, NULL );
ASSERT( 0 == u.get_allocator().frees, NULL);
u.shrink_to_fit(); // deallocate unused memory
size_t items_allocated = u.get_allocator().items_allocated,
items_freed = u.get_allocator().items_freed;
size_t allocations = u.get_allocator().allocations,
frees = u.get_allocator().frees + 100;
ASSERT( items_allocated == items_freed, NULL);
ASSERT( allocations == frees, NULL);
// Test the comparison operators
// Suppress "C++ exception handler used, but unwind semantics are not enabled" warning in STL headers
#pragma warning (push)
#pragma warning (disable: 4530)
#include <string>
#pragma warning (pop)
void TestComparison() {
std::string str[3]; str[0] = "abc";
str[2].assign("abc"); // same as 0th
tbb::concurrent_vector<char> var[3];
var[0].assign(str[0].begin(), str[0].end());
var[1].assign(str[0].rbegin(), str[0].rend());
var[2].assign(var[1].rbegin(), var[1].rend()); // same as 0th
for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
for (int j = 0; j < 3; ++j) {
ASSERT( (var[i] == var[j]) == (str[i] == str[j]), NULL );
ASSERT( (var[i] != var[j]) == (str[i] != str[j]), NULL );
ASSERT( (var[i] < var[j]) == (str[i] < str[j]), NULL );
ASSERT( (var[i] > var[j]) == (str[i] > str[j]), NULL );
ASSERT( (var[i] <= var[j]) == (str[i] <= str[j]), NULL );
ASSERT( (var[i] >= var[j]) == (str[i] >= str[j]), NULL );
// Regression test for problem where on oversubscription caused
// concurrent_vector::grow_by to run very slowly (TR#196).
#include "tbb/task_scheduler_init.h"
#include <math.h>
typedef unsigned long Number;
static tbb::concurrent_vector<Number> Primes;
class FindPrimes {
bool is_prime( Number val ) const {
int limit, factor = 3;
if( val<5u )
return val==2;
else {
limit = long(sqrtf(float(val))+0.5f);
while( factor<=limit && val % factor )
return factor>limit;
void operator()( const tbb::blocked_range<Number>& r ) const {
for( Number i=r.begin(); i!=r.end(); ++i ) {
if( i%2 && is_prime(i) ) {
Primes[Primes.grow_by(1)] = i;
Primes.push_back( i );
double TimeFindPrimes( int nthread ) {
Primes.reserve(1000000);// TODO: or compact()?
tbb::task_scheduler_init init(nthread);
tbb::tick_count t0 = tbb::tick_count::now();
tbb::parallel_for( tbb::blocked_range<Number>(0,1000000,500), FindPrimes() );
tbb::tick_count t1 = tbb::tick_count::now();
return (t1-t0).seconds();
void TestFindPrimes() {
// Time fully subscribed run.
double t2 = TimeFindPrimes( tbb::task_scheduler_init::automatic );
// Time parallel run that is very likely oversubscribed.
#if _XBOX
double t128 = TimeFindPrimes(32); //XBOX360 can't handle too many threads
double t128 = TimeFindPrimes(128);
REMARK("TestFindPrimes: t2==%g t128=%g k=%g\n", t2, t128, t128/t2);
// We allow the 128-thread run a little extra time to allow for thread overhead.
// Theoretically, following test will fail on machine with >128 processors.
// But that situation is not going to come up in the near future,
// and the generalization to fix the issue is not worth the trouble.
if( t128 > 1.3*t2 ) {
REPORT("Warning: grow_by is pathetically slow: t2==%g t128=%g k=%g\n", t2, t128, t128/t2);
// Test compatibility with STL sort.
#include <algorithm>
void TestSort() {
for( int n=0; n<100; n=n*3+1 ) {
tbb::concurrent_vector<int> array(n);
for( int i=0; i<n; ++i ) = (i*7)%n;
std::sort( array.begin(), array.end() );
for( int i=0; i<n; ++i )
ASSERT( array[i]==i, NULL );
// Test exceptions safety (from allocator and items constructors)
void TestExceptions() {
typedef static_counting_allocator<debug_allocator<FooWithAssign>, std::size_t> allocator_t;
typedef tbb::concurrent_vector<FooWithAssign, allocator_t> vector_t;
enum methods {
zero_method = 0,
ctor_copy, ctor_size, assign_nt, assign_ir, op_equ, reserve, compact, grow,
ASSERT( !FooCount, NULL );
try {
vector_t src(FooIterator(0), FooIterator(N)); // original data
for(int t = 0; t < 2; ++t) // exception type
for(int m = zero_method+1; m < all_methods; ++m)
ASSERT( FooCount == N, "Previous iteration miss some Foo's de-/initialization" );
if(t) MaxFooCount = FooCount + N/4;
else allocator_t::set_limits(N/4);
vector_t victim;
try {
switch(m) {
case ctor_copy: {
vector_t acopy(src);
} break; // auto destruction after exception is checked by ~Foo
case ctor_size: {
vector_t sized(N);
} break; // auto destruction after exception is checked by ~Foo
// Do not test assignment constructor due to reusing of same methods as below
case assign_nt: {
victim.assign(N, FooWithAssign());
} break;
case assign_ir: {
victim.assign(FooIterator(0), FooIterator(N));
} break;
case op_equ: {
victim.reserve(2); victim = src; // fragmented assignment
} break;
case reserve: {
try {
} catch(std::length_error &) {
} catch(...) {
KNOWN_ISSUE("ERROR: unrecognized exception - known compiler issue\n");
} break;
case compact: {
if(t) MaxFooCount = 0; else allocator_t::set_limits(); // reset limits
victim.reserve(2); victim = src; // fragmented assignment
if(t) MaxFooCount = FooCount + 10; else allocator_t::set_limits(1, false); // block any allocation, check NULL return from allocator
victim.shrink_to_fit(); // should start defragmenting first segment
} break;
case grow: {
tbb::task_scheduler_init init(2);
if(t) MaxFooCount = FooCount + 31; // these numbers help to reproduce the live lock for versions < TBB2.2
try {
tbb::parallel_for( tbb::blocked_range<int>(0, N, 70), GrowBy<vector_t>(victim) );
} catch(...) {
throw tbb::bad_last_alloc();
} break;
if(!t || m != reserve) ASSERT(false, "should throw an exception");
} catch(std::bad_alloc &e) {
allocator_t::set_limits(); MaxFooCount = 0;
size_t capacity = victim.capacity();
size_t size = victim.size();
size_t req_size = victim.grow_by(0);
size_t req_size = victim.grow_by(0) - victim.begin();
ASSERT( size <= capacity, NULL);
ASSERT( req_size >= size, NULL);
switch(m) {
case reserve:
if(t) ASSERT(false, NULL);
case assign_nt:
case assign_ir:
if(!t) {
ASSERT(capacity < N/2, "unexpected capacity");
ASSERT(size == 0, "unexpected size");
} else {
ASSERT(size == N, "unexpected size");
ASSERT(capacity >= N, "unexpected capacity");
int i;
for(i = 1; ; ++i)
if(!victim[i].zero_bar()) break;
else ASSERT(victim[i].bar() == (m == assign_ir)? i : initial_value_of_bar, NULL);
for(; size_t(i) < size; ++i) ASSERT(!victim[i].zero_bar(), NULL);
ASSERT(size_t(i) == size, NULL);
case grow:
case op_equ:
if(!t) {
ASSERT(capacity > 0, NULL);
ASSERT(capacity < N, "unexpected capacity");
vector_t copy_of_victim(victim);
ASSERT(copy_of_victim.size() > 0, NULL);
for(int i = 0; ; ++i) {
try {
FooWithAssign &foo =;
if( !foo.is_valid_or_zero() ) {
std::printf("i: %d size: %u req_size: %u state: %d\n", i, unsigned(size), unsigned(req_size), foo.state);
int bar = foo.zero_bar();
if(m != grow) ASSERT( bar == i || (t && bar == 0), NULL);
if(size_t(i) < copy_of_victim.size()) ASSERT( copy_of_victim[i].bar() == bar, NULL);
} catch(std::range_error &) { // skip broken segment
ASSERT( size_t(i) < req_size, NULL );
if(m == op_equ) break;
} catch(std::out_of_range &){
ASSERT( i > 0, NULL ); break;
} catch(...) {
KNOWN_ISSUE("ERROR: unrecognized exception - known compiler issue\n"); break;
vector_t copy_of_victim2(10); copy_of_victim2 = victim;
ASSERT(copy_of_victim == copy_of_victim2, "assignment doesn't match copying");
if(m == op_equ) {
try {
victim = copy_of_victim2;
} catch(tbb::bad_last_alloc &) { break;
} catch(...) {
KNOWN_ISSUE("ERROR: unrecognized exception - known compiler issue\n"); break;
} break;
case compact:
ASSERT(capacity > 0, "unexpected capacity");
ASSERT(victim == src, "shrink_to_fit() is broken");
default:; // nothing to check here
REMARK("Exception %d: %s\t- ok\n", m, e.what());
} catch(...) {
ASSERT(false, "unexpected exception");
// Test SSE
#include "harness_m128.h"
#if HAVE_m128
void TestSSE() {
tbb::concurrent_vector<ClassWithSSE> v;
for( int i=0; i<100; ++i ) {
for( int j=0; i<i; ++j )
ASSERT( v[j]==ClassWithSSE(j), NULL );
#endif /* HAVE_m128 */
int TestMain () {
if( MinThread<1 ) {
REPORT("ERROR: MinThread=%d, but must be at least 1\n",MinThread); MinThread = 1;
TestIteratorTraits<tbb::concurrent_vector<Foo>::const_iterator,const Foo>();
TestSequentialFor<FooWithAssign> ();
#if HAVE_m128
#endif /* HAVE_m128 */
ASSERT( !FooCount, NULL );
for( int nthread=MinThread; nthread<=MaxThread; ++nthread ) {
tbb::task_scheduler_init init( nthread );
TestParallelFor( nthread );
TestConcurrentGrowBy( nthread );
ASSERT( !FooCount, NULL );
REPORT("Known issue: exception safety test is skipped.\n");
#endif /* !TBB_DEPRECATED */
ASSERT( !FooCount, NULL );
REMARK("sizeof(concurrent_vector<int>) == %d\n", (int)sizeof(tbb::concurrent_vector<int>));
return Harness::Done;